-- |Domain independent functions used by the haskell-debian package. module Debian.Extra.Files ( withTemporaryFile ) where import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, liftIO) import System.Directory (getTemporaryDirectory, removeFile) import System.IO (hPutStr, hClose, openBinaryTempFile) withTemporaryFile :: MonadIO m => (FilePath -> m a) -- ^ The function we want to pass a FilePath to -> String -- ^ The text that the file should contain -> m a -- ^ The function's return value withTemporaryFile f text = do path <- liftIO writeTemporaryFile result <- f path liftIO $ removeFile path return result where writeTemporaryFile = do dir <- getTemporaryDirectory (path, h) <- openBinaryTempFile dir "wtf.tmp" hPutStr h text hClose h return path -- Example: write the path of the temporary file and its contents into /tmp/result: -- test = -- withTemporaryFile f "Some text\n" -- where f path = readFile path >>= return . (("Contents of " ++ path ++ ":\n") ++) >>= writeFile "/tmp/result"