module Data.Derive.Binary where {- import "binary" Data.Binary example :: Sample instance Binary alpha => Binary (Sample alpha) where put x = case x of First -> do putTag 0 Second x1 x2 -> do putTag 1 ; put x1 ; put x2 Third x1 -> do putTag 2 ; put x1 where useTag = length [First{}, Second{}, Third{}] > 1 putTag x = when useTag (putWord8 x) get = do i <- getTag case i of 0 -> do return (First) 1 -> do x1 <- get ; x2 <- get ; return (Second x1 x2) 2 -> do x1 <- get ; return (Third x1) _ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Sample" where useTag = length [First{}, Second{}, Third{}] > 1 getTag = if useTag then getWord8 else return 0 test :: List instance Binary a => Binary (List a) where put x = case x of Nil -> putWord8 0 Cons x1 x2 -> do putWord8 1; put x1; put x2 get = do i <- getWord8 case i of 0 -> return Nil 1 -> do x1 <- get; x2 <- get; return (Cons x1 x2) _ -> error "Corrupted binary data for List" test :: Assoced instance Binary typ => Binary (Assoced typ) where put (Assoced x1 x2) = do put x1; put x2 get = do x1 <- get; x2 <- get; return (Assoced x1 x2) -} -- GENERATED START import Data.Derive.DSL.DSL import Data.Derive.Internal.Derivation makeBinary :: Derivation makeBinary = derivationDSL "Binary" dslBinary dslBinary = List [Instance ["Binary"] "Binary" (App "Just" (List [List [App "InsDecl" (List [App "()" (List []),App "FunBind" (List [App "()" (List []),List [App "Match" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "put"]),List [App "PVar" (List [ App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "x"])])],App "UnGuardedRhs" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Case" ( List [App "()" (List []),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" ( List []),String "x"])])]),MapCtor (App "Alt" (List [App "()" (List []),App "PApp" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),CtorName])]), MapField (App "PVar" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [ App "()" (List []),Concat (List [String "x",ShowInt FieldIndex])]) ]))]),App "UnGuardedRhs" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Do" (List [App "()" (List []),Concat (List [List [App "Qualifier" (List [App "()" (List []),App "App" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "putTag"])])]),App "Lit" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Int" (List [App "()" (List []), CtorIndex,ShowInt CtorIndex])])])])],MapField (App "Qualifier" ( List [App "()" (List []),App "App" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "put"])])]),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),Concat (List [String "x" ,ShowInt FieldIndex])])])])])]))])])]),App "Nothing" (List [])]))] )]),App "Just" (List [App "BDecls" (List [App "()" (List []),List [App "PatBind" (List [App "()" (List []),App "PVar" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "useTag"])]),App "UnGuardedRhs" (List [App "()" (List []),App "InfixApp" (List [App "()" (List []),App "App" (List [App "()" ( List []),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [ App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "length"])])]),App "List" (List [App "()" (List []),MapCtor (App "RecConstr" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),CtorName])]),List []]))])]),App "QVarOp" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" ( List [App "()" (List []),App "Symbol" (List [App "()" (List []), String ">"])])]),App "Lit" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Int" ( List [App "()" (List []),Int 1,ShowInt (Int 1)])])])]),App "Nothing" (List [])]),App "FunBind" (List [App "()" (List []),List [App "Match" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "putTag"]),List [App "PVar" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "x"])])],App "UnGuardedRhs" (List [App "()" (List []),Application (List [App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "when"])])]),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "useTag"])])]), App "Paren" (List [App "()" (List []),App "App" (List [App "()" ( List []),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [ App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),Concat ( List [String "putWord",ShowInt (Int 8)])])])]),App "Var" (List [ App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "x"])])])])])])]),App "Nothing" (List [])])]])]])])])]])]),App "InsDecl" (List [App "()" (List []),App "PatBind" (List [App "()" (List []),App "PVar" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "get"])]),App "UnGuardedRhs" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Do" ( List [App "()" (List []),List [App "Generator" (List [App "()" ( List []),App "PVar" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [ App "()" (List []),String "i"])]),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "getTag"])])])]),App "Qualifier" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Case" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Var" ( List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []), App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "i"])])]),Concat ( List [MapCtor (App "Alt" (List [App "()" (List []),App "PLit" ( List [App "()" (List []),App "Signless" (List [App "()" (List [])] ),App "Int" (List [App "()" (List []),CtorIndex,ShowInt CtorIndex] )]),App "UnGuardedRhs" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Do" (List [ App "()" (List []),Concat (List [MapField (App "Generator" (List [ App "()" (List []),App "PVar" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),Concat (List [String "x",ShowInt FieldIndex])])]),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []), String "get"])])])])),List [App "Qualifier" (List [App "()" (List []),App "App" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "return"])])]),App "Paren" (List [App "()" (List []),Application (Concat (List [List [App "Con" (List [ App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),CtorName])])])],MapField (App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),Concat (List [String "x" ,ShowInt FieldIndex])])])]))]))])])])]])])]),App "Nothing" (List [ ])])),List [App "Alt" (List [App "()" (List []),App "PWildCard" ( List [App "()" (List [])]),App "UnGuardedRhs" (List [App "()" ( List []),App "App" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "error"])])]),App "Lit" (List [ App "()" (List []),App "String" (List [App "()" (List []),Concat ( List [String "Corrupted binary data for ",DataName]),Concat (List [String "Corrupted binary data for ",DataName])])])])]),App "Nothing" (List [])])]])])])]])]),App "Just" (List [App "BDecls" ( List [App "()" (List []),List [App "PatBind" (List [App "()" (List []),App "PVar" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "useTag"])]),App "UnGuardedRhs" (List [App "()" (List []),App "InfixApp" (List [App "()" (List []),App "App" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" ( List []),String "length"])])]),App "List" (List [App "()" (List [] ),MapCtor (App "RecConstr" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []), CtorName])]),List []]))])]),App "QVarOp" (List [App "()" (List []) ,App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Symbol" (List [App "()" (List []),String ">"])])]),App "Lit" (List [App "()" (List [] ),App "Int" (List [App "()" (List []),Int 1,ShowInt (Int 1)])])])] ),App "Nothing" (List [])]),App "PatBind" (List [App "()" (List [] ),App "PVar" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "getTag"])]),App "UnGuardedRhs" (List [App "()" ( List []),App "If" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "useTag"])])]),App "Var" (List [ App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),Concat (List [String "getWord", ShowInt (Int 8)])])])]),App "App" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Var" (List [App "()" (List []),App "UnQual" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Ident" (List [App "()" (List []),String "return"])])]), App "Lit" (List [App "()" (List []),App "Int" (List [App "()" ( List []),Int 0,ShowInt (Int 0)])])])])]),App "Nothing" (List [])]) ]])])])])]]))] -- GENERATED STOP