Module      : Foreign.Storable.Generic.Tools
Copyright   : (c) Mateusz Kłoczko, 2016
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : mateusz.p.kloczko@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : portable


{-#LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-#LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-#LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-#LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-#LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Foreign.Storable.Generic.Tools (
) where

import Data.List

-- | The datatype representing the memory layout of a given struct.
data Filling = Size Int | Padding Int deriving(Show, Eq)

-- | Checks whether the size or padding are zero.
not_zero :: Filling -> Bool
not_zero (Size    0) = False
not_zero (Padding 0) = False
not_zero _           = True

type Size      = Int
type Alignment = Int
type Offset    = Int

-- | Get the memory layout of a given type/struct. Used mostly as debug information.
getFilling :: [(Size,Alignment)] -- ^ List of sizes and aligments of the type's/struct's fields. [(Int,Int)]
           -> [Filling]          -- ^ List representing the memory layout. [Filling]
getFilling size_align = reverse $ filter not_zero $ getFilling' (ordered ++ [(gl_size,0)]) 0 0 []
    where offsets = calcOffsets size_align  :: [Offset]
          sizes   = map fst size_align      :: [Size]
          ordered = sortBy (\(o1,_) (o2,_) -> compare o1 o2) $ -- Needs to be sorted in case the fields are rearranged. 
                        zip offsets sizes   :: [(Offset,Size)] 
          gl_size  = calcSize size_align    :: Offset   -- This variable is used as offset

getFilling' :: [(Offset, Size)] -- ^ List of struct's fields' offsets and sizes  
            -> Size             -- ^ Size of the previous element
            -> Offset           -- ^ Offest of the previous element
            -> [Filling]        -- ^ Accumulator: List of filling
            -> [Filling]        -- ^ Returned list of fillings.
getFilling' []           _ _ acc = acc
getFilling' ((o2,s2):rest) s1 o1 acc = getFilling' rest s2 o2 (Size s2 : Padding ((o2-o1) - s1) : acc )

{-# NOINLINE calcOffsets #-}
-- | Calculates the memory offset of type's/struct's fields.
calcOffsets :: [(Size, Alignment)]  -- ^ List of sizes and aligments of the type's/struct's fields. [(Int,Int)]
            -> [Offset]             -- ^ List representing the offests of the type's/struct's fields. [Int]
calcOffsets []         = []
calcOffsets size_align = reverse $ fst $ calcOffsets' size_align 0 []

{-# NOINLINE calcOffsets' #-}
calcOffsets' :: [(Size, Alignment)] -- ^ List of struct's fields' sizes and alignments
             -> Int                 -- ^ The intermediate variable between the current and previous iteration.
             -> [Offset]            -- ^ Accumulator
             -> ([Offset], Int)     -- ^ List of offsets and the last intermediate value.
calcOffsets' []           inter acc = (acc, inter)  
calcOffsets' ((s,a):rest) inter acc = calcOffsets' rest (last_off + s) (last_off: acc)
    where p = (a - inter) `mod` a -- Padding
          last_off = inter + p    :: Offset

{-# NOINLINE calcSize #-}
-- | Calculates the size of the type/struct.
calcSize :: [(Size, Alignment)] -- ^ List of sizes and aligments of the type's/struct's fields. [(Int,Int)].
         -> Size                -- ^ The returned size. Int
calcSize size_align = inter + ((glob_align - inter) `mod` glob_align)
    where glob_align = calcAlignment $ map snd size_align
          inter      = snd $ calcOffsets' size_align 0 []

{-# NOINLINE calcAlignment #-}
-- | Calculate the alignment of a struct.
calcAlignment :: [Alignment] -- ^ List of struct's fields' alignments.
              -> Alignment   -- ^ The resulting alignment.
calcAlignment aligns = calcAlignment' aligns 1

calcAlignment' :: [Alignment] -- ^ List of alignments
               -> Alignment   -- ^ Accumulator
               -> Alignment   -- ^ The resulting alignment.
calcAlignment' []          glob = glob
calcAlignment' (al:aligns) glob = calcAlignment' aligns (max glob al)