diagrams-lib- Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics

Copyright(c) 2011 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE)
Safe HaskellNone




Utilities for working with sizes of two-dimensional objects.


Computing sizes

width :: (InSpace V2 n a, Enveloped a) => a -> n Source #

Compute the width of an enveloped object.

Note this is just diameter unitX.

height :: (InSpace V2 n a, Enveloped a) => a -> n Source #

Compute the height of an enveloped object.

extentX :: (InSpace v n a, R1 v, Enveloped a) => a -> Maybe (n, n) Source #

Compute the absolute x-coordinate range of an enveloped object in the form (lo,hi). Return Nothing for objects with an empty envelope.

Note this is just extent unitX.

extentY :: (InSpace v n a, R2 v, Enveloped a) => a -> Maybe (n, n) Source #

Compute the absolute y-coordinate range of an enveloped object in the form (lo,hi). Return Nothing for objects with an empty envelope.

Specifying sizes

mkSizeSpec2D :: Num n => Maybe n -> Maybe n -> SizeSpec V2 n Source #

Make a SizeSpec from possibly-specified width and height.

mkWidth :: Num n => n -> SizeSpec V2 n Source #

Make a SizeSpec with only width defined.

mkHeight :: Num n => n -> SizeSpec V2 n Source #

Make a SizeSpec with only height defined.

dims2D :: n -> n -> SizeSpec V2 n Source #

Make a SizeSpec from a width and height.