{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts
           , TypeFamilies
           , ViewPatterns
-- |
-- Module      :  Diagrams.TwoD.Combinators
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2011 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com
-- Diagram combinators specialized to two dimensions. For more general
-- combinators, see "Diagrams.Combinators".

module Diagrams.TwoD.Combinators
      -- * Binary combinators

      (===), (|||), atAngle

      -- * n-ary combinators
    , hcat, hcat'
    , vcat, vcat'

      -- * Spacing/envelopes
    , strutX, strutY
    , padX, padY

    , view

    ) where

import Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams

import Diagrams.TwoD.Transform (scaleX, scaleY)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import Diagrams.TwoD.Vector (unitX, unitY, fromDirection)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Shapes
import Diagrams.TwoD.Align
import Diagrams.TwoD.Path ()   -- for PathLike (D R2) instance

import Diagrams.Util ((#))
import Diagrams.Combinators

import Data.VectorSpace

import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Default

infixl 6 ===
infixl 6 |||

-- | Place two diagrams (or other objects) vertically
--   adjacent to one another, with the first diagram above the second.
--   Since Haskell ignores whitespace in expressions, one can thus write
--   >    c
--   >   ===
--   >    d
--   to place @c@ above @d@.  The local origin of the resulting
--   combined diagram is the same as the local origin of the first.
--   @(===)@ is associative and has 'mempty' as a right (but not left)
--   identity.  See the documentation of 'beside' for more information.
(===) :: (Juxtaposable a, V a ~ R2, Semigroup a) => a -> a -> a
(===) = beside (negateV unitY)

-- | Place two diagrams (or other juxtaposable objects) horizontally
--   adjacent to one another, with the first diagram to the left of
--   the second.  The local origin of the resulting
--   combined diagram is the same as the local origin of the first.
--   @(===)@ is associative and has 'mempty' as a right (but not left)
--   identity.  See the documentation of 'beside' for more information.
(|||) :: (Juxtaposable a, V a ~ R2, Semigroup a) => a -> a -> a
(|||) = beside unitX

-- | Place two diagrams (or other juxtaposable objects) adjacent to one
--   another, with the second diagram placed along a line at angle
--   'th' from the first.  The local origin of the resulting combined
--   diagram is the same as the local origin of the first.
--   See the documentation of 'beside' for more information.
atAngle :: (Juxtaposable a, V a ~ R2, Semigroup a, Angle b) => b -> a -> a -> a
atAngle th = beside (fromDirection th)

-- | Lay out a list of juxtaposable objects in a row from left to right,
--   so that their local origins lie along a single horizontal line,
--   with successive envelopes tangent to one another.
--   * For more control over the spacing, see 'hcat''.
--   * To align the diagrams vertically (or otherwise), use alignment
--     combinators (such as 'alignT' or 'alignB') from
--     "Diagrams.TwoD.Align" before applying 'hcat'.
--   * For non-axis-aligned layout, see 'cat'.
hcat :: (Juxtaposable a, HasOrigin a, Monoid' a, V a ~ R2)
     => [a] -> a
hcat = hcat' def

-- | A variant of 'hcat' taking an extra 'CatOpts' record to control
--   the spacing.  See the 'cat'' documentation for a description of
--   the possibilities.
hcat' :: (Juxtaposable a, HasOrigin a, Monoid' a, V a ~ R2)
      => CatOpts R2 -> [a] -> a
hcat' = cat' unitX

-- | Lay out a list of juxtaposable objects in a column from top to
--   bottom, so that their local origins lie along a single vertical
--   line, with successive envelopes tangent to one another.
--   * For more control over the spacing, see 'vcat''.
--   * To align the diagrams horizontally (or otherwise), use alignment
--     combinators (such as 'alignL' or 'alignR') from
--     "Diagrams.TwoD.Align" before applying 'vcat'.
--   * For non-axis-aligned layout, see 'cat'.
vcat :: (Juxtaposable a, HasOrigin a, Monoid' a, V a ~ R2)
     => [a] -> a
vcat = vcat' def

-- | A variant of 'vcat' taking an extra 'CatOpts' record to control
--   the spacing.  See the 'cat'' documentation for a description of the
--   possibilities.
vcat' :: (Juxtaposable a, HasOrigin a, Monoid' a, V a ~ R2)
      => CatOpts R2 -> [a] -> a
vcat' = cat' (negateV unitY)

-- | @strutX d@ is an empty diagram with width @d@, height 0, and a
--   centered local origin.  Note that @strutX (-w)@ behaves the same as
--   @strutX w@.
strutX :: (Backend b R2, Monoid' m) => Double -> QDiagram b R2 m
strutX d = strut (r2 (d,0))

-- | @strutY d@ is an empty diagram with height @d@, width 0, and a
--   centered local origin. Note that @strutY (-w)@ behaves the same as
--   @strutY w@.
strutY :: (Backend b R2, Monoid' m) => Double -> QDiagram b R2 m
strutY d = strut (r2 (0,d))

-- | @padX s@ \"pads\" a diagram in the x-direction, expanding its
--   envelope horizontally by a factor of @s@ (factors between 0 and 1
--   can be used to shrink the envelope).  Note that the envelope will
--   expand with respect to the local origin, so if the origin is not
--   centered horizontally the padding may appear \"uneven\".  If this
--   is not desired, the origin can be centered (using 'centerX')
--   before applying @padX@.
padX :: ( Backend b R2, Monoid' m )
     => Double -> QDiagram b R2 m -> QDiagram b R2 m
padX s d = withEnvelope (d # scaleX s) d

-- | @padY s@ \"pads\" a diagram in the y-direction, expanding its
--   envelope vertically by a factor of @s@ (factors between
--   0 and 1 can be used to shrink the envelope).  Note that
--   the envelope will expand with respect to the local origin,
--   so if the origin is not centered vertically the padding may appear
--   \"uneven\".  If this is not desired, the origin can be centered
--   (using 'centerY') before applying @padY@.
padY :: ( Backend b R2, Monoid' m )
     => Double -> QDiagram b R2 m -> QDiagram b R2 m
padY s d = withEnvelope (d # scaleY s) d

-- | @view p v@ sets the envelope of a diagram to a rectangle whose
--   lower-left corner is at @p@ and whose upper-right corner is at @p
--   .+^ v@.  Useful for selecting the rectangular portion of a
--   diagram which should actually be \"viewed\" in the final render,
--   if you don't want to see the entire diagram.
view :: ( Backend b R2, Monoid' m )
     => P2 -> R2 -> QDiagram b R2 m -> QDiagram b R2 m
view p (unr2 -> (w,h)) = withEnvelope (rect w h # alignBL # moveTo p :: D R2)