{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Test.DejaFu.STM.Internal
-- Copyright   : (c) 2016 Michael Walker
-- License     : MIT
-- Maintainer  : Michael Walker <mike@barrucadu.co.uk>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : ExistentialQuantification, RankNTypes
-- 'MonadSTM' testing implementation, internal types and
-- definitions. This module is NOT considered to form part of the
-- public interface of this library.
module Test.DejaFu.STM.Internal where

import           Control.DeepSeq    (NFData(..))
import           Control.Exception  (Exception, SomeException, fromException,
import           Control.Monad.Cont (Cont, runCont)
import           Control.Monad.Ref  (MonadRef, newRef, readRef, writeRef)
import           Data.List          (nub)

import           Test.DejaFu.Common

-- The @STMLike@ monad

-- | The underlying monad is based on continuations over primitive
-- actions.
type M n r a = Cont (STMAction n r) a

-- * Primitive actions

-- | STM transactions are represented as a sequence of primitive
-- actions.
data STMAction n r
  = forall a e. Exception e => SCatch (e -> M n r a) (M n r a) (a -> STMAction n r)
  | forall a. SRead  (TVar r a) (a -> STMAction n r)
  | forall a. SWrite (TVar r a) a (STMAction n r)
  | forall a. SOrElse (M n r a) (M n r a) (a -> STMAction n r)
  | forall a. SNew String a (TVar r a -> STMAction n r)
  | forall e. Exception e => SThrow e
  | SRetry
  | SStop (n ())

-- * @TVar@s

-- | A 'TVar' is a tuple of a unique ID and the value contained. The
-- ID is so that blocked transactions can be re-run when a 'TVar' they
-- depend on has changed.
newtype TVar r a = TVar (TVarId, r a)

-- * Output

-- | The result of an STM transaction, along with which 'TVar's it
-- touched whilst executing.
-- @since
data Result a =
    Success [TVarId] [TVarId] a
  -- ^ The transaction completed successfully, reading the first list
  -- 'TVar's and writing to the second.
  | Retry [TVarId]
  -- ^ The transaction aborted by calling 'retry', and read the
  -- returned 'TVar's. It should be retried when at least one of the
  -- 'TVar's has been mutated.
  | Exception SomeException
  -- ^ The transaction aborted by throwing an exception.
  deriving Show

-- | This only reduces a 'SomeException' to WHNF.
-- @since
instance NFData a => NFData (Result a) where
  rnf (Success tr1 tr2 a) = rnf (tr1, tr2, a)
  rnf (Retry tr) = rnf tr
  rnf (Exception e) = e `seq` ()

-- | Check if a 'Result' is a @Success@.
isSTMSuccess :: Result a -> Bool
isSTMSuccess (Success _ _ _) = True
isSTMSuccess _ = False

instance Functor Result where
  fmap f (Success rs ws a) = Success rs ws $ f a
  fmap _ (Retry rs)    = Retry rs
  fmap _ (Exception e) = Exception e

instance Foldable Result where
  foldMap f (Success _ _ a) = f a
  foldMap _ _ = mempty

-- * Execution

-- | Run a STM transaction, returning an action to undo its effects.
doTransaction :: MonadRef r n => M n r a -> IdSource -> n (Result a, n (), IdSource, TTrace)
doTransaction ma idsource = do
  ref <- newRef Nothing

  let c = runCont ma (SStop . writeRef ref . Just . Right)

  (idsource', undo, readen, written, trace) <- go ref c (pure ()) idsource [] [] []

  res <- readRef ref

  case res of
    Just (Right val) -> pure (Success (nub readen) (nub written) val, undo, idsource', reverse trace)

    Just (Left  exc) -> undo >> pure (Exception exc,      pure (), idsource, reverse trace)
    Nothing          -> undo >> pure (Retry $ nub readen, pure (), idsource, reverse trace)

    go ref act undo nidsrc readen written sofar = do
      (act', undo', nidsrc', readen', written', tact) <- stepTrans act nidsrc

      let newIDSource = nidsrc'
          newAct = act'
          newUndo = undo >> undo'
          newReaden = readen' ++ readen
          newWritten = written' ++ written
          newSofar = tact : sofar

      case tact of
        TStop  -> pure (newIDSource, newUndo, newReaden, newWritten, TStop:newSofar)
        TRetry -> do
          writeRef ref Nothing
          pure (newIDSource, newUndo, newReaden, newWritten, TRetry:newSofar)
        TThrow -> do
          writeRef ref (Just . Left $ case act of SThrow e -> toException e; _ -> undefined)
          pure (newIDSource, newUndo, newReaden, newWritten, TThrow:newSofar)
        _ -> go ref newAct newUndo newIDSource newReaden newWritten newSofar

-- | Run a transaction for one step.
stepTrans :: MonadRef r n => STMAction n r -> IdSource -> n (STMAction n r, n (), IdSource, [TVarId], [TVarId], TAction)
stepTrans act idsource = case act of
  SCatch  h stm c -> stepCatch h stm c
  SRead   ref c   -> stepRead ref c
  SWrite  ref a c -> stepWrite ref a c
  SNew    n a c   -> stepNew n a c
  SOrElse a b c   -> stepOrElse a b c
  SStop   na      -> stepStop na

  SThrow e -> pure (SThrow e, nothing, idsource, [], [], TThrow)
  SRetry   -> pure (SRetry,   nothing, idsource, [], [], TRetry)

    nothing = pure ()

    stepCatch h stm c = cases TCatch stm c
      (\trace -> pure (SRetry, nothing, idsource, [], [], TCatch trace Nothing))
      (\trace exc    -> case fromException exc of
        Just exc' -> transaction (TCatch trace . Just) (h exc') c
        Nothing   -> pure (SThrow exc, nothing, idsource, [], [], TCatch trace Nothing))

    stepRead (TVar (tvid, ref)) c = do
      val <- readRef ref
      pure (c val, nothing, idsource, [tvid], [], TRead tvid)

    stepWrite (TVar (tvid, ref)) a c = do
      old <- readRef ref
      writeRef ref a
      pure (c, writeRef ref old, idsource, [], [tvid], TWrite tvid)

    stepNew n a c = do
      let (idsource', tvid) = nextTVId n idsource
      ref <- newRef a
      let tvar = TVar (tvid, ref)
      pure (c tvar, nothing, idsource', [], [tvid], TNew)

    stepOrElse a b c = cases TOrElse a c
      (\trace   -> transaction (TOrElse trace . Just) b c)
      (\trace exc -> pure (SThrow exc, nothing, idsource, [], [], TOrElse trace Nothing))

    stepStop na = do
      pure (SStop na, nothing, idsource, [], [], TStop)

    cases tact stm onSuccess onRetry onException = do
      (res, undo, idsource', trace) <- doTransaction stm idsource
      case res of
        Success readen written val -> pure (onSuccess val, undo, idsource', readen, written, tact trace Nothing)
        Retry readen -> do
          (res', undo', idsource'', readen', written', trace') <- onRetry trace
          pure (res', undo', idsource'', readen ++ readen', written', trace')
        Exception exc -> onException trace exc

    transaction tact stm onSuccess = cases (\t _ -> tact t) stm onSuccess
      (\trace     -> pure (SRetry, nothing, idsource, [], [], tact trace))
      (\trace exc -> pure (SThrow exc, nothing, idsource, [], [], tact trace))