{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes         #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Config
-- Copyright : (C) 2014 Yorick Laupa
-- License : (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Yorick Laupa <yo.eight@gmail.com>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Config is a small and typesafe configuration library. It provides
-- good error messages and comes with a bottom-up typechecker in order to catch
-- more configuration errors.
-- Here some use-cases:
-- >>> foo = ["bar", { baz : 42 }]
-- foo:1:8-13: Expecting String but having Object
-- Reason: List has only one inner type
-- >>> foo = ["bar"] [{ baz : 42 }]
-- foo:1:7-14: Expecting List[String] but having List[Object]
-- Reason: You can't merge Lists of different types
-- It uses <https://github.com/typesafehub/config Typesafe-config>
-- format: HOCON. HOCON stands for Human-Optimized
-- Config Object Notation. It's basically a JSON superset
-- Here's an example:
-- > -- app.conf
-- > # This is a comment
-- >
-- > foo.bar = ${toto}
-- >
-- > toto = false
-- >
-- > rawString = """
-- >             This is a multi-
-- >             lines String
-- >             """
-- >
-- > another.string = "I'm a String"
-- >
-- > one.more.string = one more string
-- >
-- > nested {
-- >    list: [ one
-- >          , 1
-- >          , "both"]
-- >
-- >    homing = {
-- >      pass: { b: feez } { a: "Prop"}
-- >    }
-- >
-- >    another: [1,2,3] [4,5,6]
-- > }
-- How to use:
-- @
-- -- Example.hs
-- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- import Data.Config
-- import Data.Text (Text)
-- data Foo = Foo { fooPort :: 'Int', fooAddr :: 'Text' }
-- main :: 'IO' ()
-- main = do
--   foo <- loadFooProps
--   withFoo foo
--   where
--     loadFooProps = do
--       config <- 'loadConfig' "conf/baz.conf"
--       port   <- 'getInteger' "foo.port" config
--       addr   <- 'getString' "foo.addr" config
--       return (Foo port addr)
-- withFoo :: Foo -> 'IO' ()
-- withFoo = ...
-- @
module Data.Config
    ( Config
    , loadConfig
    , getInteger
    , getParsec
    , getString
    , getBool
    , getStrings
    , getBools
    , getIntegers
    , getParsecs
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Typeable

import           Control.Monad.Catch
import qualified Data.Map         as M
import           Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text.IO     as T
import           Text.Parsec (Parsec)
import qualified Text.Parsec.Char as Char
import           Text.Parsec.Combinator
import           Text.Parsec.Pos (newPos)
import qualified Text.Parsec.Prim as Prim
import           Text.Parsec.Text ()

import Data.Config.Internal.AST
import Data.Config.Internal.Parser
import Data.Config.Internal.Pos
import Data.Config.Internal.Scoped
import Data.Config.Internal.Reg
import Data.Config.Internal.Register
import Data.Config.Internal.Rename
import Data.Config.Internal.Typecheck
import Data.Config.Internal.Typed

-- | Configuration data
newtype Config = Config { unConf :: Reg }

type Extractor a = forall m. MonadThrow m => Text -> Config -> AST Typed -> m a

newtype ConfigError = ConfigError String deriving Typeable

instance Show ConfigError where
    show (ConfigError s) = s

instance Exception ConfigError

loadConfig :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => FilePath -> m Config
loadConfig path
    = do txt <- liftIO $ T.readFile path
         pse <- parse path txt
         let action
                 = do ps         <- pse
                      (tys, pts) <- typecheck $ rename ps
                      return $ register tys pts
         case action of
             Left e    -> throwM e
             Right reg -> return $ Config reg

-- API
getString :: MonadThrow m => Text -> Config -> m Text
getString key conf = getValue string key conf

getInteger :: MonadThrow m => Text -> Config -> m Integer
getInteger key conf = getParsec integerParsec key conf

getBool :: MonadThrow m => Text -> Config -> m Bool
getBool key conf = getParsec boolParsec key conf

getParsec :: MonadThrow m
          => (forall s. Parsec Text s a)
          -> Text
          -> Config
          -> m a
getParsec action key conf = getValue (parsec action) key conf

getStrings :: MonadThrow m => Text -> Config -> m [Text]
getStrings key conf = getValues string key conf

getIntegers :: MonadThrow m => Text -> Config -> m [Integer]
getIntegers key conf = getParsecs integerParsec key conf

getBools :: MonadThrow m => Text -> Config -> m [Bool]
getBools key conf = getParsecs boolParsec key conf

getParsecs :: MonadThrow m
           => (forall s. Parsec Text s a)
           -> Text
           -> Config
           -> m [a]
getParsecs action key conf = getValues (parsec action) key conf

-- Utilities
getValue :: MonadThrow m => Extractor a -> Text -> Config -> m a
getValue extr key conf
    = maybe (throwM $ propertyNotFound key) go (M.lookup key reg)
    reg    = regAST $ unConf conf
    go ast = extr key conf (simplify (unConf conf) ast)

getValues :: MonadThrow m => Extractor a -> Text -> Config -> m [a]
getValues extr key conf = getValue (list extr) key conf

string :: Extractor Text
string key _ (AST expr t)
    = case expr of
    ID s     -> return s
    STRING s -> return s
    _        -> throwM (wrongType key pos stringType ty)
    pos = scopePos $ typedScope t
    ty  = typedType t

list :: Extractor a -> Extractor [a]
list extr key conf (AST expr t)
    = case expr of
    LIST xs -> mapM (extr key conf) xs
    _       -> throwM (wrongType key pos someListType ty)
    pos = scopePos $ typedScope t
    ty  = typedType t

integerParsec :: Parsec Text s Integer
integerParsec = fmap read (many1 Char.digit <* eof)

boolParsec :: Parsec Text s Bool
    = (    fmap (const True)  (Char.string "true")
       <|> fmap (const True)  (Char.string "True")
       <|> fmap (const True)  (Char.string "yes")
       <|> fmap (const True)  (Char.string "Yes")
       <|> fmap (const False) (Char.string "false")
       <|> fmap (const False) (Char.string "False")
       <|> fmap (const False) (Char.string "no")
       <|> fmap (const False) (Char.string "No")
       <|> onOff
      ) <* eof
    msg = " when parsing on|off or On|Off"
        = do _ <- Char.char 'o' <|> Char.char 'O'
             c <- Char.anyChar
             case c of
                 'n' -> return True
                 'f' -> Char.char 'f' >> return False
                 _   -> Prim.unexpected (show c ++ msg)

parsec :: Parsec Text () a -> Extractor a
parsec action key conf a@(AST _ ty)
    = do s <- string key conf a
         let pos    = scopePos $ typedScope ty
             upd _  = newPos (unpack key) (startLine pos) (startCol pos)
             ini    = Prim.setPosition . upd =<< Prim.getPosition
             err e  = throwM $ ConfigError (ctxStr key pos ++ show e)
             result = Prim.parse (ini >> action) "" s
         either err return result

propertyNotFound :: Text -> ConfigError
propertyNotFound k = ConfigError msg where
  msg = "Property " ++ unpack k ++ " is not found"

wrongType :: Text -> Pos -> Type -> Type -> ConfigError
wrongType key pos tye tyf = ConfigError msg where
  msg = ctxStr key pos ++
        "When accessing, expected " ++ show tye ++
        " but had " ++ show tyf ++ " instead"

ctxStr :: Text -> Pos -> String
ctxStr e pos = unpack e ++ show pos ++ " "