{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns              #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Diagrams.Backend.Postscript
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013 Diagrams team (see LICENSE)
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com
-- A Postscript rendering backend for diagrams.
-- To build diagrams for Postscript rendering use the @Postscript@
-- type in the diagram type construction
-- > d :: Diagram Postscript R2
-- > d = ...
-- and render giving the @Postscript@ token
-- > renderDia Postscript (PostscriptOptions "file.eps" (Width 400) EPS) d
-- This IO action will write the specified file.
module Diagrams.Backend.Postscript

  ( -- * Backend token
  , B

    -- * Postscript-specific options
    -- $PostscriptOptions

  , Options(..), psfileName, psSizeSpec, psOutputFormat

    -- * Postscript-supported output formats
  , OutputFormat(..)
  ) where

import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Postscript as C
import           Diagrams.Backend.Postscript.CMYK

import           Diagrams.Prelude              hiding (view)

import           Diagrams.TwoD.Adjust          (adjustDia2D)
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Path            (Clip (Clip), getFillRule)
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Text
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Types

import           Control.Lens                  hiding (transform)
import           Control.Monad                 (when)
import           Data.Maybe                    (catMaybes)

import qualified Data.Foldable                 as F
import           Data.Hashable                 (Hashable (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty            as N
import           Data.Monoid.Split
import           Data.Typeable
import           GHC.Generics                  (Generic)

-- | This data declaration is simply used as a token to distinguish this rendering engine.
data Postscript = Postscript
    deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable)

type B = Postscript

-- | Postscript only supports EPS style output at the moment.  Future formats would each
--   have their own associated properties that affect the output.
data OutputFormat = EPS -- ^ Encapsulated Postscript output.
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Enum, Bounded, Typeable, Generic)

instance Hashable OutputFormat

instance Monoid (Render Postscript R2) where
  mempty  = C $ return ()
  (C x) `mappend` (C y) = C (x >> y)

instance Backend Postscript R2 where
  data Render  Postscript R2 = C (C.Render ())
  type Result  Postscript R2 = IO ()
  data Options Postscript R2 = PostscriptOptions
          { _psfileName     :: String       -- ^ the name of the file you want generated
          , _psSizeSpec     :: SizeSpec2D   -- ^ the requested size of the output
          , _psOutputFormat :: OutputFormat -- ^ the output format and associated options
    deriving (Show)

  withStyle _ s t (C r) = C $ do
    postscriptMiscStyle s
    postscriptTransf t
    postscriptStyle s

  doRender _ (PostscriptOptions file size out) (C r) =
    let surfaceF surface = C.renderWith surface r
        -- Everything except Dims is arbitrary. The backend
        -- should have first run 'adjustDia' to update the
        -- final size of the diagram with explicit dimensions,
        -- so normally we would only expect to get Dims anyway.
        (w,h) = sizeFromSpec size

    in  case out of
          EPS -> C.withEPSSurface file (round w) (round h) surfaceF

  adjustDia c opts d = adjustDia2D _psSizeSpec setPsSize c opts d
    where setPsSize sz o = o { _psSizeSpec = sz }

instance Hashable (Options Postscript R2) where
  hashWithSalt s (PostscriptOptions fn sz out) =
    s `hashWithSalt` fn
      `hashWithSalt` sz
      `hashWithSalt` out

sizeFromSpec :: SizeSpec2D -> (Double, Double)
sizeFromSpec size = case size of
   Width w'   -> (w',w')
   Height h'  -> (h',h')
   Dims w' h' -> (w',h')
   Absolute   -> (100,100)

psfileName :: Lens' (Options Postscript R2) String
psfileName = lens (\(PostscriptOptions {_psfileName = f}) -> f)
                     (\o f -> o {_psfileName = f})

psSizeSpec :: Lens' (Options Postscript R2) SizeSpec2D
psSizeSpec = lens (\(PostscriptOptions {_psSizeSpec = s}) -> s)
                     (\o s -> o {_psSizeSpec = s})

psOutputFormat :: Lens' (Options Postscript R2) OutputFormat
psOutputFormat = lens (\(PostscriptOptions {_psOutputFormat = t}) -> t)
                     (\o t -> o {_psOutputFormat = t})

instance MultiBackend Postscript R2 where
   renderDias b opts ds = doRenderPages b (combineSizes (map fst rs)) (map snd rs) >> return ()
       mkMax (x,y) = (Max x, Max y)
       fromMaxPair (Max x, Max y) = (x,y)

       rs = map mkRender ds
       mkRender d = (opts', mconcat . map renderOne . prims $ d')
           (opts', d') = adjustDia b opts d
           renderOne (p, (M t,      s)) = withStyle b s mempty (render b (transform t p))
           renderOne (p, (t1 :| t2, s)) = withStyle b s t1 (render b (transform (t1 <> t2) p))

       combineSizes [] = PostscriptOptions "" (Dims 100 100) EPS    -- arbitrary
       combineSizes (o:os) = o { _psSizeSpec = uncurry Dims . fromMaxPair . sconcat $ f o N.:| fmap f os }
         where f = mkMax . sizeFromSpec . _psSizeSpec

       doRenderPages _ (PostscriptOptions file size out) pages =
        let surfaceF surface = C.renderPagesWith surface (map (\(C r) -> r) pages)
            (w,h) = sizeFromSpec size
        in case out of
           EPS -> C.withEPSSurface file (round w) (round h) surfaceF

renderC :: (Renderable a Postscript, V a ~ R2) => a -> C.Render ()
renderC a = case render Postscript a of C r -> r

-- | Handle \"miscellaneous\" style attributes (clip, font stuff, fill
--   color and fill rule).
postscriptMiscStyle :: Style v -> C.Render ()
postscriptMiscStyle s =
  . catMaybes $ [ handle clip
                , handle fFace
                , handle fSlant
                , handle fWeight
                , handle fSize
                , handle fColor
                , handle fColorCMYK
                , handle lFillRule
    handle :: AttributeClass a => (a -> C.Render ()) -> Maybe (C.Render ())
    handle f = f `fmap` getAttr s
    clip     = mapM_ (\p -> renderC p >> C.clip) . op Clip
    fSize    = assign (C.drawState . C.font . C.size) <$> getFontSize
    fFace    = assign (C.drawState . C.font . C.face) <$> getFont
    fSlant   = assign (C.drawState . C.font . C.slant) .fromFontSlant <$> getFontSlant
    fWeight  = assign (C.drawState . C.font . C.weight) . fromFontWeight <$> getFontWeight
    fColor c = C.fillColor (getFillColor c)
    fColorCMYK c = C.fillColorCMYK (getFillColorCMYK c)
    lFillRule = assign (C.drawState . C.fillRule) . getFillRule

fromFontSlant :: FontSlant -> C.FontSlant
fromFontSlant FontSlantNormal   = C.FontSlantNormal
fromFontSlant FontSlantItalic   = C.FontSlantItalic
fromFontSlant FontSlantOblique  = C.FontSlantOblique

fromFontWeight :: FontWeight -> C.FontWeight
fromFontWeight FontWeightNormal = C.FontWeightNormal
fromFontWeight FontWeightBold   = C.FontWeightBold

postscriptStyle :: Style v -> C.Render ()
postscriptStyle s = sequence_ -- foldr (>>) (return ())
              . catMaybes $ [ handle fColor
                            , handle fColorCMYK
                            , handle lColor
                            , handle lColorCMYK
                            , handle lWidth
                            , handle lJoin
                            , handle lMiter
                            , handle lCap
                            , handle lDashing
  where handle :: (AttributeClass a) => (a -> C.Render ()) -> Maybe (C.Render ())
        handle f = f `fmap` getAttr s
        lColor = C.strokeColor . getLineColor
        lColorCMYK = C.strokeColorCMYK . getLineColorCMYK
        fColor c = C.fillColor (getFillColor c) >> C.fillPreserve
        fColorCMYK c = C.fillColorCMYK (getFillColorCMYK c) >> C.fillPreserve
        lWidth = C.lineWidth . getLineWidth
        lCap = C.lineCap . getLineCap
        lJoin = C.lineJoin . getLineJoin
        lMiter = C.miterLimit . getLineMiterLimit
        lDashing (getDashing -> Dashing ds offs) =
          C.setDash ds offs

postscriptTransf :: Transformation R2 -> C.Render ()
postscriptTransf t = C.transform a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2
  where (R2 a1 a2) = apply t unitX
        (R2 b1 b2) = apply t unitY
        (R2 c1 c2) = transl t

instance Renderable (Segment Closed R2) Postscript where
  render _ (Linear (OffsetClosed (R2 x y))) = C $ C.relLineTo x y
  render _ (Cubic (R2 x1 y1)
                  (R2 x2 y2)
                  (OffsetClosed (R2 x3 y3)))
    = C $ C.relCurveTo x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3

instance Renderable (Trail R2) Postscript where
  render _ t = flip withLine t $ renderT . lineSegments
      renderT segs =
        C $ do
          mapM_ renderC segs
          when (isLoop t) C.closePath

          -- We need to ignore the fill if we see a line.
          -- Ignore fill is part of the drawing state, so
          -- it will be cleared by the `restore` after this
          -- primitive.
          when (isLine t) $ (C.drawState . C.ignoreFill) .= True

instance Renderable (Path R2) Postscript where
  render _ p = C $ C.newPath >> F.mapM_ renderTrail (op Path p)
    where renderTrail (viewLoc -> (unp2 -> pt, tr)) = do
            uncurry C.moveTo pt
            renderC tr

instance Renderable Text Postscript where
  render _ (Text tr al str) = C $ do
      postscriptTransf tr
      case al of
        BoxAlignedText xt yt -> C.showTextAlign xt yt str
        BaselineText         -> C.moveTo 0 0 >> C.showText str

-- $PostscriptOptions
-- Unfortunately, Haddock does not yet support documentation for
-- associated data families, so we must just provide it manually.
-- This module defines
-- > data family Options Postscript R2 = PostscriptOptions
-- >           { psfileName     :: String       -- ^ the name of the file you want generated
-- >           , psSizeSpec     :: SizeSpec2D   -- ^ the requested size of the output
-- >           , psOutputFormat :: OutputFormat -- ^ the output format and associated options
-- >           }