-- | Unix-style command line interface to DDC. -- This interface exports commands that work on whole modules at a time, -- and does unix-style command line argument parsing. -- import DDC.Main.Config import DDC.Main.Help import DDC.Main.Args import DDC.Main.OptLevels import DDC.Driver.Command.Parse import DDC.Driver.Command.Check import DDC.Driver.Command.Load import DDC.Driver.Command.Compile import DDC.Driver.Command.Build import DDC.Driver.Command.BaseBuild import DDC.Driver.Command.Tetra.Curry import DDC.Driver.Command.Tetra.Boxing import DDC.Driver.Command.Flow.Prep import DDC.Driver.Command.Flow.Lower import DDC.Driver.Command.Flow.Concretize import DDC.Driver.Command.Flow.Melt import DDC.Driver.Command.Flow.Wind import DDC.Driver.Command.Flow.Thread import qualified DDC.Core.Flow as Flow import DDC.Driver.Command.ToSalt import DDC.Driver.Command.ToC import DDC.Driver.Command.ToLlvm import DDC.Driver.Command.ToPHP import DDC.Driver.Interface.Source import DDC.Build.Builder import DDC.Base.Pretty import System.Environment import System.IO import System.Exit import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import qualified System.FilePath as System import qualified System.Directory as System import qualified DDC.Driver.Stage as Driver import qualified DDC.Driver.Config as Driver import qualified DDC.Core.Salt.Runtime as Runtime import qualified DDC.Core.Simplifier.Recipe as Simplifier import qualified DDC.Version as Version import qualified DDC.Build.Interface.Store as Store main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs -- Get the default configuration. -- This contains static information such as where the code -- for the base libraries and runtime system is installed. config0 <- getDefaultConfig -- Update the static config with dynamic config read from -- the command-line arguments. config <- parseArgs args config0 -- Run the main compiler. run config run :: Config -> IO () run config = case configMode config of -- We didn't get any arguments on the command line. ModeNone -> putStr hello -- Display the version string. ModeVersion -> putStrLn Version.splash -- Display the help page. ModeHelp -> putStrLn help -- Parse a module. ModeParse filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) runError $ cmdParseFromFile dconfig filePath -- Parse and type check a module. ModeCheck filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) store <- Store.new result <- runExceptT $ cmdCheckFromFile dconfig store filePath case result of Left err -> do putStrLn err exitWith $ ExitFailure 1 Right () -> return () -- Parse, type check and transform a module. ModeLoad filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) store <- Store.new runError $ cmdLoadFromFile dconfig store (configTrans config) (configWith config) filePath -- Compile a module to object code. ModeCompile filePath -> do forceBaseBuild config dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) store <- Store.new runError $ cmdCompileRecursive dconfig False store filePath -- Compile a module into an executable. ModeMake filePath -> do forceBaseBuild config dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) store <- Store.new runError $ cmdCompileRecursive dconfig True store filePath -- Build libraries or executables following a .spec file. ModeBuild filePath -> do forceBaseBuild config dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) store <- Store.new runError $ cmdBuild dconfig store filePath -- Convert a module to Salt. ModeToSalt filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) store <- Store.new runError $ cmdToSaltFromFile dconfig store filePath -- Convert a module to C ModeToC filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) store <- Store.new runError $ cmdToSeaFromFile dconfig store filePath -- Convert a module to LLVM ModeToLLVM filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) store <- Store.new runError $ cmdToLlvmFromFile dconfig store filePath -- Convert a module to C ModeToPHP filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) store <- Store.new runError $ cmdToPHPFromFile dconfig store filePath -- Tetra specific ----------------------------------------------------- ModeTetraCurry filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) str <- readFile filePath runError $ cmdTetraCurry dconfig (SourceFile filePath) str ModeTetraBoxing filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) str <- readFile filePath runError $ cmdTetraBoxing dconfig (SourceFile filePath) str -- Flow specific ------------------------------------------------------ -- Prepare a Disciple Core Flow program for lowering. ModeFlowPrep filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) str <- readFile filePath runError $ cmdFlowPrep dconfig (SourceFile filePath) str -- Lower a Disciple Core Flow program to loops. ModeFlowLower filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) str <- readFile filePath runError $ cmdFlowLower dconfig Flow.defaultConfigScalar (SourceFile filePath) str -- Lower a Disciple Core Flow program to loops. ModeFlowLowerKernel filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) str <- readFile filePath runError $ cmdFlowLower dconfig Flow.defaultConfigKernel (SourceFile filePath) str -- Lower a Disciple Core Flow program to loops. ModeFlowLowerVector filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) str <- readFile filePath runError $ cmdFlowLower dconfig Flow.defaultConfigVector (SourceFile filePath) str -- Concretize rate type variables in a Disciple Core Flow program. ModeFlowConcretize filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) str <- readFile filePath runError $ cmdFlowConcretize dconfig (SourceFile filePath) str -- Melt compound data structures. ModeFlowMelt filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) str <- readFile filePath runError $ cmdFlowMelt dconfig (SourceFile filePath) str -- Wind loop primops into tail recursive loops. ModeFlowWind filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) str <- readFile filePath runError $ cmdFlowWind dconfig (SourceFile filePath) str -- Thread the world token through a Disciple Core Flow program. ModeFlowThread filePath -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config (Just filePath) str <- readFile filePath runError $ cmdFlowThread dconfig (SourceFile filePath) str -- Build -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Build the runtime and base libraries. ModeBaseBuild -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config Nothing store <- Store.new runError $ cmdBaseBuild dconfig store -- Print -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Print the external builder info for this platform. ModePrintBuilder -> do dconfig <- getDriverConfig config Nothing putStrLn $ renderIndent $ ppr (Driver.configBuilder dconfig) -- Print where the runtime and base libraries are installed. ModePrintBaseDir -> putStrLn $ configBaseDir config -- | Get the compile driver from the config. getDriverConfig :: Config -> Maybe FilePath -> IO Driver.Config getDriverConfig config mFilePath = do -- Determine the default builder config. Just builder <- determineDefaultBuilder $ defaultBuilderConfig config -- Treat the directory holding a module to compile as a base -- directory where we look for other modules. let moduleBaseDirs = maybeToList $ fmap System.takeDirectory mFilePath -- The default runtime system config. let runtimeConfig = Runtime.Config { Runtime.configHeapSize = configRuntimeHeapSize config } -- Build driver config. let dconfig = Driver.Config { Driver.configLogBuild = True , Driver.configDump = configDump config , Driver.configInferTypes = configInferTypes config , Driver.configSimplSalt = Simplifier.idsimp , Driver.configViaBackend = configViaBackend config , Driver.configRuntime = runtimeConfig , Driver.configBuilder = builder , Driver.configPretty = Driver.defaultConfigPretty , Driver.configSuppressHashImports = False , Driver.configModuleBaseDirectories = moduleBaseDirs , Driver.configOutputFile = configOutputFile config , Driver.configOutputDir = configOutputDir config , Driver.configKeepLlvmFiles = configKeepLlvmFiles config , Driver.configKeepSeaFiles = configKeepSeaFiles config , Driver.configKeepAsmFiles = configKeepAsmFiles config , Driver.configTaintAvoidTypeChecks = configTaintAvoidTypeChecks config , Driver.configRuntimeLinkStrategy = configRuntimeLinkStrategy config } -- We need to force -infer on because the inliner templates may not -- have full type annotations. simplSalt <- getSimplSaltOfConfig config dconfig { Driver.configInferTypes = True } builder runtimeConfig mFilePath return $ dconfig { Driver.configSimplSalt = simplSalt } -- | Print errors to stderr and set the exit code. runError :: ExceptT String IO a -> IO () runError m = do result <- runExceptT m case result of Left err -> do hPutStrLn stderr err exitWith $ ExitFailure 1 Right _ -> return () -- | Force build of base library if it doesn't already exist. -- -- Due to bugs in cabal-install 1.22 it can't be trusted to run the -- post-install hook that builds our base library. To work around this -- we check that it is built before running any command that might -- need it. -- forceBaseBuild :: Config -> IO () forceBaseBuild config = do -- Check if the runtime library has already been built. -- If it hasn't then force a basebuild. exist <- System.doesFileExist $ configBaseDir config System. "build" System. "libddc-runtime.a" when (not exist) $ do putStrLn "* Building base library..." dconfig <- getDriverConfig config Nothing store <- Store.new runError $ cmdBaseBuild dconfig store