module DDC.Driver.Command.Load ( cmdLoadFromFile , cmdLoadSourceTetraFromFile , cmdLoadSourceTetraFromString , cmdLoadCoreFromFile , cmdLoadCoreFromString , cmdLoadSimplifier , cmdLoadSimplifierIntoBundle) where import DDC.Driver.Command.Compile import DDC.Driver.Command.Read import DDC.Driver.Stage import DDC.Driver.Config import DDC.Driver.Interface.Source import DDC.Build.Pipeline import DDC.Build.Language import DDC.Core.Simplifier.Parser import DDC.Core.Transform.Reannotate import DDC.Core.Exp.Annot.AnTEC import DDC.Core.Pretty import DDC.Data.SourcePos import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.DeepSeq import System.FilePath import System.Directory import DDC.Build.Interface.Store (Store) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified DDC.Core.Check as C import qualified DDC.Build.Language.Tetra as Tetra import qualified DDC.Build.Spec.Parser as Spec import qualified DDC.Build.Interface.Load as Interface import qualified DDC.Core.Tetra as Tetra --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Load and transform source code, interface, or build file. -- -- The result is printed to @stdout@. -- Any errors are thrown in the `ExceptT` monad. -- -- This function handle fragments of Disciple Core, as well as Source Tetra -- modules. The language to use is determined by inspecting the file name -- extension. -- -- We also take the specification of a simplifier to apply to the module. -- -- For Source Tetra modules, dependent modules will be compiled, -- or their interfaces loaded as needed. -- cmdLoadFromFile :: Config -- ^ Driver config. -> Store -- ^ Interface store. -> Maybe String -- ^ Simplifier specification. -> [FilePath] -- ^ More modules to use as inliner templates. -> FilePath -- ^ Module file name. -> ExceptT String IO () cmdLoadFromFile config store mStrSimpl fsTemplates filePath -- Load build file. | ".build" <- takeExtension filePath = do str <- liftIO $ readFile filePath case Spec.parseBuildSpec filePath str of Left err -> throwE $ show err Right spec -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ show spec -- Load an interface file. | ".di" <- takeExtension filePath = do str <- liftIO $ readFile filePath timeDI <- liftIO $ getModificationTime filePath case Interface.loadInterface filePath timeDI str of Left err -> throwE $ renderIndent $ ppr err Right interface -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ renderIndent $ ppr interface -- Load a Disciple Source Tetra module. | ".ds" <- takeExtension filePath = case mStrSimpl of Nothing -> do cmdLoadSourceTetraFromFile config store Tetra.bundle filePath Just strSimpl -> do -- Parse the specified simplifier. bundle' <- cmdLoadSimplifierIntoBundle config Tetra.bundle strSimpl fsTemplates -- Load a simplify the target module. cmdLoadSourceTetraFromFile config store bundle' filePath -- Load a module in some fragment of Disciple Core. | Just language <- languageOfExtension (takeExtension filePath) = case mStrSimpl of Nothing -> cmdLoadCoreFromFile config language filePath Just strSimpl -> do language' <- cmdLoadSimplifier config language strSimpl fsTemplates cmdLoadCoreFromFile config language' filePath -- Don't know how to load this file. | otherwise = let ext = takeExtension filePath in throwE $ "Cannot load '" ++ ext ++ "' files." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Load a Disciple Source Tetra module from a file. -- The result is printed to @stdout@. -- Any errors are thrown in the `ExceptT` monad. cmdLoadSourceTetraFromFile :: Config -- ^ Driver config. -> Store -- ^ Interface store. -> Bundle Int Tetra.Name Tetra.Error -- ^ Tetra language bundle. -> FilePath -- ^ Module file path. -> ExceptT String IO () cmdLoadSourceTetraFromFile config store bundle filePath = do -- Check that the file exists. exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist filePath when (not exists) $ throwE $ "No such file " ++ show filePath -- Call the compiler to build/load all dependent modules. cmdCompileRecursive config False store filePath -- Read in the source file. src <- liftIO $ readFile filePath cmdLoadSourceTetraFromString config store bundle (SourceFile filePath) src --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Load a Disciple Source Tetra module from a string. -- The result is printed to @stdout@. -- Any errors are thrown in the `ExceptT` monad. cmdLoadSourceTetraFromString :: Config -- ^ Driver config. -> Store -- ^ Interface store. -> Bundle Int Tetra.Name Tetra.Error -- ^ Tetra language bundle. -> Source -- ^ Source of the code. -> String -- ^ Program module text. -> ExceptT String IO () cmdLoadSourceTetraFromString config store bundle source str = let pmode = prettyModeOfConfig $ configPretty config pipeLoad = pipeText (nameOfSource source) (lineStartOfSource source) str $ stageSourceTetraLoad config source store [ PipeCoreReannotate (\a -> a { annotTail = () }) [ PipeCoreSimplify Tetra.fragment (bundleStateInit bundle) (bundleSimplifier bundle) [ PipeCoreOutput pmode SinkStdout ]]] in do errs <- liftIO pipeLoad case errs of [] -> return () es -> throwE $ renderIndent $ vcat $ map ppr es --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Load a Disciple Core module from a file. -- The result is printed to @stdout@. cmdLoadCoreFromFile :: Config -- ^ Driver config. -> Language -- ^ Core language definition. -> FilePath -- ^ Module file path -> ExceptT String IO () cmdLoadCoreFromFile config language filePath = do -- Check that the file exists. exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist filePath when (not exists) $ throwE $ "No such file " ++ show filePath -- Read in the source file. src <- liftIO $ readFile filePath cmdLoadCoreFromString config language (SourceFile filePath) src --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Load a Disciple Core module from a string. -- The result it printed to @stdout@. cmdLoadCoreFromString :: Config -- ^ Driver config. -> Language -- ^ Language definition -> Source -- ^ Source of the code. -> String -- ^ Program module text. -> ExceptT String IO () cmdLoadCoreFromString config language source str | Language bundle <- language , fragment <- bundleFragment bundle = let pmode = prettyModeOfConfig $ configPretty config pipeLoad = pipeText (nameOfSource source) (lineStartOfSource source) str $ PipeTextLoadCore fragment (if configInferTypes config then C.Synth [] else C.Recon) SinkDiscard [ PipeCoreReannotate (\a -> a { annotTail = () }) [ PipeCoreSimplify fragment (bundleStateInit bundle) (bundleSimplifier bundle) [ PipeCoreOutput pmode SinkStdout ]]] in do errs <- liftIO pipeLoad case errs of [] -> return () es -> throwE $ renderIndent $ vcat $ map ppr es --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parse the simplifier defined in this string, -- and load it and all the inliner templates into the language bundle. cmdLoadSimplifier :: Config -- ^ Driver config. -> Language -- ^ Language definition. -> String -- ^ Simplifier specification. -> [FilePath] -- ^ Modules to use as inliner templates. -> ExceptT String IO Language cmdLoadSimplifier config language strSimpl fsTemplates | Language bundle <- language = do bundle' <- cmdLoadSimplifierIntoBundle config bundle strSimpl fsTemplates return $ Language bundle' -- | Parse the simplifier defined in this string, -- and load it and all the inliner templates into the bundle cmdLoadSimplifierIntoBundle :: (Ord n, Show n, NFData n, Pretty n, Pretty (err (AnTEC SourcePos n))) => Config -- ^ Driver config. -> Bundle s n err -- ^ Language bundle -> String -- ^ Simplifier specification. -> [FilePath] -- ^ Modules to use as inliner templates. -> ExceptT String IO (Bundle s n err) cmdLoadSimplifierIntoBundle config bundle strSimpl fsTemplates | modules_bundle <- bundleModules bundle , mkNamT <- bundleMakeNamifierT bundle , mkNamX <- bundleMakeNamifierX bundle , rules <- bundleRewriteRules bundle , fragment <- bundleFragment bundle , readName <- fragmentReadName fragment = do -- Load all the modues that we're using for inliner templates. -- If any of these don't load then the 'cmdReadModule' function -- will display the errors. mModules <- liftM sequence $ mapM (liftIO . cmdReadModule config fragment) fsTemplates modules_annot <- case mModules of Nothing -> throwE $ "Cannot load inlined module." Just ms -> return $ ms -- Zap annotations on the loaded modules. -- Any type errors will already have been displayed, so we don't need -- the source position info any more. let zapAnnot annot = annot { annotTail = () } let modules_new = map (reannotate zapAnnot) modules_annot -- Collect all definitions from modules let modules_all = Map.elems modules_bundle ++ modules_new -- Wrap up the inliner templates and current rules into -- a SimplifierDetails, which we give to the Simplifier parser. let details = SimplifierDetails mkNamT mkNamX [(n, reannotate zapAnnot rule) | (n, rule) <- Map.assocs rules] modules_all -- Parse the simplifer string. case parseSimplifier readName details strSimpl of Left err -> throwE $ renderIndent $ ppr err Right simpl -> return $ bundle { bundleSimplifier = simpl }