-- |Types that represent a "slice" of a repository, as defined by a
-- list of DebSource.  This is called a slice because some sections
-- may be omitted, and because different repositories may be combined
-- in the list.
module Debian.Repo.Slice
    ( sourceSlices
    , binarySlices
    , inexactPathSlices
    , releaseSlices
    , appendSliceLists
    , verifySourceLine
    , verifySourcesList
    , repoSources
    , parseNamedSliceList
    , parseNamedSliceList'
    ) where

import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Debian.Control
import Debian.Extra.CIO (vMessage)
import Debian.Repo.IO
import Debian.Repo.LocalRepository
import Debian.Repo.Repository
import Debian.Shell
import Debian.Repo.SourcesList
import Debian.Repo.Types
import Debian.URI
import Extra.Net (webServerDirectoryContents)
import Extra.CIO (CIO, vPutStrBl)
import System.Unix.Process
import System.Directory
import Text.Regex

sourceSlices :: SliceList -> SliceList
sourceSlices = SliceList . filter ((== DebSrc) . sourceType . sliceSource) . slices

binarySlices :: SliceList -> SliceList
binarySlices = SliceList . filter ((== Deb) . sourceType . sliceSource) . slices

inexactPathSlices :: SliceList -> SliceList
inexactPathSlices = SliceList . filter (either (const False) (const True) . sourceDist . sliceSource) . slices

releaseSlices :: ReleaseName -> SliceList -> SliceList
releaseSlices release list =
    SliceList . filter (isRelease . sourceDist . sliceSource) $ (slices list)
    where isRelease = either (const False) (\ (x, _) -> x == release)

appendSliceLists :: [SliceList] -> SliceList
appendSliceLists lists =
    SliceList { slices = concat (map slices lists) }

-- |Examine the repository whose root is at the given URI and return a
-- set of sources that includes all of its releases.  This is used to
-- ensure that a package we want to upload doesn't already exist in
-- the repository.
repoSources :: CIO m => Maybe EnvRoot -> URI -> AptIOT m SliceList
repoSources chroot uri =
    do lift (vPutStrBl 3 $ "repoSources " ++ uriToString' uri)
       dirs <- lift (uriSubdirs chroot (uri {uriPath = uriPath uri ++ "/dists/"}))
       lift (vPutStrBl 3 $ "  dirs: " ++ show dirs)
       releaseFiles <- mapM (lift . readRelease uri) dirs >>= return . catMaybes
       let codenames = map (maybe Nothing (zap (flip elem dirs))) . map (fieldValue "Codename") $ releaseFiles
       lift (vPutStrBl 3 $ "  codenames: " ++ show (catMaybes codenames))
       let sections = map (maybe Nothing (Just . map parseSection' . splitRegex (mkRegex "[ \t,]+")) . fieldValue "Components") $ releaseFiles
       lift (vPutStrBl 3 $ "  sections: " ++ show (catMaybes codenames))
       let result = concat $ map sources . nubBy (\ (a, _) (b, _) -> a == b) . zip codenames $ sections
       lift (vPutStrBl 2 $ "repoSources " ++ uriToString' uri ++ " ->\n [" ++ unwords (map show result) ++ "]")
       mapM (verifyDebSource Nothing) result >>= (\ list -> return $ SliceList { slices = list })
      sources (Just codename, Just components@(_ : _)) =
          [DebSource {sourceType = Deb, sourceUri = uri, sourceDist = Right (parseReleaseName codename, components)},
           DebSource {sourceType = DebSrc, sourceUri = uri, sourceDist = Right (parseReleaseName codename, components)}]
      sources _ = []
      -- Compute the list of sections for each dist on a remote server.
      zap p x = if p x then Just x else Nothing

-- |Return the list of releases in a repository, which is the
-- list of directories in the dists subdirectory.  Currently
-- this is only known to work with Apache.  Note that some of
-- the returned directories may be symlinks.
uriSubdirs :: CIO m => (Maybe EnvRoot) -> URI -> m [String]
uriSubdirs root uri =
    liftIO (dirFromURI uri') >>= either throw return
      uri' = case uriScheme uri of
               "file:" -> uri {uriPath = maybe "" rootPath root ++ (uriPath uri)}
               _ -> uri

readRelease :: CIO m => URI -> String -> m (Maybe Paragraph)
readRelease uri name =
    do output <- liftIO (fileFromURI uri')
       case output of
         Left e -> throw e
         Right s -> case parseControl (show uri') (L.unpack s) of
                      Right (Control [paragraph]) -> return (Just paragraph)
                      _ -> return Nothing
      uri' = uri {uriPath = uriPath uri ++ "/dists/" ++ name ++ "/Release"}

parseNamedSliceList :: CIO m => String -> AptIOT m (Maybe NamedSliceList)
parseNamedSliceList text =
    case matchRegex re text of
      Just [name, sources] ->
          (verifySourcesList Nothing . parseSourcesList) sources >>=
          \ sources -> return . Just $ NamedSliceList { sliceListName = SliceName name
                                                      , sliceList = sources }
      _ -> return Nothing
      re = mkRegexWithOpts "^[ \t\n]*([^ \t\n]+)[ \t\n]+(.*)$" False True

-- |Create ReleaseCache info from an entry in the config file, which
-- includes a dist name and the lines of the sources.list file.
-- This also creates the basic 
parseNamedSliceList' :: CIO m => String -> AptIOT m NamedSliceList
parseNamedSliceList' text =
    -- FIXME: This regexp is too permissive - it will match almost anything
    case matchRegex re text of
      Just [name, sources] -> 
          do sources <- (verifySourcesList Nothing . parseSourcesList) sources
             return $ NamedSliceList { sliceListName = SliceName name, sliceList = sources }
      _ -> error "Syntax error in sources text"
      re = mkRegexWithOpts "^[ \t\n]*([^ \t\n]+)[ \t\n]+(.*)$" False True

verifySourcesList :: CIO m => Maybe EnvRoot -> [DebSource] -> AptIOT m SliceList
verifySourcesList chroot list =
    mapM (verifyDebSource chroot) list >>=
    (\ list -> return $ SliceList { slices = list })

verifySourceLine :: CIO m => Maybe EnvRoot -> String -> AptIOT m Slice
verifySourceLine chroot str = verifyDebSource chroot (parseSourceLine str)

verifyDebSource :: CIO m => Maybe EnvRoot -> DebSource -> AptIOT m Slice
verifyDebSource chroot line =
    do repo <- case uriScheme uri of
                 "file:" -> 
                     let path = EnvPath (maybe (EnvRoot "") id chroot) (uriPath uri) in
                     prepareLocalRepository path Nothing >>= return . LocalRepo
                 _ ->
                     prepareRepository uri
       return $ Slice { sliceRepo = repo, sliceSource = line }
      uri = sourceUri line