{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Diagrams.TwoD.Path.Follow
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2016 Brent Yorgey
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  byorgey@gmail.com
-- An alternative monoid for trails which rotates trails so their
-- starting and ending tangents match at join points.

module Diagrams.TwoD.Path.Follow
    ( Following, follow, unfollow
    ) where

import           Diagrams.Prelude

import           Data.Monoid.SemiDirectProduct.Strict

-- | @Following@ is just like @Trail' Line V2@, except that it has a
--   different 'Monoid' instance.  @Following@ values are
--   concatenated, just like regular lines, except that they are also
--   rotated so the tangents match at the join point.  In addition,
--   they are normalized so the tangent at the start point is in the
--   direction of the positive x axis (essentially we are considering
--   trails equivalent up to rotation).
--   Pro tip: you can concatenate a list of trails so their tangents
--   match using 'ala' from "Control.Lens", like so:
--     @ala follow foldMap :: [Trail' Line V2 n] -> Trail' Line V2 n@
--   This is illustrated in the example below.
--   <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Path_Follow_followExample.svg#diagram=followExample&width=400>>
--   > import Control.Lens (ala)
--   > import Diagrams.TwoD.Path.Follow
--   >
--   > wibble :: Trail' Line V2 Double
--   > wibble = hrule 1 <> hrule 0.5 # rotateBy (1/6) <> hrule 0.5 # rotateBy (-1/6) <> a
--   >   where a = arc (xDir # rotateBy (-1/4)) (1/5 @@ turn)
--   >           # scale 0.7
--   >
--   > followExample =
--   >   [ wibble
--   >   , wibble
--   >     # replicate 5
--   >     # ala follow foldMap
--   >   ]
--   >   # map stroke
--   >   # map centerXY
--   >   # vsep 1
--   >   # frame 0.5
newtype Following n
  = Following { unFollowing :: Semi (Trail' Line V2 n) (Angle n) }
  deriving (Monoid)

-- | Note this is only an iso when considering trails equivalent up to
--   rotation.
instance RealFloat n => Wrapped (Following n) where
  type Unwrapped (Following n) = Trail' Line V2 n

  _Wrapped' = iso unfollow follow

instance RealFloat n => Rewrapped (Following n) (Following n')

-- | Create a @Following@ from a line, normalizing it (by rotation)
--   so that it starts in the positive x direction.
follow :: RealFloat n => Trail' Line V2 n -> Following n
follow t = Following $ (t # rotate (signedAngleBetween unitX s)) `tag` theta
    s     = tangentAtStart t
    e     = tangentAtEnd t
    theta = signedAngleBetween e s

-- | Project out the line from a `Following`.
--   If trails are considered equivalent up to rotation, then
--   'unfollow' and 'follow' are inverse.
unfollow :: Following n -> Trail' Line V2 n
unfollow = untag . unFollowing