module Dingo.Widget.DataTables ( Table , mkTable , onTableBodyEvent , setTableData ) where import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), Value(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Dingo.Callback import Dingo.Event import Dingo.ResourceBundle.JqueryUI (jqueryUIResourceBundle) import Dingo.ResourceBundle.DataTables (dataTablesResourceBundle) import Dingo.Selector import Dingo.Widget import Text.Blaze ((!), toValue, toHtml) import Text.Julius (julius) import qualified Text.Blaze.Html4.Strict as H import qualified Text.Blaze.Html4.Strict.Attributes as A -- Table type. data Table = Table { tableId :: WidgetId , tableHeadings :: [Text] , tableData :: [[Text]] } deriving (Show, Typeable) -- State associated with table widget. data TableState = TableState () deriving (Show, Typeable) instance FromJSON TableState where parseJSON _ = return $ TableState () instance ToJSON TableState where toJSON (TableState ()) = Null -- Table is a widget. instance Widget Table TableState where -- Get the widget ID. getWidgetId = tableId -- Render table to HTML. renderWidget w = H.table ! (toValue $ tableId w) $ do H.thead $ do $ do mapM_ ( ! A.width (toValue aWidth)) $ map toHtml $ tableHeadings w H.tbody $ do forM_ (tableData w) $ \rowData -> $ do mapM_ $ map toHtml $ rowData where aWidth :: Int aWidth = 150 -- Show widget. showWidget w s = show w ++ "->" ++ show s -- Client state handling. encodeClientStateJs _ = [julius| null |] decodeClientStateJs _ = [julius| null |] widgetResources _ = [ jqueryUIResourceBundle, dataTablesResourceBundle ] -- Make a new table. mkTable :: Widget w s => w -> [Text] -> [[Text]] -> CallbackM Table mkTable pw headings data_ = do table <- addWidget pw (\i -> return (Table i headings data_, TableState ())) sendJavascript [julius| $(document).ready(function () { $('#i#{getWidgetId table}').dataTable({ "bJQueryUI" : true, "sPaginationType" : "full_numbers" }); }); |] return table -- Change value in a table cell. setTableData :: Table -> (Integer,Integer) -> Text -> CallbackM () setTableData table (row,col) data_ = sendJavascript [julius| $('#i#{getWidgetId table}').dataTable().fnUpdate('#{data_}', #{show row}, #{show col}); |] -- Set up event handler. onTableBodyEvent :: Table -> Event -> CallbackM () -> CallbackM () onTableBodyEvent table event callback = onEvent (tableRowsSelector table) event callback where tableRowsSelector :: Table -> Selector tableRowsSelector w = widgetSelector w .>*. element "tbody" .>*. element "tr"