{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving
           , DeriveDataTypeable
           , ScopedTypeVariables
           , FlexibleContexts
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Diagrams.Builder
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2012 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com
-- Tools for dynamically building diagrams, for /e.g./ creating
-- preprocessors to interpret diagrams code embedded in documents.
module Diagrams.Builder
       ( -- * Building diagrams

         buildDiagram, BuildResult(..)
       , ppInterpError

         -- ** Regeneration decision functions
       , alwaysRegenerate, hashedRegenerate

         -- * Interpreting diagrams
         -- $interp
       , setDiagramImports
       , interpretDiagram

         -- * Tools for creating standalone builder executables

       , Build(..)
       , defaultBuildOpts

       ) where

import Diagrams.Builder.Modules
import Diagrams.Builder.CmdLine

import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((<.>), e)

import Language.Haskell.Exts (prettyPrint)
import Language.Haskell.Interpreter hiding (ModuleName)

import System.IO
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory

import Crypto.Hash.MD5

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.ByteString.Base16
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Typeable
deriving instance Typeable Any

-- Interpreting diagrams

-- $interp
-- These functions constitute the internals of diagrams-builder.  End
-- users should not usually need to call them directly; use
-- 'buildDiagram' instead.

-- | Set up the module to be interpreted, in the context of the
--   necessary imports.
setDiagramImports :: MonadInterpreter m
                  => String      -- ^ Filename of the module containing the diagrams
                  -> [String]    -- ^ Additional necessary
                                 --   imports. @Prelude@,
                                 --   @Diagrams.Prelude@,
                                 --   @Diagrams.Core.Types@,
                                 --   and @Data.Monoid@ are included
                                 --   by default.
                  -> m ()
setDiagramImports m imps = do
    loadModules [m]
    setTopLevelModules [takeBaseName m]
    setImports $ [ "Prelude"
                 , "Diagrams.Prelude"
                 , "Diagrams.Core.Types"
                 , "Data.Monoid"
                 ++ imps

-- | Interpret a diagram expression based on the contents of a given
--   source file, using some backend to produce a result.
interpretDiagram :: forall b v.
                  ( Typeable b, Typeable v
                  , InnerSpace v, OrderedField (Scalar v), Backend b v
               => b             -- ^ Backend token
               -> v             -- ^ Dummy vector to identify the vector space
               -> Options b v   -- ^ Rendering options
               -> FilePath      -- ^ Filename of the module containing the example
               -> [String]      -- ^ Additional imports needed
               -> String        -- ^ Expression of type @Diagram b v@ to be compiled
               -> IO (Either InterpreterError (Result b v))
interpretDiagram b _ opts m imps dexp =
    runInterpreter $ do
      setDiagramImports m imps
      d <- interpret dexp (as :: Diagram b v)
      return (renderDia b opts d)

-- | Pretty-print an @InterpreterError@.
ppInterpError :: InterpreterError -> String
ppInterpError (UnknownError err) = "UnknownError: " ++ err
ppInterpError (WontCompile  es)  = unlines . nub . map errMsg $ es
ppInterpError (NotAllowed   err) = "NotAllowed: "   ++ err
ppInterpError (GhcException err) = "GhcException: " ++ err

-- Build a diagram using a temporary file

-- | Potential results of a dynamic diagram building operation.
data BuildResult b v x =
    ParseErr  String              -- ^ Parsing of the code failed.
  | InterpErr InterpreterError    -- ^ Interpreting the code
                                  --   failed. See 'ppInterpError'.
  | Skipped x                     -- ^ This diagram did not need to be
                                  --   regenerated.
  | OK x (Result b v)             -- ^ A successful build, yielding a
                                  --   backend-specific result and
                                  --   some extra information.

-- | Build a diagram by writing the given source code to a temporary
--   module and interpreting the given expression.  Can return either
--   a parse error if the source does not parse, an interpreter error,
--   or the final result.
buildDiagram :: ( Typeable b, Typeable v
                , InnerSpace v, OrderedField (Scalar v), Backend b v
             => b              -- ^ Backend token
             -> v              -- ^ Dummy vector to fix the vector type
             -> Options b v    -- ^ Backend-specific options to use
             -> [String]       -- ^ Source code snippets.  Each should
                               --   be a syntactically valid Haskell
                               --   module.  They will be combined
                               --   intelligently, /i.e./ not just
                               --   pasted together textually but
                               --   combining pragmas, imports,
                               --   /etc./ separately.
             -> String         -- ^ Diagram expression to interpret
             -> [String]       -- ^ Extra @LANGUAGE@ pragmas to use
                               --   (@NoMonomorphismRestriction@ is used
                               --   by default.)
             -> [String]       -- ^ Additional imports
                               --   ("Diagrams.Prelude" is imported by
                               --   default).
             -> (String -> IO (x, Maybe (Options b v -> Options b v)))
                               -- ^ A function to decide whether a
                               --   particular diagram needs to be
                               --   regenerated.  It will be passed
                               --   the final assembled source for the
                               --   diagram (but with the module name
                               --   set to @Main@ instead of something
                               --   auto-generated, so that hashing
                               --   the source will produce consistent
                               --   results across runs). It can
                               --   return some information (such as a
                               --   hash of the source) via the @x@
                               --   result, which will be passed
                               --   through to the result of
                               --   'buildDiagram'.  More importantly,
                               --   it decides whether the diagram
                               --   should be built: a result of
                               --   'Just' means the diagram /should/
                               --   be built; 'Nothing' means it
                               --   should not. In the case that it
                               --   should be built, it returns a
                               --   function for updating the
                               --   rendering options.  This could be
                               --   used, /e.g./, to request a
                               --   filename based on a hash of the
                               --   source.
                               --   Two standard decision functions
                               --   are provided for convenience:
                               --   'alwaysRegenerate' returns no
                               --   extra information and always
                               --   decides to regenerate the diagram;
                               --   'hashedRegenerate' creates a hash
                               --   of the diagram source and looks
                               --   for a file with that name in a
                               --   given directory.
             -> IO (BuildResult b v x)
buildDiagram b v opts source dexp langs imps shouldRegen = do
  let source'   = map unLit source
  case createModule
         ("NoMonomorphismRestriction" : langs)
         ("Diagrams.Prelude" : imps)
         source' of
    Left  err -> return (ParseErr err)
    Right m   -> do
      regen <- shouldRegen (prettyPrint m ++ dexp)
      case regen of
        (info, Nothing)  -> return $ Skipped info
        (info, Just upd) -> do
          tmpDir   <- getTemporaryDirectory
          (tmp, h) <- openTempFile tmpDir ("Diagram.hs")
          let m' = replaceModuleName (takeBaseName tmp) m
          hPutStr h (prettyPrint m')
          hClose h

          compilation <- interpretDiagram b v (upd opts) tmp imps dexp
          removeFile tmp
          return $ either InterpErr (OK info) compilation

-- | Convenience function suitable to be given as the final argument
--   to 'buildDiagram'.  It implements the simple policy of always
--   rebuilding every diagram.
alwaysRegenerate :: String -> IO ((), Maybe (a -> a))
alwaysRegenerate _ = return ((), Just id)

-- | Convenience function suitable to be given as the final argument
--   to 'buildDiagram'.  It works by hashing the given diagram source,
--   and looking in the specified directory for any file whose base
--   name is equal to the hash.  If there is such a file, it specifies
--   that the diagram should not be rebuilt.  Otherwise, it specifies
--   that the diagram should be rebuilt, and uses the provided
--   function to update the rendering options based on the generated
--   hash.  (Most likely, one would want to set the requested output
--   file to the hash followed by some extension.)  It also returns
--   the generated hash.
hashedRegenerate :: (String -> a -> a)  -- ^ A function for computing
                                        --   an update to rendering
                                        --   options, given a new base
                                        --   filename computed from a
                                        --   hash of the diagram
                                        --   source.
                 -> FilePath            -- ^ The directory in which to
                                        --   look for generated files
                 -> String              -- ^ The \"source\" to
                                        -- hash. Note that this does
                                        -- not actually have to be
                                        -- valid source code.  A
                                        -- common trick is to
                                        -- concatenate the actual
                                        -- source code with String
                                        -- representations of any
                                        -- other information on which
                                        -- the diagram depends.
                 -> IO (String, Maybe (a -> a))
hashedRegenerate upd dir src = do
  let fileBase = B.unpack . encode . hash . B.pack $ src
  files <- getDirectoryContents dir
  case any ((fileBase==) . takeBaseName) files of
    True  -> return (fileBase, Nothing)
    False -> return (fileBase, Just (upd fileBase))