{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Diagrams.TwoD.Shapes -- Copyright : (c) 2011 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE) -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- Maintainer : diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com -- -- Various two-dimensional shapes. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Diagrams.TwoD.Shapes ( -- * Miscellaneous hrule, vrule -- * Regular polygons , regPoly , triangle , eqTriangle , square , pentagon , hexagon , septagon , octagon , nonagon , decagon , hendecagon , dodecagon -- * Other special polygons , unitSquare , rect -- * Other shapes , roundedRect , RoundedRectOpts(..) , roundedRect' ) where import Diagrams.Core import Diagrams.Coordinates import Diagrams.Located (at) import Diagrams.Path import Diagrams.Segment import Diagrams.Trail import Diagrams.TrailLike import Diagrams.TwoD.Arc import Diagrams.TwoD.Polygons import Diagrams.TwoD.Transform import Diagrams.TwoD.Types import Diagrams.Util import Data.Default.Class import Data.Semigroup -- | Create a centered horizontal (L-R) line of the given length. -- -- <> -- -- > hruleEx = vcat' with {sep = 0.2} (map hrule [1..5]) -- > # centerXY # pad 1.1 hrule :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> t hrule d = trailLike $ trailFromSegments [straight (d & 0)] `at` (p2 (-d/2,0)) -- | Create a centered vertical (T-B) line of the given length. -- -- <> -- -- > vruleEx = hcat' with {sep = 0.2} (map vrule [1, 1.2 .. 2]) -- > # centerXY # pad 1.1 vrule :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> t vrule d = trailLike $ trailFromSegments [straight (0 & (-d))] `at` (p2 (0,d/2)) -- | A square with its center at the origin and sides of length 1, -- oriented parallel to the axes. -- -- <> unitSquare :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => t unitSquare = polygon with { polyType = PolyRegular 4 (sqrt 2 / 2) , polyOrient = OrientH } -- > unitSquareEx = unitSquare # pad 1.1 # showOrigin -- | A square with its center at the origin and sides of the given -- length, oriented parallel to the axes. -- -- <> square :: (TrailLike t, Transformable t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> t square d = rect d d -- > squareEx = hcat' with {sep = 0.5} [square 1, square 2, square 3] -- > # centerXY # pad 1.1 # lw 0.03 -- | @rect w h@ is an axis-aligned rectangle of width @w@ and height -- @h@, centered at the origin. -- -- <> rect :: (TrailLike t, Transformable t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> Double -> t rect w h = trailLike . head . pathTrails $ unitSquare # scaleX w # scaleY h -- > rectEx = rect 1 0.7 # pad 1.1 -- The above may seem a bit roundabout. In fact, we used to have -- -- rect w h = unitSquare # scaleX w # scaleY h -- -- since unitSquare can produce any TrailLike. The current code -- instead uses (unitSquare # scaleX w # scaleY h) to specifically -- produce a Path, which is then deconstructed and passed back into -- 'trailLike' to create any TrailLike. -- -- The difference is that while scaling by zero works fine for -- Path it does not work very well for, say, Diagrams (leading to -- NaNs or worse). This way, we force the scaling to happen on a -- Path, where we know it will behave properly, and then use the -- resulting geometry to construct an arbitrary TrailLike. -- -- See https://github.com/diagrams/diagrams-lib/issues/43 . ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Regular polygons ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Create a regular polygon. The first argument is the number of -- sides, and the second is the /length/ of the sides. (Compare to the -- 'polygon' function with a 'PolyRegular' option, which produces -- polygons of a given /radius/). -- -- The polygon will be oriented with one edge parallel to the x-axis. regPoly :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Int -> Double -> t regPoly n l = polygon with { polyType = PolySides (repeat (1/ fromIntegral n :: Turn)) (replicate (n-1) l) , polyOrient = OrientH } -- > shapeEx sh = sh 1 # pad 1.1 -- > triangleEx = shapeEx triangle -- > pentagonEx = shapeEx pentagon -- > hexagonEx = shapeEx hexagon -- > septagonEx = shapeEx septagon -- > octagonEx = shapeEx octagon -- > nonagonEx = shapeEx nonagon -- > decagonEx = shapeEx decagon -- > hendecagonEx = shapeEx hendecagon -- > dodecagonEx = shapeEx dodecagon -- | A synonym for 'triangle', provided for backwards compatibility. eqTriangle :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> t eqTriangle = triangle -- | An equilateral triangle, with sides of the given length and base -- parallel to the x-axis. -- -- <> triangle :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> t triangle = regPoly 3 -- | A regular pentagon, with sides of the given length and base -- parallel to the x-axis. -- -- <> pentagon :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> t pentagon = regPoly 5 -- | A regular hexagon, with sides of the given length and base -- parallel to the x-axis. -- -- <> hexagon :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> t hexagon = regPoly 6 -- | A regular septagon, with sides of the given length and base -- parallel to the x-axis. -- -- <> septagon :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> t septagon = regPoly 7 -- | A regular octagon, with sides of the given length and base -- parallel to the x-axis. -- -- <> octagon :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> t octagon = regPoly 8 -- | A regular nonagon, with sides of the given length and base -- parallel to the x-axis. -- -- <> nonagon :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> t nonagon = regPoly 9 -- | A regular decagon, with sides of the given length and base -- parallel to the x-axis. -- -- <> decagon :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> t decagon = regPoly 10 -- | A regular hendecagon, with sides of the given length and base -- parallel to the x-axis. -- -- <> hendecagon :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> t hendecagon = regPoly 11 -- | A regular dodecagon, with sides of the given length and base -- parallel to the x-axis. -- -- <> dodecagon :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> t dodecagon = regPoly 12 ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Other shapes ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | @roundedRect w h r@ generates a closed trail, or closed path -- centered at the origin, of an axis-aligned rectangle with width -- @w@, height @h@, and circular rounded corners of radius @r@. If -- @r@ is negative the corner will be cut out in a reverse arc. If -- the size of @r@ is larger than half the smaller dimension of @w@ -- and @h@, then it will be reduced to fit in that range, to prevent -- the corners from overlapping. The trail or path begins with the -- right edge and proceeds counterclockwise. If you need to specify -- a different radius for each corner individually, use -- 'roundedRect'' instead. -- -- <> -- -- > roundedRectEx = pad 1.1 . centerXY $ hcat' with { sep = 0.2 } -- > [ roundedRect 0.5 0.4 0.1 -- > , roundedRect 0.5 0.4 (-0.1) -- > , roundedRect' 0.7 0.4 with { radiusTL = 0.2 -- > , radiusTR = -0.2 -- > , radiusBR = 0.1 } -- > ] roundedRect :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> Double -> Double -> t roundedRect w h r = roundedRect' w h (with { radiusTL = r, radiusBR = r, radiusTR = r, radiusBL = r}) -- | @roundedRect'@ works like @roundedRect@ but allows you to set the radius of -- each corner indivually, using @RoundedRectOpts@. The default corner radius is 0. -- Each radius can also be negative, which results in the curves being reversed -- to be inward instead of outward. roundedRect' :: (TrailLike t, V t ~ R2) => Double -> Double -> RoundedRectOpts -> t roundedRect' w h opts = trailLike . (`at` (p2 (w/2, abs rBR - h/2))) . wrapTrail . glueLine $ seg (0, h - abs rTR - abs rBR) <> mkCorner 0 rTR <> seg (abs rTR + abs rTL - w, 0) <> mkCorner 1 rTL <> seg (0, abs rTL + abs rBL - h) <> mkCorner 2 rBL <> seg (w - abs rBL - abs rBR, 0) <> mkCorner 3 rBR where seg = lineFromOffsets . (:[]) . r2 diag = sqrt (w * w + h * h) -- to clamp corner radius, need to compare with other corners that share an -- edge. If the corners overlap then reduce the largest corner first, as far -- as 50% of the edge in question. rTL = clampCnr radiusTR radiusBL radiusBR radiusTL rBL = clampCnr radiusBR radiusTL radiusTR radiusBL rTR = clampCnr radiusTL radiusBR radiusBL radiusTR rBR = clampCnr radiusBL radiusTR radiusTL radiusBR clampCnr rx ry ro r = let (rx',ry',ro',r') = (rx opts, ry opts, ro opts, r opts) in clampDiag ro' . clampAdj h ry' . clampAdj w rx' $ r' -- prevent curves of adjacent corners from overlapping clampAdj len adj r = if abs r > len/2 then sign r * max (len/2) (min (len - abs adj) (abs r)) else r -- prevent inward curves of diagonally opposite corners from intersecting clampDiag opp r = if r < 0 && opp < 0 && abs r > diag / 2 then sign r * max (diag / 2) (min (abs r) (diag + opp)) else r sign n = if n < 0 then -1 else 1 mkCorner k r | r == 0 = mempty | r < 0 = doArc 3 2 | otherwise = doArc 0 1 where doArc d d' = arc' r ((k+d)/4) ((k+d')/4:: Turn) data RoundedRectOpts = RoundedRectOpts { radiusTL :: Double , radiusTR :: Double , radiusBL :: Double , radiusBR :: Double } instance Default RoundedRectOpts where def = RoundedRectOpts 0 0 0 0