{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Debian.Apt.Dependencies
    ( solve
    , State 
    , binaryDepends
    , search
    , bj'
    , bt
    , CSP(..)
    ) -} where

-- test gutsyPackages "libc6" (\csp -> bt csp)

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Tree
--import qualified Data.Map as Map

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C

import Debian.Control.ByteString
import Debian.Control.PrettyPrint
import Debian.Relation.ByteString
import Debian.Apt.Package
import Debian.Version

-- * Basic CSP Types and Functions

data Status 
    = Remaining AndRelation
    | MissingDep Relation
    | Complete
      deriving (Show, Eq)

type State a = (Status, [a])

complete :: State a -> Bool
complete (Complete, _) = True
complete _ = False

data CSP a
    = CSP { pnm :: PackageNameMap a
          , relations :: Relations
          , depFunction :: (a -> Relations)
          , conflicts :: a -> Relations
          , packageVersion :: a -> (String, DebianVersion)

-- * Test CSP

-- |TODO addProvides -- see DQL.Exec
controlCSP :: Control -> Relations -> (Paragraph -> Relations) -> CSP Paragraph
controlCSP (Control paragraphs) rels depF =
    CSP { pnm = packageNameMap getName paragraphs
        , relations = rels
        , depFunction = depF
        , conflicts = conflicts'
        , packageVersion = packageVersionParagraph
      getName :: Paragraph -> String
      getName p = case lookupP "Package" p of Nothing -> error "Missing Package field" ; (Just (Field (_,n))) -> C.unpack (stripWS n)
      conflicts' :: Paragraph -> Relations
      conflicts' p = 
          case lookupP "Conflicts" p of
            Nothing -> []
            Just (Field (_, c)) -> either (error . show) id (parseRelations c)

testCSP :: FilePath -> (Paragraph -> Relations) -> String -> (CSP Paragraph -> IO a) -> IO a
testCSP controlFile depf relationStr cspf =
    do c' <- parseControlFromFile controlFile
       case c' of
         Left e -> error (show e)
         Right control@(Control paragraphs) ->
             case parseRelations relationStr of
               Left e -> error (show e)
               Right r ->
                     cspf (controlCSP control r depf)

depF :: Paragraph -> Relations
depF p =
    let preDepends =
            case lookupP "Pre-Depends" p of
              Nothing -> []
              Just (Field (_,pd)) -> 
                  either (error . show) id (parseRelations pd)
        depends =
            case lookupP "Depends" p of
              Nothing -> []
              Just (Field (_,pd)) -> 
                  either (error . show) id (parseRelations pd)
      preDepends ++ depends

sidPackages = "/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.debian.org_debian_dists_unstable_main_binary-i386_Packages"
gutsyPackages = "/var/lib/apt/lists/mirror.anl.gov_pub_ubuntu_dists_gutsy_main_binary-i386_Packages"

test controlFP rel labeler =
    testCSP controlFP depF rel (mapM_ (\ (_,p) -> mapM_ (print . packageVersionParagraph) p ) . take 1 . search labeler)

-- TODO: add better errors
packageVersionParagraph :: Paragraph -> (String, DebianVersion)
packageVersionParagraph p =
    case lookupP "Package" p of
      Nothing -> error $ "Paragraph missing Package field"
      (Just (Field (_, name))) ->
          case lookupP "Version" p of
            Nothing -> error $ "Paragraph missing Version field"
            (Just (Field (_, version))) -> (C.unpack (stripWS name), parseDebianVersion (C.unpack version))

conflict :: CSP p -> p -> p -> Bool
conflict csp p1 p2 =
    let (name1, version1) = (packageVersion csp) p1
        (name2, version2) = (packageVersion csp) p2
      if name1 == name2
      then version1 /= version2
        any (conflict' (name1, version1)) (concat $ (conflicts csp) p2) || 
        any (conflict' (name2, version2)) (concat $ (conflicts csp) p1)
-- |JAS: deal with 'Provides' (can a package provide more than one package?)
conflict' :: (String, DebianVersion) -> Relation -> Bool
conflict' (pName, pVersion) rel@(Rel pkgName mVersionReq _) =
    (pName == pkgName) && (checkVersionReq mVersionReq (Just pVersion))

-- * Tree Helper Functions

mkTree :: a -> [Tree a] -> Tree a
mkTree = Node

label :: Tree a -> a
label = rootLabel

initTree :: (a -> [a]) -> a -> Tree a
initTree f a = Node a (map (initTree f) (f a))

mapTree :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
mapTree = fmap

foldTree :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b
foldTree f (Node a ts) = f a (map (foldTree f) ts)

zipTreesWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree c
zipTreesWith f (Node a ts) (Node b us) =
    Node (f a b) (zipWith (zipTreesWith f) ts us)

prune :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Tree a
prune p = foldTree f
    where f a ts = Node a (filter (not . p . label) ts)

leaves :: Tree a -> [a]
leaves = foldTree f
    where f leaf [] = [leaf]
          f _ ts = concat ts

inhTree :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> Tree b
inhTree f b (Node a ts) = Node b' (map (inhTree f b') ts)
    where b' = f b a

distrTree :: (a -> [b]) -> b -> Tree a -> Tree b
distrTree  f b (Node a ts) = Node b (zipWith (distrTree f) (f a) ts)

-- * mkSearchTree

-- TODO: might want to leave markers about what relation we are satisfying?
mkSearchTree :: forall a. CSP a -> Tree (State a)
mkSearchTree csp =
    Node (Remaining (relations csp),[]) (andRelation ([],[]) (relations csp))
      andRelation :: ([a],AndRelation) -> AndRelation -> [Tree (State a)]
      andRelation (candidates,[]) [] = [Node (Complete, candidates) []]
      andRelation (candidates,remaining) [] = andRelation (candidates, []) remaining
      andRelation (candidates, remaining) (or:ors) =
          orRelation (candidates, ors ++ remaining) or
      orRelation :: ([a],AndRelation) -> OrRelation -> [Tree (State a)]
      orRelation acc or =
          concat (fmap (relation acc) or)
      relation :: ([a],AndRelation) -> Relation -> [Tree (State a)]
      relation acc@(candidates,_) rel =
          let packages = lookupPackageByRel (pnm csp) (packageVersion csp) rel in
          case packages of
            [] -> [Node (MissingDep rel, candidates) []]
            _ -> map (package acc) packages
      package :: ([a],AndRelation) -> a -> Tree (State a)
      package (candidates, remaining) package =
          if ((packageVersion csp) package) `elem` (map (packageVersion csp) candidates)
          then if null remaining
               then Node (Complete, candidates) []
               else Node (Remaining remaining, candidates) (andRelation (candidates, []) remaining)
          else Node (Remaining remaining, (package : candidates)) (andRelation ((package : candidates), remaining) ((depFunction csp) package))

-- |earliestInconsistency does what it sounds like
-- the 'reverse as' is because the vars are order high to low, but we
-- want to find the lowest numbered (aka, eariest) inconsistency ??
earliestInconsistency :: CSP a -> State a -> Maybe ((String, DebianVersion), (String, DebianVersion))
earliestInconsistency _ (_,[]) = Nothing
earliestInconsistency _ (_,[p]) = Nothing
earliestInconsistency csp (_,(p:ps)) =
    case find ((conflict csp) p) (reverse ps) of
      Nothing -> Nothing
      (Just conflictingPackage) -> Just ((packageVersion csp) p, (packageVersion csp) conflictingPackage)

-- * Conflict Set

-- | conflicting packages and relations that require non-existant packages
type ConflictSet = ([(String, DebianVersion)],[Relation])

isConflict :: ConflictSet -> Bool
isConflict ([],[]) = False
isConflict _ = True

solutions :: Tree (State a, ConflictSet) -> [State a]
solutions = filter complete . map fst . leaves . prune (isConflict . snd)

type Labeler a = CSP a -> Tree (State a) -> Tree (State a, ConflictSet)

search :: Labeler a -> CSP a -> [State a]
search labeler csp = (solutions . (labeler csp) . mkSearchTree) csp

-- * Backtracking Labeler

bt :: Labeler a
bt csp = mapTree f
      f s@(status,_) =
              case status of
                (MissingDep rel) -> (s, ([], [rel]))
                _ ->                      
                      case (earliestInconsistency csp) s of
                        Nothing -> ([],[])
                        Just (a,b) -> ([a,b], []))

-- * BackJumping Solver

{-|bj - backjumping labeler

If the node already has a conflict set, then leave it alone.

Otherwise, the conflictset for the node is the combination of the
conflict sets of its direct children.
bj :: CSP p -> Tree (State p, ConflictSet) -> Tree (State p, ConflictSet)
bj csp = foldTree f
    where f (s, cs) ts
            | isConflict cs  = mkTree (s, cs) ts
--            | isConflict cs' = mkTree (s, cs') [] -- prevent space leak
            | otherwise = mkTree (s, cs') ts
            where cs' = 
                      let set = combine csp (map label ts) [] in
                      set `seq` set -- prevent space leak

unionCS :: [ConflictSet] -> ConflictSet
unionCS css = foldr (\(c1, m1) (c2, m2) -> ((c1 `union` c2), (m1 `union` m2))) ([],[]) css

combine :: CSP p -> [(State p, ConflictSet)] -> [ConflictSet] -> ConflictSet
combine _ [] acc = unionCS acc
combine csp ((s,cs@(c,m)):ns) acc
    | (not (lastvar `elem` c)) && null m = cs
    | null c && null m = ([],[]) -- is this case ever used?
    | otherwise = combine csp ns ((c, m):acc)
    where lastvar = 
              let (_,(p:_)) = s in (packageVersion csp) p