Module:      Data.Eq.Deriving.Internal
Copyright:   (C) 2015-2016 Ryan Scott
License:     BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer:  Ryan Scott
Portability: Template Haskell

Exports functions to mechanically derive 'Eq', 'Eq1', and 'Eq2' instances.
module Data.Eq.Deriving.Internal (
      -- * 'Eq'
    , makeEq
    , makeNotEq
      -- * 'Eq1'
    , deriveEq1
    , makeLiftEq
    , makeEq1
      -- * 'Eq2'
    , deriveEq2
    , makeLiftEq2
    , makeEq2
    ) where

import           Data.Deriving.Internal
import           Data.List (foldl1', partition)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import           Language.Haskell.TH.Lib
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

-- | Generates an 'Eq' instance declaration for the given data type or data
-- family instance.
deriveEq :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveEq = deriveEqClass Eq

-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like '(==)' (without
-- requiring an 'Eq' instance).
makeEq :: Name -> Q Exp
makeEq = makeEqClass Eq

-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like '(/=)' (without
-- requiring an 'Eq' instance).
makeNotEq :: Name -> Q Exp
makeNotEq name = do
    x1 <- newName "x1"
    x2 <- newName "x2"
    lamE [varP x1, varP x2] $ varE notValName `appE`
        (makeEq name `appE` varE x1 `appE` varE x2)

-- | Generates an 'Eq1' instance declaration for the given data type or data
-- family instance.
deriveEq1 :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveEq1 = deriveEqClass Eq1

-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'liftEq' (without
-- requiring an 'Eq1' instance).
-- This function is not available with @transformers-0.4@.
makeLiftEq :: Name -> Q Exp
makeLiftEq = makeEqClass Eq1

-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'eq1' (without
-- requiring an 'Eq1' instance).
makeEq1 :: Name -> Q Exp
makeEq1 name = makeLiftEq name `appE` varE eqValName
-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'eq1' (without
-- requiring an 'Eq1' instance).
makeEq1 :: Name -> Q Exp
makeEq1 = makeEqClass Eq1

-- | Generates an 'Eq2' instance declaration for the given data type or data
-- family instance.
-- This function is not available with @transformers-0.4@.
deriveEq2 :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveEq2 = deriveEqClass Eq2

-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'liftEq2' (without
-- requiring an 'Eq2' instance).
-- This function is not available with @transformers-0.4@.
makeLiftEq2 :: Name -> Q Exp
makeLiftEq2 = makeEqClass Eq2

-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like 'eq2' (without
-- requiring an 'Eq2' instance).
-- This function is not available with @transformers-0.4@.
makeEq2 :: Name -> Q Exp
makeEq2 name = makeLiftEq name `appE` varE eqValName `appE` varE eqValName

-- Code generation

-- | Derive an Eq(1)(2) instance declaration (depending on the EqClass
-- argument's value).
deriveEqClass :: EqClass -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveEqClass eClass name = withType name fromCons
    fromCons :: Name -> Cxt -> [TyVarBndr] -> [Con] -> Maybe [Type] -> Q [Dec]
    fromCons name' ctxt tvbs cons mbTys = (:[]) `fmap` do
        (instanceCxt, instanceType)
            <- buildTypeInstance eClass name' ctxt tvbs mbTys
        instanceD (return instanceCxt)
                  (return instanceType)
                  (eqDecs eClass cons)

-- | Generates a declaration defining the primary function corresponding to a
-- particular class ((==) for Eq, liftEq for Eq1, and
-- liftEq2 for Eq2).
eqDecs :: EqClass -> [Con] -> [Q Dec]
eqDecs eClass cons =
    [ funD (eqName eClass)
           [ clause []
                    (normalB $ makeEqForCons eClass cons)

-- | Generates a lambda expression which behaves like (==) (for Eq),
-- liftEq (for Eq1), or liftEq2 (for Eq2).
makeEqClass :: EqClass -> Name -> Q Exp
makeEqClass eClass name = withType name fromCons
    fromCons :: Name -> Cxt -> [TyVarBndr] -> [Con] -> Maybe [Type] -> Q Exp
    fromCons name' ctxt tvbs cons mbTys =
        -- We force buildTypeInstance here since it performs some checks for whether
        -- or not the provided datatype can actually have (==)/liftEq/etc.
        -- implemented for it, and produces errors if it can't.
        buildTypeInstance eClass name' ctxt tvbs mbTys
          `seq` makeEqForCons eClass cons

-- | Generates a lambda expression for (==)/liftEq/etc. for the
-- given constructors. All constructors must be from the same type.
makeEqForCons :: EqClass -> [Con] -> Q Exp
makeEqForCons _ [] = noConstructorsError
makeEqForCons eClass cons = do
    value1 <- newName "value1"
    value2 <- newName "value2"
    eqDefn <- newName "eqDefn"
    eqs    <- newNameList "eq" $ arity eClass

    lamE (map varP $
                     eqs ++
                     [value1, value2]
         ) . appsE
         $ [ varE $ eqConstName eClass
           , letE [ funD eqDefn $ map (makeCaseForCon eClass eqs) patMatchCons
                               ++ fallThroughCase
                  ] $ varE eqDefn `appE` varE value1 `appE` varE value2
             ++ map varE eqs
             ++ [varE value1, varE value2]
    nullaryCons, nonNullaryCons :: [Con]
    (nullaryCons, nonNullaryCons) = partition isNullaryCon cons

    tagMatchCons, patMatchCons :: [Con]
    (tagMatchCons, patMatchCons)
      | length nullaryCons > 10 = (nullaryCons, nonNullaryCons)
      | otherwise               = ([],          cons)

    fallThroughCase :: [Q Clause]
      | null tagMatchCons = case patMatchCons of
          []  -> []
          [_] -> []
          _   -> [makeFallThroughCase]
      | otherwise = [makeTagCase]

makeTagCase :: Q Clause
makeTagCase = do
    a     <- newName "a"
    aHash <- newName "a#"
    b     <- newName "b"
    bHash <- newName "b#"
    clause (map varP [a,b])
           (normalB $ untagExpr [(a, aHash), (b, bHash)] $
               primOpAppExpr (varE aHash) eqIntHashValName (varE bHash)) []

makeFallThroughCase :: Q Clause
makeFallThroughCase = clause [wildP, wildP] (normalB $ conE falseDataName) []

makeCaseForCon :: EqClass -> [Name] -> Con -> Q Clause
makeCaseForCon eClass eqs con = do
  let conName = constructorName con
  (ts, tvMap) <- reifyConTys1 eClass eqs conName
  let tsLen = length ts
  as <- newNameList "a" tsLen
  bs <- newNameList "b" tsLen
  clause [conP conName (map varP as), conP conName (map varP bs)]
         (normalB $ makeCaseForArgs eClass tvMap conName ts as bs)

makeCaseForArgs :: EqClass
                -> TyVarMap1
                -> Name
                -> [Type]
                -> [Name]
                -> [Name]
                -> Q Exp
makeCaseForArgs _ _ _ [] [] [] = conE trueDataName
makeCaseForArgs eClass tvMap conName tys as bs =
    foldl1' (\q e -> infixApp q (varE andValName) e)
            (zipWith3 (makeCaseForArg eClass tvMap conName) tys as bs)

makeCaseForArg :: EqClass
               -> TyVarMap1
               -> Name
               -> Type
               -> Name
               -> Name
               -> Q Exp
makeCaseForArg _ _ _ (ConT tyName) a b = primEqExpr
    aExpr, bExpr :: Q Exp
    aExpr = varE a
    bExpr = varE b

    makePrimEqExpr :: Name -> Q Exp
    makePrimEqExpr n = primOpAppExpr aExpr n bExpr

    primEqExpr :: Q Exp
      | tyName == addrHashTypeName   = makePrimEqExpr eqAddrHashValName
      | tyName == charHashTypeName   = makePrimEqExpr eqCharHashValName
      | tyName == doubleHashTypeName = makePrimEqExpr eqDoubleHashValName
      | tyName == floatHashTypeName  = makePrimEqExpr eqFloatHashValName
      | tyName == intHashTypeName    = makePrimEqExpr eqIntHashValName
      | tyName == wordHashTypeName   = makePrimEqExpr eqWordHashValName
      | otherwise = infixApp aExpr (varE eqValName) bExpr
makeCaseForArg eClass tvMap conName ty a b =
    makeCaseForType eClass tvMap conName ty `appE` varE a `appE` varE b

makeCaseForType :: EqClass
                -> TyVarMap1
                -> Name
                -> Type
                -> Q Exp
makeCaseForType _ tvMap _ (VarT tyName) =
    varE $ case Map.lookup tyName tvMap of
      Just (OneName eq) -> eq
      Nothing           -> eqValName
makeCaseForType _ _ _ VarT{} = varE eqValName
makeCaseForType eClass tvMap conName (SigT ty _)      = makeCaseForType eClass tvMap conName ty
makeCaseForType eClass tvMap conName (ForallT _ _ ty) = makeCaseForType eClass tvMap conName ty
makeCaseForType eClass tvMap conName ty = do
    let tyCon :: Type
        tyArgs :: [Type]
        tyCon:tyArgs = unapplyTy ty

        numLastArgs :: Int
        numLastArgs = min (arity eClass) (length tyArgs)

        lhsArgs, rhsArgs :: [Type]
        (lhsArgs, rhsArgs) = splitAt (length tyArgs - numLastArgs) tyArgs

        tyVarNames :: [Name]
        tyVarNames = Map.keys tvMap

    itf <- isTyFamily tyCon
    if any (`mentionsName` tyVarNames) lhsArgs
          || itf && any (`mentionsName` tyVarNames) tyArgs
       then outOfPlaceTyVarError eClass conName
       else appsE $ [ varE . eqName $ toEnum numLastArgs]
                    ++ map (makeCaseForType eClass tvMap conName) rhsArgs
makeCaseForType eClass tvMap conName ty = do
  let varNames = Map.keys tvMap

  a' <- newName "a'"
  b' <- newName "b'"
  case varNames of
    [] -> varE eqValName
    varName:_ ->
      if mentionsName ty varNames
         then lamE (map varP [a',b']) $ varE eq1ValName
                `appE` (makeFmapApplyNeg eClass conName ty varName `appE` varE a')
                `appE` (makeFmapApplyNeg eClass conName ty varName `appE` varE b')
         else varE eqValName

-- Class-specific constants

-- | A representation of which @Eq@ variant is being derived.
data EqClass = Eq
             | Eq1
             | Eq2
  deriving (Bounded, Enum)

instance ClassRep EqClass where
    arity = fromEnum

    allowExQuant _ = True

    fullClassName Eq  = eqTypeName
    fullClassName Eq1 = eq1TypeName
    fullClassName Eq2 = eq2TypeName

    classConstraint eClass i
      | eMin <= i && i <= eMax = Just $ fullClassName (toEnum i :: EqClass)
      | otherwise              = Nothing
        eMin, eMax :: Int
        eMin = fromEnum (minBound :: EqClass)
        eMax = fromEnum eClass

eqConstName :: EqClass -> Name
eqConstName Eq  = eqConstValName
eqConstName Eq1 = liftEqConstValName
eqConstName Eq2 = liftEq2ConstValName
eqConstName Eq1 = eq1ConstValName

eqName :: EqClass -> Name
eqName Eq  = eqValName
eqName Eq1 = liftEqValName
eqName Eq2 = liftEq2ValName
eqName Eq1 = eq1ValName