{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home, show-extensions #-}

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

{- |
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Bjorn Buckwalter
   License    : BSD3

   Maintainer : bjorn@buckwalter.se
   Stability  : Stable
   Portability: GHC only

This module defines type-level physical dimensions expressed in terms of
the SI base dimensions using 'Numeric.NumType.DK.NumType' for type-level integers.

Type-level arithmetic, synonyms for the base dimensions, and conversion to the term-level are included.
module Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Dimensions.TypeLevel
  -- * Kind of Type-Level Dimensions
  type Dimension(..),
  -- * Dimension Arithmetic
  type (*), type (/), type (^), type Recip, type Root,
  -- * Synonyms for Base Dimensions
  DLength, DMass, DTime, DElectricCurrent, DThermodynamicTemperature, DAmountOfSubstance, DLuminousIntensity,
  -- * Conversion to Term Level
  type KnownDimension

import Data.Proxy
import Numeric.NumType.DK.Integers
  ( TypeInt (Zero, Pos1), (+)(), (-)()
  , KnownTypeInt, toNum
import qualified Numeric.NumType.DK.Integers as N
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Dimensions.TermLevel

-- | Represents a physical dimension in the basis of the 7 SI base dimensions, 
-- where the respective dimensions are represented by type variables
-- using the following convention.
--  * l: Length
--  * m: Mass
--  * t: Time
--  * i: Electric current
--  * th: Thermodynamic temperature
--  * n: Amount of substance
--  * j: Luminous intensity
-- For the equivalent term-level representation, see 'Dimension''
data Dimension = Dim TypeInt TypeInt TypeInt TypeInt TypeInt TypeInt TypeInt

-- | The type-level dimensions of dimensionless values.
type DOne                      = 'Dim 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero
type DLength                   = 'Dim 'Pos1 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero
type DMass                     = 'Dim 'Zero 'Pos1 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero
type DTime                     = 'Dim 'Zero 'Zero 'Pos1 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero
type DElectricCurrent          = 'Dim 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Pos1 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero
type DThermodynamicTemperature = 'Dim 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Pos1 'Zero 'Zero
type DAmountOfSubstance        = 'Dim 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Pos1 'Zero
type DLuminousIntensity        = 'Dim 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Zero 'Pos1

We will reuse the operators and function names from the Prelude.
To prevent unpleasant surprises we give operators the same fixity
as the Prelude.

infixr 8  ^
infixl 7  *, /

-- | Multiplication of dimensions corresponds to adding of the base
-- dimensions' exponents.
type family (a::Dimension) * (b::Dimension) where
  DOne * d = d
  d * DOne = d
  ('Dim l  m  t  i  th  n  j) * ('Dim l' m' t' i' th' n' j')
    = 'Dim (l + l') (m + m') (t + t') (i + i') (th + th') (n + n') (j + j')

-- | Division of dimensions corresponds to subtraction of the base
-- dimensions' exponents.
type family (a::Dimension) / (d::Dimension) where
  d / DOne = d
  d / d = DOne
  ('Dim l  m  t  i  th  n  j) / ('Dim l' m' t' i' th' n' j')
    = 'Dim (l - l') (m - m') (t - t') (i - i') (th - th') (n - n') (j - j')

-- | The reciprocal of a dimension is defined as the result of dividing 'DOne' by it,
-- or of negating each of the base dimensions' exponents.
type Recip (d :: Dimension) = DOne / d

-- | Powers of dimensions corresponds to multiplication of the base
-- dimensions' exponents by the exponent.
-- We limit ourselves to integer powers of Dimensionals as fractional
-- powers make little physical sense.
type family (d::Dimension) ^ (x::TypeInt) where
  DOne ^ x = DOne
  d ^ 'Zero = DOne
  d ^ 'Pos1 = d
  ('Dim l  m  t  i  th  n  j) ^ x
    = 'Dim (l N.* x) (m N.* x) (t N.* x) (i N.* x) (th N.* x) (n N.* x) (j N.* x)

-- | Roots of dimensions corresponds to division of the base dimensions'
-- exponents by the order(?) of the root.
-- See 'sqrt', 'cbrt', and 'nroot' for the corresponding term-level operations.
type family Root (d::Dimension) (x::TypeInt) where
  Root DOne x = DOne
  Root d 'Pos1 = d
  Root ('Dim l  m  t  i  th  n  j) x
    = 'Dim (l N./ x) (m N./ x) (t N./ x) (i N./ x) (th N./ x) (n N./ x) (j N./ x)

-- | A KnownDimension is one for which we can construct a term-level representation.
-- Each validly constructed type of kind 'Dimension' has a 'KnownDimension' instance.
-- While 'KnownDimension' is a constraint synonym, the presence of @'KnownDimension' d@ in
--  a context allows use of @'dimension' :: 'Proxy' d -> 'Dimension''@.
type KnownDimension (d :: Dimension) = HasDimension (Proxy d)

instance ( KnownTypeInt l
         , KnownTypeInt m
         , KnownTypeInt t
         , KnownTypeInt i
         , KnownTypeInt th
         , KnownTypeInt n
         , KnownTypeInt j
         ) => HasDimension (Proxy ('Dim l m t i th n j))
    dimension _ = Dim'
                (toNum (Proxy :: Proxy l))
                (toNum (Proxy :: Proxy m))
                (toNum (Proxy :: Proxy t))
                (toNum (Proxy :: Proxy i))
                (toNum (Proxy :: Proxy th))
                (toNum (Proxy :: Proxy n))
                (toNum (Proxy :: Proxy j))