derive-0.1: A program and library to derive instances for data typesContentsIndex
nestDepth :: Int
type Precedence = Int
appPrec :: Precedence
opPrec :: Precedence
noPrec :: Precedence
parensIf :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
showNameRaw :: Name -> String
isPrefixName :: Name -> Bool
pprName_ :: Bool -> Name -> Doc
pprint :: Ppr a => a -> String
class Ppr a where
ppr :: a -> Doc
ppr_list :: [a] -> Doc
show/hide Instances
pprFixity :: Name -> Fixity -> Doc
pprExpInfix :: Exp -> Doc
pprExp :: Precedence -> Exp -> Doc
pprFields :: [(Name, Exp)] -> Doc
pprMaybeExp :: Precedence -> Maybe Exp -> Doc
pprBody :: Bool -> Body -> Doc
pprLit :: Precedence -> Lit -> Doc
pprPat :: Precedence -> Pat -> Doc
pprVarStrictType :: (Name, Strict, Type) -> Doc
pprStrictType :: (Strict, Type) -> Doc
pprParendType :: Type -> Doc
pprTyApp :: (Type, [Type]) -> Doc
split :: Type -> (Type, [Type])
pprCxt :: Cxt -> Doc
where_clause :: [Dec] -> Doc
showtextl :: Show a => a -> Doc
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