-- | Compiler stages.
--     A compiler stage is a sequence of standard transformations.
--     Each of the individual transformations are expressed as a pipeline from 
--     "DDC.Build.Pipeline". The stages here run several pipelines each,
--     and contain the code that can dump the intermediate program after
--     each transformation.
module DDC.Driver.Stage
        ( Config        (..)
        , ViaBackend    (..)

          -- * Lite stages
        , stageLiteLoad
        , stageLiteOpt
        , stageLiteToSalt

          -- * Salt stages
        , stageSaltOpt
        , stageSaltToC
        , stageSaltToLLVM
        , stageCompileSalt

          -- * LLVM stages
        , stageCompileLLVM)
import DDC.Driver.Source
import DDC.Build.Builder
import DDC.Build.Pipeline
import DDC.Core.Transform.Namify
import DDC.Core.Simplifier                      (Simplifier)
import System.FilePath
import Data.Maybe
import qualified DDC.Core.Simplifier.Recipe     as S
import qualified DDC.Build.Language.Salt        as Salt
import qualified DDC.Build.Language.Lite        as Lite
import qualified DDC.Core.Lite                  as Lite
import qualified DDC.Core.Salt.Name             as Salt
import qualified DDC.Core.Salt.Runtime          as Salt

-- | Configuration for main compiler stages.
data Config
        = Config
        { -- | Dump intermediate code.
          configDump                    :: Bool

          -- | Simplifiers to apply to intermediate code
        , configSimplLite               :: Simplifier Int () Lite.Name
        , configSimplSalt               :: Simplifier Int () Salt.Name

          -- | Backend code generator to use
        , configViaBackend              :: ViaBackend

          -- | Runtime system configuration
        , configRuntime                 :: Salt.Config

          -- | The builder to use for the target architecture
        , configBuilder                 :: Builder

          -- | Suppress imports in Core modules
        , configSuppressCoreImports     :: Bool

          -- | Suppress the #import prelude in C modules
        , configSuppressHashImports     :: Bool 

          -- | Override output file
        , configOutputFile              :: Maybe FilePath

          -- | Override directory for build products
        , configOutputDir               :: Maybe FilePath

          -- | Keep intermediate .ddc.ll files
        , configKeepLlvmFiles           :: Bool

          -- | Keep intermediate .ddc.c files
        , configKeepSeaFiles            :: Bool

          -- | Keep intermediate .ddc.s files
        , configKeepAsmFiles            :: Bool

data ViaBackend
        -- | Compile via the C backend.
        = ViaC

        -- | Compile via the LLVM backend.
        | ViaLLVM
        deriving Show

-- | Type check Core Lite.
        :: Config -> Source
        -> [PipeCore () Lite.Name]
        -> PipeText Lite.Name Lite.Error

stageLiteLoad config source pipesLite
 = PipeTextLoadCore Lite.fragment
 [ PipeCoreStrip
        ( PipeCoreOutput (dump config source "dump.lite.dcl")
        : pipesLite ) ]

-- | Optimise Core Lite.
        :: Config -> Source
        -> [PipeCore () Lite.Name]
        ->  PipeCore () Lite.Name

stageLiteOpt config source pipes
 = PipeCoreSimplify 
        (0 :: Int) 
        (configSimplLite config)
        ( PipeCoreOutput (dump config source "dump.lite-opt.dcl") 
        : pipes)

-- | Optimise Core Salt.
        :: Config -> Source
        -> [PipeCore () Salt.Name]
        -> PipeCore  () Salt.Name

stageSaltOpt config source pipes
 = PipeCoreSimplify 
        (0 :: Int) 
        (configSimplSalt config)        
        ( PipeCoreOutput  (dump config source "dump.salt-opt.dcl")
        : pipes )

-- | Convert Core Lite to Core Salt.
--   The Lite to Salt transform requires the program to be normalised,
--   and have type annotations.
        :: Config -> Source
        -> [PipeCore () Salt.Name] 
        -> PipeCore  () Lite.Name

stageLiteToSalt config source pipesSalt
 = PipeCoreSimplify       Lite.fragment 0 normalizeLite
   [ PipeCoreCheck        Lite.fragment
     [ PipeCoreOutput     (dump config source "dump.lite-normalized.dcl")
     , PipeCoreAsLite
       [ PipeLiteToSalt   (buildSpec $ configBuilder config) 
                          (configRuntime config)
         ( PipeCoreOutput (dump config source "dump.salt.dcs")
         : pipesSalt)]]]
 where  normalizeLite
         = S.anormalize
                (makeNamifier Lite.freshT)      
                (makeNamifier Lite.freshX)

-- | Convert Core Salt to C code.
        :: Config -> Source
        -> Sink
        -> PipeCore () Salt.Name

stageSaltToC config source sink
 = PipeCoreSimplify       Salt.fragment 0 normalizeSalt
   [ PipeCoreCheck        Salt.fragment
     [ PipeCoreOutput     (dump config source "dump.salt-normalized.dcs")
     , PipeCoreAsSalt
       [ PipeSaltTransfer
         [ PipeSaltOutput (dump config source "dump.salt-transfer.dcs")
         , PipeSaltPrint
                (not $ configSuppressHashImports config)
                (buildSpec $ configBuilder config)
                sink ]]]]

 where  normalizeSalt
         = S.anormalize (makeNamifier Salt.freshT) 
                        (makeNamifier Salt.freshX)

-- | Compile Core Salt via C code.
        :: Config -> Source
        -> FilePath             -- ^ Path of original source file.
                                --   Build products are placed into the same dir.
        -> Bool                 -- ^ Should we link this into an executable
        -> PipeCore () Salt.Name

stageCompileSalt config source filePath shouldLinkExe
 = let  -- Decide where to place the build products.
        outputDir      = fromMaybe (takeDirectory filePath) (configOutputDir config)
        outputDirBase  = dropExtension (replaceDirectory filePath outputDir)
        cPath          = outputDirBase ++ ".ddc.c"
        oPath          = outputDirBase ++ ".o"
        exePathDefault = outputDirBase
        exePath        = fromMaybe exePathDefault (configOutputFile config)
        PipeCoreSimplify        Salt.fragment 0 normalizeSalt
         [ PipeCoreCheck        Salt.fragment
           [ PipeCoreOutput     (dump config source "dump.salt-normalized.dcs")
           , PipeCoreAsSalt
             [ PipeSaltTransfer
               [ PipeSaltOutput (dump config source "dump.salt-transfer.dcs")
               , PipeSaltCompile
                        (buildSpec $ configBuilder config)
                        (configBuilder config)
                        (if shouldLinkExe 
                                then Just exePath 
                                else Nothing) 
                        (configKeepSeaFiles config)

 where  normalizeSalt
         = S.anormalize (makeNamifier Salt.freshT) 
                        (makeNamifier Salt.freshX)

-- | Convert Core Salt to LLVM.
        :: Config -> Source
        -> [PipeLlvm]
        -> PipeCore () Salt.Name

stageSaltToLLVM config source pipesLLVM
 = PipeCoreSimplify Salt.fragment 0 normalizeSalt
   [ PipeCoreCheck          Salt.fragment
     [ PipeCoreOutput       (dump config source "dump.salt-normalized.dcs")
     , PipeCoreAsSalt
       [ PipeSaltTransfer
         [ PipeSaltOutput   (dump config source "dump.salt-transfer.dcs")
         , PipeSaltToLlvm   (buildSpec $ configBuilder config) 
                            pipesLLVM ]]]]

 where  normalizeSalt
         = S.anormalize (makeNamifier Salt.freshT) 
                        (makeNamifier Salt.freshX)

-- | Compile LLVM code.
        :: Config -> Source
        -> FilePath             -- ^ Path of original source file.
                                --   Build products are placed into the same dir.
        -> Bool                 -- ^ Should we link this into an executable
        -> PipeLlvm

stageCompileLLVM config _source filePath shouldLinkExe
 = let  -- Decide where to place the build products.
        outputDir      = fromMaybe (takeDirectory filePath) (configOutputDir config)
        outputDirBase  = dropExtension (replaceDirectory filePath outputDir)
        llPath         = outputDirBase ++ ".ddc.ll"
        sPath          = outputDirBase ++ ".ddc.s"
        oPath          = outputDirBase ++ ".o"
        exePathDefault = outputDirBase
        exePath        = fromMaybe exePathDefault (configOutputFile config)
   in   -- Make the pipeline for the final compilation.
          { pipeBuilder           = configBuilder config
          , pipeFileLlvm          = llPath
          , pipeFileAsm           = sPath
          , pipeFileObject        = oPath
          , pipeFileExe           = if shouldLinkExe 
                                        then Just exePath 
                                        else Nothing 
          , pipeKeepLlvmFiles     = configKeepLlvmFiles config
          , pipeKeepAsmFiles      = configKeepAsmFiles  config }

-- | If the Dump mode is set 
--    then produce a SinkFile to write a module to a file, 
--    otherwise produce SinkDiscard to drop it on the floor.
dump :: Config -> Source -> String -> Sink
dump config source dumpFile 
        | configDump config
        = let   outputDir
                 | SourceFile filePath  <- source
                 = fromMaybe (takeDirectory filePath) 
                             (configOutputDir config)

                 | otherwise
                 = fromMaybe "."
                             (configOutputDir config)

          in    SinkFile $ outputDir </> dumpFile

        | otherwise
        = SinkDiscard