{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module System.Daemonize (

import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import qualified System.Posix as POSIX

import Control.Concurrent

data DaemonOptions = DaemonOptions {
    daemonShouldChangeDirectory :: Bool,
    daemonShouldCloseStandardStreams :: Bool,
    daemonShouldIgnoreSignals :: Bool,
    daemonUserToChangeTo :: Maybe String,
    daemonGroupToChangeTo :: Maybe String

defaultDaemonOptions :: DaemonOptions
defaultDaemonOptions = DaemonOptions {
                         daemonShouldChangeDirectory = True,
                         daemonShouldCloseStandardStreams = True,
                         daemonShouldIgnoreSignals = True,
                         daemonUserToChangeTo = Nothing,
                         daemonGroupToChangeTo = Nothing

daemonize :: DaemonOptions -> IO a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
daemonize options privilegedAction mainAction = do
  _ <- POSIX.forkProcess $ daemonize' options privilegedAction mainAction
  POSIX.exitImmediately ExitSuccess

daemonize' :: DaemonOptions -> IO a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
daemonize' options privilegedAction mainAction = do
  _ <- POSIX.createSession
  if daemonShouldChangeDirectory options
    then POSIX.changeWorkingDirectory "/"
    else return ()
  if daemonShouldIgnoreSignals options
    then do
      POSIX.installHandler POSIX.sigTTOU POSIX.Ignore Nothing
      POSIX.installHandler POSIX.sigTTIN POSIX.Ignore Nothing
      POSIX.installHandler POSIX.sigTSTP POSIX.Ignore Nothing
      return ()
    else return ()
  privilegedResult <- privilegedAction
  if daemonShouldCloseStandardStreams options
    then mapM_ hClose [stdin, stdout, stderr]
    else return ()
  case daemonGroupToChangeTo options of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just groupName -> do
      groupEntry <- POSIX.getGroupEntryForName groupName
      POSIX.setGroupID $ POSIX.groupID groupEntry
  case daemonUserToChangeTo options of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just userName -> do
      userEntry <- POSIX.getUserEntryForName userName
      POSIX.setUserID $ POSIX.userID userEntry
  mainAction privilegedResult