module DDCI.Core.Command.TransInteract ( cmdTransInteract , cmdTransInteractLoop) where import DDCI.Core.Output import DDCI.Core.State import DDC.Driver.Command.Check import DDC.Driver.Command.Trans import DDC.Build.Language import DDC.Core.Fragment import DDC.Core.Simplifier.Parser import DDC.Core.Transform.Reannotate import DDC.Core.Exp.Annot import DDC.Core.Check import DDC.Core.Module import DDC.Data.Pretty import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set -- TransInteract -------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Apply the current transform to an expression. cmdTransInteract :: State -> Source -> String -> IO State cmdTransInteract state source str | Language bundle <- stateLanguage state , fragment <- bundleFragment bundle , modules <- bundleModules bundle = cmdParseCheckExp fragment modules Recon False False source str >>= goStore bundle where -- Expression is well-typed. goStore bundle (Just xx, _) = do let xx' = reannotate (\a -> a { annotTail = () }) xx let annot = annotOfExp xx' let t1 = annotType annot let eff1 = annotEffect annot let clo1 = annotClosure annot let hist = TransHistory { historyExp = (xx', t1, eff1, clo1) , historySteps = [] , historyBundle = bundle } return state { stateTransInteract = Just hist } -- Expression had a parse or type error. goStore _ _ = do return state cmdTransInteractLoop :: State -> String -> IO State cmdTransInteractLoop state str | Just hist <- stateTransInteract state , TransHistory (x,t,e,c) steps bundle <- hist , fragment <- bundleFragment bundle , profile <- fragmentProfile fragment = case str of ":back" -> do let steps' = case steps of [] -> [] (_:ss) -> ss putStrLn "Going back: " let x' = case steps' of [] -> x ((xz,_):_) -> xz outDocLn state $ ppr x' let hist' = TransHistory (x,t,e,c) steps' bundle return state { stateTransInteract = Just hist' } ":done" -> do let simps = reverse $ map (indent 4 . ppr . snd) steps outStrLn state "* TRANSFORM SEQUENCE:" mapM_ (outDocLn state) simps return state { stateTransInteract = Nothing } _ -> do let tr = parseSimplifier (fragmentReadName fragment) (SimplifierDetails (bundleMakeNamifierT bundle) (bundleMakeNamifierX bundle) (Map.assocs $ bundleRewriteRules bundle) (Map.elems $ bundleModules bundle)) str let x' = case steps of [] -> x ((xz,_):_) -> xz case tr of Left _err -> do putStrLn "Error parsing simplifier" return state Right tr' -> do let env = modulesEnvX (profilePrimKinds profile) (profilePrimTypes profile) (profilePrimDataDefs profile) (Map.elems $ bundleModules bundle) x_trans <- transExp (Set.member TraceTrans $ stateModes state) profile env (bundleStateInit bundle) tr' x' case x_trans of Nothing -> return state Just x_trans' -> do outDocLn state $ ppr x_trans' let steps' = (x_trans', tr') : steps let hist' = TransHistory (x,t,e,c) steps' bundle return state { stateTransInteract = Just hist' } | otherwise = error "No transformation history!"