-- |An AptCache represents a local cache of a remote repository.  The
-- cached information is usually downloaded by running "apt-get
-- update", and appears in @\/var\/lib\/apt\/lists@.
module Debian.Repo.Cache
    ( SourcesChangedAction(..)
    , aptSourcePackagesSorted
    , sliceIndexes
    , cacheDistDir
    , distDir
    , aptDir
    , cacheRootDir
    , cacheSourcesPath
    , sourcesPath
    , sourceDir
    , aptCacheFiles
    , aptCacheFilesOfSlice
    , archFiles
    , buildArchOfEnv
    , buildArchOfRoot
    , updateCacheSources
    , sourcePackages
    , binaryPackages
    ) where

import Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.List
import Debian.Repo.IO
import Debian.Repo.Slice
import Debian.Repo.SourcesList
import Debian.Repo.Types
import Debian.URI
import Extra.CIO (CIO, vPutStr, vPutStrBl)
import Extra.Files (replaceFile)
import System.Unix.Directory
import System.Unix.Process
import System.Directory
import System.IO

-- The following are path functions which can be used while
-- constructing instances of AptCache.  Each is followed by a
-- corresponding function that gives the same result when applied to
-- an AptCache instance.

-- | A directory which will hold all the cached files for this
-- NamedSliceList.
cacheDistDir :: FilePath -> ReleaseName -> FilePath
cacheDistDir cacheDir release = cacheDir ++ "/dists/" ++ relName release

cacheRootDir :: FilePath -> ReleaseName -> EnvRoot
cacheRootDir cacheDir release = EnvRoot (cacheDistDir cacheDir release ++ "/aptEnv")

distDir :: AptCache c => c -> FilePath
distDir cache = cacheDistDir (globalCacheDir cache) (aptReleaseName cache)

aptDir :: AptCache c => c -> String -> FilePath
aptDir cache package = distDir cache ++ "/apt/" ++ package

-- | The path where a text of the SliceList is stored.
cacheSourcesPath :: FilePath -> ReleaseName -> FilePath
cacheSourcesPath cacheDir release = cacheDistDir cacheDir release ++ "/sources"

sourcesPath :: AptCache c => c -> FilePath
sourcesPath cache = cacheSourcesPath (globalCacheDir cache) (aptReleaseName cache)

-- Additional functions which can only be used on already constructed
-- instances of AptCache.

-- | A directory holding all files downloaded by apt-get source for a
-- certain package
sourceDir :: AptCache t => t -> String -> FilePath
sourceDir c package = distDir c ++ "/apt/" ++ package

-- |Return all the named source packages sorted by version
aptSourcePackagesSorted :: AptCache t => t -> [String] -> [SourcePackage]
aptSourcePackagesSorted os names =
    sortBy cmp . filterNames names . aptSourcePackages $ os
      filterNames names packages =
          filter (flip elem names . packageName . sourcePackageID) packages
      cmp p1 p2 =
          compare v2 v1		-- Flip args to get newest first
            v1 = packageVersion . sourcePackageID $ p1
            v2 = packageVersion . sourcePackageID $ p2

-- |Return a list of the index files that contain the packages of a
-- slice.
sliceIndexes :: AptCache a => a -> Slice -> [PackageIndex]
sliceIndexes cache slice =
    case (sourceDist . sliceSource $ slice) of
      Left exact -> error $ "Can't handle exact path in sources.list: " ++ exact
      Right (release, sections) -> map (makeIndex release) sections
      makeIndex release section =
          PackageIndex { packageIndexRelease = Release { releaseRepo = sliceRepo slice
                                                       , releaseInfo = findReleaseInfo release }
                       , packageIndexComponent = section
                       , packageIndexArch = case (sourceType . sliceSource $ slice) of
                                              DebSrc -> Source
                                              Deb -> aptArch cache }
      findReleaseInfo release =
          case filter ((==) release . releaseInfoName) (repoReleaseInfo (sliceRepo slice)) of
            [x] -> x
            [] -> error $ ("sliceIndexes: Invalid release name: " ++ releaseName' release ++
                           "\n  Available: " ++ (show . map releaseInfoName . repoReleaseInfo . sliceRepo $ slice))
            xs -> error $ "Internal error 5 - multiple releases named " ++ releaseName' release ++ "\n" ++ show xs

-- |Return the paths in the local cache of the index files of a slice list.
aptCacheFiles :: AptCache a => a -> SliceList -> [FilePath]
aptCacheFiles apt sources = concat . map (aptCacheFilesOfSlice apt) $ (slices sources)

-- |Return the paths in the local cache of the index files of a single slice.
aptCacheFilesOfSlice :: AptCache a => a -> Slice -> [FilePath]
aptCacheFilesOfSlice apt slice = archFiles (aptArch apt) (sliceSource slice)

-- |Return the list of files that apt-get update would write into
-- \/var\/lib\/apt\/lists when it processed the given list of DebSource.
archFiles :: Arch -> DebSource -> [FilePath]
archFiles arch deb =
    case (arch, deb) of
      (Source, _) -> error "Invalid build architecture: Source"
      (Binary _, deb@(DebSource DebSrc _ _)) ->
          map (++ "_source_Sources") (archFiles' deb)
      (Binary arch, deb@(DebSource Deb _ _)) ->
          map (++ ("_binary-" ++ arch ++ "_Packages")) (archFiles' deb)

archFiles' :: DebSource -> [FilePath]
archFiles' deb =
    let uri = sourceUri deb
        distro = sourceDist deb in
    let scheme = uriScheme uri
        auth = uriAuthority uri
        path = uriPath uri in
    let userpass = maybe "" uriUserInfo auth
        reg = maybeOfString $ maybe "" uriRegName auth
        port = maybe "" uriPort auth in
    let (user, pass) = break (== ':') userpass in
    let user' = maybeOfString user
        pass' = maybeOfString pass in
    let uriText = prefix scheme user' pass' reg port path in
    -- what about dist?
    either (\ exact -> [(escapeURIString (/= '@') ("/var/lib/apt/lists/" ++ uriText ++ escape exact))])
           (\ (dist, sections) ->
                map (\ section -> 
                         (escapeURIString (/= '@') ("/var/lib/apt/lists/" ++ uriText +?+ "dists_") ++
                          releaseName' dist ++ "_" ++ sectionName' section))
      -- If user is given and password is not, the user name is
      -- added to the file name.  Otherwise it is not.  Really.
      prefix "http:" (Just user) Nothing (Just host) port path =
          user ++ host ++ port ++ escape path
      prefix "http:" _ _ (Just host) port path =
          host ++ port ++ escape path
      prefix "ftp:" _ _ (Just host) _ path =
          host ++ escape path
      prefix "file:" Nothing Nothing Nothing "" path =
          escape path
      prefix "ssh:" (Just user) Nothing (Just host) port path =
          user ++ host ++ port ++ escape path
      prefix "ssh" _ _ (Just host) port path =
          host ++ port ++ escape path
      prefix _ _ _ _ _ _ = error ("invalid DebSource: " ++ show deb)
      maybeOfString "" = Nothing
      maybeOfString s = Just s
      escape s = intercalate "_" (wordsBy (== '/') s)

buildArchOfEnv :: EnvRoot -> IO Arch
buildArchOfEnv (EnvRoot root)  =
    do output <- lazyCommand cmd L.empty
       case exitCodeOnly output of
         [ExitSuccess] ->
             case (words . L.unpack . stdoutOnly $ output) of
               [] -> error $ "Invalid output from " ++ cmd
               (arch : _) -> return (Binary arch)
         _ -> error $ "Failure: " ++ cmd
      cmd = "export LOGNAME=root; chroot " ++ show root ++ " dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH"

buildArchOfRoot :: IO Arch
buildArchOfRoot =
    do output <- lazyCommand cmd L.empty
       case exitCodeOnly output of
         [ExitSuccess] ->
             case (words . L.unpack . stdoutOnly $ output) of
               [] -> error $ "Invalid output from " ++ cmd
               (arch : _) -> return (Binary arch)
         _ -> error $ "Failure: " ++ cmd
      cmd = "dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH"

(+?+) :: String -> String -> String
(+?+) a ('_' : b) = a +?+ b
(+?+) "" b = b
(+?+) a b =
    case last a of
      '_' -> (init a) +?+ b
      _ -> a ++ "_" ++ b

wordsBy :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
wordsBy p s = 
    case (break p s) of
      (s, []) -> [s]
      (h, t) -> h : wordsBy p (drop 1 t)

data SourcesChangedAction =
    SourcesChangedError |
    UpdateSources |

-- |Change the sources.list of an AptCache object, subject to the
-- value of sourcesChangedAction.
updateCacheSources :: (AptCache c, CIO m) => SourcesChangedAction -> c -> AptIOT m c
updateCacheSources sourcesChangedAction distro =
      let baseSources = aptBaseSliceList distro
      --let distro@(ReleaseCache _ dist _) = releaseFromConfig' top text
      let dir = Debian.Repo.Cache.distDir distro
      distExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist (Debian.Repo.Cache.sourcesPath distro)
      case distExists of
        True ->
	      fileSources <- liftIO (readFile (Debian.Repo.Cache.sourcesPath distro)) >>= verifySourcesList Nothing . parseSourcesList
	      case (fileSources == baseSources, sourcesChangedAction) of
	        (True, _) -> return ()
	        (False, SourcesChangedError) ->
                      lift (vPutStrBl 0 ("The sources.list in the existing '" ++ relName (aptReleaseName distro) ++
                                         "' build environment doesn't match the parameters passed to the autobuilder" ++
			                 ":\n\n" ++ Debian.Repo.Cache.sourcesPath distro ++ ":\n\n" ++
                                         show fileSources ++
			                 "\nRun-time parameters:\n\n" ++
                                         show baseSources ++ "\n" ++
			                 "It is likely that the build environment in\n" ++
                                         dir ++ " is invalid and should be rebuilt."))
                      lift (vPutStr 0 "Remove it and continue (or exit)?  [y/n]: ")
                      result <- liftIO $ hGetLine stdin
                      case result of
                        ('y' : _) ->
                              liftIO $ removeRecursiveSafely dir
                              liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
                              liftIO $ replaceFile (Debian.Repo.Cache.sourcesPath distro) (show baseSources)
                        _ ->
                            error ("Please remove " ++ dir ++ " and restart.")
                (False, RemoveRelease) ->
                      lift (vPutStrBl 0 ("Removing suspect environment: " ++ dir))
                      liftIO $ removeRecursiveSafely dir
                      liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
                      liftIO $ replaceFile (Debian.Repo.Cache.sourcesPath distro) (show baseSources)
                (False, UpdateSources) ->
                      -- The sources.list has changed, but it should be
                      -- safe to update it.
                      lift (vPutStrBl 0 ("Updating environment with new sources.list: " ++ dir))
                      liftIO $ removeFile (Debian.Repo.Cache.sourcesPath distro)
                      liftIO $ replaceFile (Debian.Repo.Cache.sourcesPath distro) (show baseSources)
        False ->
              liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
	      liftIO $ replaceFile (Debian.Repo.Cache.sourcesPath distro) (show baseSources)
      return distro

-- | Return a sorted list of available source packages, newest version first.
sourcePackages :: AptCache a => a -> [String] -> [SourcePackage]
sourcePackages os names =
    sortBy cmp . filterNames names . aptSourcePackages $ os
      filterNames :: [String] -> [SourcePackage] -> [SourcePackage]
      filterNames names packages =
          filter (flip elem names . packageName . sourcePackageID) packages
      cmp p1 p2 =
          compare v2 v1		-- Flip args to get newest first
            v1 = packageVersion . sourcePackageID $ p1
            v2 = packageVersion . sourcePackageID $ p2

binaryPackages :: AptCache a => a -> [String] -> [BinaryPackage]
binaryPackages os names =
    sortBy cmp . filterNames names . aptBinaryPackages $ os
      filterNames :: [String] -> [BinaryPackage] -> [BinaryPackage]
      filterNames names packages =
          filter (flip elem names . packageName . packageID) packages
      cmp p1 p2 =
          compare v2 v1		-- Flip args to get newest first
            v1 = packageVersion . packageID $ p1
            v2 = packageVersion . packageID $ p2