{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts
           , TypeFamilies
-- |
-- Module      :  Diagrams.TwoD.Align
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2011 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com
-- Alignment combinators specialized for two dimensions.  See
-- "Diagrams.Align" for more general alignment combinators.
-- The basic idea is that alignment is achieved by moving diagrams'
-- local origins relative to their envelopes.  For example, to align
-- several diagrams along their tops, we first move their local
-- origins to the upper edge of their envelopes (using e.g. @map
-- 'alignTop'@), and then put them together with their local origins
-- along a horizontal line (using e.g. 'hcat' from
-- "Diagrams.TwoD.Combinators").

module Diagrams.TwoD.Align
    ( -- * Absolute alignment
      alignL, alignR, alignT, alignB
    , alignTL, alignTR, alignBL, alignBR

      -- * Relative alignment
    , alignX, alignY

      -- * Centering
    , centerX, centerY, centerXY

    ) where

import Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams

import Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import Diagrams.TwoD.Vector
import Diagrams.Align

import Data.VectorSpace

-- | Align along the left edge, i.e. translate the diagram in a
--   horizontal direction so that the local origin is on the left edge
--   of the envelope.
alignL :: (Alignable a, V a ~ R2) => a -> a
alignL = align (negateV unitX)

-- | Align along the right edge.
alignR :: (Alignable a, V a ~ R2) => a -> a
alignR = align unitX

-- | Align along the top edge.
alignT :: (Alignable a, V a ~ R2) => a -> a
alignT = align unitY

-- | Align along the bottom edge.
alignB :: (Alignable a, V a ~ R2) => a -> a
alignB = align (negateV unitY)

alignTL, alignTR, alignBL, alignBR :: (Alignable a, V a ~ R2) => a -> a
alignTL = alignT . alignL
alignTR = alignT . alignR
alignBL = alignB . alignL
alignBR = alignB . alignR

-- | @alignX@ moves the local origin horizontally as follows:
--   * @alignX (-1)@ moves the local origin to the left edge of the envelope;
--   * @align 1@ moves the local origin to the right edge;
--   * any other argument interpolates linearly between these.  For
--     example, @alignX 0@ centers, @alignX 2@ moves the origin one
--     \"radius\" to the right of the right edge, and so on.
alignX :: (Alignable a, V a ~ R2) => Double -> a -> a
alignX = alignBy unitX

-- | Like 'alignX', but moving the local origin vertically, with an
--   argument of @1@ corresponding to the top edge and @(-1)@ corresponding
--   to the bottom edge.
alignY :: (Alignable a, V a ~ R2) => Double -> a -> a
alignY = alignBy unitY

-- | Center the local origin along the X-axis.
centerX  :: (Alignable a, V a ~ R2) => a -> a
centerX  = alignBy unitX 0

-- | Center the local origin along the Y-axis.
centerY  :: (Alignable a, V a ~ R2) => a -> a
centerY  = alignBy unitY 0

-- | Center along both the X- and Y-axes.
centerXY :: (Alignable a, V a ~ R2) => a -> a
centerXY = centerX . centerY