{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- |
-- This API is a slightly lower-level version of "Database.SQLite3".  Namely:
--  * It returns errors instead of throwing them.
--  * It only uses cheap conversions.  None of these bindings convert from
--    'String' or 'T.Text'.
module Database.SQLite3.Direct (
    -- * Connection management

    -- * Simple query execution
    -- | <http://sqlite.org/c3ref/exec.html>

    -- * Statement management

    -- * Parameter and column information

    -- * Binding values to a prepared statement
    -- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_blob.html>

    -- * Reading the result row
    -- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_blob.html>

    -- * Types

    -- ** Results and errors

    -- ** Special types
) where

import Database.SQLite3.Bindings

import qualified Data.ByteString            as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe     as BSU
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Control.Applicative  ((<$>))
import Data.ByteString      (ByteString)
import Data.String          (IsString(..))
import Foreign
import Foreign.C

newtype Database = Database (Ptr CDatabase)
    deriving (Eq, Show)

newtype Statement = Statement (Ptr CStatement)
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data StepResult
    = Row
    | Done
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A 'ByteString' containing UTF8-encoded text with no NUL characters.
newtype Utf8 = Utf8 ByteString
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | @fromString = Utf8 . 'T.encodeUtf8' . 'T.pack'@
instance IsString Utf8 where
    fromString = Utf8 . T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack

packUtf8 :: a -> (Utf8 -> a) -> CString -> IO a
packUtf8 n f cstr | cstr == nullPtr = return n
                  | otherwise       = f . Utf8 <$> BS.packCString cstr

packCStringLen :: CString -> CNumBytes -> IO ByteString
packCStringLen cstr len =
    BS.packCStringLen (cstr, fromIntegral len)

-- | Like 'unsafeUseAsCStringLen', but if the string is empty,
-- never pass the callback a null pointer.
unsafeUseAsCStringLenNoNull :: ByteString -> (CString -> CNumBytes -> IO a) -> IO a
unsafeUseAsCStringLenNoNull bs cb
    | BS.null bs = cb (intPtrToPtr 1) 0
    | otherwise  = BSU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(ptr, len) ->
                       cb ptr (fromIntegral len)

wrapNullablePtr :: (Ptr a -> b) -> Ptr a -> Maybe b
wrapNullablePtr f ptr | ptr == nullPtr = Nothing
                      | otherwise      = Just (f ptr)

type Result a = Either Error a

-- Convert a 'CError' to a 'Result', in the common case where
-- SQLITE_OK signals success and anything else signals an error.
-- Note that SQLITE_OK == 0.
toResult :: a -> CError -> Result a
toResult a (CError 0) = Right a
toResult _ code       = Left $ decodeError code

-- Only perform the action if the 'CError' is SQLITE_OK.
toResultM :: Monad m => m a -> CError -> m (Result a)
toResultM m (CError 0) = m >>= return . Right
toResultM _ code       = return $ Left $ decodeError code

toStepResult :: CError -> Result StepResult
toStepResult code =
    case decodeError code of
        ErrorRow  -> Right Row
        ErrorDone -> Right Done
        err       -> Left err


-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/open.html>
open :: Utf8 -> IO (Either (Error, Utf8) Database)
open (Utf8 path) =
    BS.useAsCString path $ \path' ->
    alloca $ \database -> do
        rc <- c_sqlite3_open path' database
        db <- Database <$> peek database
            -- sqlite3_open returns a sqlite3 even on failure.
            -- That's where we get a more descriptive error message.
        case toResult () rc of
            Left err -> do
                msg <- errmsg db -- This returns "out of memory" if db is null.
                _   <- close db  -- This is harmless if db is null.
                return $ Left (err, msg)
            Right () ->
                if db == Database nullPtr
                    then fail "sqlite3_open unexpectedly returned NULL"
                    else return $ Right db

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/close.html>
close :: Database -> IO (Either Error ())
close (Database db) =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_close db

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/interrupt.html>
-- Cause any pending operation on the 'Database' handle to stop at its earliest
-- opportunity.  This simply sets a flag and returns immediately.  It does not
-- wait for the pending operation to finish.
-- You'll need to compile with @-threaded@ for this to do any good.
-- Without @-threaded@, FFI calls block the whole RTS, meaning 'interrupt'
-- would never run at the same time as 'step'.
interrupt :: Database -> IO ()
interrupt (Database db) =
    c_sqlite3_interrupt db

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/errcode.html>
errmsg :: Database -> IO Utf8
errmsg (Database db) =
    c_sqlite3_errmsg db >>= packUtf8 (Utf8 BS.empty) id

exec :: Database -> Utf8 -> IO (Either (Error, Utf8) ())
exec (Database db) (Utf8 sql) =
    BS.useAsCString sql $ \sql' ->
    alloca $ \msgPtrOut -> do
        rc <- c_sqlite3_exec db sql' nullFunPtr nullPtr msgPtrOut
        case toResult () rc of
            Left err -> do
                msgPtr <- peek msgPtrOut
                msg <- packUtf8 (Utf8 BS.empty) id msgPtr
                c_sqlite3_free msgPtr
                return $ Left (err, msg)
            Right () -> return $ Right ()

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/prepare.html>
-- If the query contains no SQL statements, this returns
-- @'Right' 'Nothing'@.
prepare :: Database -> Utf8 -> IO (Either Error (Maybe Statement))
prepare (Database db) (Utf8 sql) =
    BS.useAsCString sql $ \sql' ->
        alloca $ \statement ->
            c_sqlite3_prepare_v2 db sql' (-1) statement nullPtr >>=
                toResultM (wrapNullablePtr Statement <$> peek statement)

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/db_handle.html>
getStatementDatabase :: Statement -> IO Database
getStatementDatabase (Statement stmt) = do
    db <- c_sqlite3_db_handle stmt
    if db == nullPtr
        then fail $ "sqlite3_db_handle(" ++ show stmt ++ ") returned NULL"
        else return (Database db)

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/step.html>
step :: Statement -> IO (Either Error StepResult)
step (Statement stmt) =
    toStepResult <$> c_sqlite3_step stmt

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/reset.html>
-- Warning:
--  * If the most recent 'step' call failed,
--    this will return the corresponding error.
--  * This does not reset the bindings on a prepared statement.
--    Use 'clearBindings' to do that.
reset :: Statement -> IO (Either Error ())
reset (Statement stmt) =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_reset stmt

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/finalize.html>
-- /Warning:/ If the most recent 'step' call failed,
-- this will return the corresponding error.
finalize :: Statement -> IO (Either Error ())
finalize (Statement stmt) =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_finalize stmt

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/clear_bindings.html>
-- Set all parameters in the prepared statement to null.
clearBindings :: Statement -> IO ()
clearBindings (Statement stmt) = do
    _ <- c_sqlite3_clear_bindings stmt
    return ()

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_parameter_count.html>
-- This returns the index of the largest (rightmost) parameter.  Note that this
-- is not necessarily the number of parameters.  If numbered parameters like
-- @?5@ are used, there may be gaps in the list.
-- See 'ParamIndex' for more information.
bindParameterCount :: Statement -> IO ParamIndex
bindParameterCount (Statement stmt) =
    fromFFI <$> c_sqlite3_bind_parameter_count stmt

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_parameter_name.html>
bindParameterName :: Statement -> ParamIndex -> IO (Maybe Utf8)
bindParameterName (Statement stmt) idx =
    c_sqlite3_bind_parameter_name stmt (toFFI idx) >>=
        packUtf8 Nothing Just

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_count.html>
columnCount :: Statement -> IO ColumnCount
columnCount (Statement stmt) =
    fromFFI <$> c_sqlite3_column_count stmt

bindInt64 :: Statement -> ParamIndex -> Int64 -> IO (Either Error ())
bindInt64 (Statement stmt) idx value =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_bind_int64 stmt (toFFI idx) value

bindDouble :: Statement -> ParamIndex -> Double -> IO (Either Error ())
bindDouble (Statement stmt) idx value =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_bind_double stmt (toFFI idx) value

bindText :: Statement -> ParamIndex -> Utf8 -> IO (Either Error ())
bindText (Statement stmt) idx (Utf8 value) =
    unsafeUseAsCStringLenNoNull value $ \ptr len ->
        toResult () <$>
            c_sqlite3_bind_text stmt (toFFI idx) ptr len c_SQLITE_TRANSIENT

bindBlob :: Statement -> ParamIndex -> ByteString -> IO (Either Error ())
bindBlob (Statement stmt) idx value =
    unsafeUseAsCStringLenNoNull value $ \ptr len ->
        toResult () <$>
            c_sqlite3_bind_blob stmt (toFFI idx) ptr len c_SQLITE_TRANSIENT

bindNull :: Statement -> ParamIndex -> IO (Either Error ())
bindNull (Statement stmt) idx =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_bind_null stmt (toFFI idx)

columnType :: Statement -> ColumnIndex -> IO ColumnType
columnType (Statement stmt) idx =
    decodeColumnType <$> c_sqlite3_column_type stmt (toFFI idx)

columnInt64 :: Statement -> ColumnIndex -> IO Int64
columnInt64 (Statement stmt) idx =
    c_sqlite3_column_int64 stmt (toFFI idx)

columnDouble :: Statement -> ColumnIndex -> IO Double
columnDouble (Statement stmt) idx =
    c_sqlite3_column_double stmt (toFFI idx)

columnText :: Statement -> ColumnIndex -> IO Utf8
columnText (Statement stmt) idx = do
    ptr <- c_sqlite3_column_text stmt (toFFI idx)
    len <- c_sqlite3_column_bytes stmt (toFFI idx)
    Utf8 <$> packCStringLen ptr len

columnBlob :: Statement -> ColumnIndex -> IO ByteString
columnBlob (Statement stmt) idx = do
    ptr <- c_sqlite3_column_blob stmt (toFFI idx)
    len <- c_sqlite3_column_bytes stmt (toFFI idx)
    packCStringLen ptr len