    A Pseudo derivation. For every label, creates a function
    foo_u and foo_s which updates and sets the label respectively,
    e.g. 'foo_u (+1) bar' or 'foo_s 10 baz'
module Data.Derive.Update(makeUpdate) where


test :: Computer

speed_u :: (Int -> Int) -> Computer -> Computer
speed_u f x = x{speed = f (speed x)}

speed_s :: Int -> Computer -> Computer
speed_s v x = x{speed = v}

weight_u :: (Double -> Double) -> Computer -> Computer
weight_u f x = x{weight = f (weight x)}

weight_s :: Double -> Computer -> Computer
weight_s v x = x{weight = v}

test :: Sample


import Language.Haskell
import Data.Derive.Internal.Derivation
import Data.Maybe

makeUpdate :: Derivation
makeUpdate = Derivation "Update" $ \(_,d) -> Right $ concatMap (makeUpdateField d) $ dataDeclFields d

makeUpdateField :: DataDecl -> String -> [Decl]
makeUpdateField d field =
        [TypeSig sl [name upd] (TyParen (TyFun typF typF) `TyFun` typR)
        ,bind upd [pVar "f",pVar "x"] $ RecUpdate (var "x") [FieldUpdate (qname field) (App (var "f") (Paren $ App (var field) (var "x")))]
        ,TypeSig sl [name set] (typF `TyFun` typR)
        ,bind set [pVar "v",pVar "x"] $ RecUpdate (var "x") [FieldUpdate (qname field) (var "v")]]
        set = field ++ "_s"
        upd = field ++ "_u"
        typR = dataDeclType d `TyFun` dataDeclType d
        typF = fromBangType $ fromJust $ lookup field $ concatMap ctorDeclFields $ dataDeclCtors d