{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module System.Directory.Layout.InterpreterSpec ( spec ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import Data.Foldable (traverse_) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing) import System.FilePath (()) import System.IO.Error (doesNotExistErrorType, permissionErrorType) import qualified System.Posix as Posix import Test.Hspec import SpecHelper import System.Directory.Layout hiding (spec) spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Validation" $ it "combines failures with the Semigroup instance's (<>)" $ traverse_ tonel ([1, 2, 3, 4] :: [Int]) `shouldBe` fromErrors [1,2,3,4] describe "fit" $ do it "tests regular file existence" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- fit p $ do file "foo" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [FitIOException (p "foo") doesNotExistErrorType] it "does not test regular file contents" $ do temporary $ \p -> do writeFile (p "foo") "foo" r <- fit p $ do file "foo" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [] it "tests text file existence" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- fit p $ do file "foo" & contents ?~ text "bar" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [FitIOException (p "foo") doesNotExistErrorType] it "tests text file contents" $ do temporary $ \p -> do writeFile (p "foo") "foo" r <- fit p $ do file "foo" & contents ?~ text "bar" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [ FitBadFileContents (p "foo") $ FitBadText "bar" "foo" ] it "tests text file contents specified with the quasiquoter" $ do temporary $ \p -> do writeFile (p "foo") "foo" r <- fit p $ do file "foo" & contents ?~ [dedent| foo bar |] r `shouldBe` fromErrors [ FitBadFileContents (p "foo") $ FitBadText "foo\nbar\n" "foo" ] it "tests binary file existence" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- fit p $ do file "foo" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [1, 2, 3, 4]) r `shouldBe` fromErrors [FitIOException (p "foo") doesNotExistErrorType] it "tests binary file contents" $ do temporary $ \p -> do ByteString.writeFile (p "foo") (ByteString.pack [5, 6, 7, 8]) r <- fit p $ do file "foo" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [1, 2, 3, 4]) r `shouldBe` fromErrors [ FitBadFileContents (p "foo") $ FitBadBinary (ByteString.pack [1, 2, 3, 4]) (ByteString.pack [5, 6, 7, 8]) ] it "tests copy file contents" $ do temporary $ \p -> do ByteString.writeFile (p "foo") (ByteString.pack [1, 2, 3, 4]) ByteString.writeFile (p "bar") (ByteString.pack [5, 6, 7, 8]) r <- fit p $ do file "foo" & contents ?~ copyOf (p "bar") r `shouldBe` fromErrors [ FitBadFileContents (p "foo") $ FitBadCopyOf (p "bar") ] it "tests copy file contents" $ do temporary $ \p -> do ByteString.writeFile (p "foo") (ByteString.pack [1, 2, 3, 4]) ByteString.writeFile (p "bar") (ByteString.pack [1, 2, 3, 4]) r <- fit p $ do file "foo" & contents ?~ copyOf (p "bar") r `shouldBe` fromErrors [] it "tests symbolic link existence" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- fit p $ do symlink "foo" "bar" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [FitIOException (p "foo") doesNotExistErrorType] it "tests symbolic link source" $ do temporary $ \p -> do Posix.createSymbolicLink "baz" (p "foo") r <- fit p $ do symlink "foo" "bar" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [FitBadLinkSource (p "foo") "bar" "baz"] it "combines multiple errors on one layer" $ do temporary $ \p -> do writeFile (p "bar") "qux" r <- fit p $ do file "foo" file "bar" & contents ?~ text "quux" file "baz" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [ FitIOException (p "foo") doesNotExistErrorType , FitBadFileContents (p "bar") $ FitBadText "quux" "qux" , FitIOException (p "baz") doesNotExistErrorType ] it "combines multiple errors on multiple layers" $ do temporary $ \p -> do createDirectoryIfMissing True (p "xyz" "xyzzy") writeFile (p "xyz" "xyzzy" "bar") "qux" r <- fit p $ do dirs ["xyz", "xyzzy"] $ do file "foo" file "bar" & contents ?~ text "quux" dir "boo" $ file "hoo" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [ FitIOException (p "xyz" "xyzzy" "foo") doesNotExistErrorType , FitBadFileContents (p "xyz" "xyzzy" "bar") $ FitBadText "quux" "qux" , FitIOException (p "boo") doesNotExistErrorType , FitIOException (p "boo" "hoo") doesNotExistErrorType ] it "tests file owner user id" $ do temporary $ \p -> do writeFile (p "foo") "" r <- fit p $ do file "foo" & user ?~ uid 0 r `shouldBe` fromErrors [FitBadOwnerUser (p "foo") (uid 0) (uid 1000)] it "tests file owner user name" $ do temporary $ \p -> do writeFile (p "foo") "" n <- Posix.getEffectiveUserName r <- fit p $ do file "foo" & user ?~ username "root" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [FitBadOwnerUser (p "foo") (username "root") (username n)] it "tests file owner group id" $ do temporary $ \p -> do writeFile (p "foo") "" r <- fit p $ do file "foo" & group ?~ gid 0 r `shouldBe` fromErrors [FitBadOwnerGroup (p "foo") (gid 0) (gid 1000)] it "tests file owner group id" $ do temporary $ \p -> do writeFile (p "foo") "" n <- Posix.getEffectiveUserName r <- fit p $ do file "foo" & group ?~ groupname "root" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [FitBadOwnerGroup (p "foo") (groupname "root") (groupname n)] it "tests file permissions" $ do temporary $ \p -> do writeFile (p "foo") "" Posix.setFileMode (p "foo") 0o100644 r <- fit p $ do file "foo" & mode ?~ 0o100777 r `shouldBe` fromErrors [FitBadFileMode (p "foo") 0o100777 0o100644] it "tests symbolic link's source exists" $ do temporary $ \p -> do let l = symlink "boo" "hoo" Posix.createSymbolicLink "hoo" (p "boo") fit p l `shouldReturn` fromErrors [] fit p (l & exists .~ True) `shouldReturn` fromErrors [FitIOException (p "boo") doesNotExistErrorType] writeFile (p "hoo") "" fit p (l & exists .~ True) `shouldReturn` fromErrors [] describe "make" $ do -- examples use 'fit' because if the above spec passes then -- we can be reasonably sure 'fit' works as expected it "creates a file" $ makefit $ file "foo" it "creates a file with the specified text" $ do makefit $ file "foo" & contents ?~ text "bar" it "creates a copy of the file with the specified text" $ do temporary $ \p -> do writeFile (p "qux") "quux" makefit $ file "foo" & contents ?~ copyOf (p "qux") it "creates two files with the specified text" $ do makefit $ do file "foo" & contents ?~ text "bar" file "qux" & contents ?~ text "quux" it "creates two files and a symlink" $ do makefit $ do file "foo" & contents ?~ text "bar" file "qux" & contents ?~ text "quux" symlink "boo" "hoo" it "creates a directory with a file" $ do makefit $ dir "foo" $ file "bar" it "creates a directory with two files" $ do makefit $ dir "foo" $ do file "qux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) file "quux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [98, 121, 101]) it "creates a nested directory with two files" $ do makefit $ dirs ["foo", "bar"] $ do file "qux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) file "quux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [98, 121, 101]) it "creates a nested directory with two files and a directory" $ do makefit $ dirs ["foo", "bar"] $ do file "qux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) file "quux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [98, 121, 101]) it "creates a tree of directories with files" $ do makefit $ dir "foo" $ do dir "bar" $ do file "qux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) file "quux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [98, 121, 101]) dir "baz" $ symlink "boo" "hoo" it "changes the user id of the file owner" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- make p $ file "qux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) & user ?~ uid 0 r `shouldBe` fromErrors [MakeIOException (p "qux") permissionErrorType] it "changes the user id of the symbolic link owner" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- make p $ symlink "foo" "bar" & user ?~ uid 0 r `shouldBe` fromErrors [MakeIOException (p "foo") permissionErrorType] it "changes the user name of the file owner" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- make p $ file "qux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) & user ?~ username "root" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [MakeIOException (p "qux") permissionErrorType] it "changes the user name of the symbolic link owner" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- make p $ symlink "foo" "bar" & user ?~ username "root" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [MakeIOException (p "foo") permissionErrorType] it "changes the user id of the directory owner" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- make p $ emptydir "boo" & user ?~ uid 0 r `shouldBe` fromErrors [MakeIOException (p "boo") permissionErrorType] it "changes the user name of the directory owner" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- make p $ emptydir "boo" & user ?~ username "root" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [MakeIOException (p "boo") permissionErrorType] it "changes the group id of the file owner" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- make p $ file "qux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) & group ?~ gid 0 r `shouldBe` fromErrors [MakeIOException (p "qux") permissionErrorType] it "changes the group name of the file owner" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- make p $ file "qux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) & group ?~ groupname "root" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [MakeIOException (p "qux") permissionErrorType] it "changes the group id of the symbolic link owner" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- make p $ symlink "foo" "bar" & group ?~ gid 0 r `shouldBe` fromErrors [MakeIOException (p "foo") permissionErrorType] it "changes the group name of the symbolic link owner" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- make p $ symlink "foo" "bar" & group ?~ groupname "root" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [MakeIOException (p "foo") permissionErrorType] it "changes the group id of the directory owner" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- make p $ file "boo" & group ?~ gid 0 r `shouldBe` fromErrors [MakeIOException (p "boo") permissionErrorType] it "changes the group name of the directory owner" $ do temporary $ \p -> do r <- make p $ file "boo" & group ?~ groupname "root" r `shouldBe` fromErrors [MakeIOException (p "boo") permissionErrorType] it "changes the file permissions" $ do makefit $ file "qux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) & mode ?~ 0o100777 it "changes the directory permissions" $ do makefit $ emptydir "boo" & mode ?~ 0o040777 it "tolerates redundant directories" $ do makefit $ do dir "foo" $ file "qux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) dir "foo" $ file "quux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [98, 121, 101]) it "the latter write wins" $ do temporary $ \p -> do let l = do dir "foo" $ file "qux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) dir "foo" $ file "qux" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [98, 121, 101]) _ <- make p l fit p l `shouldReturn` fromErrors [ FitBadFileContents (p "foo" "qux") $ FitBadBinary (ByteString.pack [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) (ByteString.pack [98, 121, 101]) ] tonel :: a -> Validation (NonEmpty a) b tonel = Error . pure makefit :: Layout a -> IO () makefit l = temporary $ \p -> do make p l `shouldReturn` fromErrors [] fit p l `shouldReturn` fromErrors []