
-- XXX Although there's nothing wrong with this, nevertheless
-- GSeqable works so well, and is probably more performant,
-- so going to just alias that here.


-- XXX This no longer uses classes, so make sure that's
-- reflected in all comments and documentation (here, and
-- in other places!)...


-- XXX This is finally working -- once I moved to DEPTH_TWO branches,
-- ALL the tests passed, first go! (So nice to see!)
-- BUT (XXX), it would be really great if we can be CERTAIN that
-- all "rnfn 2" calls are INLINED (RECURSIVELY, as it's not deep,
-- in case there was any recursion).
-- Unfortunately, GHC can't inline recursive functions [?],
-- but something should be done, and I hope it's not going
-- back to class/instances here in Seqable...


-- XXX Comments were preliminary, and are a bit rotten...

-- The plan for this is an optimised, specialised version of NFDataN.
-- It will handle only two possible depths (so it takes one Bit of
-- information for it's depth argument, only).
-- I'm not yet certain this will be generally useful, but it
-- is closer to the model of what I would like to see offered
-- by the Haskell RTS itself...
-- Semantically:
--   seq_ :: Bit -> a -> b -> b
--   seq_ 0 x y = deepseqn 1 x y
--   seq_ 1 x y = deepseqn 2 x y
--   seq_ n _ _ = error.
-- The difference is that seq_ has been specialised and optimised
-- for the fact that it's only defined for two, shallow depths.
-- Just enough to prime recursion.
-- This is "only useful" when multiple seq_'s are working
-- in tandem within an extended expression/value.
-- This can be controlled dynamically (see <seqaid> project);
-- and ideally it would be part of the RTS...
-- Another bonus is, all of Seqable.hs and GSeqable.hs [?]
-- are in the HASKELL98_FRAGMENT.


  {-  LANGUAGE CPP #-}  -- specified in .cabal default-extensions

#define DEPTH_TWO 1



  -- Later: I'm not so sure about this, actually; is the arithmetic
  -- on n actually not piling up thunks, without the bang-patterns?
  -- It would be easy to get rid of the bang-patterns.
  -- The Complex instance is done as an example.
  -- If you do go with the case's, probably want -fno-warn-name-shadowing.
  {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
  {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}

  {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

  {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}


-- |
-- Module      :  Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.Seqable
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2014, Andrew G. Seniuk
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Andrew Seniuk <rasfar@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  GHC (uses SOP)
-- This module provides an overloaded function, 'seq_', for efficiently
-- switching between @'forcen' 0@ and @'forcen' 2@.  This is useful for
-- connecting units of forcing (propagating demand).  It was motivated
-- for use with auto-instrumentation, where 'seq_' can be injected
-- at every node of the AST (refer to the <seqaid> project).
-- Each node carries a couple bits of information, determining which
-- depth (0 or 2) is in force, and whether to spark parallel evaluation
-- when the depth is 2.  This state can be configured statically
-- or dynamically.


  module Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.Seqable (

    , force_
    , seq_

    , SeqNodeKind(..)  -- re-export

-- Must await seqaid implementation:
#if 0
    , mkSeqableHarness
--  , initSeqableHarness

  ) where


  import Control.Parallel ( par )

--import Data.Generics ( GenericT, mkT, everywhere )

  import Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.NFDataN
  import Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.Pattern

--import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
--import Data.Data ( Data )

  import Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.Generics.GSeqable
  import Generics.SOP ( Generic )
  import Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.Pattern ( SeqNodeKind(..) )


-- Had to move (to Pattern.hs), due to GHC ongoing restrictions
-- making cyclical imports nearly impossible, even if the
-- dependency graph, of exports actually used, is acyclic.
#if 0
  -- Note that Ord is derived, so the order that the constructors
  -- are listed matters!  (This only affects GHC rules, SFAIK.)
  data SeqNodeKind =
         | Propagate
         | Spark
    deriving ( Eq, Ord )


-- infixr 0 $!!


#if 1
  rnf_ :: forall a. Generic a => SeqNodeKind -> a -> ()
  rnf_ = grnf_
  force_ :: forall a. Generic a => SeqNodeKind -> a -> a
  force_ = gforce_
  seq_ :: forall a b. Generic a => SeqNodeKind -> a -> b -> b
  seq_ = gseq_
  rnf_ = grnf_ :: forall a. Generic a => SeqNodeKind -> a -> ()
  force_ = gforce_ :: forall a. Generic a => SeqNodeKind -> a -> a
  seq_ = gseq_ :: forall a b. Generic a => SeqNodeKind -> a -> b -> b


  rnf_ :: NFDataN a => SeqNodeKind -> a -> ()
  rnf_ Insulate     a  =                ()
  rnf_ Propagate    a  = rnfn 2 a `seq` ()
  rnf_ {-Spark-}_   a  = rnfn 2 a `par` ()
  rnf_ {-Propagate-}_ a  = rnfn 2 a `seq` ()


  force_ :: NFDataN a => SeqNodeKind -> a -> a
  force_ Insulate     a  =                a
  force_ Propagate    a  = rnfn 2 a `seq` a
  force_ {-Spark-}_   a  = rnfn 2 a `par` a
  force_ {-Propagate-}_ a  = rnfn 2 a `seq` a


  seq_ :: NFDataN a => SeqNodeKind -> a -> b -> b
  seq_ Insulate     a b  =                b
  seq_ Propagate    a b  = rnfn 2 a `seq` b
  seq_ {-Spark-}_   a b  = rnfn 2 a `par` b
  seq_ {-Propagate-}_ a b  = rnfn 2 a `seq` b

