{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Diagrams.ThreeD.Shapes
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2011 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com
-- Various three-dimensional shapes.

module Diagrams.ThreeD.Shapes
         Ellipsoid(..), sphere
       , Box(..), cube
       , Frustum(..) , frustum, cone, cylinder
       ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Lens           (review, (^.), _1)
import           Data.Typeable

import           Data.AffineSpace
import           Data.Semigroup
import           Data.VectorSpace
import           Diagrams.Angle
import           Diagrams.Coordinates
import           Diagrams.Core
import           Diagrams.Solve
import           Diagrams.ThreeD.Types
import           Diagrams.ThreeD.Vector

data Ellipsoid = Ellipsoid T3
  deriving Typeable

type instance V Ellipsoid = R3

instance Transformable Ellipsoid where
  transform t1 (Ellipsoid t2) = Ellipsoid (t1 <> t2)

instance Renderable Ellipsoid NullBackend where
  render _ _ = mempty

-- | A sphere of radius 1 with its center at the origin.
sphere :: (Backend b R3, Renderable Ellipsoid b) => Diagram b R3
sphere = mkQD (Prim $ Ellipsoid mempty)
              (mkEnvelope sphereEnv)
              (mkTrace sphereTrace)
              (Query sphereQuery)
  where sphereEnv v = 1 / magnitude v
        sphereTrace p v = mkSortedList $ quadForm a b c
          where a = v <.> v
                b = 2 *^ p' <.> v
                c = p' <.> p' - 1
                p' = p .-. origin
        sphereQuery v = Any $ magnitudeSq (v .-. origin) <= 1

data Box = Box T3
         deriving (Typeable)

type instance V Box = R3

instance Transformable Box where
    transform t1 (Box t2) = Box (t1 <> t2)

instance Renderable Box NullBackend where
    render _ _ = mempty

-- | A cube with side length 1, in the positive octant, with one
-- vertex at the origin.
cube :: (Backend b R3, Renderable Box b) => Diagram b R3
cube = mkQD (Prim $ Box mempty)
            (mkEnvelope boxEnv)
            (mkTrace boxTrace)
            (Query boxQuery)
    corners = mkR3 <$> [0,1] <*> [0,1] <*> [0,1]
    boxEnv v = maximum (map (v <.>) corners) / magnitudeSq v
    -- ts gives all intersections with the planes forming the box
    -- filter keeps only those actually on the box surface
    boxTrace p v = mkSortedList . filter (range . atT) $ ts where
      (x0, y0, z0) = unp3 p
      (vx, vy, vz) = unr3 v
      intersections f d = case d of
          0 -> []
          _ -> [-f/d, (1-f)/d]
      ts = concat $ zipWith intersections [x0,y0,z0] [vx,vy,vz]
      atT t = p .+^ (t*^v)
    range u = and [x >= 0, x <= 1, y >= 0, y <= 1, z >= 0, z <= 1] where
      (x, y, z) = unp3 u
    boxQuery = Any . range

data Frustum = Frustum Double Double T3
         deriving (Typeable)

type instance V Frustum = R3

instance Transformable Frustum where
    transform t1 (Frustum r0 r1 t2) = Frustum r0 r1 (t1 <> t2)

instance Renderable Frustum NullBackend where
    render _ _ = mempty

-- | A frustum of a right circular cone.  It has height 1 oriented
-- along the positive z axis, and radii r0 and r1 at Z=0 and Z=1.
-- 'cone' and 'cylinder' are special cases.
frustum :: (Backend b R3, Renderable Frustum b) => Double -> Double -> Diagram b R3
frustum r0 r1 = mkQD (Prim $ Frustum r0 r1 mempty)
                 (mkEnvelope frEnv)
                 (mkTrace frTrace)
                 (Query frQuery)
    projectXY u = u ^-^ project unitZ u
    frQuery p = Any $ x >= 0 && x <= 1 && a <= r where
      (x, _, z) = unp3 p
      r = r0 + (r1-r0)*z
      v = p .-. origin
      a = magnitude $ projectXY v
    -- The plane containing v and the z axis intersects the frustum in a trapezoid
    -- Test the four corners of this trapezoid; one must determine the Envelope
    frEnv v = maximum . map (magnitude . project v . review cylindrical) $ corners
        θ = v^._theta
        corners = [(r1,θ,1), (-r1,θ,1), (r0,θ,0), (-r0,θ,0)]
    -- The trace can intersect the sides of the cone or one of the end
    -- caps The sides are described by a quadric equation; substitute
    -- in the parametric form of the ray but disregard any
    -- intersections outside z = [0,1] Similarly, find intersections
    -- with the planes z=0, z=1, but disregard any r>r0, r>r1
    frTrace p v = mkSortedList $ filter zbounds (quadForm a b c) ++ ends
        (px, py, pz) = unp3 p
        (vx, vy, vz) = unr3 v
        ray t = p .+^ t*^v
        dr = r1-r0
        a = vx**2 + vy**2 - vz**2 * dr**2
        b = 2 * (px * vx + py * vy - (r0+pz*dr) * dr  * vz)
        c = px**2 + py**2 - (r0 + dr*pz)**2
        zbounds t = (ray t)^._z >= 0 && (ray t)^._z <= 1
        ends = concatMap cap [0,1]
        cap z = if (ray t)^.cylindrical._1 < r0 + z*dr
                then [t]
                else []
            t = (z - pz) / vz

-- | A cone with its base centered on the origin, with radius 1 at the
-- base, height 1, and it's apex on the positive Z axis.
cone :: (Backend b R3, Renderable Frustum b) => Diagram b R3
cone = frustum 1 0

-- | A circular cylinder of radius 1 with one end cap centered on the
-- origin, and extending to Z=1.
cylinder :: (Backend b R3, Renderable Frustum b) => Diagram b R3
cylinder = frustum 1 1