module DDC.Source.Tetra.Env
        ( primKindEnv
        , primTypeEnv )
import DDC.Source.Tetra.Prim
import DDC.Source.Tetra.Exp
import DDC.Type.Env             (Env)
import qualified DDC.Type.Env   as Env

-- Kinds ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Kind environment containing kinds of primitive data types.
primKindEnv :: Env Name
primKindEnv = Env.setPrimFun kindOfPrimName Env.empty

-- | Take the kind of a primitive name.
--   Returns `Nothing` if the name isn't primitive. 
kindOfPrimName :: Name -> Maybe (Kind Name)
kindOfPrimName nn
 = case nn of
        NamePrimTyCon tc        -> Just $ kindPrimTyCon tc
        _                       -> Nothing

-- Types ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Type environment containing types of primitive operators.
primTypeEnv :: Env Name
primTypeEnv = Env.setPrimFun typeOfPrimName Env.empty

-- | Take the type of a name,
--   or `Nothing` if this is not a value name.
typeOfPrimName :: Name -> Maybe (Type Name)
typeOfPrimName dc
 = case dc of
        NamePrimArith   p       -> Just $ typePrimArith p

        NameLitBool     _       -> Just $ tBool
        NameLitNat      _       -> Just $ tNat
        NameLitInt      _       -> Just $ tInt
        NameLitWord     _ bits  -> Just $ tWord bits

        _                       -> Nothing