{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-| Please read the "Dhall.Tutorial" module, which contains a tutorial explaining how to use the language, the compiler, and this library -} module Dhall.Marshal.Decode ( -- * General Decoder (..) , FromDhall(..) , Interpret , auto -- * Building decoders -- ** Simple decoders , bool , unit , void -- ** Numbers , natural , word , word8 , word16 , word32 , word64 , integer , int , int8 , int16 , int32 , int64 , scientific , double -- ** Bytes , lazyBytes , strictBytes , shortBytes -- ** Textual , string , lazyText , strictText , shortText -- ** Time , timeOfDay , day , timeZone , localTime , zonedTime , utcTime , dayOfWeek -- ** Containers , maybe , pair , sequence , list , vector , setFromDistinctList , setIgnoringDuplicates , hashSetFromDistinctList , hashSetIgnoringDuplicates , Dhall.Marshal.Decode.map , hashMap , pairFromMapEntry -- ** Functions , function , functionWith -- ** Records , RecordDecoder(..) , record , field -- ** Unions , UnionDecoder(..) , union , constructor -- * Generic decoding , GenericFromDhall(..) , GenericFromDhallUnion(..) , genericAuto , genericAutoWith , genericAutoWithInputNormalizer -- * Decoding errors , DhallErrors(..) , showDhallErrors , InvalidDecoder(..) -- ** Extraction errors , ExtractErrors , ExtractError(..) , Extractor , typeError , extractError , MonadicExtractor , toMonadic , fromMonadic -- ** Typing errors , ExpectedTypeErrors , ExpectedTypeError(..) , Expector -- * Miscellaneous , InputNormalizer(..) , defaultInputNormalizer , InterpretOptions(..) , SingletonConstructors(..) , defaultInterpretOptions , Result -- * Re-exports , Natural , Seq , Text , Vector , Generic ) where import Control.Applicative (empty, liftA2) import Control.Exception (Exception) import Control.Monad (guard) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Data.Coerce (coerce) import Data.Either.Validation ( Validation (..) , eitherToValidation , validationToEither ) import Data.Functor.Contravariant ( Equivalence (..) , Op (..) , Predicate (..) ) import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..)) import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.Typeable (Proxy (..), Typeable) import Dhall.Parser (Src (..)) import Dhall.Syntax ( Chunks (..) , DhallDouble (..) , Expr (..) , FieldSelection (..) , FunctionBinding (..) , Var (..) ) import GHC.Generics import Prelude hiding (maybe, sequence) import Prettyprinter (Pretty) import qualified Control.Applicative import qualified Data.ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy import qualified Data.ByteString.Short import qualified Data.Foldable import qualified Data.Functor.Compose import qualified Data.Functor.Product import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.HashSet import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty import qualified Data.Map import qualified Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Scientific import qualified Data.Sequence import qualified Data.Set import qualified Data.Text import qualified Data.Text.Lazy import qualified Data.Text.Short import qualified Data.Time as Time import qualified Data.Vector import qualified Dhall.Core as Core import qualified Dhall.Map import qualified Dhall.Util import Dhall.Marshal.Encode import Dhall.Marshal.Internal -- $setup -- >>> import Dhall (input) {-| A @(Decoder a)@ represents a way to marshal a value of type @\'a\'@ from Dhall into Haskell. You can produce `Decoder`s either explicitly: > example :: Decoder (Vector Text) > example = vector text ... or implicitly using `auto`: > example :: Decoder (Vector Text) > example = auto You can consume `Decoder`s using the `Dhall.input` function: > input :: Decoder a -> Text -> IO a -} data Decoder a = Decoder { extract :: Expr Src Void -> Extractor Src Void a -- ^ Extracts Haskell value from the Dhall expression , expected :: Expector (Expr Src Void) -- ^ Dhall type of the Haskell value } deriving (Functor) {-| Any value that implements `FromDhall` can be automatically decoded based on the inferred return type of `Dhall.input`. >>> input auto "[1, 2, 3]" :: IO (Vector Natural) [1,2,3] >>> input auto "toMap { a = False, b = True }" :: IO (Map Text Bool) fromList [("a",False),("b",True)] This class auto-generates a default implementation for types that implement `Generic`. This does not auto-generate an instance for recursive types. The default instance can be tweaked using 'genericAutoWith'/'genericAutoWithInputNormalizer' and custom 'InterpretOptions', or using [DerivingVia](https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/glasgow_exts.html#extension-DerivingVia) and 'Dhall.Deriving.Codec' from "Dhall.Deriving". -} class FromDhall a where autoWith :: InputNormalizer -> Decoder a default autoWith :: (Generic a, GenericFromDhall a (Rep a)) => InputNormalizer -> Decoder a autoWith _ = genericAuto -- | A compatibility alias for `FromDhall`. type Interpret = FromDhall {-# DEPRECATED Interpret "Use FromDhall instead" #-} {-| Use the default input normalizer for interpreting an input. > auto = autoWith defaultInputNormalizer -} auto :: FromDhall a => Decoder a auto = autoWith defaultInputNormalizer instance FromDhall Void where autoWith _ = void instance FromDhall () where autoWith _ = unit instance FromDhall Bool where autoWith _ = bool instance FromDhall Natural where autoWith _ = natural instance FromDhall Word where autoWith _ = word instance FromDhall Word8 where autoWith _ = word8 instance FromDhall Word16 where autoWith _ = word16 instance FromDhall Word32 where autoWith _ = word32 instance FromDhall Word64 where autoWith _ = word64 instance FromDhall Integer where autoWith _ = integer instance FromDhall Int where autoWith _ = int instance FromDhall Int8 where autoWith _ = int8 instance FromDhall Int16 where autoWith _ = int16 instance FromDhall Int32 where autoWith _ = int32 instance FromDhall Int64 where autoWith _ = int64 instance FromDhall Scientific where autoWith _ = scientific instance FromDhall Double where autoWith _ = double instance FromDhall Data.ByteString.Short.ShortByteString where autoWith _ = shortBytes instance FromDhall Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString where autoWith _ = lazyBytes instance FromDhall Data.ByteString.ByteString where autoWith _ = strictBytes instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} FromDhall [Char] where autoWith _ = string instance FromDhall Data.Text.Short.ShortText where autoWith _ = shortText instance FromDhall Data.Text.Lazy.Text where autoWith _ = lazyText instance FromDhall Text where autoWith _ = strictText instance FromDhall a => FromDhall (Identity a) where autoWith opts = Identity <$> autoWith opts instance FromDhall a => FromDhall (Maybe a) where autoWith opts = maybe (autoWith opts) instance FromDhall a => FromDhall (Seq a) where autoWith opts = sequence (autoWith opts) instance FromDhall a => FromDhall [a] where autoWith opts = list (autoWith opts) instance FromDhall a => FromDhall (Vector a) where autoWith opts = vector (autoWith opts) instance FromDhall Time.TimeOfDay where autoWith _ = timeOfDay instance FromDhall Time.Day where autoWith _ = day instance FromDhall Time.TimeZone where autoWith _ = timeZone instance FromDhall Time.LocalTime where autoWith _ = localTime instance FromDhall Time.ZonedTime where autoWith _ = zonedTime instance FromDhall Time.UTCTime where autoWith _ = utcTime instance FromDhall Time.DayOfWeek where autoWith _ = dayOfWeek {-| Note that this instance will throw errors in the presence of duplicates in the list. To ignore duplicates, use `setIgnoringDuplicates`. -} instance (FromDhall a, Ord a, Show a) => FromDhall (Data.Set.Set a) where autoWith opts = setFromDistinctList (autoWith opts) {-| Note that this instance will throw errors in the presence of duplicates in the list. To ignore duplicates, use `hashSetIgnoringDuplicates`. -} instance (FromDhall a, Hashable a, Ord a, Show a) => FromDhall (Data.HashSet.HashSet a) where autoWith inputNormalizer = hashSetFromDistinctList (autoWith inputNormalizer) instance (Ord k, FromDhall k, FromDhall v) => FromDhall (Map k v) where autoWith inputNormalizer = Dhall.Marshal.Decode.map (autoWith inputNormalizer) (autoWith inputNormalizer) instance (Eq k, Hashable k, FromDhall k, FromDhall v) => FromDhall (HashMap k v) where autoWith inputNormalizer = Dhall.Marshal.Decode.hashMap (autoWith inputNormalizer) (autoWith inputNormalizer) instance (ToDhall a, FromDhall b) => FromDhall (a -> b) where autoWith inputNormalizer = functionWith inputNormalizer (injectWith inputNormalizer) (autoWith inputNormalizer) instance (FromDhall a, FromDhall b) => FromDhall (a, b) instance FromDhall (f (Result f)) => FromDhall (Result f) where autoWith inputNormalizer = Decoder {..} where extract (App _ expr) = fmap Result (Dhall.Marshal.Decode.extract (autoWith inputNormalizer) expr) extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure "result" deriving newtype instance (ToDhall x) => FromDhall (Predicate x) deriving newtype instance (ToDhall x) => FromDhall (Equivalence x) deriving newtype instance (FromDhall b, ToDhall x) => FromDhall (Op b x) -- | You can use this instance to marshal recursive types from Dhall to Haskell. -- -- Here is an example use of this instance: -- -- > {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} -- > {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} -- > {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} -- > {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} -- > {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} -- > {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} -- > {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} -- > {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} -- > {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- > {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- > -- > import Data.Fix (Fix(..)) -- > import Data.Text (Text) -- > import Dhall (FromDhall) -- > import GHC.Generics (Generic) -- > import Numeric.Natural (Natural) -- > -- > import qualified Data.Fix as Fix -- > import qualified Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable -- > import qualified Data.Functor.Foldable.TH as TH -- > import qualified Dhall -- > import qualified NeatInterpolation -- > -- > data Expr -- > = Lit Natural -- > | Add Expr Expr -- > | Mul Expr Expr -- > deriving (Show) -- > -- > TH.makeBaseFunctor ''Expr -- > -- > deriving instance Generic (ExprF a) -- > deriving instance FromDhall a => FromDhall (ExprF a) -- > -- > example :: Text -- > example = [NeatInterpolation.text| -- > \(Expr : Type) -- > -> let ExprF = -- > < LitF : -- > Natural -- > | AddF : -- > { _1 : Expr, _2 : Expr } -- > | MulF : -- > { _1 : Expr, _2 : Expr } -- > > -- > -- > in \(Fix : ExprF -> Expr) -- > -> let Lit = \(x : Natural) -> Fix (ExprF.LitF x) -- > -- > let Add = -- > \(x : Expr) -- > -> \(y : Expr) -- > -> Fix (ExprF.AddF { _1 = x, _2 = y }) -- > -- > let Mul = -- > \(x : Expr) -- > -> \(y : Expr) -- > -> Fix (ExprF.MulF { _1 = x, _2 = y }) -- > -- > in Add (Mul (Lit 3) (Lit 7)) (Add (Lit 1) (Lit 2)) -- > |] -- > -- > convert :: Fix ExprF -> Expr -- > convert = Fix.foldFix Foldable.embed -- > -- > main :: IO () -- > main = do -- > x <- Dhall.input Dhall.auto example :: IO (Fix ExprF) -- > -- > print (convert x :: Expr) instance (Functor f, FromDhall (f (Result f))) => FromDhall (Fix f) where autoWith inputNormalizer = Decoder {..} where extract expr0 = extract0 expr0 where die = typeError expected expr0 extract0 (Lam _ (FunctionBinding { functionBindingVariable = x }) expr) = extract1 (rename x "result" expr) extract0 _ = die extract1 (Lam _ (FunctionBinding { functionBindingVariable = y }) expr) = extract2 (rename y "Make" expr) extract1 _ = die extract2 expr = fmap resultToFix (Dhall.Marshal.Decode.extract (autoWith inputNormalizer) expr) rename a b expr | a /= b = Core.subst (V a 0) (Var (V b 0)) (Core.shift 1 (V b 0) expr) | otherwise = expr expected = (\x -> Pi mempty "result" (Const Core.Type) (Pi mempty "Make" (Pi mempty "_" x "result") "result")) <$> Dhall.Marshal.Decode.expected (autoWith inputNormalizer :: Decoder (f (Result f))) resultToFix :: Functor f => Result f -> Fix f resultToFix (Result x) = Fix (fmap resultToFix x) {-| This is the underlying class that powers the `FromDhall` class's support for automatically deriving a generic implementation. -} class GenericFromDhall t f where genericAutoWithNormalizer :: Proxy t -> InputNormalizer -> InterpretOptions -> State Int (Decoder (f a)) instance GenericFromDhall t f => GenericFromDhall t (M1 D d f) where genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options = do res <- genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options pure (fmap M1 res) instance GenericFromDhall t V1 where genericAutoWithNormalizer _ _ _ = pure Decoder {..} where extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure $ Union mempty instance GenericFromDhallUnion t (f :+: g) => GenericFromDhall t (f :+: g) where genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options = pure (union (genericUnionAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options)) instance GenericFromDhall t f => GenericFromDhall t (M1 C c f) where genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options = do res <- genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options pure (fmap M1 res) instance GenericFromDhall t U1 where genericAutoWithNormalizer _ _ _ = pure (Decoder {..}) where extract _ = pure U1 expected = pure expected' expected' = Record (Dhall.Map.fromList []) instance (GenericFromDhall t (f :*: g), GenericFromDhall t (h :*: i)) => GenericFromDhall t ((f :*: g) :*: (h :*: i)) where genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options = do Decoder extractL expectedL <- genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options Decoder extractR expectedR <- genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options let ktsL = unsafeExpectRecord "genericAutoWithNormalizer (:*:)" <$> expectedL let ktsR = unsafeExpectRecord "genericAutoWithNormalizer (:*:)" <$> expectedR let expected = Record <$> (Dhall.Map.union <$> ktsL <*> ktsR) let extract expression = liftA2 (:*:) (extractL expression) (extractR expression) return (Decoder {..}) instance (GenericFromDhall t (f :*: g), Selector s, FromDhall a) => GenericFromDhall t ((f :*: g) :*: M1 S s (K1 i a)) where genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options@InterpretOptions{..} = do let nR :: M1 S s (K1 i a) r nR = undefined nameR <- fmap fieldModifier (getSelName nR) Decoder extractL expectedL <- genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options let Decoder extractR expectedR = autoWith inputNormalizer let ktsL = unsafeExpectRecord "genericAutoWithNormalizer (:*:)" <$> expectedL let expected = Record <$> (Dhall.Map.insert nameR . Core.makeRecordField <$> expectedR <*> ktsL) let extract expression = do let die = typeError expected expression case expression of RecordLit kvs -> case Core.recordFieldValue <$> Dhall.Map.lookup nameR kvs of Just expressionR -> liftA2 (:*:) (extractL expression) (fmap (M1 . K1) (extractR expressionR)) _ -> die _ -> die return (Decoder {..}) instance (Selector s, FromDhall a, GenericFromDhall t (f :*: g)) => GenericFromDhall t (M1 S s (K1 i a) :*: (f :*: g)) where genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options@InterpretOptions{..} = do let nL :: M1 S s (K1 i a) r nL = undefined nameL <- fmap fieldModifier (getSelName nL) let Decoder extractL expectedL = autoWith inputNormalizer Decoder extractR expectedR <- genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options let ktsR = unsafeExpectRecord "genericAutoWithNormalizer (:*:)" <$> expectedR let expected = Record <$> (Dhall.Map.insert nameL . Core.makeRecordField <$> expectedL <*> ktsR) let extract expression = do let die = typeError expected expression case expression of RecordLit kvs -> case Core.recordFieldValue <$> Dhall.Map.lookup nameL kvs of Just expressionL -> liftA2 (:*:) (fmap (M1 . K1) (extractL expressionL)) (extractR expression) _ -> die _ -> die return (Decoder {..}) instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} GenericFromDhall a1 (M1 S s1 (K1 i1 a1) :*: M1 S s2 (K1 i2 a2)) where genericAutoWithNormalizer _ _ _ = pure $ Decoder { extract = \_ -> Failure $ DhallErrors $ pure $ ExpectedTypeError RecursiveTypeError , expected = Failure $ DhallErrors $ pure RecursiveTypeError } instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} GenericFromDhall a2 (M1 S s1 (K1 i1 a1) :*: M1 S s2 (K1 i2 a2)) where genericAutoWithNormalizer _ _ _ = pure $ Decoder { extract = \_ -> Failure $ DhallErrors $ pure $ ExpectedTypeError RecursiveTypeError , expected = Failure $ DhallErrors $ pure RecursiveTypeError } instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Selector s1, Selector s2, FromDhall a1, FromDhall a2) => GenericFromDhall t (M1 S s1 (K1 i1 a1) :*: M1 S s2 (K1 i2 a2)) where genericAutoWithNormalizer _ inputNormalizer InterpretOptions{..} = do let nL :: M1 S s1 (K1 i1 a1) r nL = undefined let nR :: M1 S s2 (K1 i2 a2) r nR = undefined nameL <- fmap fieldModifier (getSelName nL) nameR <- fmap fieldModifier (getSelName nR) let Decoder extractL expectedL = autoWith inputNormalizer let Decoder extractR expectedR = autoWith inputNormalizer let expected = do l <- Core.makeRecordField <$> expectedL r <- Core.makeRecordField <$> expectedR pure $ Record (Dhall.Map.fromList [ (nameL, l) , (nameR, r) ] ) let extract expression = do let die = typeError expected expression case expression of RecordLit kvs -> case liftA2 (,) (Dhall.Map.lookup nameL kvs) (Dhall.Map.lookup nameR kvs) of Just (expressionL, expressionR) -> liftA2 (:*:) (fmap (M1 . K1) (extractL $ Core.recordFieldValue expressionL)) (fmap (M1 . K1) (extractR $ Core.recordFieldValue expressionR)) Nothing -> die _ -> die return (Decoder {..}) instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} GenericFromDhall a (M1 S s (K1 i a)) where genericAutoWithNormalizer _ _ _ = pure $ Decoder { extract = \_ -> Failure $ DhallErrors $ pure $ ExpectedTypeError RecursiveTypeError , expected = Failure $ DhallErrors $ pure RecursiveTypeError } instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Selector s, FromDhall a) => GenericFromDhall t (M1 S s (K1 i a)) where genericAutoWithNormalizer _ inputNormalizer InterpretOptions{..} = do let n :: M1 S s (K1 i a) r n = undefined name <- fmap fieldModifier (getSelName n) let Decoder { extract = extract', expected = expected'} = autoWith inputNormalizer let expected = case singletonConstructors of Bare -> expected' Smart | selName n == "" -> expected' _ -> Record . Dhall.Map.singleton name . Core.makeRecordField <$> expected' let extract0 expression = fmap (M1 . K1) (extract' expression) let extract1 expression = do let die = typeError expected expression case expression of RecordLit kvs -> case Core.recordFieldValue <$> Dhall.Map.lookup name kvs of Just subExpression -> fmap (M1 . K1) (extract' subExpression) Nothing -> die _ -> die let extract = case singletonConstructors of Bare -> extract0 Smart | selName n == "" -> extract0 _ -> extract1 return (Decoder {..}) {-| `genericAuto` is the default implementation for `auto` if you derive `FromDhall`. The difference is that you can use `genericAuto` without having to explicitly provide a `FromDhall` instance for a type as long as the type derives `Generic`. -} genericAuto :: (Generic a, GenericFromDhall a (Rep a)) => Decoder a genericAuto = genericAutoWith defaultInterpretOptions {-| `genericAutoWith` is a configurable version of `genericAuto`. -} genericAutoWith :: (Generic a, GenericFromDhall a (Rep a)) => InterpretOptions -> Decoder a genericAutoWith options = genericAutoWithInputNormalizer options defaultInputNormalizer {-| `genericAutoWithInputNormalizer` is like `genericAutoWith`, but instead of using the `defaultInputNormalizer` it expects an custom `InputNormalizer`. -} genericAutoWithInputNormalizer :: (Generic a, GenericFromDhall a (Rep a)) => InterpretOptions -> InputNormalizer -> Decoder a genericAutoWithInputNormalizer options inputNormalizer = withProxy (\p -> fmap to (evalState (genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options) 1)) where withProxy :: (Proxy a -> Decoder a) -> Decoder a withProxy f = f Proxy extractUnionConstructor :: Expr s a -> Maybe (Text, Expr s a, Dhall.Map.Map Text (Maybe (Expr s a))) extractUnionConstructor (App (Field (Union kts) (Core.fieldSelectionLabel -> fld)) e) = return (fld, e, Dhall.Map.delete fld kts) extractUnionConstructor (Field (Union kts) (Core.fieldSelectionLabel -> fld)) = return (fld, RecordLit mempty, Dhall.Map.delete fld kts) extractUnionConstructor _ = empty {-| This is the underlying class that powers the `FromDhall` class's support for automatically deriving a generic implementation for a union type. -} class GenericFromDhallUnion t f where genericUnionAutoWithNormalizer :: Proxy t -> InputNormalizer -> InterpretOptions -> UnionDecoder (f a) instance (GenericFromDhallUnion t f1, GenericFromDhallUnion t f2) => GenericFromDhallUnion t (f1 :+: f2) where genericUnionAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options = (<>) (L1 <$> genericUnionAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options) (R1 <$> genericUnionAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options) instance (Constructor c1, GenericFromDhall t f1) => GenericFromDhallUnion t (M1 C c1 f1) where genericUnionAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options@(InterpretOptions {..}) = constructor name (evalState (genericAutoWithNormalizer p inputNormalizer options) 1) where n :: M1 C c1 f1 a n = undefined name = constructorModifier (Data.Text.pack (conName n)) {-| Decode a `Prelude.Bool`. >>> input bool "True" True -} bool :: Decoder Bool bool = Decoder {..} where extract (BoolLit b) = pure b extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure Bool {-| Decode a `Prelude.Natural`. >>> input natural "42" 42 -} natural :: Decoder Natural natural = Decoder {..} where extract (NaturalLit n) = pure n extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure Natural {-| Decode an `Prelude.Integer`. >>> input integer "+42" 42 -} integer :: Decoder Integer integer = Decoder {..} where extract (IntegerLit n) = pure n extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure Integer wordHelper :: forall a . (Bounded a, Integral a) => Text -> Decoder a wordHelper name = Decoder {..} where extract (NaturalLit n) | toInteger n <= toInteger (maxBound @a) = pure (fromIntegral n) | otherwise = extractError ("Decoded " <> name <> " is out of bounds: " <> Data.Text.pack (show n)) extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure Natural {-| Decode a `Word` from a Dhall @Natural@. >>> input word "42" 42 -} word :: Decoder Word word = wordHelper "Word" {-| Decode a `Word8` from a Dhall @Natural@. >>> input word8 "42" 42 -} word8 :: Decoder Word8 word8 = wordHelper "Word8" {-| Decode a `Word16` from a Dhall @Natural@. >>> input word16 "42" 42 -} word16 :: Decoder Word16 word16 = wordHelper "Word16" {-| Decode a `Word32` from a Dhall @Natural@. >>> input word32 "42" 42 -} word32 :: Decoder Word32 word32 = wordHelper "Word32" {-| Decode a `Word64` from a Dhall @Natural@. >>> input word64 "42" 42 -} word64 :: Decoder Word64 word64 = wordHelper "Word64" intHelper :: forall a . (Bounded a, Integral a) => Text -> Decoder a intHelper name = Decoder {..} where extract (IntegerLit n) | toInteger (minBound @a) <= n && n <= toInteger (maxBound @a) = pure (fromIntegral n) | otherwise = extractError ("Decoded " <> name <> " is out of bounds: " <> Data.Text.pack (show n)) extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure Integer {-| Decode an `Int` from a Dhall @Integer@. >>> input int "-42" -42 -} int :: Decoder Int int = intHelper "Int" {-| Decode an `Int8` from a Dhall @Integer@. >>> input int8 "-42" -42 -} int8 :: Decoder Int8 int8 = intHelper "Int8" {-| Decode an `Int16` from a Dhall @Integer@. >>> input int16 "-42" -42 -} int16 :: Decoder Int16 int16 = intHelper "Int16" {-| Decode an `Int32` from a Dhall @Integer@. >>> input int32 "-42" -42 -} int32 :: Decoder Int32 int32 = intHelper "Int32" {-| Decode an `Int64` from a Dhall @Integer@. >>> input int64 "-42" -42 -} int64 :: Decoder Int64 int64 = intHelper "Int64" {-| Decode a `Scientific`. >>> input scientific "1e100" 1.0e100 -} scientific :: Decoder Scientific scientific = fmap Data.Scientific.fromFloatDigits double {-| Decode a `Prelude.Double`. >>> input double "42.0" 42.0 -} double :: Decoder Double double = Decoder {..} where extract (DoubleLit (DhallDouble n)) = pure n extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure Double {-| Decode a `Data.ByteString.Short.ShortByteString` >>> input shortBytes "0x\"00FF\"" "\NUL\255" -} shortBytes :: Decoder Data.ByteString.Short.ShortByteString shortBytes = fmap Data.ByteString.Short.toShort strictBytes {-| Decode a lazy `Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString`. >>> input lazyBytes "0x\"00FF\"" "\NUL\255" -} lazyBytes :: Decoder Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString lazyBytes = fmap Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromStrict strictBytes {-| Decode a strict `Data.ByteString.ByteString` >>> input strictBytes "0x\"00FF\"" "\NUL\255" -} strictBytes :: Decoder Data.ByteString.ByteString strictBytes = Decoder {..} where extract (BytesLit b) = pure b extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure Bytes {-| Decode `Data.Text.Short.ShortText`. >>> input shortText "\"Test\"" "Test" -} shortText :: Decoder Data.Text.Short.ShortText shortText = fmap Data.Text.Short.fromText strictText {-| Decode lazy `Data.Text.Lazy.Text`. >>> input lazyText "\"Test\"" "Test" -} lazyText :: Decoder Data.Text.Lazy.Text lazyText = fmap Data.Text.Lazy.fromStrict strictText {-| Decode strict `Data.Text.Text`. >>> input strictText "\"Test\"" "Test" -} strictText :: Decoder Text strictText = Decoder {..} where extract (TextLit (Chunks [] t)) = pure t extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure Text {-| Decode `Time.TimeOfDay` >>> input timeOfDay "00:00:00" 00:00:00 -} timeOfDay :: Decoder Time.TimeOfDay timeOfDay = Decoder {..} where extract (TimeLiteral t _) = pure t extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure Time {-| Decode `Time.Day` >>> input day "2000-01-01" 2000-01-01 -} day :: Decoder Time.Day day = Decoder {..} where extract (DateLiteral d) = pure d extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure Date {-| Decode `Time.TimeZone` >>> input timeZone "+00:00" +0000 -} timeZone :: Decoder Time.TimeZone timeZone = Decoder {..} where extract (TimeZoneLiteral z) = pure z extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure TimeZone {-| Decode `Time.LocalTime` >>> input localTime "2020-01-01T12:34:56" 2020-01-01 12:34:56 -} localTime :: Decoder Time.LocalTime localTime = record $ Time.LocalTime <$> field "date" day <*> field "time" timeOfDay {-| Decode `Time.ZonedTime` >>> input zonedTime "2020-01-01T12:34:56+02:00" 2020-01-01 12:34:56 +0200 -} zonedTime :: Decoder Time.ZonedTime zonedTime = record $ adapt <$> field "date" day <*> field "time" timeOfDay <*> field "timeZone" timeZone where adapt date time = Time.ZonedTime (Time.LocalTime date time) {-| Decode `Time.UTCTime` >>> input utcTime "2020-01-01T12:34:56+02:00" 2020-01-01 10:34:56 UTC -} utcTime :: Decoder Time.UTCTime utcTime = Time.zonedTimeToUTC <$> zonedTime {-| Decode `Time.DayOfWeek` >>> input dayOfWeek "< Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday >.Monday" Monday -} dayOfWeek :: Decoder Time.DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = Decoder{..} where extract expr@(Field _ FieldSelection{ fieldSelectionLabel }) = case fieldSelectionLabel of "Sunday" -> pure Time.Sunday "Monday" -> pure Time.Monday "Tuesday" -> pure Time.Tuesday "Wednesday" -> pure Time.Wednesday "Thursday" -> pure Time.Thursday "Friday" -> pure Time.Friday "Saturday" -> pure Time.Saturday _ -> typeError expected expr extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure (Union (Dhall.Map.fromList [ ("Sunday", Nothing) , ("Monday", Nothing) , ("Tuesday", Nothing) , ("Wednesday", Nothing) , ("Thursday", Nothing) , ("Friday", Nothing) , ("Saturday", Nothing) ] ) ) {-| Decode a `Maybe`. >>> input (maybe natural) "Some 1" Just 1 -} maybe :: Decoder a -> Decoder (Maybe a) maybe (Decoder extractIn expectedIn) = Decoder extractOut expectedOut where extractOut (Some e ) = fmap Just (extractIn e) extractOut (App None _) = pure Nothing extractOut expr = typeError expectedOut expr expectedOut = App Optional <$> expectedIn {-| Decode a `Seq`. >>> input (sequence natural) "[1, 2, 3]" fromList [1,2,3] -} sequence :: Decoder a -> Decoder (Seq a) sequence (Decoder extractIn expectedIn) = Decoder extractOut expectedOut where extractOut (ListLit _ es) = traverse extractIn es extractOut expr = typeError expectedOut expr expectedOut = App List <$> expectedIn {-| Decode a list. >>> input (list natural) "[1, 2, 3]" [1,2,3] -} list :: Decoder a -> Decoder [a] list = fmap Data.Foldable.toList . sequence {-| Decode a `Vector`. >>> input (vector natural) "[1, 2, 3]" [1,2,3] -} vector :: Decoder a -> Decoder (Vector a) vector = fmap Data.Vector.fromList . list {-| Decode a Dhall function into a Haskell function. >>> f <- input (function inject bool) "Natural/even" :: IO (Natural -> Bool) >>> f 0 True >>> f 1 False -} function :: Encoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder (a -> b) function = functionWith defaultInputNormalizer {-| Decode a Dhall function into a Haskell function using the specified normalizer. >>> f <- input (functionWith defaultInputNormalizer inject bool) "Natural/even" :: IO (Natural -> Bool) >>> f 0 True >>> f 1 False -} functionWith :: InputNormalizer -> Encoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder (a -> b) functionWith inputNormalizer (Encoder {..}) (Decoder extractIn expectedIn) = Decoder extractOut expectedOut where normalizer_ = Just (getInputNormalizer inputNormalizer) extractOut e = pure (\i -> case extractIn (Core.normalizeWith normalizer_ (App e (embed i))) of Success o -> o Failure _e -> error "FromDhall: You cannot decode a function if it does not have the correct type" ) expectedOut = Pi mempty "_" declared <$> expectedIn {-| Decode a `Data.Set.Set` from a `List`. >>> input (setIgnoringDuplicates natural) "[1, 2, 3]" fromList [1,2,3] Duplicate elements are ignored. >>> input (setIgnoringDuplicates natural) "[1, 1, 3]" fromList [1,3] -} setIgnoringDuplicates :: (Ord a) => Decoder a -> Decoder (Data.Set.Set a) setIgnoringDuplicates = fmap Data.Set.fromList . list {-| Decode a `Data.HashSet.HashSet` from a `List`. >>> input (hashSetIgnoringDuplicates natural) "[1, 2, 3]" fromList [1,2,3] Duplicate elements are ignored. >>> input (hashSetIgnoringDuplicates natural) "[1, 1, 3]" fromList [1,3] -} hashSetIgnoringDuplicates :: (Hashable a, Ord a) => Decoder a -> Decoder (Data.HashSet.HashSet a) hashSetIgnoringDuplicates = fmap Data.HashSet.fromList . list {-| Decode a `Data.Set.Set` from a `List` with distinct elements. >>> input (setFromDistinctList natural) "[1, 2, 3]" fromList [1,2,3] An error is thrown if the list contains duplicates. > >>> input (setFromDistinctList natural) "[1, 1, 3]" > *** Exception: Error: Failed extraction > > The expression type-checked successfully but the transformation to the target > type failed with the following error: > > One duplicate element in the list: 1 > > >>> input (setFromDistinctList natural) "[1, 1, 3, 3]" > *** Exception: Error: Failed extraction > > The expression type-checked successfully but the transformation to the target > type failed with the following error: > > 2 duplicates were found in the list, including 1 > -} setFromDistinctList :: (Ord a, Show a) => Decoder a -> Decoder (Data.Set.Set a) setFromDistinctList = setHelper Data.Set.size Data.Set.fromList {-| Decode a `Data.HashSet.HashSet` from a `List` with distinct elements. >>> input (hashSetFromDistinctList natural) "[1, 2, 3]" fromList [1,2,3] An error is thrown if the list contains duplicates. > >>> input (hashSetFromDistinctList natural) "[1, 1, 3]" > *** Exception: Error: Failed extraction > > The expression type-checked successfully but the transformation to the target > type failed with the following error: > > One duplicate element in the list: 1 > > >>> input (hashSetFromDistinctList natural) "[1, 1, 3, 3]" > *** Exception: Error: Failed extraction > > The expression type-checked successfully but the transformation to the target > type failed with the following error: > > 2 duplicates were found in the list, including 1 > -} hashSetFromDistinctList :: (Hashable a, Ord a, Show a) => Decoder a -> Decoder (Data.HashSet.HashSet a) hashSetFromDistinctList = setHelper Data.HashSet.size Data.HashSet.fromList setHelper :: (Eq a, Foldable t, Show a) => (t a -> Int) -> ([a] -> t a) -> Decoder a -> Decoder (t a) setHelper size toSet (Decoder extractIn expectedIn) = Decoder extractOut expectedOut where extractOut (ListLit _ es) = case traverse extractIn es of Success vSeq | sameSize -> Success vSet | otherwise -> extractError err where vList = Data.Foldable.toList vSeq vSet = toSet vList sameSize = size vSet == Data.Sequence.length vSeq duplicates = vList List.\\ Data.Foldable.toList vSet err | length duplicates == 1 = "One duplicate element in the list: " <> (Data.Text.pack $ show $ head duplicates) | otherwise = Data.Text.pack $ unwords [ show $ length duplicates , "duplicates were found in the list, including" , show $ head duplicates ] Failure f -> Failure f extractOut expr = typeError expectedOut expr expectedOut = App List <$> expectedIn {-| Decode a `Map` from a @toMap@ expression or generally a @Prelude.Map.Type@. >>> input (Dhall.map strictText bool) "toMap { a = True, b = False }" fromList [("a",True),("b",False)] >>> input (Dhall.map strictText bool) "[ { mapKey = \"foo\", mapValue = True } ]" fromList [("foo",True)] If there are duplicate @mapKey@s, later @mapValue@s take precedence: >>> let expr = "[ { mapKey = 1, mapValue = True }, { mapKey = 1, mapValue = False } ]" >>> input (Dhall.map natural bool) expr fromList [(1,False)] -} map :: Ord k => Decoder k -> Decoder v -> Decoder (Map k v) map k v = fmap Data.Map.fromList (list (pairFromMapEntry k v)) {-| Decode a `HashMap` from a @toMap@ expression or generally a @Prelude.Map.Type@. >>> fmap (List.sort . HashMap.toList) (input (Dhall.hashMap strictText bool) "toMap { a = True, b = False }") [("a",True),("b",False)] >>> fmap (List.sort . HashMap.toList) (input (Dhall.hashMap strictText bool) "[ { mapKey = \"foo\", mapValue = True } ]") [("foo",True)] If there are duplicate @mapKey@s, later @mapValue@s take precedence: >>> let expr = "[ { mapKey = 1, mapValue = True }, { mapKey = 1, mapValue = False } ]" >>> input (Dhall.hashMap natural bool) expr fromList [(1,False)] -} hashMap :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => Decoder k -> Decoder v -> Decoder (HashMap k v) hashMap k v = fmap HashMap.fromList (list (pairFromMapEntry k v)) {-| Decode a tuple from a @Prelude.Map.Entry@ record. >>> input (pairFromMapEntry strictText natural) "{ mapKey = \"foo\", mapValue = 3 }" ("foo",3) -} pairFromMapEntry :: Decoder k -> Decoder v -> Decoder (k, v) pairFromMapEntry k v = Decoder extractOut expectedOut where extractOut (RecordLit kvs) | Just key <- Core.recordFieldValue <$> Dhall.Map.lookup "mapKey" kvs , Just value <- Core.recordFieldValue <$> Dhall.Map.lookup "mapValue" kvs = liftA2 (,) (extract k key) (extract v value) extractOut expr = typeError expectedOut expr expectedOut = do k' <- Core.makeRecordField <$> expected k v' <- Core.makeRecordField <$> expected v pure $ Record $ Dhall.Map.fromList [ ("mapKey", k') , ("mapValue", v')] {-| Decode @()@ from an empty record. >>> input unit "{=}" -- GHC doesn't print the result if it is () -} unit :: Decoder () unit = Decoder {..} where extract (RecordLit fields) | Data.Foldable.null fields = pure () extract expr = typeError expected expr expected = pure $ Record mempty {-| Decode 'Void' from an empty union. Since @<>@ is uninhabited, @'Dhall.input' 'void'@ will always fail. -} void :: Decoder Void void = union mempty {-| Decode a `String` >>> input string "\"ABC\"" "ABC" -} string :: Decoder String string = Data.Text.Lazy.unpack <$> lazyText {-| Given a pair of `Decoder`s, decode a tuple-record into their pairing. >>> input (pair natural bool) "{ _1 = 42, _2 = False }" (42,False) -} pair :: Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder (a, b) pair l r = Decoder extractOut expectedOut where extractOut expr@(RecordLit fields) = (,) <$> Data.Maybe.maybe (typeError expectedOut expr) (extract l) (Core.recordFieldValue <$> Dhall.Map.lookup "_1" fields) <*> Data.Maybe.maybe (typeError expectedOut expr) (extract r) (Core.recordFieldValue <$> Dhall.Map.lookup "_2" fields) extractOut expr = typeError expectedOut expr expectedOut = do l' <- Core.makeRecordField <$> expected l r' <- Core.makeRecordField <$> expected r pure $ Record $ Dhall.Map.fromList [ ("_1", l') , ("_2", r')] {-| The 'RecordDecoder' applicative functor allows you to build a 'Decoder' from a Dhall record. For example, let's take the following Haskell data type: >>> :{ data Project = Project { projectName :: Text , projectDescription :: Text , projectStars :: Natural } :} And assume that we have the following Dhall record that we would like to parse as a @Project@: > { name = > "dhall-haskell" > , description = > "A configuration language guaranteed to terminate" > , stars = > 289 > } Our decoder has type 'Decoder' @Project@, but we can't build that out of any smaller decoders, as 'Decoder's cannot be combined (they are only 'Functor's). However, we can use a 'RecordDecoder' to build a 'Decoder' for @Project@: >>> :{ project :: Decoder Project project = record ( Project <$> field "name" strictText <*> field "description" strictText <*> field "stars" natural ) :} -} newtype RecordDecoder a = RecordDecoder ( Data.Functor.Product.Product ( Control.Applicative.Const (Dhall.Map.Map Text (Expector (Expr Src Void))) ) ( Data.Functor.Compose.Compose ((->) (Expr Src Void)) (Extractor Src Void) ) a ) deriving (Functor, Applicative) -- | Run a 'RecordDecoder' to build a 'Decoder'. record :: RecordDecoder a -> Dhall.Marshal.Decode.Decoder a record (RecordDecoder (Data.Functor.Product.Pair (Control.Applicative.Const fields) (Data.Functor.Compose.Compose extract) ) ) = Decoder {..} where expected = Record <$> traverse (fmap Core.makeRecordField) fields -- | Parse a single field of a record. field :: Text -> Decoder a -> RecordDecoder a field key (Decoder {..}) = RecordDecoder ( Data.Functor.Product.Pair ( Control.Applicative.Const (Dhall.Map.singleton key expected) ) ( Data.Functor.Compose.Compose extractBody ) ) where extractBody expr@(RecordLit fields) = case Core.recordFieldValue <$> Dhall.Map.lookup key fields of Just v -> extract v _ -> typeError expected expr extractBody expr = typeError expected expr {-| The 'UnionDecoder' monoid allows you to build a 'Decoder' from a Dhall union. For example, let's take the following Haskell data type: >>> :{ data Status = Queued Natural | Result Text | Errored Text :} And assume that we have the following Dhall union that we would like to parse as a @Status@: > < Result : Text > | Queued : Natural > | Errored : Text > >.Result "Finish successfully" Our decoder has type 'Decoder' @Status@, but we can't build that out of any smaller decoders, as 'Decoder's cannot be combined (they are only 'Functor's). However, we can use a 'UnionDecoder' to build a 'Decoder' for @Status@: >>> :{ status :: Decoder Status status = union ( ( Queued <$> constructor "Queued" natural ) <> ( Result <$> constructor "Result" strictText ) <> ( Errored <$> constructor "Errored" strictText ) ) :} -} newtype UnionDecoder a = UnionDecoder ( Data.Functor.Compose.Compose (Dhall.Map.Map Text) Decoder a ) deriving (Functor) instance Semigroup (UnionDecoder a) where (<>) = coerce ((<>) :: Dhall.Map.Map Text (Decoder a) -> Dhall.Map.Map Text (Decoder a) -> Dhall.Map.Map Text (Decoder a)) instance Monoid (UnionDecoder a) where mempty = coerce (mempty :: Dhall.Map.Map Text (Decoder a)) -- | Run a 'UnionDecoder' to build a 'Decoder'. union :: UnionDecoder a -> Decoder a union (UnionDecoder (Data.Functor.Compose.Compose mp)) = Decoder {..} where extract expr = case expected' of Failure e -> Failure $ fmap ExpectedTypeError e Success x -> extract' expr x extract' e0 mp' = Data.Maybe.maybe (typeError expected e0) (uncurry Dhall.Marshal.Decode.extract) $ do (fld, e1, rest) <- extractUnionConstructor e0 t <- Dhall.Map.lookup fld mp guard $ Core.Union rest `Core.judgmentallyEqual` Core.Union (Dhall.Map.delete fld mp') pure (t, e1) expected = Union <$> expected' expected' = traverse (fmap notEmptyRecord . Dhall.Marshal.Decode.expected) mp -- | Parse a single constructor of a union. constructor :: Text -> Decoder a -> UnionDecoder a constructor key valueDecoder = UnionDecoder ( Data.Functor.Compose.Compose (Dhall.Map.singleton key valueDecoder) ) {-| A newtype suitable for collecting one or more errors. -} newtype DhallErrors e = DhallErrors { getErrors :: NonEmpty e } deriving (Eq, Functor, Semigroup) instance (Show (DhallErrors e), Typeable e) => Exception (DhallErrors e) {-| Render a given prefix and some errors to a string. -} showDhallErrors :: Show e => String -> DhallErrors e -> String showDhallErrors _ (DhallErrors (e :| [])) = show e showDhallErrors ctx (DhallErrors es) = prefix <> (unlines . Data.List.NonEmpty.toList . fmap show $ es) where prefix = "Multiple errors were encountered" ++ ctx ++ ": \n\ \ \n" {-| One or more errors returned from extracting a Dhall expression to a Haskell expression. -} type ExtractErrors s a = DhallErrors (ExtractError s a) instance (Pretty s, Pretty a, Typeable s, Typeable a) => Show (ExtractErrors s a) where show = showDhallErrors " during extraction" {-| Extraction of a value can fail for two reasons, either a type mismatch (which should not happen, as expressions are type-checked against the expected type before being passed to @extract@), or a term-level error, described with a freeform text value. -} data ExtractError s a = TypeMismatch (InvalidDecoder s a) | ExpectedTypeError ExpectedTypeError | ExtractError Text deriving (Eq) instance (Pretty s, Pretty a, Typeable s, Typeable a) => Show (ExtractError s a) where show (TypeMismatch e) = show e show (ExpectedTypeError e) = show e show (ExtractError es) = _ERROR <> ": Failed extraction \n\ \ \n\ \The expression type-checked successfully but the transformation to the target \n\ \type failed with the following error: \n\ \ \n\ \" <> Data.Text.unpack es <> "\n\ \ \n" instance (Pretty s, Pretty a, Typeable s, Typeable a) => Exception (ExtractError s a) {-| Useful synonym for the `Validation` type used when marshalling Dhall expressions. -} type Extractor s a = Validation (ExtractErrors s a) {-| Generate a type error during extraction by specifying the expected type and the actual type. The expected type is not yet determined. -} typeError :: Expector (Expr s a) -> Expr s a -> Extractor s a b typeError expected actual = Failure $ case expected of Failure e -> fmap ExpectedTypeError e Success expected' -> DhallErrors $ pure $ TypeMismatch $ InvalidDecoder expected' actual -- | Turn a `Data.Text.Text` message into an extraction failure. extractError :: Text -> Extractor s a b extractError = Failure . DhallErrors . pure . ExtractError {-| Useful synonym for the equivalent `Either` type used when marshalling Dhall code. -} type MonadicExtractor s a = Either (ExtractErrors s a) -- | Switches from an @Applicative@ extraction result, able to accumulate errors, -- to a @Monad@ extraction result, able to chain sequential operations. toMonadic :: Extractor s a b -> MonadicExtractor s a b toMonadic = validationToEither -- | Switches from a @Monad@ extraction result, able to chain sequential errors, -- to an @Applicative@ extraction result, able to accumulate errors. fromMonadic :: MonadicExtractor s a b -> Extractor s a b fromMonadic = eitherToValidation {-| Every `Decoder` must obey the contract that if an expression's type matches the `expected` type then the `extract` function must not fail with a type error. However, decoding may still fail for other reasons (such as the decoder for `Data.Map.Set`s rejecting a Dhall @List@ with duplicate elements). This error type is used to indicate an internal error in the implementation of a `Decoder` where the expected type matched the Dhall expression, but the expression supplied to the extraction function did not match the expected type. If this happens that means that the `Decoder` itself needs to be fixed. -} data InvalidDecoder s a = InvalidDecoder { invalidDecoderExpected :: Expr s a , invalidDecoderExpression :: Expr s a } deriving (Eq, Typeable) instance (Pretty s, Typeable s, Pretty a, Typeable a) => Exception (InvalidDecoder s a) instance (Pretty s, Pretty a, Typeable s, Typeable a) => Show (InvalidDecoder s a) where show InvalidDecoder { .. } = _ERROR <> ": Invalid Dhall.Decoder \n\ \ \n\ \Every Decoder must provide an extract function that does not fail with a type \n\ \error if an expression matches the expected type. You provided a Decoder that \n\ \disobeys this contract \n\ \ \n\ \The Decoder provided has the expected dhall type: \n\ \ \n\ \" <> show txt0 <> "\n\ \ \n\ \and it threw a type error during extraction from the well-typed expression: \n\ \ \n\ \" <> show txt1 <> "\n\ \ \n" where txt0 = Dhall.Util.insert invalidDecoderExpected txt1 = Dhall.Util.insert invalidDecoderExpression {-| Useful synonym for the `Validation` type used when marshalling Dhall expressions. -} type Expector = Validation ExpectedTypeErrors {-| One or more errors returned when determining the Dhall type of a Haskell expression. -} type ExpectedTypeErrors = DhallErrors ExpectedTypeError {-| Error type used when determining the Dhall type of a Haskell expression. -} data ExpectedTypeError = RecursiveTypeError deriving (Eq, Show) instance Exception ExpectedTypeError instance Show ExpectedTypeErrors where show = showDhallErrors " while determining the expected type" _ERROR :: String _ERROR = "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m"