{-| Any function `f` that is a `Monoid` must satisfy the following law: ``` t : Type f : ./Monoid t xs : List (List t) f (./List/concat t xs) = f (./map (List t) t f xs) ``` Examples: ``` ./Bool/and : ./Monoid Bool ./Bool/or : ./Monoid Bool ./Bool/even : ./Monoid Bool ./Bool/odd : ./Monoid Bool ./List/concat : ∀(a : Type) → ./Monoid (List a) ./List/shifted : ∀(a : Type) → ./Monoid (List { index : Natural, value : a }) ./Natural/sum : ./Monoid Natural ./Natural/product : ./Monoid Natural ./Optional/head : ∀(a : Type) → ./Monoid (Optional a) ./Optional/last : ∀(a : Type) → ./Monoid (Optional a) ./Text/concat : ./Monoid Text ``` -} let Monoid : ∀(m : Type) → Type = λ(m : Type) → List m → m in Monoid