-- |Basic types for the Apt library.
module Debian.Repo.Changes
    (-- * read, show
      parseLog			-- String -> [ChangeLogEntry]
    , parseEntry		-- String -> Maybe (ChangeLogEntry, String)
    , parseChanges		-- String -> Maybe ChangeLogEntry
    , showHeader		-- ChangeLogEntry -> String
    -- * Changes File
    , findChangesFiles
    --, Section
    --, sectionName
    --, subSectionName
    --, load
    , parseChangesFilename
    , parseChangesFile
    , save
    , key
    , matchKey
    , base
    , Debian.Repo.Changes.path
    , name
    --, poolDir			-- PackageIndex -> ChangesFile -> FilePath
    , poolDir'			-- Release -> ChangesFile -> ChangedFileSpec -> FilePath
    , uploadLocal
    , ChangesFile(..)
    , changesFileName
    , ChangedFileSpec(..)
    , ChangeLogEntry(..)
    ) where

import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.List (isSuffixOf, intercalate)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Debian.Control.String as S
import Debian.Repo.LocalRepository
import Debian.Repo.Types
import Debian.Version
import Extra.Files (replaceFile)
import Extra.CIO (CIO)
import System.FilePath(splitFileName, (</>))
import System.Directory
import qualified System.Posix.Files as F
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Regex

import qualified Debian.Control.ByteString as B
import Debian.URI()

import System.Posix.Types

-- |A file generated by dpkg-buildpackage describing the result of a
-- package build
data ChangesFile =
    Changes { changeDir :: FilePath		-- ^ The full pathname of the directory holding the .changes file.
            , changePackage :: String		-- ^ The package name parsed from the .changes file name
            , changeVersion :: DebianVersion	-- ^ The version number parsed from the .changes file name
            , changeRelease :: ReleaseName	-- ^ The Distribution field of the .changes file
            , changeArch :: Arch		-- ^ The architecture parsed from the .changes file name
            , changeInfo :: S.Paragraph		-- ^ The contents of the .changes file
            , changeEntry :: ChangeLogEntry	-- ^ The value of the Changes field of the .changes file
            , changeFiles :: [ChangedFileSpec]	-- ^ The parsed value of the Files attribute

-- |An entry in the list of files generated by the build.
data ChangedFileSpec =
    ChangedFileSpec { changedFileMD5sum :: String
                    , changedFileSize :: FileOffset
                    , changedFileSection :: SubSection
                    , changedFilePriority :: String
                    , changedFileName :: FilePath

-- |A changelog is a series of ChangeLogEntries
data ChangeLogEntry = Entry { logPackage :: String
                            , logVersion :: DebianVersion
                            , logDists :: [ReleaseName]
                            , logUrgency :: String
                            , logComments :: String
                            , logWho :: String
                            , logDate :: String

instance Show ChangesFile where
    show = changesFileName

changesFileName :: ChangesFile -> String
changesFileName changes =
    changePackage changes ++ "_" ++ show (changeVersion changes) ++ "_" ++ archName (changeArch changes) ++ ".changes"

instance Show ChangedFileSpec where
    show file = changedFileMD5sum file ++ " " ++
                show (changedFileSize file) ++ " " ++
                sectionName (changedFileSection file) ++ " " ++
                changedFilePriority file ++ " " ++
                changedFileName file

instance Show ChangeLogEntry where
    show (Entry package version dists urgency details who date) =
        package ++ " (" ++ show version ++ ") " ++ intercalate " " (map releaseName' dists) ++ "; urgency=" ++ urgency ++ "\n\n" ++
             details ++ " -- " ++ who ++ "  " ++ date ++ "\n\n"

-- |Show just the top line of a changelog entry (for debugging output.)
showHeader :: ChangeLogEntry -> String
showHeader (Entry package version dists urgency _ _ _) =
    package ++ " (" ++ show version ++ ") " ++ intercalate " " (map releaseName' dists) ++ "; urgency=" ++ urgency ++ "..."

-- |Parse a Debian Changelog and return a lazy list of entries
parseLog :: String -> [Either String ChangeLogEntry]
parseLog text =
    case parseEntry text of
      Nothing -> []
      Just (Left message) -> [Left message]
      Just (Right (entry, text')) -> Right entry : parseLog text'

-- |Parse a single changelog entry, returning the entry and the remaining text.
parseEntry :: String -> Maybe (Either String (ChangeLogEntry, String))
parseEntry text | dropWhile (\ x -> elem x " \t\n") text == "" = Nothing
parseEntry text =
    case matchRegexAll entryRE text of
      Nothing -> Just (Left ("Parse error in changelog:\n" ++ text))
      Just ("", _, remaining, [_, name, version, dists, urgency, _, details, _, _, _, _, _, who, date, _]) ->
          let entry =
                  Entry name 
                        (parseDebianVersion version)
                        (map parseReleaseName . words $ dists)
                        date in
          Just (Right (entry, remaining))
      Just ("", _, _remaining, submatches) -> Just (Left ("Internal error 15, submatches=" ++ show submatches))
      Just (before, _, _, _) -> Just (Left ("Parse error in changelog at:\n" ++ show before ++ "\nin:\n" ++ text))
      entryRE = mkRegex $ bol ++ blankLines ++ headerRE ++ nonSigLines ++ blankLines ++ signature ++ blankLines
      nonSigLines = "(((  .*)|([ \t]*)\n)+)"
      -- In the debian repository, sometimes the extra space in front of the
      -- day-of-month is missing, sometimes an extra one is added.
      signature = "( -- ([^\n]*)  (..., ? ?.. ... .... ........ .....))[ \t]*\n"

-- |Parse the changelog information that shows up in the .changes
-- file, i.e. a changelog entry with no signature.
parseChanges :: String -> Maybe ChangeLogEntry
parseChanges text =
    case matchRegex changesRE text of
      Nothing -> Nothing
      Just [_, name, version, dists, urgency, _, details] ->
          Just $ Entry name 
                       (parseDebianVersion version)
                       (map parseReleaseName . words $ dists)
                       "" ""
      Just x -> error $ "Unexpected match: " ++ show x
      changesRE = mkRegexWithOpts (bol ++ blankLines ++ optWhite ++ headerRE ++ "(.*)$") False False

headerRE =
    package ++ version ++ dists ++ urgency
      package = "([^ \t(]*)" ++ optWhite
      version = "\\(([^)]*)\\)" ++ optWhite
      dists = "([^;]*);" ++ optWhite
      urgency = "urgency=([^\n]*)\n" ++ blankLines

blankLines = blankLine ++ "*"
blankLine = "(" ++ optWhite ++ "\n)"
optWhite = "[ \t]*"
bol = "^"

findChangesFiles :: FilePath -> IO [ChangesFile]
findChangesFiles dir =
    getDirectoryContents dir >>=
    return . filter (isSuffixOf ".changes") >>=
    mapM (load dir) >>= return . catMaybes

load :: FilePath -> String -> IO (Maybe ChangesFile)
load dir file =
      case parseChangesFilename file of
        Just (name, ver, arch) ->
              result <- parseChangesFile dir file
              case result of
                Right (S.Control changes) ->
                    -- The .changes file should be a single paragraph,
                    -- but there have been instances where extra newlines
                    -- are inserted.  To be forgiving we will concat all
                    -- the paragraphs into one (rather than erroring out
                    -- or discarding all but the first paragraph.)
                    let changes' = mergeParagraphs changes in
                    case (S.fieldValue "Files" changes',
                          maybe Nothing parseChanges (S.fieldValue "Changes" changes'),
                          S.fieldValue "Distribution" changes') of
                      (Just text, Just entry, Just release) ->
                          do return . Just $ Changes { changeDir = dir
                                                     , changePackage = name
                                                     , changeVersion = ver
                                                     , changeRelease = parseReleaseName release
                                                     , changeArch = arch
                                                     , changeInfo = changes'
                                                     , changeEntry = entry
                                                     , changeFiles = parseFileList text }
                      _ -> return Nothing	-- Missing 'Files', 'Changes', or 'Distribution' field in .changes
                Left _error -> return Nothing
        Nothing -> return Nothing		-- Couldn't parse changes filename

mergeParagraphs :: [S.Paragraph] -> S.Paragraph 
mergeParagraphs paragraphs =
    S.Paragraph . concat . map fieldsOf $ paragraphs
    where fieldsOf (S.Paragraph fields) = fields

save :: ChangesFile -> IO ()
save changes =
    replaceFile path (show (updateFiles (changeFiles changes) (changeInfo changes)))
      path = changeDir changes ++ "/" ++ changesFileName changes
      updateFiles files info = S.modifyField "Files" (const (showFileList files)) info

key :: ChangesFile -> (String, DebianVersion, Arch)
key changes = (changePackage changes, changeVersion changes, changeArch changes)

matchKey :: ChangesFile -> (String, DebianVersion, Arch) -> Bool
matchKey changes key = key == (changePackage changes, changeVersion changes, changeArch changes)

base :: ChangesFile -> String
base changes =
    changePackage changes ++ "_" ++ show (changeVersion changes) ++ "_" ++ archName (changeArch changes)

name :: ChangesFile -> FilePath
name changes = base changes ++ ".changes"

path :: ChangesFile -> FilePath
path changes = changeDir changes ++ "/" ++ name changes

-- 		       filename     name   version   arch    ext
parseChangesFilename :: String -> Maybe (String, DebianVersion, Arch)
parseChangesFilename name =
    case matchRegex (mkRegex "^(.*/)?([^_]*)_(.*)_([^.]*)\\.changes$") name of
      Just [_, name, version, arch] -> Just (name, parseDebianVersion version, Binary arch)
      _ -> error ("Invalid .changes file name: " ++ name)

parseChangesFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO (Either ParseError S.Control)
parseChangesFile dir file = S.parseControlFromFile (dir ++ "/" ++ file)

parseFileList :: String -> [ChangedFileSpec]
parseFileList text =
    -- md5sum size section priority name
    case (text, matchRegexAll re text) of
      ("", _) -> []
      (_, Just (_, _, remaining, [md5sum, size, section, priority, filename])) ->
	  ChangedFileSpec { changedFileMD5sum = md5sum
                         , changedFileSize = read size
                         , changedFileSection = parseSection section
                         , changedFilePriority = priority
                         , changedFileName = filename } : parseFileList remaining
      _ -> error ("Parse error in Files section of changes file: '" ++ text)
      re = mkRegex ("^[ \t\n]*" ++ g ++w++ g ++w++ g ++w++ g ++w++ g ++ "[ \t\n]*")
      g = "(" ++ t ++ ")"
      t = "[^ \t\n]+"
      w = "[ \t]+"

showFileList :: [ChangedFileSpec] -> String
showFileList files = concat (map (("\n " ++) . show) files)

-- | Return the subdirectory in the pool where a source package would be
-- installed.
poolDir' :: Release -> ChangesFile -> ChangedFileSpec -> FilePath
poolDir' release changes file =
    case S.fieldValue "Source" (changeInfo changes) of
      Nothing -> error "No 'Source' field in .changes file"
      Just source ->
          case releaseRepo release of
             LocalRepo repo -> poolDir repo (section . changedFileSection $ file) source
             x -> error $ "Unexpected repository passed to poolDir': " ++ show x

-- | Move a build result into a local repository's 'incoming' directory.
uploadLocal :: CIO m => LocalRepository -> ChangesFile -> m ()
uploadLocal repo changesFile =
    do let paths = map (\ file -> changeDir changesFile </> changedFileName file) (changeFiles changesFile)
       mapM_ (liftIO . install (outsidePath root)) (Debian.Repo.Changes.path changesFile : paths)
      root = repoRoot repo
      -- Hard link a file into the incoming directory
      install root path =
	  do removeIfExists (dest root path)
	     F.createLink path (dest root path)
             -- F.removeLink path
      dest root path = root ++ "/incoming/" ++ snd (splitFileName path)
      removeIfExists path =
	  do exists <- doesFileExist path
	     if exists then F.removeLink path  else return ()