Name: debian Version: 3.79.2 License: BSD3 License-File: debian/copyright Author: David Fox , Jeremy Shaw , Clifford Beshers Category: Debian Maintainer: David Fox Homepage: Build-Type: Simple Synopsis: Modules for working with the Debian package system Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 Description: This library includes modules covering some basic data types defined by the Debian policy manual - version numbers, control file syntax, etc. extra-source-files: Test/Main.hs, Test/Changes.hs, Test/Dependencies.hs, Test/SourcesList.hs, Test/VersionPolicy.hs, Test/Versions.hs, Test/Control.hs, debian/changelog, debian/changelog.pre-debian Flag cabal19 Description: True if Cabal >= 1.9 is available Flag listlike Description: Use process-listlike instead of process-extra Default: True Library Build-Depends: ansi-wl-pprint, base >= 4 && < 5, bytestring, bzlib, containers, directory, filepath, HaXml >= 1.20, HUnit, mtl, network >= 2.4, old-locale, parsec >= 2 && <4, pretty, process, pureMD5, regex-compat, regex-tdfa, text, time, unix, Unixutils >= 1.50, utf8-string, zlib if flag(listlike) build-depends: process-listlike else build-depends: process-extras ghc-options: -Wall -O2 if flag(cabal19) build-depends: Cabal >= 1.9 cpp-options: -DCABAL19 else build-depends: Cabal >= 1.8 cpp-options: -DCABAL18 Extensions: ExistentialQuantification CPP Exposed-modules: Debian.Apt.Dependencies, Debian.Apt.Index, Debian.Apt.Methods, Debian.Apt.Package, Debian.Arch, Debian.Changes, Debian.Control, Debian.Control.Common, Debian.Control.PrettyPrint, Debian.Control.ByteString, Debian.Control.String, Debian.Control.Text, Debian.Deb, Debian.Extra.Files, Debian.GenBuildDeps, Debian.Relation, Debian.Relation.ByteString, Debian.Relation.Common, Debian.Relation.String, Debian.Relation.Text, Debian.Release, Debian.Sources, Debian.Version, Debian.Version.ByteString, Debian.Version.Common, Debian.Version.String, Debian.Version.Text, Debian.Report, Debian.Time, Debian.URI, Debian.UTF8, Debian.Util.FakeChanges other-modules: Debian.Version.Internal, Test.Changes, Test.Dependencies, Test.SourcesList, Test.Versions Executable fakechanges Main-is: utils/FakeChanges.hs ghc-options: -threaded -W -O2 Extensions: ExistentialQuantification CPP if flag(cabal19) build-depends: Cabal >= 1.9 cpp-options: -DCABAL19 else build-depends: Cabal >= 1.8 cpp-options: -DCABAL18 Executable debian-report Main-is: utils/Report.hs ghc-options: -threaded -W -O2 C-Sources: cbits/gwinsz.c Include-Dirs: cbits Install-Includes: gwinsz.h Extensions: ExistentialQuantification CPP if flag(cabal19) build-depends: Cabal >= 1.9 cpp-options: -DCABAL19 else build-depends: Cabal >= 1.8 cpp-options: -DCABAL18 Executable apt-get-build-depends Main-is: utils/AptGetBuildDeps.hs ghc-options: -threaded -W -O2 Extensions: ExistentialQuantification CPP if flag(cabal19) build-depends: Cabal >= 1.9 cpp-options: -DCABAL19 else build-depends: Cabal >= 1.8 cpp-options: -DCABAL18 source-repository head type: darcs location: