module DDC.Driver.Command.ToSalt
import DDC.Driver.Stage
import DDC.Interface.Source
import DDC.Build.Pipeline
import DDC.Build.Language
import DDC.Core.Fragment
import DDC.Core.Module
import DDC.Data.Canned
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad.Trans.Error
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified DDC.Build.Language.Salt        as Salt
import qualified DDC.Build.Language.Lite        as Lite
import qualified DDC.Base.Pretty                as P
import qualified Data.Map                       as Map

-- | Parse, check, and fully evaluate an expression.
--   The output is printed to @stdout@.
--   The Core -> Salt conversion only accepts A-normalised programs,
--   so we normalize it along the way.
        :: Config       -- ^ Compiler configuration.
        -> Language     -- ^ Language definition.
        -> Source       -- ^ Source of the code.
        -> String       -- ^ Program module text.
        -> ErrorT String IO ()

cmdToSalt config language source sourceText
 | Language bundle      <- language
 , fragment             <- bundleFragment  bundle
 , profile              <- fragmentProfile fragment
 = do   let fragName = profileName profile
        let mSuffix  = case source of 
                        SourceFile filePath     -> Just $ takeExtension filePath
                        _                       -> Nothing

        -- Decide what to do based on file extension and current fragment.
        let compile
                -- Compile a Core Lite module.
                | fragName == "Lite" || mSuffix == Just ".dcl"
                = liftIO
                $ pipeText (nameOfSource source) (lineStartOfSource source) sourceText
                $ PipeTextLoadCore Lite.fragment
                [ PipeCoreReannotate (const ())
                [ stageLiteOpt     config source
                [ stageLiteToSalt  config source
                [ stageSaltOpt     config source
                [ PipeCoreCheck    Salt.fragment
                [ (if configSuppressCoreImports config
                        then PipeCoreHacks    (Canned (\x -> return $ eraseImports x))
                        else PipeCoreId)
                [ PipeCoreOutput   SinkStdout]]]]]]]

                -- Unrecognised.
                | otherwise
                = throwError $ "Don't know how to convert this to Salt"

        -- Throw any errors that arose during compilation
        errs <- compile
        case errs of
         []     -> return ()
         es     -> throwError $ P.renderIndent $ P.vcat $ map P.ppr es

-- | Erase the import list of a module.
eraseImports :: Module a n -> Module a n
eraseImports mm
 = mm   { moduleImportKinds     = Map.empty
        , moduleImportTypes     = Map.empty }