{- Concatenate a `List` of `Text` values with a separator in between each value Examples: ``` ./concatSep ", " [ "ABC", "DEF", "GHI" ] = "ABC, DEF, GHI" ./concatSep ", " ([] : List Text) = "" ``` -} let Status = < Empty | NonEmpty : Text > let concatSep : ∀(separator : Text) → ∀(elements : List Text) → Text = λ(separator : Text) → λ(elements : List Text) → let status = List/fold Text elements Status ( λ(element : Text) → λ(status : Status) → merge { Empty = Status.NonEmpty element , NonEmpty = λ(result : Text) → Status.NonEmpty (element ++ separator ++ result) } status ) Status.Empty in merge { Empty = "", NonEmpty = λ(result : Text) → result } status in concatSep