{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans -Wno-missing-signatures #-} module Main where import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Deque.Lazy as Lazy import qualified Deque.Strict as Strict import GHC.Exts as Exports (IsList (..)) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Prelude hiding (choose, toList) main = defaultMain $ testGroup "" $ [ testImplementation "Strict" toList fromList Strict.fromConsAndSnocLists Strict.cons Strict.snoc Strict.reverse Strict.shiftLeft Strict.shiftRight Strict.filter Strict.take Strict.drop Strict.takeWhile Strict.dropWhile Strict.span Strict.uncons Strict.unsnoc Strict.null Strict.head Strict.last Strict.tail Strict.init, testImplementation "Lazy" toList fromList Lazy.fromConsAndSnocLists Lazy.cons Lazy.snoc Lazy.reverse Lazy.shiftLeft Lazy.shiftRight Lazy.filter Lazy.take Lazy.drop Lazy.takeWhile Lazy.dropWhile Lazy.span Lazy.uncons Lazy.unsnoc Lazy.null Lazy.head Lazy.last Lazy.tail Lazy.init, testGroup "Conversions" $ [ testGroup "Strict" $ [ testProperty "toLazy" $ forAll strictAndLazyDequeGen $ \(strictDeque, lazyDeque) -> Strict.toLazy strictDeque === lazyDeque, testProperty "fromLazy" $ forAll strictAndLazyDequeGen $ \(strictDeque, lazyDeque) -> Strict.fromLazy lazyDeque === strictDeque ], testGroup "Lazy" $ [ testProperty "toStrict" $ forAll strictAndLazyDequeGen $ \(strictDeque, lazyDeque) -> Lazy.toStrict lazyDeque === strictDeque, testProperty "fromStrict" $ forAll strictAndLazyDequeGen $ \(strictDeque, lazyDeque) -> Lazy.fromStrict strictDeque === lazyDeque ] ] ] -- | -- Test group, which abstracts over the implementation of deque. testImplementation name (toList :: forall a. f a -> [a]) fromList fromConsAndSnocLists cons snoc reverse shiftLeft shiftRight filter take drop takeWhile dropWhile span uncons unsnoc null head last tail init = testGroup ("Deque implementation: " <> name) $ [ testProperty "toList" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> toList deque === list, testProperty "fromList" $ forAll listGen $ \list -> toList (fromList list) === list, testProperty "eq" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> deque === fromList list, testProperty "show" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> show deque === show list, testProperty "cons" $ forAll ((,) <$> arbitrary <*> dequeAndListGen) $ \(a, (deque, list)) -> toList (cons a deque) === a : list, testProperty "snoc" $ forAll ((,) <$> arbitrary <*> dequeAndListGen) $ \(a, (deque, list)) -> toList (snoc a deque) === list <> [a], testProperty "reverse" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> toList (reverse deque) === List.reverse list, testProperty "shiftLeft" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> toList (shiftLeft deque) === List.drop 1 list <> List.take 1 list, testProperty "shiftRight" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> toList (shiftRight deque) === case list of [] -> [] _ -> List.last list : List.init list, testProperty "filter" $ forAll ((,) <$> predicateGen <*> dequeAndListGen) $ \(predicate, (deque, list)) -> toList (filter predicate deque) === List.filter predicate list, testProperty "take" $ forAll ((,) <$> arbitrary <*> dequeAndListGen) $ \(amount, (deque, list)) -> toList (take amount deque) === List.take amount list, testProperty "drop" $ forAll ((,) <$> arbitrary <*> dequeAndListGen) $ \(amount, (deque, list)) -> toList (drop amount deque) === List.drop amount list, testProperty "takeWhile" $ forAll ((,) <$> predicateGen <*> dequeAndListGen) $ \(predicate, (deque, list)) -> toList (takeWhile predicate deque) === List.takeWhile predicate list, testProperty "dropWhile" $ forAll ((,) <$> predicateGen <*> dequeAndListGen) $ \(predicate, (deque, list)) -> toList (dropWhile predicate deque) === List.dropWhile predicate list, testProperty "span" $ forAll ((,) <$> predicateGen <*> dequeAndListGen) $ \(predicate, (deque, list)) -> bimap toList toList (span predicate deque) === List.span predicate list, testProperty "uncons" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> fmap (fmap toList) (uncons deque) === List.uncons list, testProperty "unsnoc" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> fmap (fmap toList) (unsnoc deque) === case list of [] -> Nothing _ -> Just (List.last list, List.init list), testProperty "null" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> null deque === List.null list, testProperty "head" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> head deque === case list of head : _ -> Just head _ -> Nothing, testProperty "last" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> last deque === case list of [] -> Nothing _ -> Just (List.last list), testProperty "tail" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> toList (tail deque) === case list of _ : tail -> tail _ -> [], testProperty "init" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> toList (init deque) === case list of [] -> [] _ -> List.init list, testProperty "<>" $ forAll ((,) <$> dequeAndListGen <*> dequeAndListGen) $ \((deque1, list1), (deque2, list2)) -> toList (deque1 <> deque2) === (list1 <> list2), testProperty "<*>" $ forAll ((,) <$> dequeAndListGen <*> dequeAndListGen) $ \((deque1, list1), (deque2, list2)) -> toList ((,) <$> deque1 <*> deque2) === ((,) <$> list1 <*> list2), testProperty ">>=" $ forAll ((,) <$> dequeAndListKleisliGen <*> dequeAndListGen) $ \((dequeK, listK), (deque, list)) -> toList (deque >>= dequeK) === (list >>= listK), testProperty "foldl'" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> foldl' (flip (:)) [] deque === foldl' (flip (:)) [] list, testProperty "foldr" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> foldr (:) [] deque === foldr (:) [] list, testProperty "traverse" $ forAll dequeAndListGen $ \(deque, list) -> let fn x = if mod x 2 == 0 then Right x else Left x in fmap toList (traverse fn deque) === traverse fn list ] where dequeAndListGen = do consList <- listGen snocList <- listGen return (fromConsAndSnocLists consList snocList, consList <> List.reverse snocList) dequeAndListKleisliGen = do list <- listGen let listK x = fmap (+ x) list dequeK = fromList . listK in return (dequeK, listK) sizedListGen maxSize = do length <- choose (0, maxSize) replicateM length (arbitrary @Word8) listGen = arbitrary @[Word8] predicateGen = do op <- elements [(>), (>=), (==), (<=), (<)] x <- arbitrary @Word8 return (op x) strictAndLazyDequeGen = do consList <- listGen snocList <- listGen return (Strict.fromConsAndSnocLists consList snocList, Lazy.fromConsAndSnocLists consList snocList) -- Workarounds to satisfy QuickCheck's requirements, -- when we need to generate a predicate. ------------------------- instance Show (Word8 -> Bool) where show _ = "@(Word8 -> Bool)" instance Show (Word8 -> [Word8]) where show _ = "@(Word8 -> [Word8])" instance Show (Word8 -> Strict.Deque Word8) where show _ = "@(Word8 -> Deque Word8)" instance Show (Word8 -> Lazy.Deque Word8) where show _ = "@(Word8 -> Deque Word8)"