{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-| Convert JSON data to Dhall in one of two ways: * By default, the conversion will make a best-effort at inferring the corresponding Dhall type * Optionally, you can specify an expected Dhall type necessary to make the translation unambiguous. Either way, if you supply the generated Dhall result to @dhall-to-json@ you should get back the original JSON. Only a subset of Dhall types are supported when converting from JSON: * @Bool@ * @Natural@ * @Integer@ * @Double@ * @Text@ * @List@ * @Optional@ * unions * records * @Prelude.Type.Map@ * @Prelude.Type.JSON@ - You can always convert JSON data to this type as a last resort if you don't know the schema in advance. You can use this code as a library (this module) or as an executable named @json-to-dhall@, which is used in the examples below. By default the @json-to-dhall@ executable attempts to infer the appropriate Dhall type from the JSON data, like this: > $ json-to-dhall <<< 1 > 1 ... but you can also provide an explicit schema on the command line if you prefer a slightly different Dhall type which still represents the same JSON value: > $ json-to-dhall Integer <<< 1 > +1 You can also get the best of both worlds by using the @type@ subcommand to infer the schema: > $ json-to-dhall type <<< '[ "up", "down" ]' | tee schema.dhall > List Text ... and then edit the @./schema.dhall@ file to better match the type you intended, such as: > $ $EDITOR schema.dhall > $ cat ./schema.dhall > List < up | down > ... and then use the edited schema for subsequent conversions: > $ json-to-dhall ./schema.dhall <<< '[ "up", "down" ]' > [ < down | up >.up, < down | up >.down ] == Primitive types JSON @Bool@s translate to Dhall bools: > $ json-to-dhall <<< 'true' > True > $ json-to-dhall <<< 'false' > False JSON numbers translate to Dhall numbers: > $ json-to-dhall <<< 2 > 2 > $ json-to-dhall <<< -2 > -2 > $ json-to-dhall <<< -2.1 > -2.1 > $ json-to-dhall Natural <<< 2 > 2 > $ json-to-dhall Integer <<< 2 > +2 > $ json-to-dhall Double <<< 2 > 2.0 JSON text corresponds to Dhall @Text@ by default: > $ json-to-dhall <<< '"foo bar"' > "foo bar" ... but you can also decode text into a more structured enum, too, if you provide an explicit schema: > $ json-to-dhall '< A | B >' <<< '"A"' > < A | B >.A == Lists and records Dhall @List@s correspond to JSON lists: > $ json-to-dhall <<< '[ 1, 2, 3 ]' > [ 1, 2, 3 ] You can even decode an empty JSON list to Dhall: > $ json-to-dhall <<< '[]' > [] : List <> ... which will infer the empty @\<\>@ type if there are no other constraints on the type. If you provide an explicit type annotation then the conversion will use that instead: > $ json-to-dhall 'List Natural' <<< '[]' > [] : List Natural Dhall records correspond to JSON records: > $ json-to-dhall <<< '{ "foo": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }' > { foo = [ 1, 2, 3 ] } If you specify a schema with additional @Optional@ fields then they will be @None@ if absent: > $ json-to-dhall '{ foo : List Natural, bar : Optional Bool }' <<< '{ "foo": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }' > { bar = None Bool, foo = [ 1, 2, 3 ] } ... and @Some@ if present: > $ json-to-dhall '{ foo : List Natural, bar : Optional Bool }' <<< '{ "foo": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "bar": true }' > { bar = Some True, foo = [ 1, 2, 3 ] } If you specify a schema with too few fields, then the behavior is configurable. By default, the conversion will reject extra fields: > $ json-to-dhall '{ foo : List Natural }' <<< '{ "foo": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "bar": true }' > > Error: Key(s) bar present in the JSON object but not in the expected Dhall record type. This is not allowed unless you enable the --records-loose flag: > > Expected Dhall type: > { foo : List Natural } > > JSON: > { > "foo": [ > 1, > 2, > 3 > ], > "bar": true > } ... as the error message suggests, extra fields are ignored if you enable the @--records-loose@ flag. > $ json-to-dhall --records-loose '{ foo : List Natural }' <<< '{ "foo": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "bar": true }' > { foo = [ 1, 2, 3 ] } You can convert JSON key-value arrays to Dhall records, but only if you supply an explicit Dhall type: > $ json-to-dhall '{ a : Natural, b : Text }' <<< '[ { "key": "a", "value": 1 }, { "key": "b", "value": "asdf" } ]' > { a = 1, b = "asdf" } You can also disable this behavior using the @--no-keyval-arrays@: > $ json-to-dhall --no-keyval-arrays '{ a : Natural, b : Text }' <<< '[ { "key": "a", "value": 1 }, { "key": "b", "value": "asdf" } ]' > Error: JSON (key-value) arrays cannot be converted to Dhall records under --no-keyval-arrays flag: You can also convert JSON records to Dhall @Map@s, but only if you supply an explicit schema: > $ json-to-dhall 'List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }' <<< '{ "foo": "bar" }' > toMap { foo = "bar" } The map keys can even be union types instead of `Text`: > $ json-to-dhall 'List { mapKey : < A | B >, mapValue : Natural }' <<< '{ "A": 1, "B": 2 }' > [ { mapKey = < A | B >.A, mapValue = 1 }, { mapKey = < A | B >.B, mapValue = 2 } ] You can similarly disable this feature using @--no-keyval-maps@: > $ json-to-dhall --no-keyval-maps 'List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }' <<< '{ "foo": "bar" }' > Error: Homogeneous JSON map objects cannot be converted to Dhall association lists under --no-keyval-arrays flag If your schema is a record with a `List` field and omit that field in the JSON, you'll get an error: > $ json-to-dhall '{ a : List Natural }' <<< '{}' > > > Error: Key a, expected by Dhall type: > List Natural > is not present in JSON object: > {} You can use the @--omissible-lists@ option to default to an empty list in this case > $ json-to-dhall --omissible-lists '{ a : List Natural }' <<< '{}' > { a = [] : List Natural } == Optional values and unions JSON @null@ values correspond to @Optional@ Dhall values: > $ json-to-dhall <<< 'null' > None <> ... and the schema inference logic will automatically wrap other values in @Optional@ to ensure that the types line up: > $ json-to-dhall <<< '[ 1, null ]' > [ Some 1, None Natural ] A field that might be absent also corresponds to an @Optional@ type: > $ json-to-dhall <<< '[ { "x": 1 }, { "x": 2, "y": true } ]' > [ { x = 1, y = None Bool }, { x = 2, y = Some True } ] For Dhall union types the correct value will be based on matching the type of JSON expression if you give an explicit type: > $ json-to-dhall 'List < Left : Text | Right : Integer >' <<< '[1, "bar"]' > [ < Left : Text | Right : Integer >.Right +1 > , < Left : Text | Right : Integer >.Left "bar" > ] Also, the schema inference logic will still infer a union anyway in order to reconcile simple types: > $ json-to-dhall <<< '[ 1, true ]' > [ < Bool : Bool | Natural : Natural >.Natural 1 > , < Bool : Bool | Natural : Natural >.Bool True > ] In presence of multiple potential matches, the first will be selected by default: > $ json-to-dhall '{foo : < Left : Text | Middle : Text | Right : Integer >}' <<< '{ "foo": "bar"}' > { foo = < Left : Text | Middle : Text | Right : Integer >.Left "bar" } This will result in error if @--unions-strict@ flag is used, with the list of alternative matches being reported (as a Dhall list) > $ json-to-dhall --unions-strict '{foo : < Left : Text | Middle : Text | Right : Integer >}' <<< '{ "foo": "bar"}' > Error: More than one union component type matches JSON value > ... > Possible matches: > < Left : Text | Middle : Text | Right : Integer >.Left "bar" > -------- > < Left : Text | Middle : Text | Right : Integer >.Middle "bar" == Weakly-typed JSON If you don't know the JSON's schema in advance, you can decode into the most general schema possible: > $ cat ./schema.dhall > https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/JSON/Type > $ json-to-dhall ./schema.dhall <<< '[ { "foo": null, "bar": [ 1.0, true ] } ]' > λ(JSON : Type) > → λ(string : Text → JSON) > → λ(number : Double → JSON) > → λ(object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON) > → λ(array : List JSON → JSON) > → λ(bool : Bool → JSON) > → λ(null : JSON) > → array > [ object > ( toMap > { bar = array [ number 1.0, bool True ] > , foo = null > } > ) > ] You can also mix and match JSON fields whose schemas are known or unknown: > $ cat ./mixed.dhall > List > { foo : Optional Natural > , bar : https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/JSON/Type > } > $ json-to-dhall ./mixed.dhall <<< '[ { "foo": null, "bar": [ 1.0, true ] } ]' > [ { bar = > λ(JSON : Type) > → λ(string : Text → JSON) > → λ(number : Double → JSON) > → λ(object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON) > → λ(array : List JSON → JSON) > → λ(bool : Bool → JSON) > → λ(null : JSON) > → array [ number 1.0, bool True ] > , foo = > None Natural > } > ] The schema inference algorithm will also infer this schema of last resort when unifying a simple type with a record or a list: > $ json-to-dhall <<< '[ 1, [] ]' > [ λ(JSON : Type) → > λ ( json > : { array : List JSON → JSON > , bool : Bool → JSON > , double : Double → JSON > , integer : Integer → JSON > , null : JSON > , object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON > , string : Text → JSON > } > ) → > json.integer +1 > , λ(JSON : Type) → > λ ( json > : { array : List JSON → JSON > , bool : Bool → JSON > , double : Double → JSON > , integer : Integer → JSON > , null : JSON > , object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON > , string : Text → JSON > } > ) → > json.array ([] : List JSON) > ] -} module Dhall.JSONToDhall ( -- * JSON to Dhall parseConversion , Conversion(..) , defaultConversion , resolveSchemaExpr , typeCheckSchemaExpr , dhallFromJSON -- * Schema inference , Schema(..) , RecordSchema(..) , UnionSchema(..) , inferSchema , schemaToDhallType -- * Exceptions , CompileError(..) , showCompileError ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO) import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, throwM) import Data.Aeson (Value) import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty (encodePretty) import Data.Either (rights) import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.List ((\\)) import Data.Monoid (Any (..)) import Data.Scientific (floatingOrInteger, toRealFloat) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Void (Void) import Dhall.Core (Chunks (..), DhallDouble (..), Expr (App)) import Dhall.JSON.Util (pattern FA, pattern V) import Dhall.Parser (Src) import Options.Applicative (Parser) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson.Types import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL8 import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map import qualified Data.Map.Merge.Lazy as Data.Map.Merge import qualified Data.Ord as Ord import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.String import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import qualified Dhall.Core as D import qualified Dhall.Import import qualified Dhall.Lint as Lint import qualified Dhall.Map as Map import qualified Dhall.Optics as Optics import qualified Dhall.Parser import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck as D import qualified Options.Applicative as O -- --------------- -- Command options -- --------------- -- | Standard parser for options related to the conversion method parseConversion :: Parser Conversion parseConversion = Conversion <$> parseStrict <*> parseKVArr <*> parseKVMap <*> parseUnion <*> parseOmissibleLists where parseStrict = O.flag' True ( O.long "records-strict" <> O.help "Fail if any JSON fields are missing from the expected Dhall type" ) <|> O.flag' False ( O.long "records-loose" <> O.help "Tolerate JSON fields not present within the expected Dhall type" ) <|> pure True parseKVArr = O.switch ( O.long "no-keyval-arrays" <> O.help "Disable conversion of key-value arrays to records" ) parseKVMap = O.switch ( O.long "no-keyval-maps" <> O.help "Disable conversion of homogeneous map objects to association lists" ) parseOmissibleLists = O.switch ( O.long "omissible-lists" <> O.help "Tolerate missing list values, they are assumed empty" ) -- | Parser for command options related to treating union types parseUnion :: Parser UnionConv parseUnion = uFirst <|> uNone <|> uStrict <|> pure UFirst -- defaulting to UFirst where uFirst = O.flag' UFirst ( O.long "unions-first" <> O.help "The first value with the matching type (succefully parsed all the way down the tree) is accepted, even if not the only posible match. (DEFAULT)" ) uNone = O.flag' UNone ( O.long "unions-none" <> O.help "Unions not allowed" ) uStrict = O.flag' UStrict ( O.long "unions-strict" <> O.help "Error if more than one union values match the type (and parse successfully)" ) -- ---------- -- Conversion -- ---------- -- | JSON-to-dhall translation options data Conversion = Conversion { strictRecs :: Bool , noKeyValArr :: Bool , noKeyValMap :: Bool , unions :: UnionConv , omissibleLists :: Bool } deriving Show data UnionConv = UFirst | UNone | UStrict deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- | Default conversion options defaultConversion :: Conversion defaultConversion = Conversion { strictRecs = False , noKeyValArr = False , noKeyValMap = False , unions = UFirst , omissibleLists = False } -- | The 'Expr' type concretization used throughout this module type ExprX = Expr Src Void -- | Parse schema code and resolve imports resolveSchemaExpr :: Text -- ^ type code (schema) -> IO ExprX resolveSchemaExpr code = do parsedExpression <- case Dhall.Parser.exprFromText "\n\ESC[1;31mSCHEMA\ESC[0m" code of Left err -> throwIO err Right parsedExpression -> return parsedExpression Dhall.Import.load parsedExpression {-| Check that the Dhall type expression actually has type 'Type' >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings >>> import Dhall.Core >>> typeCheckSchemaExpr id =<< resolveSchemaExpr "List Natural" App List Natural >>> typeCheckSchemaExpr id =<< resolveSchemaExpr "+1" *** Exception: Error: Schema expression is successfully parsed but has Dhall type: Integer Expected Dhall type: Type Parsed expression: +1 -} typeCheckSchemaExpr :: (Exception e, MonadCatch m) => (CompileError -> e) -> ExprX -> m ExprX typeCheckSchemaExpr compileException expr = case D.typeOf expr of -- check if the expression has type Left err -> throwM . compileException $ TypeError err Right t -> case t of -- check if the expression has type Type D.Const D.Type -> return expr _ -> throwM . compileException $ BadDhallType t expr keyValMay :: Value -> Maybe (Text, Value) keyValMay (Aeson.Object o) = do Aeson.String k <- HM.lookup "key" o v <- HM.lookup "value" o return (k, v) keyValMay _ = Nothing {-| Given a JSON `Value`, make a best-effort guess of what the matching Dhall type should be This is used by @{json,yaml}-to-dhall@ if the user does not supply a schema on the command line -} inferSchema :: Value -> Schema inferSchema (Aeson.Object m) = let convertMap = Data.Map.fromList . HM.toList in (Record . RecordSchema . convertMap) (fmap inferSchema m) inferSchema (Aeson.Array xs) = List (Foldable.foldMap inferSchema xs) inferSchema (Aeson.String _) = Text inferSchema (Aeson.Number n) = case floatingOrInteger n of Left (_ :: Double) -> Double Right (integer :: Integer) | 0 <= integer -> Natural | otherwise -> Integer inferSchema (Aeson.Bool _) = Bool inferSchema Aeson.Null = Optional mempty -- | Aeson record type that `inferSchema` can infer newtype RecordSchema = RecordSchema { getRecordSchema :: Data.Map.Map Text Schema } instance Semigroup RecordSchema where RecordSchema l <> RecordSchema r = RecordSchema m where -- The reason this is not @Just (Optional s)@ is to avoid creating a -- double `Optional` wrapper when unifying a @null@ field with an -- absent field. onMissing _ s = Just (s <> Optional mempty) m = Data.Map.Merge.merge (Data.Map.Merge.mapMaybeMissing onMissing) (Data.Map.Merge.mapMaybeMissing onMissing) (Data.Map.Merge.zipWithMatched (\_ -> (<>))) l r recordSchemaToDhallType :: RecordSchema -> Expr s a recordSchemaToDhallType (RecordSchema m) = D.Record (Map.fromList (Data.Map.toList (fmap (D.makeRecordField . schemaToDhallType) m))) {-| `inferSchema` will never infer a union type with more than one numeric alternative Instead, the most general alternative type will be preferred, which this type tracks -} data UnionNumber = UnionAbsent -- ^ The union type does not have a numeric alternative | UnionNatural -- ^ The union type has a @Natural@ alternative | UnionInteger -- ^ The union type has an @Integer@ alternative | UnionDouble -- ^ The union type has a @Double@ alternative deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord) -- | Unify two numeric alternative types by preferring the most general type instance Semigroup UnionNumber where (<>) = max instance Monoid UnionNumber where mempty = minBound unionNumberToAlternatives :: UnionNumber -> [ (Text, Maybe (Expr s a)) ] unionNumberToAlternatives UnionAbsent = [] unionNumberToAlternatives UnionNatural = [ ("Natural", Just D.Natural) ] unionNumberToAlternatives UnionInteger = [ ("Integer", Just D.Integer) ] unionNumberToAlternatives UnionDouble = [ ("Double" , Just D.Double ) ] {-| A union type that `inferSchema` can infer This type will have at most three alternatives: * A @Bool@ alternative * Either a @Natural@, @Integer@, or @Double@ alternative * A @Text@ alternative These alternatives will always use the same names and types when we convert back to a Dhall type, so we only need to keep track of whether or not each alternative is present. We only store simple types inside of a union since we treat any attempt to unify a simple type with a complex type as a strong indication that the user intended for the schema to be `ArbitraryJSON`. -} data UnionSchema = UnionSchema { bool :: Any -- ^ `True` if the union has a @Bool@ alternative , number :: UnionNumber -- ^ Up to one numeric alternative , text :: Any -- ^ `True` if the union has a @Text@ alternative } deriving (Eq) unionSchemaToDhallType :: UnionSchema -> Expr s a unionSchemaToDhallType UnionSchema{..} = D.Union (Map.fromList alternatives) where alternatives = (if getAny bool then [ ("Bool", Just D.Bool) ] else []) <> unionNumberToAlternatives number <> (if getAny text then [ ("Text", Just D.Text) ] else []) -- | Unify two union types by combining their alternatives instance Semigroup UnionSchema where UnionSchema boolL numberL textL <> UnionSchema boolR numberR textR = UnionSchema{..} where bool = boolL <> boolR number = numberL <> numberR text = textL <> textR instance Monoid UnionSchema where mempty = UnionSchema{..} where bool = mempty number = mempty text = mempty {-| A `Schema` is a subset of the `Expr` type representing all possible Dhall types that `inferSchema` could potentially return -} data Schema = Bool | Natural | Integer | Double | Text | List Schema | Optional Schema | Record RecordSchema | Union UnionSchema | ArbitraryJSON -- | (`<>`) unifies two schemas instance Semigroup Schema where -- `ArbitraryJSON` subsumes every other type ArbitraryJSON <> _ = ArbitraryJSON _ <> ArbitraryJSON = ArbitraryJSON -- Simple types unify with themselves Bool <> Bool = Bool Text <> Text = Text Natural <> Natural = Natural Integer <> Integer = Integer Double <> Double = Double -- Complex types unify with themselves Record l <> Record r = Record (l <> r) List l <> List r = List (l <> r) Union l <> Union r = Union (l <> r) Optional l <> Optional r = Optional (l <> r) -- Numeric types unify on the most general numeric type Natural <> Integer = Integer Integer <> Natural = Integer Natural <> Double = Double Integer <> Double = Double Double <> Natural = Double Double <> Integer = Double -- Unifying two different simple types produces a union Bool <> Natural = Union mempty{ bool = Any True, number = UnionNatural } Bool <> Integer = Union mempty{ bool = Any True, number = UnionInteger } Bool <> Double = Union mempty{ bool = Any True, number = UnionDouble } Bool <> Text = Union mempty{ bool = Any True, text = Any True } Natural <> Bool = Union mempty{ bool = Any True, number = UnionNatural } Natural <> Text = Union mempty{ number = UnionNatural, text = Any True } Integer <> Bool = Union mempty{ bool = Any True, number = UnionInteger } Integer <> Text = Union mempty{ number = UnionInteger, text = Any True } Double <> Bool = Union mempty{ bool = Any True, number = UnionDouble } Double <> Text = Union mempty{ number = UnionDouble, text = Any True } Text <> Bool = Union mempty{ bool = Any True, text = Any True } Text <> Natural = Union mempty{ number = UnionNatural, text = Any True } Text <> Integer = Union mempty{ number = UnionInteger, text = Any True } Text <> Double = Union mempty{ number = UnionDouble, text = Any True } -- The empty union type is the identity of unification Union l <> r | l == mempty = r l <> Union r | r == mempty = l -- Unifying a simple type with a union adds the simple type as yet another -- alternative Bool <> Union r = Union (mempty{ bool = Any True } <> r) Natural <> Union r = Union (mempty{ number = UnionNatural } <> r) Integer <> Union r = Union (mempty{ number = UnionInteger } <> r) Double <> Union r = Union (mempty{ number = UnionDouble} <> r) Text <> Union r = Union (mempty{ text = Any True } <> r) Union l <> Bool = Union (l <> mempty{ bool = Any True }) Union l <> Natural = Union (l <> mempty{ number = UnionNatural }) Union l <> Integer = Union (l <> mempty{ number = UnionInteger }) Union l <> Double = Union (l <> mempty{ number = UnionDouble }) Union l <> Text = Union (l <> mempty{ text = Any True }) -- All of the remaining cases are for unifying simple types with -- complex types. The only such case that can be sensibly unified is for -- `Optional` -- `Optional` subsumes every type other than `ArbitraryJSON` Optional l <> r = Optional (l <> r) l <> Optional r = Optional (l <> r) -- For all other cases, a simple type cannot be unified with a complex -- type, so fall back to `ArbitraryJSON` -- -- This is equivalent to: -- -- _ <> _ = ArbitraryJSON -- -- ... but more explicit, in order to minimize the chance of ignoring an -- important case by accident. List _ <> _ = ArbitraryJSON _ <> List _ = ArbitraryJSON Record _ <> _ = ArbitraryJSON _ <> Record _ = ArbitraryJSON instance Monoid Schema where mempty = Union mempty -- | Convert a `Schema` to the corresponding Dhall type schemaToDhallType :: Schema -> Expr s a schemaToDhallType Bool = D.Bool schemaToDhallType Natural = D.Natural schemaToDhallType Integer = D.Integer schemaToDhallType Double = D.Double schemaToDhallType Text = D.Text schemaToDhallType (List a) = D.App D.List (schemaToDhallType a) schemaToDhallType (Optional a) = D.App D.Optional (schemaToDhallType a) schemaToDhallType (Record r) = recordSchemaToDhallType r schemaToDhallType (Union u) = unionSchemaToDhallType u schemaToDhallType ArbitraryJSON = D.Pi "_" (D.Const D.Type) (D.Pi "_" (D.Record [ ("array" , D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" (D.App D.List (V 0)) (V 1)) , ("bool" , D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" D.Bool (V 1)) , ("double", D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" D.Double (V 1)) , ("integer", D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" D.Integer (V 1)) , ("null" , D.makeRecordField $ V 0) , ("object", D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" (D.App D.List (D.Record [ ("mapKey", D.makeRecordField D.Text) , ("mapValue", D.makeRecordField $ V 0) ])) (V 1)) , ("string", D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" D.Text (V 1)) ] ) (V 1) ) {-| The main conversion function. Traversing\/zipping Dhall /type/ and Aeson value trees together to produce a Dhall /term/ tree, given 'Conversion' options: >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings >>> import qualified Dhall.Core as D >>> import qualified Dhall.Map as Map >>> import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson >>> import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM >>> s = D.Record (Map.fromList [("foo", D.Integer)]) >>> v = Aeson.Object (HM.fromList [("foo", Aeson.Number 1)]) >>> dhallFromJSON defaultConversion s v Right (RecordLit (fromList [("foo",IntegerLit 1)])) -} dhallFromJSON :: Conversion -> ExprX -> Value -> Either CompileError ExprX dhallFromJSON (Conversion {..}) expressionType = fmap (Optics.rewriteOf D.subExpressions Lint.useToMap) . loop [] (D.alphaNormalize (D.normalize expressionType)) where loop :: Aeson.Types.JSONPath -> ExprX -> Aeson.Value -> Either CompileError ExprX -- any ~> Union loop jsonPath t@(D.Union tm) v = do let f key maybeType = case maybeType of Just _type -> do expression <- loop jsonPath _type v return (D.App (D.Field t $ FA key) expression) Nothing -> case v of Aeson.String text | key == text -> return (D.Field t $ FA key) _ -> Left (Mismatch t v jsonPath) case (unions, rights (toList (Map.mapWithKey f tm))) of (UNone , _ ) -> Left (ContainsUnion t) (UStrict, xs@(_:_:_)) -> Left (UndecidableUnion t v xs) (_ , [ ] ) -> Left (Mismatch t v jsonPath) (UFirst , x:_ ) -> Right x (UStrict, [x] ) -> Right x -- object ~> Record loop jsonPath (D.Record r) v@(Aeson.Object o) | extraKeys <- HM.keys o \\ Map.keys r , strictRecs && not (null extraKeys) = Left (UnhandledKeys extraKeys (D.Record r) v jsonPath) | otherwise = let f :: Text -> ExprX -> Either CompileError ExprX f k t | Just value <- HM.lookup k o = loop (Aeson.Types.Key k : jsonPath) t value | App D.Optional t' <- t = Right (App D.None t') | App D.List _ <- t , omissibleLists = Right (D.ListLit (Just t) []) | otherwise = Left (MissingKey k t v jsonPath) in D.RecordLit . fmap D.makeRecordField <$> Map.traverseWithKey f (D.recordFieldValue <$> r) -- key-value list ~> Record loop jsonPath t@(D.Record _) v@(Aeson.Array a) | not noKeyValArr , os :: [Value] <- toList a , Just kvs <- traverse keyValMay os = loop jsonPath t (Aeson.Object $ HM.fromList kvs) | noKeyValArr = Left (NoKeyValArray t v) | otherwise = Left (Mismatch t v jsonPath) -- object ~> List (key, value) loop jsonPath t@(App D.List (D.Record r)) v@(Aeson.Object o) | not noKeyValMap , ["mapKey", "mapValue"] == Map.keys r , Just mapKey <- D.recordFieldValue <$> Map.lookup "mapKey" r , Just mapValue <- D.recordFieldValue <$> Map.lookup "mapValue" r = do keyExprMap <- HM.traverseWithKey (\k child -> loop (Aeson.Types.Key k : jsonPath) mapValue child) o toKey <- case mapKey of D.Text -> return $ D.TextLit . Chunks [] D.Union _ -> return $ D.Field mapKey . FA _ -> Left (Mismatch t v jsonPath) let f :: (Text, ExprX) -> ExprX f (key, val) = D.RecordLit $ D.makeRecordField <$> Map.fromList [ ("mapKey" , toKey key) , ("mapValue", val) ] let records = (fmap f . Seq.fromList . HM.toList) keyExprMap let typeAnn = if HM.null o then Just t else Nothing return (D.ListLit typeAnn records) | noKeyValMap = Left (NoKeyValMap t v) | otherwise = Left (Mismatch t v jsonPath) -- array ~> List loop jsonPath (App D.List t) (Aeson.Array a) = let f :: [ExprX] -> ExprX f es = D.ListLit (if null es then Just (App D.List t) else Nothing) (Seq.fromList es) in f <$> traverse (\(idx, val) -> loop (Aeson.Types.Index idx : jsonPath) t val) (zip [0..] $ toList a) -- null ~> List loop jsonPath t@(App D.List _) Aeson.Null = if omissibleLists then Right (D.ListLit (Just t) []) else Left (Mismatch t Aeson.Null jsonPath) -- number ~> Integer loop jsonPath D.Integer (Aeson.Number x) | Right n <- floatingOrInteger x :: Either Double Integer = Right (D.IntegerLit n) | otherwise = Left (Mismatch D.Integer (Aeson.Number x) jsonPath) -- number ~> Natural loop jsonPath D.Natural (Aeson.Number x) | Right n <- floatingOrInteger x :: Either Double Integer , n >= 0 = Right (D.NaturalLit (fromInteger n)) | otherwise = Left (Mismatch D.Natural (Aeson.Number x) jsonPath) -- number ~> Double loop _ D.Double (Aeson.Number x) = Right (D.DoubleLit $ DhallDouble $ toRealFloat x) -- string ~> Text loop _ D.Text (Aeson.String t) = Right (D.TextLit (Chunks [] t)) -- bool ~> Bool loop _ D.Bool (Aeson.Bool t) = Right (D.BoolLit t) -- null ~> Optional loop _ (App D.Optional expr) Aeson.Null = Right $ App D.None expr -- value ~> Optional loop jsonPath (App D.Optional expr) value = D.Some <$> loop jsonPath expr value -- Arbitrary JSON ~> https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/JSON/Type (< v13.0.0) loop _ (D.Pi _ (D.Const D.Type) (D.Pi _ (D.Record [ ("array" , D.recordFieldValue -> D.Pi _ (D.App D.List (V 0)) (V 1)) , ("bool" , D.recordFieldValue -> D.Pi _ D.Bool (V 1)) , ("null" , D.recordFieldValue -> V 0) , ("number", D.recordFieldValue -> D.Pi _ D.Double (V 1)) , ("object", D.recordFieldValue -> D.Pi _ (D.App D.List (D.Record [ ("mapKey", D.recordFieldValue -> D.Text) , ("mapValue", D.recordFieldValue -> V 0) ])) (V 1)) , ("string", D.recordFieldValue -> D.Pi _ D.Text (V 1)) ] ) (V 1) ) ) value = do let outer (Aeson.Object o) = let inner (key, val) = D.RecordLit [ ("mapKey" , D.makeRecordField $ D.TextLit (D.Chunks [] key)) , ("mapValue", D.makeRecordField $ outer val ) ] elements = Seq.fromList (fmap inner (List.sortBy (Ord.comparing fst) (HM.toList o) ) ) elementType | null elements = Just (D.App D.List (D.Record [ ("mapKey", D.makeRecordField D.Text) , ("mapValue", D.makeRecordField "JSON") ])) | otherwise = Nothing keyValues = D.ListLit elementType elements in D.App (D.Field "json" $ FA "object") keyValues outer (Aeson.Array a) = let elements = Seq.fromList (fmap outer (Vector.toList a)) elementType | null elements = Just (D.App D.List "JSON") | otherwise = Nothing in D.App (D.Field "json" $ FA "array") (D.ListLit elementType elements) outer (Aeson.String s) = D.App (D.Field "json" $ FA "string") (D.TextLit (D.Chunks [] s)) outer (Aeson.Number n) = D.App (D.Field "json" $ FA "number") (D.DoubleLit (DhallDouble (toRealFloat n))) outer (Aeson.Bool b) = D.App (D.Field "json" $ FA "bool") (D.BoolLit b) outer Aeson.Null = D.Field "json" $ FA "null" let result = D.Lam (D.makeFunctionBinding "JSON" (D.Const D.Type)) (D.Lam (D.makeFunctionBinding "json" (D.Record [ ("array" , D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" (D.App D.List "JSON") "JSON") , ("bool" , D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" D.Bool "JSON") , ("null" , D.makeRecordField "JSON") , ("number", D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" D.Double "JSON") , ("object", D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" (D.App D.List (D.Record [ ("mapKey", D.makeRecordField D.Text) , ("mapValue", D.makeRecordField "JSON") ])) "JSON") , ("string", D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" D.Text "JSON") ] )) (outer value) ) return result -- Arbitrary JSON ~> https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/JSON/Type (v13.0.0 <=) loop _ (D.Pi _ (D.Const D.Type) (D.Pi _ (D.Record [ ("array" , D.recordFieldValue -> D.Pi _ (D.App D.List (V 0)) (V 1)) , ("bool" , D.recordFieldValue -> D.Pi _ D.Bool (V 1)) , ("double", D.recordFieldValue -> D.Pi _ D.Double (V 1)) , ("integer", D.recordFieldValue -> D.Pi _ D.Integer (V 1)) , ("null" , D.recordFieldValue -> V 0) , ("object", D.recordFieldValue -> D.Pi _ (D.App D.List (D.Record [ ("mapKey", D.recordFieldValue -> D.Text) , ("mapValue", D.recordFieldValue -> V 0) ])) (V 1)) , ("string", D.recordFieldValue -> D.Pi _ D.Text (V 1)) ] ) (V 1) ) ) value = do let outer (Aeson.Object o) = let inner (key, val) = D.RecordLit [ ("mapKey" , D.makeRecordField $ D.TextLit (D.Chunks [] key)) , ("mapValue", D.makeRecordField $ outer val ) ] elements = Seq.fromList (fmap inner (List.sortBy (Ord.comparing fst) (HM.toList o) ) ) elementType | null elements = Just (D.App D.List (D.Record [ ("mapKey", D.makeRecordField D.Text) , ("mapValue", D.makeRecordField "JSON") ])) | otherwise = Nothing keyValues = D.ListLit elementType elements in D.App (D.Field "json" (FA "object")) keyValues outer (Aeson.Array a) = let elements = Seq.fromList (fmap outer (Vector.toList a)) elementType | null elements = Just (D.App D.List "JSON") | otherwise = Nothing in D.App (D.Field "json" (FA "array")) (D.ListLit elementType elements) outer (Aeson.String s) = D.App (D.Field "json" (FA "string")) (D.TextLit (D.Chunks [] s)) outer (Aeson.Number n) = case floatingOrInteger n of Left floating -> D.App (D.Field "json" (FA "double")) (D.DoubleLit (DhallDouble floating)) Right integer -> D.App (D.Field "json" (FA "integer")) (D.IntegerLit integer) outer (Aeson.Bool b) = D.App (D.Field "json" (FA "bool")) (D.BoolLit b) outer Aeson.Null = D.Field "json" (FA "null") let result = D.Lam (D.makeFunctionBinding "JSON" (D.Const D.Type)) (D.Lam (D.makeFunctionBinding "json" (D.Record [ ("array" , D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" (D.App D.List "JSON") "JSON") , ("bool" , D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" D.Bool "JSON") , ("double", D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" D.Double "JSON") , ("integer", D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" D.Integer "JSON") , ("null" , D.makeRecordField "JSON") , ("object", D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" (D.App D.List (D.Record [ ("mapKey", D.makeRecordField D.Text) , ("mapValue", D.makeRecordField "JSON")])) "JSON") , ("string", D.makeRecordField $ D.Pi "_" D.Text "JSON") ] )) (outer value) ) return result -- fail loop jsonPath expr value = Left (Mismatch expr value jsonPath) -- ---------- -- EXCEPTIONS -- ---------- red, purple, green :: (Semigroup a, Data.String.IsString a) => a -> a red s = "\ESC[1;31m" <> s <> "\ESC[0m" -- bold purple s = "\ESC[1;35m" <> s <> "\ESC[0m" -- bold green s = "\ESC[0;32m" <> s <> "\ESC[0m" -- plain showExpr :: ExprX -> String showExpr dhall = Text.unpack (D.pretty dhall) showJSON :: Value -> String showJSON value = BSL8.unpack (encodePretty value) data CompileError -- Dhall shema = TypeError (D.TypeError Src Void) | BadDhallType ExprX -- Expression type ExprX -- Whole expression -- generic mismatch (fallback) | Mismatch ExprX -- Dhall expression Value -- Aeson value Aeson.Types.JSONPath -- JSON Path to the error -- record specific | MissingKey Text ExprX Value Aeson.Types.JSONPath | UnhandledKeys [Text] ExprX Value Aeson.Types.JSONPath | NoKeyValArray ExprX Value | NoKeyValMap ExprX Value -- union specific | ContainsUnion ExprX | UndecidableUnion ExprX Value [ExprX] instance Show CompileError where show = showCompileError "JSON" showJSON instance Exception CompileError showCompileError :: String -> (Value -> String) -> CompileError -> String showCompileError format showValue = let prefix = red "\nError: " in \case TypeError e -> show e BadDhallType t e -> prefix <> "Schema expression is successfully parsed but has Dhall type:\n" <> showExpr t <> "\nExpected Dhall type: Type" <> "\nParsed expression: " <> showExpr e <> "\n" ContainsUnion e -> prefix <> "Dhall type expression contains union type:\n" <> showExpr e <> "\nwhile it is forbidden by option " <> green "--unions-none\n" UndecidableUnion e v xs -> prefix <> "More than one union component type matches " <> format <> " value" <> "\n\nExpected Dhall type:\n" <> showExpr e <> "\n\n" <> format <> ":\n" <> showValue v <> "\n\nPossible matches:\n\n" -- Showing all the allowed matches <> Text.unpack (Text.intercalate sep $ D.pretty <$> xs) where sep = red "\n--------\n" :: Text Mismatch e v jsonPath -> prefix <> showJsonPath jsonPath <> ": Dhall type expression and " <> format <> " value do not match:" <> "\n\nExpected Dhall type:\n" <> showExpr e <> "\n\n" <> format <> ":\n" <> showValue v <> "\n" MissingKey k e v jsonPath -> prefix <> showJsonPath jsonPath <> ": Key " <> purple (Text.unpack k) <> ", expected by Dhall type:\n" <> showExpr e <> "\nis not present in " <> format <> " object:\n" <> showValue v <> "\n" UnhandledKeys ks e v jsonPath -> prefix <> showJsonPath jsonPath <> ": Key(s) " <> purple (Text.unpack (Text.intercalate ", " ks)) <> " present in the " <> format <> " object but not in the expected Dhall" <> " record type. This is not allowed unless you enable the " <> green "--records-loose" <> " flag:" <> "\n\nExpected Dhall type:\n" <> showExpr e <> "\n\n" <> format <> ":\n" <> showValue v <> "\n" NoKeyValArray e v -> prefix <> "" <> format <> " (key-value) arrays cannot be converted to Dhall records under " <> green "--no-keyval-arrays" <> " flag" <> "\n\nExpected Dhall type:\n" <> showExpr e <> "\n\n" <> format <> ":\n" <> showValue v <> "\n" NoKeyValMap e v -> prefix <> "Homogeneous " <> format <> " map objects cannot be converted to Dhall association lists under " <> green "--no-keyval-maps" <> " flag" <> "\n\nExpected Dhall type:\n" <> showExpr e <> "\n\n" <> format <> ":\n" <> showValue v <> "\n" showJsonPath :: Aeson.Types.JSONPath -> String showJsonPath = Aeson.Types.formatPath . reverse