module DDC.War.Create.CreateMainDS (create) where import DDC.War.Create.Way import DDC.War.Driver import System.FilePath import Data.Set (Set) import DDC.War.Job () import qualified DDC.War.Job.CompileDS as CompileDS import qualified DDC.War.Job.RunExe as RunExe import qualified DDC.War.Job.Diff as Diff import qualified Data.Set as Set -- | Compile and run Main.ds files. create :: Way -> Set FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe Chain create way allFiles filePath | takeFileName filePath == "Main.ds" = let sourceDir = takeDirectory filePath buildDir = sourceDir "war-" ++ wayName way testName = filePath mainSH = sourceDir "" -- Source --------------------- -- If this exists then expect compilation to fail. mainErrorCheck = sourceDir "Main.error.check" -- If this exists then expect the execuable to fail at runtime. mainRunErrorCheck = sourceDir "Main.runerror.check" -- Expected output of successful executable. mainStdoutCheck = sourceDir "Main.stdout.check" mainStderrCheck = sourceDir "Main.stderr.check" -- Output --------------------- -- Where to put compiler output. mainCompStdout = buildDir "Main.compile.stdout" mainCompStderr = buildDir "Main.compile.stderr" mainCompStderrDiff = buildDir "Main.compile.stderr.diff" -- Where to put exectuable output. mainBin = buildDir "Main.bin" mainRunStdout = buildDir "" mainRunStdoutDiff = buildDir "" mainRunStderr = buildDir "" mainRunStderrDiff = buildDir "" -- compile the .ds into a .bin -- We expect the compile to fail if there is a Main.error.check file. compShouldSucceed = not $ Set.member mainErrorCheck allFiles jobCompile = jobOfSpec (JobId testName (wayName way)) $ CompileDS.Spec filePath (wayOptsComp way) ["-M60M"] buildDir mainCompStdout mainCompStderr (Just mainBin) compShouldSucceed -- If we expect the compile to fail, -- then diff errors produced by the compilation shouldDiffCompError = not $ compShouldSucceed jobDiffCompError = jobOfSpec (JobId testName (wayName way)) $ Diff.Spec mainErrorCheck mainCompStderr mainCompStderrDiff -- If we expect the compile to succeed, then run the resulting binary. -- We expect the run to fail if there is a Main.runerror.check file. shouldRunExe = compShouldSucceed runShouldSucceed = not $ Set.member mainRunErrorCheck allFiles jobRunExe = jobOfSpec (JobId testName (wayName way)) $ RunExe.Spec filePath mainBin [] mainRunStdout mainRunStderr runShouldSucceed -- If we expect the run to succeed, -- then diff the stdout of the run. shouldDiffStdout = shouldRunExe && Set.member mainStdoutCheck allFiles jobDiffStdout = jobOfSpec (JobId testName (wayName way)) $ Diff.Spec mainStdoutCheck mainRunStdout mainRunStdoutDiff -- If we expect the run to succeed, -- then diff the stderr of the run. shouldDiffStderr = shouldRunExe && Set.member mainStderrCheck allFiles jobDiffStderr = jobOfSpec (JobId testName (wayName way)) $ Diff.Spec mainStderrCheck mainRunStderr mainRunStderrDiff in if Set.member mainSH allFiles then Nothing else Just $ Chain $ [jobCompile] ++ (if shouldDiffCompError then [jobDiffCompError] else []) ++ (if shouldRunExe then [jobRunExe] else []) ++ (if shouldDiffStdout then [jobDiffStdout] else []) ++ (if shouldDiffStderr then [jobDiffStderr] else []) | otherwise = Nothing