Name: dephd Version: 0.1.5 License: GPL License-File: LICENSE Author: Ketil Malde Maintainer: Ketil Malde Category: Bioinformatics Synopsis: Analyze quality of nucleotide sequences. Description: dephd - A simple tool for base calling and quality appraisal. . Reads files in phd-format (phred output), either specified individually, or in a directory (use the --input-dirs option to read directories or --input-list to read from an index file). Can also read FASTA with an associated quality file. . Can trim according to Lucy or Phred parameters, can mask by quality, can plot graphs (via gnuplot) of sequence quality to a window, or to JPG/EPS files. Can categorize sequences according to overall quality. Also constructs files suitable for submission to dbEST. More information at . . Also provides 'fakequal', a utility to generate bogus quality values, which are sometimes needed by less flexible tools. . The Darcs repository is at . HomePage: Build-Depends: base>=3 && <5, bio > 0.4, regex-compat, bytestring, process, directory, cmdargs <= 0.1.1 Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.2.3 Tested-with: GHC==6.12.1 Data-files: README, TODO Executable: dephd Main-Is: Dephd.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: src Extensions: BangPatterns Ghc-Options: -Wall Executable: fakequal Main-Is: FakeQual.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: src Extensions: DeriveDataTypeable