{-| Render an `XML` value as `Text` For indentation and schema validation, see the `xmllint` utility bundled with libxml2. ``` let XML = ./package.dhall in XML.render ( XML.element { name = "foo" , attributes = [ XML.attribute "a" "x", XML.attribute "b" (Natural/show 2) ] , content = [ XML.leaf { name = "bar", attributes = XML.emptyAttributes } ] } ) = "" ``` -} let XML = missing sha256:ab91a0edaf0513e0083b1dfae5efa160adc99b0e589775a4a699ab77cce528a9 ? ./Type.dhall let Text/concatMap = missing sha256:7a0b0b99643de69d6f94ba49441cd0fa0507cbdfa8ace0295f16097af37e226f ? ../Text/concatMap.dhall let Text/concat = missing sha256:731265b0288e8a905ecff95c97333ee2db614c39d69f1514cb8eed9259745fc0 ? ../Text/concat.dhall let element = missing sha256:79266d604e147caf37e985581523b684f7bac66de0c93dd828841df3dfc445f9 ? ./element.dhall let text = missing sha256:a59670560a08bfc815893dee1f3eae21a5252400f8a619d1cd7bdd9f48eea2ab ? ./text.dhall let emptyAttributes = missing sha256:11b86e2d3f3c75d47a1d580213d2a03fd2c36d64f3e9b6381de0ba23472f64d5 ? ./emptyAttributes.dhall let Attr = { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text } let esc = λ(x : Text) → λ(y : Text) → Text/replace x "&${y};" let `escape&` = esc "&" "amp" let `escape<` = esc "<" "lt" let `escape>` = esc ">" "gt" let `escape'` = esc "'" "apos" let `escape"` = esc "\"" "quot" let escapeCommon = λ(text : Text) → `escape<` (`escape&` text) let escapeAttr = λ(text : Text) → `escape"` (`escape'` (escapeCommon text)) let escapeText = λ(text : Text) → `escape>` (escapeCommon text) let renderAttr = λ(x : Attr) → " ${x.mapKey}=\"${escapeAttr x.mapValue}\"" let render : XML → Text = λ(x : XML) → x Text { text = escapeText , rawText = λ(t : Text) → t , element = λ ( elem : { attributes : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text } , content : List Text , name : Text } ) → let attribs = Text/concatMap Attr renderAttr elem.attributes in "<${elem.name}${attribs}" ++ ( if Natural/isZero (List/length Text elem.content) then "/>" else ">${Text/concat elem.content}" ) } let simple = λ(name : Text) → λ(content : List XML) → element { name, attributes = emptyAttributes, content } let example0 = assert : render ( simple "note" [ simple "to" [ text "Tove" ] , simple "from" [ text "Jani" ] , simple "heading" [ text "Reminder" ] , simple "body" [ text "Don't forget me this weekend!" ] ] ) ≡ Text/replace "\n" "" '' Tove Jani Reminder Don't forget me this weekend! '' let example1 = assert : render ( element { name = "escape" , attributes = toMap { attribute = "<>'\"&" } , content = [ text "<>'\"&" ] } ) ≡ Text/replace "\n" "" '' <>'"& '' in render