{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards    #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}

-- | This module contains the logic for type checking Dhall code

module Dhall.TypeCheck (
    -- * Type-checking
    , typeOf

    -- * Types
    , X(..)
    , TypeError(..)
    , DetailedTypeError(..)
    , TypeMessage(..)
    ) where

import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Data.Foldable (forM_, toList)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text.Buildable (Buildable(..))
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder)
import Data.Traversable (forM)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Dhall.Core (Const(..), Expr(..), Var(..))
import Dhall.Context (Context)

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
import qualified Data.Map
import qualified Data.Set
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy                   as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder           as Builder
import qualified Data.Vector
import qualified Dhall.Context
import qualified Dhall.Core
import qualified NeatInterpolation

axiom :: Const -> Either (TypeError s) Const
axiom Type = return Kind
axiom Kind = Left (TypeError Dhall.Context.empty (Const Kind) Untyped)

rule :: Const -> Const -> Either () Const
rule Type Kind = Left ()
rule Type Type = return Type
rule Kind Kind = return Kind
rule Kind Type = return Type

match :: Var -> Var -> [(Text, Text)] -> Bool
match (V xL nL) (V xR nR)             []  =
    xL == xR  && nL == nR
match (V xL 0 ) (V xR 0 ) ((xL', xR'):_ )
    | xL == xL' && xR == xR' = True
match (V xL nL) (V xR nR) ((xL', xR'):xs) =
    match (V xL nL') (V xR nR') xs
    nL' = if xL == xL' then nL - 1 else nL
    nR' = if xR == xR' then nR - 1 else nR

propEqual :: Expr s X -> Expr t X -> Bool
propEqual eL0 eR0 =
        (go (Dhall.Core.normalize eL0) (Dhall.Core.normalize eR0))
    go (Const Type) (Const Type) = return True
    go (Const Kind) (Const Kind) = return True
    go (Var vL) (Var vR) = do
        ctx <- State.get
        return (match vL vR ctx)
    go (Pi xL tL bL) (Pi xR tR bR) = do
        ctx <- State.get
        eq1 <- go tL tR
        if eq1
            then do
                State.put ((xL, xR):ctx)
                eq2 <- go bL bR
                State.put ctx
                return eq2
            else return False
    go (App fL aL) (App fR aR) = do
        b1 <- go fL fR
        if b1 then go aL aR else return False
    go Bool Bool = return True
    go Natural Natural = return True
    go Integer Integer = return True
    go Double Double = return True
    go Text Text = return True
    go List List = return True
    go Optional Optional = return True
    go (Record ktsL0) (Record ktsR0) = do
        let loop ((kL, tL):ktsL) ((kR, tR):ktsR)
                | kL == kR = do
                    b <- go tL tR
                    if b
                        then loop ktsL ktsR
                        else return False
            loop [] [] = return True
            loop _  _  = return False
        loop (Data.Map.toList ktsL0) (Data.Map.toList ktsR0)
    go (Union ktsL0) (Union ktsR0) = do
        let loop ((kL, tL):ktsL) ((kR, tR):ktsR)
                | kL == kR = do
                    b <- go tL tR
                    if b
                        then loop ktsL ktsR
                        else return False
            loop [] [] = return True
            loop _  _  = return False
        loop (Data.Map.toList ktsL0) (Data.Map.toList ktsR0)
    go _ _ = return False

{-| Type-check an expression and return the expression's type if type-checking
    suceeds or an error if type-checking fails

    `typeWith` does not necessarily normalize the type since full normalization
    is not necessary for just type-checking.  If you actually care about the
    returned type then you may want to `normalize` it afterwards.
typeWith :: Context (Expr s X) -> Expr s X -> Either (TypeError s) (Expr s X)
typeWith _     (Const c         ) = do
    fmap Const (axiom c)
typeWith ctx e@(Var (V x n)     ) = do
    case Dhall.Context.lookup x n ctx of
        Nothing -> Left (TypeError ctx e UnboundVariable)
        Just a  -> return a
typeWith ctx   (Lam x _A  b     ) = do
    let ctx' = fmap (Dhall.Core.shift 1 (V x 0)) (Dhall.Context.insert x _A ctx)
    _B <- typeWith ctx' b
    let p = Pi x _A _B
    _t <- typeWith ctx p
    return p
typeWith ctx e@(Pi  x _A _B     ) = do
    tA <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx _A)
    kA <- case tA of
        Const k -> return k
        _       -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidInputType _A))

    let ctx' = fmap (Dhall.Core.shift 1 (V x 0)) (Dhall.Context.insert x _A ctx)
    tB <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx' _B)
    kB <- case tB of
        Const k -> return k
        _       -> Left (TypeError ctx' e (InvalidOutputType _B))

    case rule kA kB of
        Left () -> Left (TypeError ctx e (NoDependentTypes _A _B))
        Right k -> Right (Const k)
typeWith ctx e@(App f a         ) = do
    tf <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx f)
    (x, _A, _B) <- case tf of
        Pi x _A _B -> return (x, _A, _B)
        _          -> Left (TypeError ctx e (NotAFunction f tf))
    _A' <- typeWith ctx a
    if propEqual _A _A'
        then do
            let a'   = Dhall.Core.shift   1  (V x 0) a
            let _B'  = Dhall.Core.subst (V x 0) a' _B
            let _B'' = Dhall.Core.shift (-1) (V x 0) _B'
            return _B''
        else do
            let nf_A  = Dhall.Core.normalize _A
            let nf_A' = Dhall.Core.normalize _A'
            Left (TypeError ctx e (TypeMismatch f nf_A a nf_A'))
typeWith ctx e@(Let f mt r b ) = do
    tR  <- typeWith ctx r
    ttR <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx tR)
    kR  <- case ttR of
        Const k -> return k
        -- Don't bother to provide a `let`-specific version of this error
        -- message because this should never happen anyway
        _       -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidInputType tR))

    let ctx' = Dhall.Context.insert f tR ctx
    tB  <- typeWith ctx' b
    ttB <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx tB)
    kB  <- case ttB of
        Const k -> return k
        -- Don't bother to provide a `let`-specific version of this error
        -- message because this should never happen anyway
        _       -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidOutputType tB))

    case rule kR kB of
        Left () -> Left (TypeError ctx e (NoDependentLet tR tB))
        Right _ -> return ()

    case mt of
        Nothing -> do
            return ()
        Just t  -> do
            let nf_t  = Dhall.Core.normalize t
            let nf_tR = Dhall.Core.normalize tR
            if propEqual nf_tR nf_t
                then return ()
                else Left (TypeError ctx e (AnnotMismatch r nf_t nf_tR))

    return tB
typeWith ctx e@(Annot x t       ) = do
    -- This is mainly just to check that `t` is not `Kind`
    _ <- typeWith ctx t

    t' <- typeWith ctx x
    if propEqual t t'
        then do
            return t
        else do
            let nf_t  = Dhall.Core.normalize t
            let nf_t' = Dhall.Core.normalize t'
            Left (TypeError ctx e (AnnotMismatch x nf_t nf_t'))
typeWith _      Bool              = do
    return (Const Type)
typeWith _     (BoolLit _       ) = do
    return Bool
typeWith ctx e@(BoolAnd l r     ) = do
    tl <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx l)
    case tl of
        Bool -> return ()
        _    -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantAnd l tl))

    tr <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx r)
    case tr of
        Bool -> return ()
        _    -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantAnd r tr))

    return Bool
typeWith ctx e@(BoolOr  l r     ) = do
    tl <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx l)
    case tl of
        Bool -> return ()
        _    -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantOr l tl))

    tr <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx r)
    case tr of
        Bool -> return ()
        _    -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantOr r tr))

    return Bool
typeWith ctx e@(BoolEQ  l r     ) = do
    tl <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx l)
    case tl of
        Bool -> return ()
        _    -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantEQ l tl))

    tr <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx r)
    case tr of
        Bool -> return ()
        _    -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantEQ r tr))

    return Bool
typeWith ctx e@(BoolNE  l r     ) = do
    tl <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx l)
    case tl of
        Bool -> return ()
        _    -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantNE l tl))

    tr <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx r)
    case tr of
        Bool -> return ()
        _    -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantNE r tr))

    return Bool
typeWith ctx e@(BoolIf x y z    ) = do
    tx <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx x)
    case tx of
        Bool -> return ()
        _    -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidPredicate x tx))
    ty  <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx y )
    tty <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx ty)
    case tty of
        Const Type -> return ()
        _          -> Left (TypeError ctx e (IfBranchMustBeTerm True y ty tty))

    tz <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx z)
    ttz <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx tz)
    case ttz of
        Const Type -> return ()
        _          -> Left (TypeError ctx e (IfBranchMustBeTerm False z tz ttz))

    if propEqual ty tz
        then return ()
        else Left (TypeError ctx e (IfBranchMismatch y z ty tz))
    return ty
typeWith _      Natural           = do
    return (Const Type)
typeWith _     (NaturalLit _    ) = do
    return Natural
typeWith _      NaturalFold       = do
        (Pi "_" Natural
            (Pi "natural" (Const Type)
                (Pi "succ" (Pi "_" "natural" "natural")
                    (Pi "zero" "natural" "natural") ) ) )
typeWith _      NaturalBuild      = do
        (Pi "_"
            (Pi "natural" (Const Type)
                (Pi "succ" (Pi "_" "natural" "natural")
                    (Pi "zero" "natural" "natural") ) )
            Natural )
typeWith _      NaturalIsZero     = do
    return (Pi "_" Natural Bool)
typeWith _      NaturalEven       = do
    return (Pi "_" Natural Bool)
typeWith _      NaturalOdd        = do
    return (Pi "_" Natural Bool)
typeWith ctx e@(NaturalPlus  l r) = do
    tl <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx l)
    case tl of
        Natural -> return ()
        _       -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantAdd l tl))

    tr <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx r)
    case tr of
        Natural -> return ()
        _       -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantAdd r tr))
    return Natural
typeWith ctx e@(NaturalTimes l r) = do
    tl <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx l)
    case tl of
        Natural -> return ()
        _       -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantMultiply l tl))

    tr <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx r)
    case tr of
        Natural -> return ()
        _       -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantMultiply r tr))
    return Natural
typeWith _      Integer           = do
    return (Const Type)
typeWith _     (IntegerLit _    ) = do
    return Integer
typeWith _      Double            = do
    return (Const Type)
typeWith _     (DoubleLit _     ) = do
    return Double
typeWith _      Text              = do
    return (Const Type)
typeWith _     (TextLit _       ) = do
    return Text
typeWith ctx e@(TextAppend l r  ) = do
    tl <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx l)
    case tl of
        Text -> return ()
        _    -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantTextAppend l tl))

    tr <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx r)
    case tr of
        Text -> return ()
        _    -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantTextAppend r tr))
    return Text
typeWith _      List              = do
    return (Pi "_" (Const Type) (Const Type))
typeWith ctx e@(ListLit t xs    ) = do
    s <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx t)
    case s of
        Const Type -> return ()
        _ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidListType t))
    flip Data.Vector.imapM_ xs (\i x -> do
        t' <- typeWith ctx x
        if propEqual t t'
            then return ()
            else do
                let nf_t  = Dhall.Core.normalize t
                let nf_t' = Dhall.Core.normalize t'
                Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidListElement i nf_t x nf_t')) )
    return (App List t)
typeWith _      ListBuild         = do
        (Pi "a" (Const Type)
            (Pi "_"
                (Pi "list" (Const Type)
                    (Pi "cons" (Pi "_" "a" (Pi "_" "list" "list"))
                        (Pi "nil" "list" "list") ) )
                (App List "a") ) )
typeWith _      ListFold          = do
        (Pi "a" (Const Type)
            (Pi "_" (App List "a")
                (Pi "list" (Const Type)
                    (Pi "cons" (Pi "_" "a" (Pi "_" "list" "list"))
                        (Pi "nil" "list" "list")) ) ) )
typeWith _      ListLength        = do
    return (Pi "a" (Const Type) (Pi "_" (App List "a") Natural))
typeWith _      ListHead          = do
    return (Pi "a" (Const Type) (Pi "_" (App List "a") (App Optional "a")))
typeWith _      ListLast          = do
    return (Pi "a" (Const Type) (Pi "_" (App List "a") (App Optional "a")))
typeWith _      ListIndexed       = do
    let kts = [("index", Natural), ("value", "a")]
        (Pi "a" (Const Type)
            (Pi "_" (App List "a")
                (App List (Record (Data.Map.fromList kts))) ) )
typeWith _      ListReverse       = do
    return (Pi "a" (Const Type) (Pi "_" (App List "a") (App List "a")))
typeWith _      Optional          = do
    return (Pi "_" (Const Type) (Const Type))
typeWith ctx e@(OptionalLit t xs) = do
    s <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx t)
    case s of
        Const Type -> return ()
        _ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidOptionalType t))
    let n = Data.Vector.length xs
    if 2 <= n
        then Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidOptionalLiteral n))
        else return ()
    forM_ xs (\x -> do
        t' <- typeWith ctx x
        if propEqual t t'
            then return ()
            else do
                let nf_t  = Dhall.Core.normalize t
                let nf_t' = Dhall.Core.normalize t'
                Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidOptionalElement nf_t x nf_t')) )
    return (App Optional t)
typeWith _      OptionalFold      = do
        (Pi "a" (Const Type)
            (Pi "_" (App Optional "a")
                (Pi "optional" (Const Type)
                    (Pi "just" (Pi "_" "a" "optional")
                        (Pi "nothing" "optional" "optional") ) ) ) )
typeWith ctx e@(Record    kts   ) = do
    let process (k, t) = do
            s <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx t)
            case s of
                Const Type -> return ()
                _          -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidFieldType k t))
    mapM_ process (Data.Map.toList kts)
    return (Const Type)
typeWith ctx e@(RecordLit kvs   ) = do
    let process (k, v) = do
            t <- typeWith ctx v
            s <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx t)
            case s of
                Const Type -> return ()
                _          -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidField k v))
            return (k, t)
    kts <- mapM process (Data.Map.toAscList kvs)
    return (Record (Data.Map.fromAscList kts))
typeWith ctx e@(Union     kts   ) = do
    let process (k, t) = do
            s <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx t)
            case s of
                Const Type -> return ()
                _          -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidAlternativeType k t))
    mapM_ process (Data.Map.toList kts)
    return (Const Type)
typeWith ctx e@(UnionLit k v kts) = do
    case Data.Map.lookup k kts of
        Just _  -> Left (TypeError ctx e (DuplicateAlternative k))
        Nothing -> return ()
    t <- typeWith ctx v
    let union = Union (Data.Map.insert k t kts)
    _ <- typeWith ctx union
    return union
typeWith ctx e@(Combine kvsX kvsY) = do
    tKvsX <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx kvsX)
    ktsX  <- case tKvsX of
        Record kts -> return kts
        _          -> Left (TypeError ctx e (MustCombineARecord kvsX tKvsX))

    tKvsY <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx kvsY)
    ktsY  <- case tKvsY of
        Record kts -> return kts
        _          -> Left (TypeError ctx e (MustCombineARecord kvsY tKvsY))

    let combineTypes ktsL ktsR = do
            let ks =
                    Data.Set.union (Data.Map.keysSet ktsL) (Data.Map.keysSet ktsR)
            kts <- forM (toList ks) (\k -> do
                case (Data.Map.lookup k ktsL, Data.Map.lookup k ktsR) of
                    (Just (Record ktsL'), Just (Record ktsR')) -> do
                        t <- combineTypes ktsL' ktsR'
                        return (k, t)
                    (Nothing, Just t) -> do
                        return (k, t)
                    (Just t, Nothing) -> do
                        return (k, t)
                    _ -> do
                        Left (TypeError ctx e (FieldCollision k)) )
            return (Record (Data.Map.fromList kts))

    combineTypes ktsX ktsY
typeWith ctx e@(Merge kvsX kvsY t) = do
    tKvsX <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx kvsX)
    ktsX  <- case tKvsX of
        Record kts -> return kts
        _          -> Left (TypeError ctx e (MustMergeARecord kvsX tKvsX))
    let ksX = Data.Map.keysSet ktsX

    tKvsY <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx kvsY)
    ktsY  <- case tKvsY of
        Union kts -> return kts
        _         -> Left (TypeError ctx e (MustMergeUnion kvsY tKvsY))
    let ksY = Data.Map.keysSet ktsY

    let diffX = Data.Set.difference ksX ksY
    let diffY = Data.Set.difference ksY ksX

    if Data.Set.null diffX
        then return ()
        else Left (TypeError ctx e (UnusedHandler diffX))

    let process (kY, tY) = do
            case Data.Map.lookup kY ktsX of
                Nothing  -> Left (TypeError ctx e (MissingHandler diffY))
                Just tX  ->
                    case tX of
                        Pi _ tY' t' -> do
                            if propEqual tY tY'
                                then return ()
                                else Left (TypeError ctx e (HandlerInputTypeMismatch kY tY tY'))
                            if propEqual t t'
                                then return ()
                                else Left (TypeError ctx e (HandlerOutputTypeMismatch kY t t'))
                        _ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (HandlerNotAFunction kY tX))
    mapM_ process (Data.Map.toList ktsY)
    return t
typeWith ctx e@(Field r x       ) = do
    t <- fmap Dhall.Core.normalize (typeWith ctx r)
    case t of
        Record kts ->
            case Data.Map.lookup x kts of
                Just t' -> return t'
                Nothing -> Left (TypeError ctx e (MissingField x t))
        _          -> Left (TypeError ctx e (NotARecord x r t))
typeWith ctx   (Note s e'       ) = case typeWith ctx e' of
    Left (TypeError ctx' (Note s' e'') m) -> Left (TypeError ctx' (Note s' e'') m)
    Left (TypeError ctx'          e''  m) -> Left (TypeError ctx' (Note s  e'') m)
    Right r                               -> Right r
typeWith _     (Embed p         ) = do
    absurd p

{-| `typeOf` is the same as `typeWith` with an empty context, meaning that the
    expression must be closed (i.e. no free variables), otherwise type-checking
    will fail.
typeOf :: Expr s X -> Either (TypeError s) (Expr s X)
typeOf = typeWith Dhall.Context.empty

-- | Like `Data.Void.Void`, except with a shorter inferred type
newtype X = X { absurd :: forall a . a }

instance Show X where
    show = absurd

instance Buildable X where
    build = absurd

-- | The specific type error
data TypeMessage s
    = UnboundVariable
    | InvalidInputType (Expr s X)
    | InvalidOutputType (Expr s X)
    | NotAFunction (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | TypeMismatch (Expr s X) (Expr s X) (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | AnnotMismatch (Expr s X) (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | Untyped
    | InvalidListElement Int (Expr s X) (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | InvalidListType (Expr s X)
    | InvalidOptionalElement (Expr s X) (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | InvalidOptionalLiteral Int
    | InvalidOptionalType (Expr s X)
    | InvalidPredicate (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | IfBranchMismatch (Expr s X) (Expr s X) (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | IfBranchMustBeTerm Bool (Expr s X) (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | InvalidField Text (Expr s X)
    | InvalidFieldType Text (Expr s X)
    | InvalidAlternative Text (Expr s X)
    | InvalidAlternativeType Text (Expr s X)
    | DuplicateAlternative Text
    | MustCombineARecord (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | FieldCollision Text
    | MustMergeARecord (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | MustMergeUnion (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | UnusedHandler (Set Text)
    | MissingHandler (Set Text)
    | HandlerInputTypeMismatch Text (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | HandlerOutputTypeMismatch Text (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | HandlerNotAFunction Text (Expr s X)
    | NotARecord Text (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | MissingField Text (Expr s X)
    | CantAnd (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | CantOr (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | CantEQ (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | CantNE (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | CantTextAppend (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | CantAdd (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | CantMultiply (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | NoDependentLet (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    | NoDependentTypes (Expr s X) (Expr s X)
    deriving (Show)

shortTypeMessage :: TypeMessage s -> Builder
shortTypeMessage msg =
    "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m: " <> build short <> "\n"
    ErrorMessages {..} = prettyTypeMessage msg

longTypeMessage :: TypeMessage s -> Builder
longTypeMessage msg =
        "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m: " <> build short <> "\n"
    <>  "\n"
    <>  long
    ErrorMessages {..} = prettyTypeMessage msg

data ErrorMessages = ErrorMessages
    { short :: Builder
    -- ^ Default succinct 1-line explanation of what went wrong
    , long  :: Builder
    -- ^ Longer and more detailed explanation of the error

_NOT :: Data.Text.Text
_NOT = "\ESC[1mnot\ESC[0m"

prettyTypeMessage :: TypeMessage s -> ErrorMessages
prettyTypeMessage UnboundVariable = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Unbound variable"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Expressions can only reference previously introduced (i.e. "bound")
variables that are still "in scope"

For example, the following valid expressions introduce a "bound" variable named

     λ(x : Bool)  x   Anonymous functions introduce "bound" variables
        This is the bound variable

     let x = 1 in x    let expressions introduce "bound" variables
          This is the bound variable

However, the following expressions are not valid because they all reference a
variable that has not been introduced yet (i.e. an "unbound" variable):

     λ(x : Bool)  y   The variable y hasn't been introduced yet
                    This is the unbound variable

     (let x = True in x) && x   x is undefined outside the parentheses
                             This is the unbound variable

     let x = x in x   The definition for x cannot reference itself
              This is the unbound variable

Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You misspell a variable name, like this:

     λ(empty : Bool)  if emty then "Empty" else "Full" 

 You misspell a reserved identifier, like this:

     foral (a : Type)  a  a 

 You tried to define a recursive value, like this:

     let x = x + +1 in x 
              Recursive definitions are not allowed

 You accidentally forgot a λ or /forall

        Unbound variable
      (x : Bool)  x 
      A λ here would transform this into a valid anonymous function 

        Unbound variable
      (x : Bool)  Bool 
      A  or forall here would transform this into a valid function type

prettyTypeMessage (InvalidInputType expr) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Invalid function input"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: A function can accept an input "term" that has a given "type", like

        This is the input term that the function accepts
     (x : Natural)  Bool   This is the type of a function that accepts an
    └───────────────────────┘  input term named x that has type Natural
            This is the type of the input term

     Bool  Integer   This is the type of a function that accepts an anonymous
    └────────────────┘  input term that has type Bool
      This is the type of the input term

... or a function can accept an input "type" that has a given "kind", like this:

        This is the input type that the function accepts
     (a : Type)  Type   This is the type of a function that accepts an input
    └────────────────────┘  type named a that has kind Type
            This is the kind of the input type

     (Type  Type)  Type   This is the type of a function that accepts an
    └──────────────────────┘  anonymous input type that has kind Type  Type
       This is the kind of the input type

Other function inputs are $_NOT valid, like this:

     (x : 1)  x   1 is a "term" and not a "type" nor a "kind" so x
    └──────────────┘  cannot have "type" 1 or "kind" 1
            This is not a type or kind

     True  x   True is a "term" and not a "type" nor a "kind" so the
    └──────────┘  anonymous input cannot have "type" True or "kind" True
      This is not a type or kind

You annotated a function input with the following expression:


... which is neither a type nor a kind
        txt  = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr)

prettyTypeMessage (InvalidOutputType expr) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Invalid function output"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: A function can return an output "term" that has a given "type",
like this:

     (x : Text)  Bool   This is the type of a function that returns an
    └────────────────────┘  output term that has type Bool
                    This is the type of the output term

     Bool  Integer   This is the type of a function that returns an output
    └────────────────┘  term that has type Int
             This is the type of the output term

... or a function can return an output "type" that has a given "kind", like

     (a : Type)  Type   This is the type of a function that returns an
    └────────────────────┘  output type that has kind Type
                    This is the kind of the output type

     (Type  Type)  Type   This is the type of a function that returns an
    └──────────────────────┘  output type that has kind Type
                      This is the kind of the output type

Other outputs are $_NOT valid, like this:

     (x : Bool)  x   x is a "term" and not a "type" nor a "kind" so the
    └─────────────────┘  output cannot have "type" x or "kind" x
                    This is not a type or kind

     Text  True   True is a "term" and not a "type" nor a "kind" so the
    └─────────────┘  output cannot have "type" True or "kind" True
             This is not a type or kind

You specified that your function outputs a:


... which is neither a type nor a kind:

Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You use  instead of λ by mistake, like this:

     (x: Bool)  x 
      Using λ here instead of  would transform this into a valid function
        txt = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr)

prettyTypeMessage (NotAFunction expr0 expr1) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Not a function"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Expressions separated by whitespace denote function application,
like this:

     f x   This denotes the function f applied to an argument named x 

A function is a term that has type a  b for some a or b.  For example,
the following expressions are all functions because they have a function type:

                        The function's input type is Bool
     λ(x : Bool)  x : Bool  Bool   User-defined anonymous function
                               The function's output type is Bool

                     The function's input type is Natural
     Natural/even : Natural  Bool   Built-in function
                               The function's output type is Bool

                        The function's input kind is Type
     λ(a : Type)  a : Type  Type   Type-level functions are still functions
                               The function's output kind is Type

             The function's input kind is Type
     List : Type  Type   Built-in type-level function
                    The function's output kind is Type

                        Function's input has kind Type
     List/head : (a : Type)  (List a  Optional a)   A function can return
    └─────────────────────────────────────────────────┘  another function
                                Function's output has type List a  Optional a

                       The function's input type is List Text
     List/head Text : List Text  Optional Text   A function applied to an
    └────────────────────────────────────────────┘  argument can be a function
                                   The function's output type is Optional Text

An expression is not a function if the expression's type is not of the form
a  b.  For example, these are $_NOT functions:

     1 : Integer   1 is not a function because Integer is not the type of
    └─────────────┘  a function

     Natural/even +2 : Bool   Natural/even +2 is not a function because
    └────────────────────────┘  Bool is not the type of a function

     List Text : Type   List Text is not a function because Type is not
    └──────────────────┘  the type of a function

You tried to use the following expression as a function:


... but this expression's type is:


... which is not a function type

Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You tried to add two Integers without a space around the +, like this:


  The above code is parsed as:

     2 (+2) 
      The compiler thinks that this 2 is a function whose argument is +2

  This is because the + symbol has two meanings: you use + to add two
  numbers, but you also can prefix Integer literals with a + to turn them
  into Natural literals (like +2)

  To fix the code, you need to put spaces around the + and also prefix each
  2 with a +, like this:

     +2 + +2 

  You can only add Natural numbers, which is why you must also change each
  2 to +2
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)

prettyTypeMessage (TypeMismatch expr0 expr1 expr2 expr3) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Wrong type of function argument"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Every function declares what type or kind of argument to accept

For example:

     λ(x : Bool)  x : Bool  Bool   This anonymous function only accepts
    └───────────────────────────────┘  arguments that have type Bool
                        The function's input type

     Natural/even : Natural  Bool   This built-in function only accepts
    └───────────────────────────────┘  arguments that have type Natural
                     The function's input type

     λ(a : Type)  a : Type  Type   This anonymous function only accepts
    └───────────────────────────────┘  arguments that have kind Type
                        The function's input kind

     List : Type  Type   This built-in function only accepts arguments that
    └────────────────────┘  have kind Type
             The function's input kind

For example, the following expressions are valid:

     (λ(x : Bool)  x) True   True has type Bool, which matches the type
    └────────────────────────┘  of argument that the anonymous function accepts

     Natural/even +2   +2 has type Natural, which matches the type of
    └─────────────────┘  argument that the Natural/even function accepts,

     (λ(a : Type)  a) Bool   Bool has kind Type, which matches the kind
    └────────────────────────┘  of argument that the anonymous function accepts

     List Text   Text has kind Type, which matches the kind of argument
    └───────────┘  that that the List function accepts

However, you can $_NOT apply a function to the wrong type or kind of argument

For example, the following expressions are not valid:

     (λ(x : Bool)  x) "A"   "A" has type Text, but the anonymous function
    └───────────────────────┘  expects an argument that has type Bool

     Natural/even "A"   "A" has type Text, but the Natural/even function
    └──────────────────┘  expects an argument that has type Natural

     (λ(a : Type)  a) True   True has type Bool, but the anonymous
    └────────────────────────┘  function expects an argument of kind Type

     List 1   1 has type Integer, but the List function expects an
    └────────┘  argument that has kind Type

You tried to invoke the following function:


... which expects an argument of type or kind:


... on the following argument:


... which has a different type or kind:


Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You omit a function argument by mistake:

     List/head   ([1, 2, 3] : List Integer) 
                List/head is missing the first argument,
                which should be: Integer

 You supply an Integer literal to a function that expects a Natural

     Natural/even 2 
                   This should be +2
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)
        txt2 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr2)
        txt3 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr3)

prettyTypeMessage (AnnotMismatch expr0 expr1 expr2) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Expression doesn't match annotation"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: You can annotate an expression with its type or kind using the
: symbol, like this:

     x : t   x is an expression and t is the annotated type or kind of x

The type checker verifies that the expression's type or kind matches the
provided annotation

For example, all of the following are valid annotations that the type checker

     1 : Integer   1 is an expression that has type Integer, so the type
    └─────────────┘  checker accepts the annotation

     Natural/even +2 : Bool   Natural/even +2 has type Bool, so the type
    └────────────────────────┘  checker accepts the annotation

     List : Type  Type   List is an expression that has kind Type  Type,
    └────────────────────┘  so the type checker accepts the annotation

     List Text : Type   List Text is an expression that has kind Type, so
    └──────────────────┘  the type checker accepts the annotation

However, the following annotations are $_NOT valid and the type checker will
reject them:

     1 : Text   The type checker rejects this because 1 does not have type
    └──────────┘  Text

     List : Type   List does not have kind Type

You or the interpreter annotated this expression:


... with this type or kind:


... but the inferred type or kind of the expression is actually:


Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 The Haskell Dhall interpreter implicitly inserts a top-level annotation
  matching the expected type

  For example, if you run the following Haskell code:

     >>> input auto "1" :: IO Text 

  ... then the interpreter will actually type check the following annotated

     1 : Text 

  ... and then type-checking will fail
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)
        txt2 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr2)

prettyTypeMessage Untyped = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "❰Kind❱ has no type or kind"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: There are four levels of expressions that form a heirarchy:


The following example illustrates this heirarchy:

     "ABC" : Text : Type : Kind 
       term   type   kind   sort

There is nothing above Kind in this hierarchy, so if you try to type check any
expression containing Kind anywhere in the expression then type checking fails

Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You supplied a kind where a type was expected

  For example, the following expression will fail to type check:

     [] : List Type 
                Type is a kind, not a type

prettyTypeMessage (InvalidPredicate expr0 expr1) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Invalid predicate for ❰if❱"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Every if expression begins with a predicate which must have type

For example, these are valid if expressions:

     if True then "Yes" else "No" 

     λ(x : Bool)  if x then False else True 

... but these are $_NOT valid if expressions:

     if 0 then "Yes" else "No"   0 does not have type Bool

     if "" then False else True   "" does not have type Bool

Your if expression begins with the following predicate:


... that has type:


... but the predicate must instead have type Bool

Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You might be used to other programming languages that accept predicates other
  than Bool

  For example, some languages permit 0 or "" as valid predicates and treat
  them as equivalent to False.  However, the Dhall language does not permit
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)

prettyTypeMessage (IfBranchMustBeTerm b expr0 expr1 expr2) =
    ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "❰if❱ branch is not a term"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Every if expression has a then and else branch, each of which
is an expression:

                   Expression for then branch
     if True then "Hello, world!"   
             else "Goodbye, world!" 
                   Expression for else branch

These expressions must be a "term", where a "term" is defined as an expression
that has a type thas has kind Type

For example, the following expressions are all valid "terms":

     1 : Integer : Type   1 is a term with a type (Integer) of kind Type

     Natural/odd : Natural  Bool : Type   Natural/odd is a term with a type
    └─────────────────────────────────────┘  (Natural  Bool) of kind Type

However, the following expressions are $_NOT valid terms:

     Text : Type : Kind   Text has kind (Type) of sort Kind and is
    └────────────────────┘  therefore not a term

     List : Type  Type : Kind   List has kind (Type  Type) of sort
    └───────────────────────────┘  Kind and is therefore not a term
      type-level function

This means that you cannot define an if expression that returns a type.  For
example, the following if expression is $_NOT valid:

     if True then Text else Bool   Invalid if expression
                   type      type

Your $txt0 branch of your if expression is:


... which has kind:


... of sort:


... and is not a term.  Therefore your if expression is not valid
        txt0 = if b then "then" else "else"
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt2 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)
        txt3 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr2)

prettyTypeMessage (IfBranchMismatch expr0 expr1 expr2 expr3) =
    ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "❰if❱ branches must have matching types"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Every if expression has a then and else branch, each of which
is an expression:

                   Expression for then branch
     if True then "Hello, world!"   
             else "Goodbye, world!" 
                   Expression for else branch

These two expressions must have the same type.  For example, the following if
expressions are all valid:

     λ(b : Bool)  if b then 0 else 1  Both branches have type Integer

     λ(b : Bool)               
         if b then Natural/even  Both branches have type Natural  Bool
              else Natural/odd  

However, the following expression is $_NOT valid:

                   This branch has type Integer
     if True then 0         
             else "ABC"     
                   This branch has type Text

The then and else branches must have matching types, even if the predicate is
always True or False

Your if expression has the following then branch:


... which has type:


... and the following else branch:


... which has a different type:


Fix your then and else branches to have matching types
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)
        txt2 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr2)
        txt3 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr3)

prettyTypeMessage (InvalidListType expr0) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Invalid type for ❰List❱ elements"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Every List documents the type of its elements with a type
annotation, like this:

     [1, 2, 3] : List Integer   A List of three Integers
                       The type of the List's elements, which are Integers

     [] : List Integer   An empty List
                You still specify the type even when the List is empty

The element type must be a type and not something else.  For example, the
following element types are $_NOT valid:

     ... : List 1 
                 This is an Integer and not a Type

     ... : List Type 
                 This is a Kind and not a Type

Even if the List is empty you still must specify a valid type

You declared that the List's elements should have type:


... which is not a Type
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)

prettyTypeMessage (InvalidListElement i expr0 expr1 expr2) =
    ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "List element has the wrong type"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Every element in the list must have a type matching the type
annotation at the end of the list

For example, this is a valid List:

     [1, 2, 3] : List Integer   Every element in this List is an Integer

.. but this is $_NOT a valid List:

     [1, "ABC", 3] : List Integer   The second element is not an Integer

Your List elements should have this type:


... but the following element at index $txt1:


... has this type instead:

        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty i    )
        txt2 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)
        txt3 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr2)

prettyTypeMessage (InvalidOptionalType expr0) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Invalid type for ❰Optional❱ element"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Every optional element ends with a type annotation for the element
that might be present, like this:

     [1] : Optional Integer   An optional element that's present
                     The type of the Optional element, which is an Integer

     [] : Optional Integer    An optional element that's absent
                    You still specify the type even when the element is absent

The element type must be a type and not something else.  For example, the
following element types are $_NOT valid:

     ... : Optional 1 
                     This is an Integer and not a Type

     ... : Optional Type 
                     This is a Kind and not a Type

Even if the element is absent you still must specify a valid type

You declared that the Optional element should have type:


... which is not a Type

        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)

prettyTypeMessage (InvalidOptionalElement expr0 expr1 expr2) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "❰Optional❱ element has the wrong type"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: An Optional element must have a type matching the type annotation

For example, this is a valid Optional value:

     [1] : Optional Integer   1 is an Integer, which matches the type

... but this is $_NOT a valid Optional value:

     ["ABC"] : Optional Integer   "ABC" is not an Integer

Your Optional element should have this type:


... but the element you provided:


... has this type instead:

        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)
        txt2 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr2)

prettyTypeMessage (InvalidOptionalLiteral n) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Multiple ❰Optional❱ elements not allowed"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: The syntax for Optional values resembles the syntax for Lists:

     [] : Optional Integer   An Optional value which is absent

     [] : List     Integer   An empty (0-element) List

     [1] : Optional Integer   An Optional value which is present

     [1] : List     Integer   A singleton (1-element) List

However, an Optional value can $_NOT have more than one element, whereas a
List can have multiple elements:

     [1, 2] : Optional Integer   Invalid: multiple elements $_NOT allowed

     [1, 2] : List     Integer   Valid: multiple elements allowed

Your Optional value had this many elements:


... when an Optional value can only have at most one element

Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You accidentally typed Optional when you meant List, like this:

     List/length Integer ([1, 2, 3] : Optional Integer) 
                                       This should be List instead
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty n)

prettyTypeMessage (InvalidFieldType k expr0) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Invalid field type"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Every record type documents the type of each field, like this:

     { foo : Integer, bar : Integer, baz : Text } 

However, fields cannot be annotated with expressions other than types

For example, these record types are $_NOT valid:

     { foo : Integer, bar : 1 } 
                             1 is an Integer and not a Type

     { foo : Integer, bar : Type } 
                             Type is a Kind and not a Type

You provided a record type with a key named:


... annotated with the following expression:


... which is not a type
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty k    )
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)

prettyTypeMessage (InvalidField k expr0) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Invalid field"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Every record literal is a set of fields assigned to values, like

     { foo = 100, bar = True, baz = "ABC" } 

However, fields can only be terms and cannot be types or kinds

For example, these record literals are $_NOT valid:

     { foo = 100, bar = Text } 
                         Text is a type and not a term

     { foo = 100, bar = Type } 
                         Type is a kind and not a term

You provided a record literal with a key named:


... whose value is:


... which is not a term
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty k    )
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)

prettyTypeMessage (InvalidAlternativeType k expr0) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Invalid alternative"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Every union literal begins by selecting one alternative and
specifying the value for that alternative, like this:

        Select the Left alternative, whose value is True
     < Left = True, Right : Natural >   A union literal with two alternatives

However, this value must be a term and not a type.  For example, the following
values are $_NOT valid:

     < Left = Text, Right : Natural >   Invalid union literal
               This is a type and not a term

     < Left = Type, Right : Type >   Invalid union type
               This is a kind and not a term

You provided a union literal with an alternative named:


... whose value is:


... which is not a term

Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You accidentally typed = instead of : for a union literal with one

     < Example = Text > 
                This could be : instead
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty k    )
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)

prettyTypeMessage (InvalidAlternative k expr0) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Invalid alternative"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Every union type specifies the type of each alternative, like this:

               The type of the first alternative is Bool
     < Left : Bool, Right : Natural >   A union type with two alternatives
                             The type of the second alternative is Natural

However, these alternatives can only be annotated with types.  For example, the
following union types are $_NOT valid:

     < Left : Bool, Right : 1 >   Invalid union type
                             This is a term and not a type

     < Left : Bool, Right : Type >   Invalid union type
                             This is a kind and not a type

You provided a union type with an alternative named:


... annotated with the following expression which is not a type:


Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You accidentally typed : instead of = for a union literal with one

     < Example : 1 > 
                This could be = instead
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty k    )
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)

prettyTypeMessage (DuplicateAlternative k) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Duplicate union alternative"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: Unions may not have two alternatives that share the same name

For example, the following expressions are $_NOT valid:

     < foo = True | foo : Text >   Invalid: foo appears twice

     < foo = 1 | bar : Bool | bar : Text >   Invalid: bar appears twice

You have more than one alternative named:

        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty k)

prettyTypeMessage (MustCombineARecord expr0 expr1) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "You can only combine records"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: You can combine records using the  operator, like this:

     { foo = 1, bar = "ABC" }  { baz = True } 

     λ(r : { foo : Bool })  r  { bar = "ABC" } 

... but you cannot combine values that are not records.

For example, the following expressions are $_NOT valid:

     { foo = 1, bar = "ABC" }  1 
                                 Invalid: Not a record

     { foo = 1, bar = "ABC" }  { baz : Bool } 
                                 Invalid: This is a record type and not a record

     { foo = 1, bar = "ABC" }  < baz = True > 
                                 Invalid: This is a union and not a record

You tried to combine the following value:


... which is not a record, but is actually a:

        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)

prettyTypeMessage (FieldCollision k) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Field collision"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: You can combine records if they don't share any fields in common,
like this:

     { foo = 1, bar = "ABC" }  { baz = True } 

     λ(r : { baz : Bool})  { foo = 1 }  r 

... but you cannot merge two records that share the same field

For example, the following expression is $_NOT valid:

     { foo = 1, bar = "ABC" }  { foo = True }   Invalid: Colliding foo fields

You combined two records that share the following field:


... which is not allowed

Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You tried to use  to update a field's value, like this:

     { foo = 1, bar = "ABC" }  { foo = 2 } 
                                   Invalid attempt to update foo's value to 2

  Field updates are intentionally not allowed as the Dhall language discourages
  patch-oriented programming
        txt0 = Text.toStrict k

prettyTypeMessage (MustMergeARecord expr0 expr1) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "❰merge❱ expects a record of handlers"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: You can merge the alternatives of a union using a record with one
handler per alternative, like this:

         let union    = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >                     
     in  let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool)  x } 
     in  merge handlers union : Bool                                     

... but the first argument to merge must be a record and not some other type.

For example, the following expression is $_NOT valid:

     let handler = λ(x : Bool)  x           
     in  merge handler < Foo = True > : True 
                Invalid: handler isn't a record

You provided the following handler:


... which is not a record, but is actually a value of type:


Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You accidentally provide an empty record type instead of an empty record when
  you merge an empty union:

     λ(x : <>)  λ(a : Type)  merge {} x : a 
                                      This should be {=} instead
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)

prettyTypeMessage (MustMergeUnion expr0 expr1) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "❰merge❱ expects a union"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: You can merge the alternatives of a union using a record with one
handler per alternative, like this:

         let union    = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >                     
     in  let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool)  x } 
     in  merge handlers union : Bool                                     

... but the second argument to merge must be a union and not some other type.

For example, the following expression is $_NOT valid:

     let handlers = { Foo = λ(x : Bool)  x } 
     in  merge handlers True : True           
                         Invalid: True isn't a union

You tried to merge this expression:


... which is not a union, but is actually a value of type:

        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)

prettyTypeMessage (UnusedHandler ks) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Unused handler"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: You can merge the alternatives of a union using a record with one
handler per alternative, like this:

         let union    = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >                     
     in  let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool)  x } 
     in  merge handlers union : Bool                                     

... but you must provide exactly one handler per alternative in the union.  You
cannot supply extra handlers

For example, the following expression is $_NOT valid:

         let union    = < Left = +2 >        The Right alternative is missing
     in  let handlers =                     
                 { Left  = Natural/even    
                 , Right = λ(x : Bool)  x   Invalid: Right handler isn't used
     in  merge handlers union : Bool       

You provided the following handlers:


... which had no matching alternatives in the union you tried to merge
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Text.intercalate ", " (Data.Set.toList ks))

prettyTypeMessage (MissingHandler ks) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Missing handler"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: You can merge the alternatives of a union using a record with one
handler per alternative, like this:

         let union    = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >                     
     in  let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool)  x } 
     in  merge handlers union : Bool                                     

... but you must provide exactly one handler per alternative in the union.  You
cannot omit any handlers

For example, the following expression is $_NOT valid:

                                              Invalid: Missing Right handler
         let handlers = { Left = Natural/even }      
     in  let union    = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool > 
     in  merge handlers union : Bool                 

Note that you need to provide handlers for other alternatives even if those
alternatives are never used

You need to supply the following handlers:

        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Text.intercalate ", " (Data.Set.toList ks))

prettyTypeMessage (HandlerInputTypeMismatch expr0 expr1 expr2) =
    ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Wrong handler input type"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: You can merge the alternatives of a union using a record with one
handler per alternative, like this:

         let union    = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >                     
     in  let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool)  x } 
     in  merge handlers union : Bool                                     

... as long as the input type of each handler function matches the type of the
corresponding alternative:

     union    : < Left : Natural       | Right : Bool        > 
                   These must match        These must match
     handlers : { Left : Natural  Bool, Right : Bool  Bool } 

For example, the following expression is $_NOT valid:

      Invalid: Doesn't match the type of the Right alternative
         let handlers = { Left = Natural/even | Right = λ(x : Text)  x } 
     in  let union    = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >                      
     in  merge handlers union : Bool                                      

Your handler for the following alternative:


... needs to accept an input value of type:


... but actually accepts an input value of a different type:

        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)
        txt2 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr2)

prettyTypeMessage (HandlerOutputTypeMismatch expr0 expr1 expr2) =
    ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Wrong handler output type"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: You can merge the alternatives of a union using a record with one
handler per alternative, like this:

         let union    = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >                     
     in  let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool)  x } 
     in  merge handlers union : Bool                                     

... as long as the output type of each handler function matches the declared type
of the result:

     handlers : { Left : Natural  Bool, Right : Bool  Bool } 
                                    These output types ...

                             ... must match the declared type of the merge
     merge handlers union : Bool 

For example, the following expression is $_NOT valid:

         let union    = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >                     
     in  let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool)  x } 
     in  merge handlers union : Text                                      
                                 Invalid: Doesn't match output of either handler

Your handler for the following alternative:


... needs to return an output value of type:


... but actually returns an output value of a different type:

        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)
        txt2 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr2)

prettyTypeMessage (HandlerNotAFunction k expr0) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Handler is not a function"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: You can merge the alternatives of a union using a record with one
handler per alternative, like this:

         let union    = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >                     
     in  let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool)  x } 
     in  merge handlers union : Bool                                     

... as long as each handler is a function

For example, the following expression is $_NOT valid:

     merge { Foo = True } < Foo = 1 > : Bool 
                    Invalid: Not a function

Your handler for this alternative:


... has the following type:


... which is not the type of a function
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty k)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)

prettyTypeMessage (NotARecord k expr0 expr1) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Not a record"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: You can only access fields on records, like this:

     { foo = True, bar = "ABC" }.foo   This is valid ...

     λ(r : { foo : Bool, bar : Text })  r.foo   ... and so is this

... but you cannot access fields on non-record expressions

For example, the following expression is $_NOT valid:

      Invalid: Not a record

You tried to access a field named:


... on the following expression which is not a record:


... but is actually an expression of type:


Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You accidentally try to access a field of a union instead of a record, like

     < foo : a >.foo 
      This is a union, not a record
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty k    )
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt2 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)

prettyTypeMessage (MissingField k expr0) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "Missing record field"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: You can only access fields on records, like this:

     { foo = True, bar = "ABC" }.foo   This is valid ...

     λ(r : { foo : Bool, bar : Text })  r.foo   ... and so is this

... but you can only access fields if they are present

For example, the following expression is $_NOT valid:

     { foo = True, bar = "ABC" }.qux 
                                  Invalid: the record has no qux field

You tried to access a field named:


... but the field is missing because the record only defines the following fields:

        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty k    )
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)

prettyTypeMessage (CantAnd expr0 expr1) =
        buildBooleanOperator "&&" expr0 expr1

prettyTypeMessage (CantOr expr0 expr1) =
        buildBooleanOperator "||" expr0 expr1

prettyTypeMessage (CantEQ expr0 expr1) =
        buildBooleanOperator "==" expr0 expr1

prettyTypeMessage (CantNE expr0 expr1) =
        buildBooleanOperator "/=" expr0 expr1

prettyTypeMessage (CantTextAppend expr0 expr1) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "❰++❱ only works on ❰Text❱"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: The ++ operator expects two arguments that have type Text

For example, this is a valid use of ++: 

     "ABC" ++ "DEF" 

You provided this argument:


... which does not have type Text but instead has type:


Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You might have thought that ++ was the operator to combine two lists:

     ([1, 2, 3] : List Integer) ++ ([4, 5, 6] : List Integer )   Not valid

  The Dhall programming language does not provide a built-in operator for
  combining two lists
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)

prettyTypeMessage (CantAdd expr0 expr1) =
        buildNaturalOperator "+" expr0 expr1

prettyTypeMessage (CantMultiply expr0 expr1) =
        buildNaturalOperator "*" expr0 expr1

prettyTypeMessage (NoDependentTypes expr0 expr1) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "No dependent types"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: The Dhall programming language does not allow functions from terms
to types.  These function types are also known as "dependent function types"
because you have a type whose value "depends" on the value of a term.

For example, this is $_NOT a legal function type:

     Bool  Type 

Similarly, this is $_NOT legal code:

     λ(Vector : Natural  Type  Type)  Vector +0 Text 
                 Invalid dependent type

Your function type is invalid because the input has type:


... and the output has kind:


... which makes this a forbidden dependent function type
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)

prettyTypeMessage (NoDependentLet expr0 expr1) = ErrorMessages {..}
    short = "No dependent ❰let❱"

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: The Dhall programming language does not allow let expressions
from terms to types.  These let expressions are also known as "dependent ❰let❱
expressions" because you have a type whose value depends on the value of a term.

The Dhall language forbids these dependent let expressions in order to
guarantee that let expressions of the form:

     let x : t = r in e 

... are always equivalent to:

     (λ(x : t)  e) r 

This means that both expressions should normalize to the same result and if one
of the two fails to type check then the other should fail to type check, too.

For this reason, the following is $_NOT legal code:

     let x = 2 in Text 

... because the above let expression is equivalent to:

     let x : Integer = 2 in Text 

... which in turn must be equivalent to:

     (λ(x : Integer)  Text) 2 

... which in turn fails to type check because this sub-expression:

     λ(x : Integer)  Text 

... has type:

     (x : Integer)  Text 

... which is a forbidden dependent function type (i.e. a function from a term to
a type).  Therefore the equivalent let expression is also forbidden.

Your let expression is invalid because the input has type:


... and the output has kind:


... which makes this a forbidden dependent let expression
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)

buildBooleanOperator :: Text -> Expr s X -> Expr s X -> ErrorMessages
buildBooleanOperator operator expr0 expr1 = ErrorMessages {..}
    short =
                [NeatInterpolation.text|$txt2 only works on Bools|] )

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: The $txt2 operator expects two arguments that have type Bool

For example, this is a valid use of $txt2: 

     True $txt2 False 

You provided this argument:


... which does not have type Bool but instead has type:

        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)

    txt2 = Text.toStrict operator

buildNaturalOperator :: Text -> Expr s X -> Expr s X -> ErrorMessages
buildNaturalOperator operator expr0 expr1 = ErrorMessages {..}
    short =
                [NeatInterpolation.text|$txt2 only works on Naturals|] )

    long =
        Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: The $txt2 operator expects two arguments that have type Natural

For example, this is a valid use of $txt2: 

     +3 $txt2 +5 

You provided this argument:


... which does not have type Natural but instead has type:


Some common reasons why you might get this error:

 You might have tried to use an Integer, which is $_NOT allowed:

     λ(x : Integer)  λ(y : Integer)  x $txt2 y   Not valid

  You can only use Natural numbers

 You might have mistakenly used an Integer literal, which is $_NOT allowed:

     2 $txt2 2   Not valid

  You need to prefix each literal with a + to transform them into Natural
  literals, like this:

     +2 $txt2 +2   Valid
        txt0 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr0)
        txt1 = Text.toStrict (Dhall.Core.pretty expr1)

    txt2 = Text.toStrict operator

-- | A structured type error that includes context
data TypeError s = TypeError
    { context     :: Context (Expr s X)
    , current     :: Expr s X
    , typeMessage :: TypeMessage s
    } deriving (Typeable)

instance Buildable s => Show (TypeError s) where
    show = Text.unpack . Dhall.Core.pretty

instance (Buildable s, Typeable s) => Exception (TypeError s)

instance Buildable s => Buildable (TypeError s) where
    build (TypeError ctx expr msg)
        =   "\n"
        <>  (   if  Text.null (Builder.toLazyText (buildContext ctx))
                then ""
                else buildContext ctx <> "\n"
        <>  shortTypeMessage msg <> "\n"
        <>  source
        buildKV (key, val) = build key <> " : " <> build val

        buildContext =
            .   Text.unlines
            .   map (Builder.toLazyText . buildKV)
            .   reverse
            .   Dhall.Context.toList

        source = case expr of
            Note s _ -> build s
            _        -> mempty

{-| Newtype used to wrap error messages so that they render with a more
    detailed explanation of what went wrong
newtype DetailedTypeError s = DetailedTypeError (TypeError s)
    deriving (Typeable)

instance Buildable s => Show (DetailedTypeError s) where
    show = Text.unpack . Dhall.Core.pretty

instance (Buildable s, Typeable s) => Exception (DetailedTypeError s)

instance Buildable s => Buildable (DetailedTypeError s) where
    build (DetailedTypeError (TypeError ctx expr msg))
        =   "\n"
        <>  (   if  Text.null (Builder.toLazyText (buildContext ctx))
                then ""
                else buildContext ctx <> "\n"
        <>  longTypeMessage msg <> "\n"
        <>  "────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────\n"
        <>  "\n"
        <>  source
        buildKV (key, val) = build key <> " : " <> build val

        buildContext =
            .   Text.unlines
            .   map (Builder.toLazyText . buildKV)
            .   reverse
            .   Dhall.Context.toList

        source = case expr of
            Note s _ -> build s
            _        -> mempty