{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

{- |
    Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Bjorn Buckwalter
    License    : BSD3

    Maintainer : bjorn@buckwalter.se
    Stability  : Experimental
    Portability: GHC only?

Defines types for manipulation of quantities with fixed point representations.
module Numeric.Units.Dimensional.FixedPoint
  -- * Types
  -- $types
  Unit, Quantity, SQuantity,
  -- * Physical Dimensions
  Dimension (Dim),
  -- ** Dimension Arithmetic
  type (*), type (/), type (^), NRoot, Recip,
  -- ** Term Level Representation of Dimensions
  Dimension' (Dim'), HasDimension(..), KnownDimension,
  -- * Dimensional Arithmetic
  (*~), (/~),
  (*), (/), (+), (-),
  negate, abs,
  -- ** Transcendental Functions
  -- *** Via 'Double'
  expD, logD, sinD, cosD, tanD, asinD, acosD, atanD, sinhD, coshD, tanhD, asinhD, acoshD, atanhD, atan2D,
  -- *** Via arbitary 'Floating' type
  expVia, logVia, sinVia, cosVia, tanVia, asinVia, acosVia, atanVia, sinhVia, coshVia, tanhVia, asinhVia, acoshVia, atanhVia, atan2Via,
  -- ** Operations on Collections
  (*~~), (/~~), sum, mean, -- dimensionlessLength, nFromTo,
  -- ** Conversion Between Representations
  rescale, rescaleFinite, rescaleD, rescaleVia, KnownVariant(dmap), changeRep, changeRepRound, changeRepApproximate,
  -- * Dimension Synonyms
  DOne, DLength, DMass, DTime, DElectricCurrent, DThermodynamicTemperature, DAmountOfSubstance, DLuminousIntensity,
  -- * Quantity Synonyms
  Dimensionless, Length, Mass, Time, ElectricCurrent, ThermodynamicTemperature, AmountOfSubstance, LuminousIntensity,
  -- * Constants
  _0, epsilon,
  -- $possibly-imprecise-constants
  _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, pi, tau,
  -- * Constructing Units
  siUnit, one, mkUnitR, mkUnitQ, mkUnitZ,
  -- * Unit Metadata
  name, exactValue, weaken, strengthen, exactify,
  -- * Commonly Used Type Synonyms
  -- $synonyms
  type Q, type QScale, type Angle8, type Angle16, type Angle32

import Data.Bits
import Data.ExactPi
import qualified Data.ExactPi.TypeLevel as E
import Data.Int
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Ratio
import qualified GHC.TypeLits as N
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Coercion
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Internal
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude hiding ((*~), (/~), (+), (-), recip, negate, abs, (*~~), (/~~), sum, mean, _0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, pi, tau, changeRep)
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Variants hiding (type (*), type (/))
import qualified Numeric.Units.Dimensional.UnitNames as Name
import qualified Prelude as P

{- $types

We provide access to the same 'Dimensional', 'Unit', and 'Quantity' types as are exposed by "Numeric.Units.Dimensional", but additionally
offer the 'SQuantity' type to represent scaled quantities. Fixed-point quantities are quantities backed by integers, it is frequently
necessary to scale those integers into a range appropriate for the physical problem at hand.



Arithmetic Operators and Functions

We will reuse the operators and function names from the Prelude.
To prevent unpleasant surprises we give operators the same fixity
as the Prelude.


--infixr 8  ^, ^/, **
infixl 6  +, -

-- | Adds two possibly scaled 'SQuantity's, preserving any scale factor.
-- Use in conjunction with 'changeRepRound' to combine quantities with differing scale factors.
(+) :: (Num a) => SQuantity s d a -> SQuantity s d a -> SQuantity s d a
(+) = liftQ2 (P.+)

-- | Subtracts one possibly scaled 'SQuantity' from another, preserving any scale factor.
-- Use in conjunction with 'changeRepRound' to combine quantities with differing scale factors.
(-) :: (Num a) => SQuantity s d a -> SQuantity s d a -> SQuantity s d a
(-) = liftQ2 (P.-)

-- | Takes the absolute value of a possibly scaled 'SQuantity', preserving any scale factor.
abs :: (Num a) => SQuantity s d a -> SQuantity s d a
abs = liftQ (P.abs)

-- | Negates the value of a possibly scaled 'SQuantity', preserving any scale factor.
negate :: (Num a) => SQuantity s d a -> SQuantity s d a
negate = liftQ (P.negate)

infixl 7  *~~, /~~

-- | Applies '*~' to all values in a functor.
(*~~) :: (Functor f, RealFrac a, Integral b, E.MinCtxt s a) => f a -> Unit m d a -> f (SQuantity s d b)
xs *~~ u = fmap (*~ u) xs

-- | Applies '/~' to all values in a functor.
(/~~) :: (Functor f, Real a, Fractional b,  E.MinCtxt s b) => f (SQuantity s d a) -> Unit m d b -> f b
xs /~~ u = fmap (/~ u) xs

-- | The sum of all elements in a list.
sum :: (Num a, F.Foldable f) => f (SQuantity s d a) -> SQuantity s d a
sum = F.foldr (+) _0

-- | The arithmetic mean of all elements in a list.
mean :: (Fractional a, F.Foldable f) => f (SQuantity s d a) -> SQuantity s d a
mean = reduce . F.foldr accumulate (_0, 0 :: Int)
    reduce (s, n) = dmap (P./ fromIntegral n) s
    accumulate val (accum, count) = (accum + val, count P.+ 1)

expD, logD, sinD, cosD, tanD, asinD, acosD, atanD, sinhD, coshD, tanhD, asinhD, acoshD, atanhD
  :: (Integral a, Integral b, E.MinCtxt s1 Double, E.MinCtxt s2 Double) => SQuantity s1 DOne a -> SQuantity s2 DOne b
expD = expVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)
logD = logVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)
sinD = sinVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)
cosD = cosVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)
tanD = tanVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)
asinD = asinVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)
acosD = acosVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)
atanD = atanVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)
sinhD = sinhVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)
coshD = coshVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)
tanhD = tanhVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)
asinhD = asinhVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)
acoshD = acoshVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)
atanhD = atanhVia (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)

-- | The standard two argument arctangent function.
-- Since it interprets its two arguments in comparison with one another, the input may have any dimension.
atan2D :: (Integral a, Integral b, E.MinCtxt s1 Double, E.MinCtxt s2 Double, E.MinCtxt s3 Double) => SQuantity s1 DOne a -> SQuantity s2 DOne a -> SQuantity s3 DOne b
atan2D = atan2Via (Proxy :: Proxy P.Double)

expVia, logVia, sinVia, cosVia, tanVia, asinVia, acosVia, atanVia, sinhVia, coshVia, tanhVia, asinhVia, acoshVia, atanhVia
  :: (Integral a, RealFrac b, Floating b, Integral c, E.MinCtxt s1 b, E.MinCtxt s2 b) => Proxy b -> SQuantity s1 DOne a -> SQuantity s2 DOne c
expVia = liftDimensionlessVia P.exp
logVia = liftDimensionlessVia P.log
sinVia = liftDimensionlessPeriodicVia (2 P.* P.pi) P.sin
cosVia = liftDimensionlessPeriodicVia (2 P.* P.pi) P.cos
tanVia = liftDimensionlessPeriodicVia P.pi P.tan
asinVia = liftDimensionlessVia P.asin
acosVia = liftDimensionlessVia P.acos
atanVia = liftDimensionlessVia P.atan
sinhVia = liftDimensionlessPeriodicVia (2 P.* P.pi) P.sinh
coshVia = liftDimensionlessPeriodicVia (2 P.* P.pi) P.cosh
tanhVia = liftDimensionlessPeriodicVia P.pi P.tanh
asinhVia = liftDimensionlessVia P.asinh
acoshVia = liftDimensionlessVia P.acosh
atanhVia = liftDimensionlessVia P.atanh

-- | The standard two argument arctangent function.
-- Since it interprets its two arguments in comparison with one another, the input may have any dimension.
atan2Via :: forall s1 s2 s3 a b c d.(Integral a, RealFloat b, Integral c, E.MinCtxt s1 b, E.MinCtxt s2 b, E.MinCtxt s3 b, KnownDimension d) => Proxy b -> SQuantity s1 d a -> SQuantity s2 d a -> SQuantity s3 DOne c
atan2Via _ y x = (*~ siUnit) $ (P.atan2 :: b -> b -> b) (y /~ siUnit) (x /~ siUnit)

-- | Lift a function on dimensionless values of a specified intermediate type to operate on possibly scaled dimensionless.
liftDimensionlessVia :: forall s1 s2 a b c.(Real a, RealFrac b, Integral c, E.MinCtxt s1 b, E.MinCtxt s2 b) => (b -> b) -> Proxy b -> SQuantity s1 DOne a -> SQuantity s2 DOne c
liftDimensionlessVia f _ = (*~ siUnit) . (f :: b -> b) . (/~ siUnit)

-- | Lift a periodic function on dimensionless values of a specified intermediate type to operate on possibly scaled dimensionless.
-- If the scale factor of the input type is an exact integer divisor of the function's period, the argument
-- will be clamped via an integer `mod` operation prior to applying the function to avoid errors introduced by a floating point modulus.
liftDimensionlessPeriodicVia :: forall s1 s2 a b c.(Integral a, RealFrac b, Floating b, Integral c, E.MinCtxt s1 b, E.MinCtxt s2 b) => ExactPi -> (forall d.Floating d => d -> d) -> Proxy b -> SQuantity s1 DOne a -> SQuantity s2 DOne c
liftDimensionlessPeriodicVia p f proxy | Just p'' <- p', p'' /= 0 = (liftDimensionlessVia f proxy) . dmap (`mod` p'')
                                       | otherwise = liftDimensionlessVia f proxy
    p' :: Maybe a
    p' = fmap fromInteger . toExactInteger . P.recip . (P./ p) . E.exactPiVal $ (Proxy :: Proxy s1)

We give '*~' and '/~' the same fixity as '*' and '/' defined below.
Note that this necessitates the use of parenthesis when composing
units using '*' and '/', e.g. "1 *~ (meter / second)".

infixl 7  *~, /~

-- | Forms a possibly scaled 'SQuantity' by multipliying a number and a unit.
(*~) :: forall s m d a b.(RealFrac a, Integral b, E.MinCtxt s a) => a -> Unit m d a -> SQuantity s d b
x *~ (Unit _ _ y) = Quantity . round $ (x P.* y P./ s)
    s = E.injMin (Proxy :: Proxy s)

-- | Divides a possibly scaled 'SQuantity' by a 'Unit' of the same physical dimension, obtaining the
-- numerical value of the quantity expressed in that unit.
(/~) :: forall s m d a b.(Real a, Fractional b,  E.MinCtxt s b) => SQuantity s d a -> Unit m d b -> b
(Quantity x) /~ (Unit _ _ y) = ((realToFrac x) P.* s P./ y)
    s = E.injMin (Proxy :: Proxy s)


Rescaling Operations


-- | Rescales a fixed point quantity, accomodating changes both in its scale factor and its representation type.
-- Note that this uses an arbitrary precision representation of 'pi', which may be quite slow.
rescale :: forall a b d s1 s2.(Integral a, Integral b, E.KnownExactPi s1, E.KnownExactPi s2) => SQuantity s1 d a -> SQuantity s2 d b
rescale | Just s' <- toExactInteger s           = viaInteger (P.* s')
        | Just s' <- toExactInteger (P.recip s) = viaInteger (`P.quot` s')
        | Just q  <- toExactRational s          = viaInteger $ timesRational q
        | otherwise                             = viaInteger $ \x -> fixedPoint (fmap (($ x) . timesRational) (rationalApproximations s))
    s = (s1' P./ s2')
    s1' = E.exactPiVal (Proxy :: Proxy s1)
    s2' = E.exactPiVal (Proxy :: Proxy s2)
    timesRational :: Rational -> Integer -> Integer
    timesRational q = (`P.quot` denominator q) . (P.* numerator q)

-- | Rescales a fixed point quantity, accomodating changes both in its scale factor and its representation type.
-- Expected to outperform `rescale` when a `FiniteBits` context is available for the source and destination representation types.
rescaleFinite :: (Integral a, FiniteBits a, Integral b, FiniteBits b, E.KnownExactPi s1, E.KnownExactPi s2) => SQuantity s1 d a -> SQuantity s2 d b
rescaleFinite = rescale -- It should be possible to do this more quickly, since we have a priori knowledge of how well we need to approximate the result

-- | Approximately rescales a fixed point quantity, accomodating changes both in its scale factor and its representation type.
-- Uses approximate arithmetic by way of an intermediate `Floating` type, to which a proxy must be supplied.
rescaleVia :: forall a b c d s1 s2.(Integral a, RealFrac b, Floating b, Integral c, E.KnownExactPi s1, E.KnownExactPi s2) => Proxy b -> SQuantity s1 d a -> SQuantity s2 d c
rescaleVia _ = viaIntermediate (P.* s)
    s = approximateValue (s1' P./ s2') :: b
    s1' = E.exactPiVal $ (Proxy :: Proxy s1)
    s2' = E.exactPiVal $ (Proxy :: Proxy s2)

-- | Approximately rescales a fixed point quantity, accomodating changes both in its scale factor and its representation type.
-- Uses approximate arithmetic by way of an intermediate `Double` representation.
rescaleD :: (Integral a, Integral b, E.KnownExactPi s1, E.KnownExactPi s2) => SQuantity s1 d a -> SQuantity s2 d b
rescaleD = rescaleVia (Proxy :: Proxy Double)

-- Note that this does not respect scaling factors at all.
viaInteger :: (Integral a, Integral b) => (P.Integer -> P.Integer) -> SQuantity s1 d a -> SQuantity s2 d b
viaInteger f = Quantity . fromInteger . f . fromIntegral . unQuantity

-- Note that this does not respect scaling factors at all.
viaIntermediate :: (Integral a, RealFrac b, Integral c) => (b -> b) -> SQuantity s1 d a -> SQuantity s2 d c
viaIntermediate f = Quantity . round . f . fromIntegral . unQuantity

fixedPoint :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a
fixedPoint []                     = error "Fixed point of empty list."
fixedPoint [x]                    = x
fixedPoint (x1:x2:xs) | x1 == x2  = x1
                      | otherwise = fixedPoint (x2:xs)


Changes of Representation


-- | Convenient conversion between numerical types while retaining dimensional information.
changeRep :: forall v1 v2 d a b.
            (KnownVariant v1, KnownVariant v2,
             CompatibleVariants v1 v2,
             E.MinCtxt (ScaleFactor v1 E./ ScaleFactor v2) b,
             Real a, Fractional b)
          => Dimensional v1 d a -> Dimensional v2 d b
changeRep = liftD (P.* s) ((P.* s') . realToFrac) Name.weaken
    p :: Proxy (ScaleFactor v1 E./ ScaleFactor v2)
    p = Proxy
    s = E.exactPiVal p
    s' = E.injMin p

-- | Convenient conversion to types with `Integral` representations using `round`.
changeRepRound :: forall v1 v2 d a b.
                 (KnownVariant v1, KnownVariant v2,
                  CompatibleVariants v1 v2,
                  E.MinCtxt (ScaleFactor v1 E./ ScaleFactor v2) a,
                  RealFrac a, Integral b)
               => Dimensional v1 d a -> Dimensional v2 d b
changeRepRound = liftD (P.* s) (round . (P.* s')) Name.weaken
    p :: Proxy (ScaleFactor v1 E./ ScaleFactor v2)
    p = Proxy
    s = E.exactPiVal p
    s' = E.injMin p


Useful Constant Values


{- $possibly-imprecise-constants

Note that, other than '_0' and 'epsilon', these constants may not be exactly representable with certain scale factors.


-- | The constant for zero is polymorphic, allowing
-- it to express zero 'Length' or 'Capacitance' or 'Velocity' etc, in addition
-- to the 'Dimensionless' value zero.
_0 :: Num a => SQuantity s d a
_0 = Quantity 0

_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9 :: (Integral a, E.KnownExactPi s) => SQuantity s DOne a
_1 = rescale (epsilon :: SQuantity E.One DOne Integer)
_2 = rescale (epsilon :: SQuantity (E.ExactNatural 2) DOne Integer)
_3 = rescale (epsilon :: SQuantity (E.ExactNatural 3) DOne Integer)
_4 = rescale (epsilon :: SQuantity (E.ExactNatural 4) DOne Integer)
_5 = rescale (epsilon :: SQuantity (E.ExactNatural 5) DOne Integer)
_6 = rescale (epsilon :: SQuantity (E.ExactNatural 6) DOne Integer)
_7 = rescale (epsilon :: SQuantity (E.ExactNatural 7) DOne Integer)
_8 = rescale (epsilon :: SQuantity (E.ExactNatural 8) DOne Integer)
_9 = rescale (epsilon :: SQuantity (E.ExactNatural 9) DOne Integer)

pi :: (Integral a, E.KnownExactPi s) => SQuantity s DOne a
pi = rescale (epsilon :: SQuantity E.Pi DOne Integer)

-- | Twice 'pi'.
-- For background on 'tau' see http://tauday.com/tau-manifesto (but also
-- feel free to review http://www.thepimanifesto.com).
tau :: (Integral a, E.KnownExactPi s) => SQuantity s DOne a
tau = rescale (epsilon :: SQuantity (E.ExactNatural 2 E.* E.Pi) DOne Integer)

-- | The least positive representable value in a given fixed-point scaled quantity type.
epsilon :: (Integral a) => SQuantity s d a
epsilon = Quantity 1

{- $synonyms

These type synonyms for commonly used fixed-point types are provided for convenience.


-- | A binary scale factor.
type QScale n = (E.One E./ (E.ExactNatural (2 N.^ n)))

-- | A dimensionless number with `n` fractional bits, using a representation of type `a`.
type Q n a = SQuantity (QScale n) DOne a

-- | A single-turn angle represented as a signed 8-bit integer.
type Angle8  = SQuantity (E.Pi E.* (QScale 7))  DPlaneAngle Int8

-- | A single-turn angle represented as a signed 16-bit integer.
type Angle16 = SQuantity (E.Pi E.* (QScale 15)) DPlaneAngle Int16

-- | A single-turn angle represented as a signed 32-bit integer.
type Angle32 = SQuantity (E.Pi E.* (QScale 31)) DPlaneAngle Int32