------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is a pared-down version of Blah.hs, for testing -- deepseq-bounded when built with the HASKELL98_FRAGMENT -- flag set. See Blah.hs for comments and other "flesh". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define FOCUS_TEST 0 #define USE_TRACE 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Blah98_old_grammar ( run_tests ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Foo import Control.DeepSeq.Bounded hiding ( F ) import Data.Maybe import Control.Exception --import Control.Monad ( guard ) import Control.Monad ( replicateM ) import Control.Monad ( when ) import Data.Typeable ( Typeable ) import Data.Typeable ( typeOf ) --import Util ( spoor ) import Debug.Trace ( trace ) import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Typeable ( Proxy(..) ) import Data.List ( intercalate ) import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For convenience in GHCi interactive sessions: cp = compilePat ip = intersectPats isp = subPat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run_tests :: IO Int run_tests = do putStr "\n" -- So can notice the start when scrollback, esp. in ghci reload/reruns. -- replicateM 50 $ putStrLn "################################################################################" putStrLn "\nTesting.\n" #if ! FOCUS_TEST #if 1 -- let shp s = s ++ replicate (30 - length s) ' ' ++ show (compilePat s) let shp s = unsafePerformIO $ catch ( return $! force $ s ++ replicate (30 - length s) ' ' ++ show (compilePat s) ) ( \e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) return err ) putStrLn "Pattern Compiles to" -- putStrLn $ shp "" -- empty pattern syntax error putStrLn $ shp "*" -- Node WW [] -- putStrLn $ shp "@" -- Node WS [] -- obsoleted (use "." w/o children) putStrLn $ shp "#" -- Node I [] -- no parent to absorb (should be error) putStrLn $ shp "." -- Node WS [] -- putStrLn $ shp "**" -- Node WS [] -- "disconnected pattern (not rooted)" -- putStrLn $ shp ".*" -- Node WS [] -- "disconnected pattern (not rooted)" -- putStrLn $ shp "*." -- Node WS [] -- "disconnected pattern (not rooted)" putStrLn $ shp ".{}" -- Node WR [] putStrLn $ shp ".{*}" -- Node WR [Node WW []] putStrLn $ shp ".{**}" -- Node WR [Node WW [],Node WW []] putStrLn $ shp ".{.*}" -- Node WR [Node WS [],Node WW []] putStrLn $ shp ".{#.}" -- Node WR [Node I [],Node WS []] putStrLn $ shp ".{#{#}}" -- Node WR [Node I []] with warning putStrLn $ shp ".{.{#}}" -- Node WR [Node WR [Node I []]] putStrLn $ shp ".{*#*#*#**#*#*}" -- looks fine putStrLn $ shp ".{*#.{*#.{*#}*}*{#*}#*}" -- warning about *{...} putStrLn $ shp ".{*#.{*#.{*#}*}*#*}" -- putStrLn $ shp ".{*#.{*#.{*#}*}{*}{#*}#*}" -- }{ syntax error -- [old comment for that last:] NodeM WR [NodeM WW [],Nil,NodeM WR [NodeM WW [],Nil,NodeM WR [NodeM WW [],Nil],NodeM WW [],NodeM WW [],Nil,NodeM WW []],Nil,NodeM WW []] -- was wrong but is fixed I think putStrLn $ shp ".{.*.{*23*}}" #endif #if 1 let test_patterns10 = [ (4, "") -- syntax error , (4, ".##") -- syntax error (disconnected pattern) , (1, ".{.##}") -- fail , (5, ".{.{}#{}#{}}") , (2, "*") , (2, ".{***}") , (1, ".{###}") , (1, ".{*##}") , (2, ".{**#}") , (2, ".{##*}") -- Remember, [a] is a recursive binary ctor app!... -- The next four tests give instance errors for [a], but if -- testing expTG_* (GNFDataP/grnfp) then it's no longer a list... , (13, ".{..{*#*}#}") , (13, ".{..{*###}#}") , (13, ".{..{*####}#}") , (23, ".{..{*####}.}") , (2, ".{..{*#}*}") , (1, ".{..{*#}#}") , (1, ".{..{*.{#*}}#}") , (2, ".{..{*.{*#}}#}") , (13, ".{..{.{..{#*}}}#}") -- See above comment about [a] instance , (2, ".{#.{..{..{#*}}}#}") -- (See Book, p.84.) , (1, ".{..{..{#.{..}}}#}") , (1, ".{..{..{#*}}#}") , (1, ".{*.{*.{#*}}#}") , (2, ".{##*}") , (2, ".{*#*}") , (1, ".:Tuple3{*.{*.{#*}}#}") -- oops... , (1, ".:(,,){*.{*.{#*}}#}") , (2, ".:(,,){*.{*.{.*}}#}") , (1, ".:Bool{***}") -- XXX makes no sense (but works) -- oh well; -- this is an important point to note in -- docs/blog also... , (1, "*:Bool") , (2, "*:(,,)") , (2, ".{*#.}") , (2, ".{*#.:Bool}") -- XXX this gives parse error on 2nd . , (2, ".{*#.:Bool{}}") -- XXX this gives no parse error; if it does what -- it says, it will only match a childless Bool node , (1, ".{*#.:Int{}}") -- still need to implement # when not in type , (1, ".{*#.:(,){}}") -- still need to implement # when not in type , (1, ".{*#.:Int }") -- still need to implement # when not in type , (1, ".{*#.:Int'}") -- still need to implement # when not in type , (1, ".{*##:Bool}") , (2, ".{*##:Int}") , (2, ".{*##:(,)}") , (1, ".{*##:Bool{}}") , (2, ".{*##:Int{}}") , (2, ".{*##:(,){}}") , (1, ".{**2#}") , (2, ".{**3#}") , (1, ".{*#:G2{}#}") , (1, ".{*#:Int{}#}") ] doit14 True test_patterns10 -- doit10 True test_patterns10 #endif #endif --------------------------------------------- -- Later: Oh! Don't be silly -- it's all compile-time, and the -- size or shape of the list is irrelevant -- which rules -- will fire depends on THIS FILE'S SOURCE CODE (not it's -- data, including static values)! -- XXX Even with empty list, the same rule firings occur!... -- If comment out this block however, the rules do not fire! #if 1 -- Testing composition and union: let test_patterns11 = [ (1, ".", ".") , (2, ".", "*") , (2, "*", ".") , (2, "*", "*") , (2, ".{...}", ".{*..}") , (2, ".{*..}", ".{..*}") , (2, ".{.*#}", ".{.#.}") ] doit11 True test_patterns11 #endif #if 1 -- Testing splicePats let test_patterns12 = [ #if 1 (1, ".", [], [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{}", [], [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".", [0], [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", [], [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", [0], [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", [2], [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", [], [(0,"*"),(0,"#")]) , (1, ".{..}", [], [(0,"*"),(1,"#")]) , (1, ".{..}", [], [(1,"#"),(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", [], [(0,"*"),(2,"#")]) , (1, ".{..}", [], [(2,"*"),(2,"#"),(2,"#")]) , (1, ".{..}", [], [(-1,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", [], [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", [], [(1,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", [], [(2,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", [], [(3,"*")]) , (1, ".{..{..}.}", [1], [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{..{..}.}", [1], [(0,"*3"),(1,"#"),(2,"*")]) , (1, ".{..{..}.}", [1,0], [(0,"*"),(0,"#")]) , (1, ".{.{...}.{.{}.}.}", [1], [(0,"*"),(0,"#")]) , (1, ".{.{...}.{.{}.}.}", [1,0], [(0,"*"),(0,"#")]) , (1, ".{.{###}.{.{}#}#}", [1,0], [(0,"*"),(0,"#")]) , (1, ".{.:(,,){###}.{.{}#}#}", [1,0], [(0,"*"),(0,"#")]) #else (1, ".", ".{}", [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{}", ".{}", [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".", ".{.{}}", [(0,"*")]) -- added later, did uncover a bug! (irrefutable pattern failure) , (1, ".{..}", ".{}", [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", ".{.{}}", [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", ".{...{}}", [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", ".{}", [(0,"*"),(0,"#")]) , (1, ".{..}", ".{}", [(0,"*"),(1,"#")]) , (1, ".{..}", ".{}", [(1,"#"),(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", ".{}", [(0,"*"),(2,"#")]) , (1, ".{..}", ".{}", [(2,"*"),(2,"#"),(2,"#")]) , (1, ".{..}", ".{}", [(-1,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", ".{}", [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", ".{}", [(1,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", ".{}", [(2,"*")]) , (1, ".{..}", ".{}", [(3,"*")]) , (1, ".{..{..}.}", ".{..{}.}", [(0,"*")]) , (1, ".{..{..}.}", ".{..{}.}", [(0,"*3"),(1,"#"),(2,"*")]) , (1, ".{..{..}.}", ".{..{.{}.}.}", [(0,"*"),(0,"#")]) , (1, ".{..{..}.}", ".{..{.{}}}", [(0,"*"),(0,"#")]) , (1, ".{.{...}.{.{}.}.}", ".{..{}}", [(0,"*"),(0,"#")]) , (1, ".{.{...}.{.{}.}.}", ".{..{.{}}}", [(0,"*"),(0,"#")]) , (1, ".{.{###}.{.{}#}#}", ".{..{.{}}}", [(0,"*"),(0,"#")]) , (1, ".{.:(,,){###}.{.{}#}#}", ".{..{.{}}}", [(0,"*"),(0,"#")]) #endif ] doit12 True test_patterns12 #endif #if ! FOCUS_TEST #if 1 -- Testing anything else we can with a single function! -- (Getting sick of this cloning.) -- Functions are listed in (current) export order. -- Things still needing testing are >'d. -- Things tested but failing some tests have a *. -- -- XXX Wow does this ever look cleaner with "Pat" instead of "Pattern"!... -- Fortunately splicePats is already tested separately; the rest -- we need to test deal only in Pat args (or list of same), so -- we can pass a couple [Pat] to test13 along with an Int code -- to control delegation. -- 1 unionPats :: [ Pat ] -> Pat -- 2 intersectPats :: [ Pat ] -> Pat -- 3 subPat :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool -- -- 4 unionPatsStr :: [ String ] -> String -- 5 emptyPat :: Pat -- -- 6 mkPat :: forall d. Data d => d -> Pat -- -- 7 growPat :: forall d. Data d => Pat -> d -> Pat -- 8 shrinkPat :: Pat -> Pat -- 9 liftPats :: [ Pat ] -> Pat -- 10 splicePats :: Pat -> Pat -> [(Int, Pat)] -> Pat -- 11 isPath :: Pat -> Bool let test_patterns13 = [ ( 1, [".{...}", ".{.#}"], "") , ( 2, [".{...}", ".{.#}"], "") , ( 3, [".", "."], "True") , ( 3, ["#", "#"], "True") , ( 3, ["*", "*"], "True") , ( 3, [".", ".{}"], "True") , ( 3, [".{}", "."], "False") , ( 3, [".{}", ".{.}"], "False") , ( 3, [".{.}", ".{.}"], "True") , ( 3, [".{.}", ".{..}"], "False") , ( 3, [".{.}", ".{.{.}}"], "True") , ( 3, [".{..}", ".{.#}"], "False") , ( 3, [".{.#}", ".{..}"], "True") , ( 3, [".{..}", ".{...}"], "False") , ( 3, [".{}", ".{...}"], "False") , ( 3, [".", ".{*.#}"], "True") , ( 3, ["#", ".{*.#}"], "True") , ( 3, ["*", ".{*.#}"], "False") , ( 3, ["*", ".{*}"], "False") , ( 3, ["*", ".{**}"], "False") , ( 4, [".{...}", ".{.#}"], "") , ( 5, [".{...}", ".{.#}"], "") #if 0 , ( 6, [".{...}", ".{.#}"], "") -- matching against val = ([1,2,3::Int],(False,"foo")) -- mkPat val = ".{.{..{..{..}}}.{..{..{..{..}}}}}" #endif #if 0 , ( 7, [".{.{..{..}}.{..{..}}}"], "") , ( 7, [".{.{..{..{..}}}.{..{..{..}}}}"], "") , ( 7, [".{.{..{..{..}}}.{..{..{..{..}}}}}"], "") #endif , ( 8, [".{.{..{..{..}}}.{..{..{..{..}}}}}"], "") , ( 8, [".{.{..{..{..}}}.{..{..{..}}}}"], "") , ( 8, [".{.{..{..}}.{..{..}}}"], "") , ( 8, [".{.{#.{..}}.{#.{*3.}}}"], "") , ( 8, [".{.{#.}.{#.}}"], "") , ( 8, [".{..}"], "") , ( 8, ["."], "") , ( 9, [".{...}", ".{.#}"], "") , (10, [".{...}", ".{.#}"], "") , (11, [".{...}", ".{.#}"], "") ] putStrLn "====================================================" putStrLn "Testing miscellaneous NFDataP functions..." doit13 True test_patterns13 #endif #if 1 -- Testing fusion putStrLn "\nTesting fusion\n-fenable-rewrite-rules -O -ddump-rules -ddump-simpl-stats -ddump-rule-firings\n" let exp12 = (3.4, [5,__,7], __) :: (Float, [Int], Bool) let get12 (_,xs,_) = (xs!!2) putStrLn $ show $ get12 $ ( forcep ".:Bool{}" . forcep ".:Int{}" ) exp12 putStrLn $ show $ get12 $ ( forcep ".:Bool{}" . forcep_ (compilePat ".:Int{}") ) exp12 putStrLn $ show $ get12 $ ( forcep_ (compilePat ".:Bool{}") . forcep ".:Int{}" ) exp12 putStrLn $ show $ get12 $ ( forcep_ (compilePat ".:Bool{}") . forcep_ (compilePat ".:Int{}") ) exp12 #endif #if 1 putStrLn $ intercalate "\n" [ "" , "expN_1 = [__] :: [Int]" , "expN_2 = [0,1,__,3] :: [Int]" , "expN_3 = (3.4, [5,__,7], True) :: (Float, [Int], Bool)" , "expN_4 = (3.4, [5,__,7], __) :: (Float, [Int], Bool)" , "" , "getN_1 xs = show $ ()" -- , "getN_1 xs = show $ head xs" -- , "getN_2 xs = show $ (xs!!1)" , "getN_2 xs = show $ (xs!!3)" , "getN_3 (_,xs,_) = show $ (xs!!2)" ] doit5 1 0 1 "" >>= putStrLn doit6 1 0 1 "" >>= putStrLn doit7 1 0 1 "" >>= putStrLn doit8 1 0 1 "" >>= putStrLn #if 0 doit9 >>= putStrLn -- XXX broken (whatever it is) #endif #endif #if 0 s4 <- doit4 1 0 1 "" putStrLn s4 #endif #if 0 putStrLn $ "" ++ "expBase1 = ([True,False],3,Just \"fox\") :: ([Bool],Int,Maybe String)\n" ++ "expBase2 = ([True,False],__,Just \"fox\") :: ([Bool],Int,Maybe String)\n" ++ "expBase3 = ([True,__],3,Just \"fox\") :: ([Bool],Int,Maybe String)\n" ++ "expBase4 = ([True,__],3,Just __) :: ([Bool],Int,Maybe String)\n" ++ "expBase5 = ([True,False],3,Just ['f',__,'x']) :: ([Bool],Int,Maybe String)\n" ++ "expBase6 = ([True,False],3,Just __) :: ([Bool],Int,Maybe String)\n" ++ "get1 ((x:_),_,_) = x -- True\n" ++ "get2 (_,x,_) = x -- 3\n" ++ "get3 (_,_,x) = fromJust x -- \"fox\"\n" ++ "get4 (_,_,Just (x:_)) = x -- 'f'\n" s1 <- doit1 1 1 1 "" putStrLn s1 #endif #endif return 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hline :: String hline = "----------------------------------------------------\n" hdline :: String hdline = "====================================================\n" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doit1 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO String doit1 i j k acc -- this glitch (the exception that seemingly escapes my catch) -- happens just for these combos (and for all j): -- | i == 3 && k == 4 = doit1 (1+i) j k acc -- trying to avoid a glitch... -- | i == 3 && k == 5 = doit1 (1+i) j k acc -- trying to avoid a glitch... -- | i == 3 && j < 4 && k == 5 = doit1 (1+i) j k acc -- trying to avoid a glitch... | k == 7 = return acc | j == 6 = doit1 1 1 (1+k) acc | i == 5 = doit1 1 (1+j) k acc | otherwise = do fexp <- catch -- The semantics of the !'s here are not what they were, -- since forcing in some places. [?] But at least the -- first one seems definitely still needed... -- LATER: The second one is also needed, finally seen! -- (It is needed for a version of getE _ = "getee", only.) -- XXX I'm just not sure whether the second ! is better -- to leave in or leave out... ( return $! get $! forcen dep exp ) (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) -- doit1 (1+i) j k $! force $ acc doit1 (1+i) j k $! acc -- doit1 (1+i) j k $ acc ++ "( get" ++ show i ++ " $ forcen " ++ show dep ++ " expBase" ++ show k ++ " ) " ++ fexp ++ "\n" where exp = case k of 1 -> expBase1 2 -> expBase2 3 -> expBase3 4 -> expBase4 5 -> expBase5 6 -> expBase6 get = case i of 1 -> get1 2 -> get2 -- 3 -> unsafePerformIO . get3 -- yeesh!... -- 3 -> get3 3 -> get3 (i,j,k) 4 -> get4 dep = j #if 0 -- XXX All this fuss to deal with the case that the -- entire argument m is undefined (or whatever is going -- for "undefined" at the moment...) -- but, none of -- the expBase[1-5] have this! ch. myFromJust :: Maybe a -> IO (Either () a) myFromJust m = do putStrLn "Boo!" catch (myFromJust' m) (\e -> do putStrLn $! show (e::BottomedOut) putStrLn "HERE!" return $! Left ()) myFromJust' :: Maybe a -> IO (Either () a) myFromJust' Nothing = do -- throw BottomedOut return $! Left () myFromJust' (Just x) = return $! Right x --myFromJust _ = throw BottomedOut #endif -------------------------------- #if 0 doit2 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO String doit2 i j k acc -- | k == 2 = {- trace (show (i,j,k)) $ -} return acc -- | k == 7 = return acc | k == 27 = return acc -- | k == 21 = return acc -- | k == 5 = return acc -- | j == 15 = doit2 1 0 (1+k) acc | j == 11 = {- trace (show (i,j,k)) $ -} doit2 1 0 (1+k) acc -- | j == 8 = {- trace (show (i,j,k)) $ -} doit2 1 0 (1+k) acc -- | j == 3 = {- trace (show (i,j,k)) $ -} doit2 1 0 (1+k) acc #if USE_TRACE | i == 2 = trace ("End of " ++ show (i,j',k')) $ doit2 1 (1+j) k acc -- | i == 3 = trace ("End of " ++ show (i,j',k')) $ doit2 1 (1+j) k acc #else | i == 2 = doit2 1 (1+j) k acc -- | i == 3 = doit2 1 (1+j) k acc #endif | otherwise = do fexp <- catch ( return $! get $! forcen dep exp ) -- ( return $! get $! forcen dep exp ) -- ErrorCall if use __ = undefined -- BottomedOut if use __ = throw BottomedOut (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) doit2 (1+i) j k $! acc ++ "( getB_" ++ show i ++ " $ forcen " ++ show dep ++ (if dep < 10 then " " else "") ++ " expTB_" ++ show (k'-6) ++ " ) " -- ++ "( getB_" ++ show i ++ " $ forcen " ++ show dep ++ (if dep < 10 then " " else "") ++ " expBase" ++ show k' ++ " ) " ++ fexp ++ "\n" where exp = case k' of 7 -> expBase7 8 -> expBase8 9 -> expBase9 10 -> expBase10 11 -> expBase11 12 -> expBase12 13 -> expBase13 14 -> expBase14 15 -> expBase15 16 -> expBase16 17 -> expBase17 18 -> expBase18 19 -> expBase19 20 -> expBase20 21 -> expBase20 -- fudge it!! 22 -> expBase22 23 -> expBase23 24 -> expBase24 25 -> expBase25 26 -> expBase26 27 -> expBase27 28 -> expBase28 29 -> expBase29 30 -> expBase30 31 -> expBase31 32 -> expBase32 get = case i of 1 -> if k' >= 27 then getB_3 else getB_1 2 -> getB_2 dep = j' j' = j -- j' = j+11 -- k' = k+26 k' = k+6 #endif #if 0 doit3 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO String doit3 i j k acc | k == 2 = return acc | j == 8 = {- trace (show (i,j,k)) $ -} doit3 1 1 (1+k) acc #if USE_TRACE | i == 2 = trace ("End of " ++ show (i,j',k')) $ doit3 1 (1+j) k acc #else | i == 2 = doit3 1 (1+j) k acc #endif | otherwise = do fexp <- catch ( return $! get $! forcen dep exp ) -- ErrorCall if use __ = undefined -- BottomedOut if use __ = throw BottomedOut (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) doit3 (1+i) j k $! acc ++ "( getB_" ++ show i ++ " $ forcen " ++ show dep ++ " expBase" ++ show k' ++ " ) " ++ fexp ++ "\n" where exp = case k' of 21 -> expBase21 get = case i of 1 -> getA dep = j' i' = i j' = j k' = k+20 #endif #if 0 doit4 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO String doit4 i j k acc -- | k == 2 = return acc | k == 4 = return acc | j == 8 = {- trace (show (i,j,k)) $ -} doit4 1 0 (1+k) acc #if USE_TRACE | i == 2 = trace ("End of " ++ show (i,j',k')) $ doit4 1 (1+j) k acc #else | i == 2 = doit4 1 (1+j) k acc #endif | otherwise = do fexp <- catch ( return $! get $! forcen dep exp ) -- ErrorCall if use __ = undefined -- BottomedOut if use __ = throw BottomedOut (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) doit4 (1+i) j k $! acc ++ "( getE $ forcen " ++ show dep ++ " expTE_" ++ show k' ++ " ) " ++ fexp ++ "\n" where exp = case k' of 1 -> expTE_1 2 -> expTE_2 3 -> expTE_3 get = case i of 1 -> getE dep = j' i' = i j' = j k' = k #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doit5 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO String doit5 i j k acc | k == 2 = return acc | j == 5 = {- trace (show (i,j,k)) $ -} doit5 1 0 (1+k) acc #if USE_TRACE | i == 2 = trace ("End of " ++ show (i,j',k')) $ doit5 1 (1+j) k acc #else | i == 2 = doit5 1 (1+j) k acc #endif | otherwise = do fexp <- catch ( return $! get $! forcen dep exp ) -- ErrorCall if use __ = undefined -- BottomedOut if use __ = throw BottomedOut (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) doit5 (1+i) j k $! acc ++ "forcen " ++ show dep ++ " expN_" ++ show k' ++ " `seq` () = " ++ fexp ++ "\n" where exp = case k' of 1 -> expN_1 get = case i of 1 -> getN_1 dep = j' i' = i j' = j k' = k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doit6 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO String doit6 i j k acc | k == 2 = return acc | j == 5 = {- trace (show (i,j,k)) $ -} doit6 1 0 (1+k) acc #if USE_TRACE | i == 2 = trace ("End of " ++ show (i',j',k')) $ doit6 1 (1+j) k acc #else | i == 2 = doit6 1 (1+j) k acc #endif | otherwise = do fexp <- catch ( return $! get $! forcen dep exp ) -- ErrorCall if use __ = undefined -- BottomedOut if use __ = throw BottomedOut (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) doit6 (1+i) j k $! acc ++ "getN_" ++ show i' ++" $ forcen " ++ show dep ++ " expN_" ++ show k' ++ " = " ++ fexp ++ "\n" where exp = case k' of _ -> expN_2 get = case i of _ -> getN_2 dep = j' i' = i+1 j' = j k' = k+1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doit7 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO String doit7 i j k acc | k == 2 = return acc | j == 5 = {- trace (show (i,j,k)) $ -} doit7 1 0 (1+k) acc #if USE_TRACE | i == 2 = trace ("End of " ++ show (i',j',k')) $ doit7 1 (1+j) k acc #else | i == 2 = doit7 1 (1+j) k acc #endif | otherwise = do fexp <- catch ( return $! get $! forcen dep exp ) -- ErrorCall if use __ = undefined -- BottomedOut if use __ = throw BottomedOut (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) doit7 (1+i) j k $! acc ++ "getN_" ++ show i' ++" $ forcen " ++ show dep ++ " expN_" ++ show k' ++ " = " ++ fexp ++ "\n" where exp = case k' of _ -> expN_3 get = case i of _ -> getN_3 dep = j' i' = i+2 j' = j k' = k+2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doit8 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO String doit8 i j k acc | k == 2 = return acc | j == 5 = {- trace (show (i,j,k)) $ -} doit8 1 0 (1+k) acc #if USE_TRACE | i == 2 = trace ("End of " ++ show (i',j',k')) $ doit8 1 (1+j) k acc #else | i == 2 = doit8 1 (1+j) k acc #endif | otherwise = do fexp <- catch ( return $! get $! forcen dep exp ) -- ErrorCall if use __ = undefined -- BottomedOut if use __ = throw BottomedOut (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) doit8 (1+i) j k $! acc ++ "getN_" ++ show i' ++" $ forcen " ++ show dep ++ " expN_" ++ show k' ++ " = " ++ fexp ++ "\n" where exp = case k' of _ -> expN_4 get = case i of _ -> getN_3 dep = j' i' = i+2 j' = j k' = k+3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 #if 0 expP_1 = (3.4, [5,__,7], __) :: (Float, [Int], Bool) patP_1 = Node (TR [typeOf ((__,__,__)::(Float, [Int], Bool))]) [ Node (TR [typeOf (__::Bool)]) [] -- [ Node (TR [typeOf (__::Float)]) [] -- [ Node (NTR [typeOf (__::Bool)]) [] -- [ Node (NTR [typeOf (__::Float)]) [] -- , Node WS [] , Node (TW [typeOf ([__]::[Int])]) [] -- , Node (TR [typeOf ([__]::[Int])]) [] -- , Node (TR [typeOf ([__]::[Int])]) [ Node WS [], Node WS [] ] -- why not? , Node WW [] -- , Node I [] ] getP_1 (_,xs,_) = show $ (xs!!2) #endif doit9 :: IO String doit9 = do #if 0 putStrLn $ intercalate "\n" [ "" , "expP_1 = (3.4, [5,__,7], __) :: (Float, [Int], Bool)" , "patP_1 = Node (T [typeOf ((__,__,__)::(Float, [Int], Bool))])" , " [ Node W []" , " , Node (T [typeOf ([__]::[Int])]) []" , " , Node I []" , " ]" , "getP_1 (_,xs,_) = show $ (xs!!2)" ] putStrLn "getP_1 $ forcep patP_1 expP_1" #endif s <- catch ( return $! getP_1 $! forcep patP_1 expP_1 ) -- ( return $! getP_2 $! forcep patP_2 expP_2 ) -- ( return $! getP_3 $! forcep patP_3 expP_3 ) -- ErrorCall if use __ = undefined -- BottomedOut if use __ = throw BottomedOut (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) return s #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doit10 :: Bool -> [(Int,String)] -> IO () doit10 _ [] = do putStrLn "----------------------------------------------------" return () doit10 b ((code,patstr):t) = do let expect = case code of 1 -> "7" 2 -> "Prelude.undefined" 3 -> "pattern-match failure" 4 -> "syntax error" 5 -> "7 (but \"# with subpattern\" warning)" 6 -> "7 (but \"constraint/subpattern arity mismatch\" warning)" 13 -> "7 (but with pattern-match failure warning)" 23 -> "Prelude.undefined (but with pattern-match failure warning)" _ -> error $ "doit10: unexpected code " ++ show code s <- catch ( do let exp = (3.4, [5,__,7], __) :: (Float, [Int], Bool) let pat = compilePat patstr let get (_,xs,_) = show $ (xs!!2) if b then do putStrLn "====================================================" putStrLn "exp = (3.4, [5,__,7], __) :: (Float, [Int], Bool)" putStrLn "get (_,xs,_) = show $ (xs!!2)" putStrLn "? = get $ forcep patstr exp" putStrLn "====================================================" else do putStrLn "----------------------------------------------------" putStrLn $ "patstr = " ++ patstr if code > 4 then putStrLn $ "expected value = " ++ expect else return () -- putStrLn $ "pat = " ++ show pat putStrLn $ "showPat.compilePat = " ++ showPat pat if code <= 4 then putStrLn $ "expected value = " ++ expect else return () s1 <- catch ( return $! force $! get $! forcep patstr exp ) (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) putStr "actual value = " return $! s1 ) -- ErrorCall if use __ = undefined -- BottomedOut if use __ = throw BottomedOut (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) putStrLn s doit10 False t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doit11 :: Bool -> [(Int,String,String)] -> IO () doit11 _ [] = do putStrLn "----------------------------------------------------" return () doit11 b ((code,patstr1,patstr2):t) = do let expect = case code of 1 -> "7" 2 -> "Prelude.undefined" 3 -> "pattern-match failure" 4 -> "syntax error" 5 -> "7 (but \"# with subpattern\" warning)" 6 -> "7 (but \"constraint/subpattern arity mismatch\" warning)" _ -> error $ "doit11: unexpected code " ++ show code s <- catch ( do let exp = (3.4, [5,__,7], __) :: (Float, [Int], Bool) let patstrU = showPat $ unionPats [compilePat patstr1, compilePat patstr2] let pat1 = compilePat patstr1 let pat2 = compilePat patstr2 let patU = unionPats [pat1,pat2] let get (_,xs,_) = show $ (xs!!2) if b then do putStrLn "====================================================" putStrLn "exp = (3.4, [5,__,7], __) :: (Float, [Int], Bool)" putStrLn "get (_,xs,_) = show $ (xs!!2)" putStrLn "? = get $ ( forcep patstr2 . forcep patstr1 ) exp" -- putStrLn "? = get $ ( forcep ( unionPatsStr [ patstr1, patstr2 ] ) ) exp" putStrLn "? = get $! ( forcep_ ( unionPats [ pat1, pat2 ] ) ) exp" putStrLn "(Results were more interesting with a previous semantics...)." putStrLn "====================================================" else do putStrLn "----------------------------------------------------" putStrLn $ "patstr1 = " ++ patstr1 putStrLn $ "patstr2 = " ++ patstr2 putStrLn $ "patstrU = " ++ patstrU if code > 4 then putStrLn $ "expected value = " ++ expect else return () -- putStrLn $ "pat = " ++ show pat putStrLn $ "showPat.compilePat patstr1 = " ++ showPat pat1 putStrLn $ "showPat.compilePat patstr2 = " ++ showPat pat2 putStrLn $ "showPat.compilePat patstrU = " ++ showPat patU if code <= 4 then putStrLn $ "expected value = " ++ expect else return () putStr "actual value = " let s1 = get $! ( forcep patstr2 . forcep patstr1 ) exp putStrLn s1 putStr "actual value = " let s2 = get $! forcep patstrU exp #if 1 let s3 = s2 #else putStrLn s2 let s3 = get $! forcep_ ( unionPats [ pat1, pat2 ] ) exp #endif return $! s3 ) -- ErrorCall if use __ = undefined -- BottomedOut if use __ = throw BottomedOut (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) putStrLn s doit11 False t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doit12 :: Bool -> [(Int,String,[Int],[(Int,String)])] -> IO () --doit12 :: Bool -> [(Int,String,String,[(Int,String)])] -> IO () doit12 _ [] = do return () doit12 b ((code,patstr1,path,isibs'):t) = do let expect = case code of 1 -> "7" 2 -> "Prelude.undefined" 3 -> "pattern-match failure" 4 -> "syntax error" 5 -> "7 (but \"# with subpattern\" warning)" 6 -> "7 (but \"constraint/subpattern arity mismatch\" warning)" _ -> error $ "doit12: unexpected code " ++ show code s <- catch ( do let target = compilePat patstr1 -- let path = compilePat patstr2 let isibs = map (\ (x,y) -> (x,compilePat y)) isibs' if b then do putStr hdline putStrLn "Testing splicePats." putStr hline else return () putStrLn $ "target " ++ patstr1 putStrLn $ "path " ++ show path -- putStrLn $ "path " ++ patstr2 putStrLn $ "isibs " ++ show isibs' let s1 = force $ showPat $ splicePats target path isibs -- let s1 = showPat $! splicePats target path isibs -- let s1 = showPat $ splicePats target path isibs putStr "result " return $! s1 ) -- ErrorCall if use __ = undefined -- BottomedOut if use __ = throw BottomedOut (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) putStrLn s if null t then return () else putStr hline doit12 False t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doit13 :: Bool -> [(Int,[String],String)] -> IO () doit13 _ [] = do putStr hline return () doit13 b ((code,patstrlst,expectstr):t) = do s <- catch ( do s1 <- case code of -- Where were they done already? -- Oh, in doit11 and doit12 above... 1 -> error $ hline ++ "unionPats test already done test13-1!" -- 4 -> error $ hline ++ "unionPatsStr test already done test13-4!" 10 -> error $ hline ++ "splicePats test already done test13-10!" 11 -> error $ hline ++ "isPath test already done test13-11!" -- 1 unionPats :: [ Pat ] -> Pat -- 2 * intersectPats :: [ Pat ] -> Pat -- 3 * subPat :: Pat -> Pat -> Bool -- -- 4 unionPatsStr :: [ String ] -> String -- 5 * emptyPat :: Pat -- -- 6 * mkPat :: forall d. Data d => d -> Pat -- -- 7 * growPat :: forall d. Data d => Pat -> d -> Pat -- 8 * shrinkPat :: Pat -> Pat -- 9 * liftPats :: [ Pat ] -> Pat -- 10 splicePats :: Pat -> Pat -> [(Int, Pat)] -> Pat -- 11 isPath :: Pat -> Bool 2 -> do let patA = patstrlst!!0 let patB = patstrlst!!1 putStr hline putStrLn "Testing intersectPats [patA, patB]" putStrLn $ "patA " ++ patA putStrLn $ "patB " ++ patB putStr $ "result " let s1 = force $ showPat $ intersectPats [compilePat patA, compilePat patB] return s1 3 -> do let patA = patstrlst!!0 let patB = patstrlst!!1 putStr hline putStrLn "Testing subPat patA patB" putStrLn $ "patA " ++ patA putStrLn $ "patB " ++ patB let s1 = force $ show $ subPat (compilePat patA) (compilePat patB) if s1 /= expectstr then do putStrLn $ "expect " ++ expectstr putStr $ "result " else putStr $ "as expected " return s1 5 -> do putStr hline putStrLn "Testing emptyPat" putStr $ "result " let s1 = force $ showPat $ emptyPat return s1 6 -> do #if 0 putStr hline putStrLn "Testing mkPat ([1,2,3],(False,\"foo\"))" putStr $ "result " let s1 = force $ showPat $ mkPat ([1,2,3::Int],(False,"foo")) return s1 #else return "" #endif 7 -> do #if 0 let patA = patstrlst!!0 putStr hline putStrLn "Testing growPat patA ([1,2,3],(False,\"foo\"))" putStrLn $ "patA " ++ patA putStr $ "result " let s1 = force $ showPat $ growPat (compilePat patA) ([1,2,3::Int],(False,"foo")) return s1 #else return "" #endif 8 -> do let patA = patstrlst!!0 putStr hline putStrLn "Testing shrinkPat patA" putStrLn $ "patA " ++ patA putStr $ "result " let s1 = force $ showPat $ shrinkPat (compilePat patA) return s1 9 -> do putStr hline putStrLn "Testing liftPats patstrlst" putStrLn $ "patstrs " ++ show patstrlst putStr $ "result " let s1 = force $ showPat $ liftPats $ map compilePat patstrlst return s1 _ -> error $ "doit13: unexpected code " ++ show code return $! s1 ) -- ErrorCall if use __ = undefined -- BottomedOut if use __ = throw BottomedOut (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) putStrLn s doit13 False t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is an adaptation of doit10 to user-defined datatypes, -- for testing GNFDataP, which is finally within reach thanks -- to SOP! doit14 :: Bool -> [(Int,String)] -> IO () doit14 _ [] = do putStrLn "----------------------------------------------------" return () doit14 b ((code,patstr):t) = do let expect = case code of 1 -> "7" 2 -> "Prelude.undefined" 3 -> "pattern-match failure" 4 -> "syntax error" 5 -> "7 (but \"# with subpattern\" warning)" 6 -> "7 (but \"constraint/subpattern arity mismatch\" warning)" 13 -> "7 (but with pattern-match failure warning)" 23 -> "Prelude.undefined (but with pattern-match failure warning)" _ -> error $ "doit14: unexpected code " ++ show code s <- catch ( do let exp = (3.4, [5,__,7], __) :: (Float, [Int], Bool) let pat = compilePat patstr let get (_,xs,_) = show $ (xs!!2) if b then do putStrLn "====================================================" putStrLn "exp = (3.4, [5,__,7], __) :: (Float, [Int], Bool)" putStrLn "get (_,xs,_) = show $ (xs!!2)" putStrLn "? = get $ forcep patstr exp" putStrLn "====================================================" else do putStrLn "----------------------------------------------------" putStrLn $ "patstr = " ++ patstr if code > 4 then putStrLn $ "expected value = " ++ expect else return () -- putStrLn $ "pat = " ++ show pat putStrLn $ "showPat.compilePat = " ++ showPat pat if code <= 4 then putStrLn $ "expected value = " ++ expect else return () s1 <- catch ( return $! force $! get $! forcep patstr exp ) (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) putStr "actual value = " return $! s1 ) -- ErrorCall if use __ = undefined -- BottomedOut if use __ = throw BottomedOut (\e -> do let err = show (e :: ErrorCall) -- (\e -> do let err = show (e :: BottomedOut) return err) putStrLn s doit14 False t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------