
  {-  LANGUAGE CPP #-}


-- |
-- Module      :  Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.NFDataP
-- Copyright   :  Andrew G. Seniuk 2014-2015
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Andrew Seniuk <rasfar@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module provides an overloaded function, 'deepseqp', for partially
-- (or fully) evaluating data structures to bounded depth via pattern
-- matching on term shape, and on class, type, and constructor names.
-- There are two ways to use this API.
--  (1) You can use the 'PatNode' constructors directly.
--  (2) You can compile your patterns from strings in a concise
--      embedded language.
-- There's no difference in expressive power, but use of the DSL
-- is recommended, because the embedded 'Pattern' compiler can catch
-- some errors that GHC cannot (using 'PatNode' constructors explicitly).
-- Also, the pattern strings are easier to read and write.
-- With some qualifications (concerning 'WI' nodes, and 'PatNodeAttrs'
-- configuration), composition fuses, and what's more, it's commutative...
-- __Motivation__
-- A typical use is to ensure any exceptions hidden within lazy
-- fields of a data structure do not leak outside the scope of the
-- exception handler; another is to force evaluation of a data structure in
-- one thread, before passing it to another thread (preventing work moving
-- to the wrong threads). Unlike <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/deepseq/docs/Control-DeepSeq.html DeepSeq>, potentially infinite values of coinductive
-- data types are supported by principled bounding of deep evaluation.
-- It is also useful for diagnostic purposes when trying to understand
-- and manipulate space\/time trade-offs in lazy code,
-- and as an optimal substitute for 'deepseq'
-- (where \"optimal\" doesn't include changing the code to remove
-- the need for artificial forcing!).
-- 'deepseqp' with optimal patterns is usually a better solution
-- even than stict fields in your data structures, because the
-- latter will behave strictly everywhere the constructors
-- are used, instead of just where its laziness is problematic.
-- There may be possible applications to the prevention of resource leaks
-- in lazy streaming, but I'm not certain.
-- __Semantics__
-- (For additional details, see "Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.Pattern".)
-- 'deepseqp' and friends artifically force evaluation of a term
-- so long as the pattern matches.
-- A mismatch occurs at a pattern node when the corresponding constructor node either:
--  * has arity different than the number of subpatterns (only when subpatterns given)
--  * has class\/type\/name not named in the constraint (only when constraint given)
-- A mismatch will cause evaluation down that branch to stop, but any
-- upstream matching/forcing will continue uninterrupted.
-- / (This behaviour can now be changed with 'PatNodeAttrs', available since 0.6.) /
-- Note that patterns may extend beyond the values they match against,
-- without incurring any mismatch. This semantics is not the only
-- possible, but bear in mind that order of evaluation is nondeterministic,
-- barring further measures.
-- / (This behaviour can also now be changed with 'PatNodeAttrs'.) /
-- See also <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/deepseq-bounded- NFDataPDyn> for another approach, which dynamically
-- generates forcing patterns, and can depend on value info
-- (in addition to type info).
-- / (These dynamic aspects never received the attention I intended to give them, I got so caught up in seqaid, which offers similar features. Hopefully actual use of these tools in the near future will give me some perspective on whether/
-- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/deepseq-bounded- NFDataPDyn> /should get attention.) /
-- |
-- Module      :  Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.NFDataP
-- Copyright   :  Andrew G. Seniuk 2014-2015
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Andrew Seniuk <rasfar@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module provides an overloaded function, 'deepseqp', for partially
-- (or fully) evaluating data structures to bounded depth via pattern
-- matching on term shape, and on class, type, and constructor names.
-- There are two ways to use this API.
--  (1) You can use the 'PatNode' constructors directly.
--  (2) You can compile your patterns from strings in a concise
--      embedded language.
-- There's no difference in expressive power, but use of the DSL
-- is recommended, because the embedded 'Pattern' compiler can catch
-- some errors that GHC cannot (using 'PatNode' constructors explicitly).
-- Also, the pattern strings are easier to read and write.
-- __Motivation__
-- A typical use is to ensure any exceptions hidden within lazy
-- fields of a data structure do not leak outside the scope of the
-- exception handler; another is to force evaluation of a data structure in
-- one thread, before passing it to another thread (preventing work moving
-- to the wrong threads). Unlike "DeepSeq", potentially infinite values of coinductive
-- data types are supported by principled bounding of deep evaluation.
-- It is also useful for diagnostic purposes when trying to understand
-- and manipulate space\/time trade-offs in lazy code,
-- and as an optimal substitute for 'deepseq'
-- (where \"optimal\" doesn't include changing the code to remove
-- the need for artificial forcing!).
-- 'deepseqp' with optimal patterns is usually a better solution
-- even than stict fields in your data structures, because the
-- latter will behave strictly everywhere the constructors
-- are used, instead of just where its laziness is problematic.
-- There may be possible applications to the prevention of resource leaks
-- in lazy streaming, but I'm not certain.
-- __Semantics__
-- (For additional details, see "Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.Pattern".)
-- 'deepseqp' and friends artifically force evaluation of a term
-- so long as the pattern matches.
-- A mismatch occurs at a pattern node when the corresponding constructor node either:
--  * has arity different than the number of subpatterns (only when subpatterns given)
--  * has class\/type\/name not named in the constraint (only when constraint given)
-- A mismatch will cause evaluation down that branch to stop, but any
-- upstream matching/forcing will continue uninterrupted.
-- Note that patterns may extend beyond the values they match against,
-- without incurring any mismatch. This semantics is not the only
-- possible, but bear in mind that order of evaluation is nondeterministic,
-- barring further measures.
-- See also "NFDataPDyn" for another approach, which dynamically
-- generates forcing patterns, and can depend on value info
-- (in addition to type info).


  module Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.NFDataP


     -- * Pattern-bounded analogues of 'deepseq' and 'force'

       deepseqp, forcep    -- take String arg (pattern DSL)

     -- * Avoid DSL compilation overhead
     -- However, we don't anticipate that this overhead would be
     -- significant in most applications, because using <deepseq-bounded>
     -- in a tight loop would only be done for diagnostic purposes.

     , deepseqp_, forcep_  -- take Pattern structure arg

     -- * A custom exception, raised by choice 'PatNode's, that can be caught in the caller

     , DeepSeqBounded_PingException(..)

     -- * Related modules re-exported

     , module Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.Pattern
     , module Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.PatUtil  -- actually exports former

     -- * Class of things that can be evaluated over an arbitrary finite pattern

     , NFDataP(..)

     -- * Shared with GNFDataP (internal use)

     , handleAttrs  -- used by GNFDataP at least


     -- * Pattern-bounded analogues of 'deepseq' and 'force'

       deepseqp, forcep    -- take String arg (pattern DSL)

     -- * Avoid DSL compilation overhead
     -- However, we don't anticipate that this overhead would be
     -- significant in most applications, because using <deepseq-bounded>
     -- in a tight loop would only be done for diagnostic purposes.

     , deepseqp_, forcep_  -- take Pattern structure arg

#if 0
       -- Don't bother, really.
     , deepseqpM, forcepM  -- return lifted argument so can cope with bottom
     , deepseqpM_, forcepM_

     -- * Related modules re-exported

     , module Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.Pattern
     , module Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.PatUtil  -- actually exports former

     -- * Class of things that can be evaluated over an arbitrary finite pattern

     , NFDataP(..)


---     module Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.NFDataP_new_grammar  ,
--- #else
---     module Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.NFDataP_old_grammar  ,
--- #endif



  import Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.NFDataP_new_grammar
  import Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.NFDataP_old_grammar

  -- Necessity seems like a Haddock bug, as it is both imported
  -- and exported by PatUtil_{old,new}_*.hs.
  import Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.Pattern
  import Control.DeepSeq.Bounded.PatUtil
