{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Text.HTML.DirectoryListing.Parser (parseDirectoryListing)

import Text.HTML.DirectoryListing.Type 
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

import qualified Data.Text as T

-- | Parse a html file to Entrys
parseDirectoryListing :: T.Text -> [Entry]
parseDirectoryListing html = catMaybes fileLines
    fileLines :: [Maybe Entry]
    fileLines = map (toEntry . filter (not . isNoise) . parseTags) . T.lines $ html
    toEntry :: [Tag T.Text] -> Maybe Entry
    toEntry [TagOpen "a" [("href", ref)], TagText name, TagClose "a", TagText dateTimeAndFilesize] 
        | (length . T.words $ dateTimeAndFilesize) /= 3 = Nothing
        | otherwise = toEntry [TagOpen "a" [("href", ref)], TagText name, TagClose "a", TagText dateTime, TagText filesize]
        dateTime = T.concat . intersperse " " . take 2 . T.words $ dateTimeAndFilesize
        filesize = last . T.words $ dateTimeAndFilesize
    toEntry [TagOpen "a" [("href", ref)], TagText name, TagClose "a", TagText dateTime, TagText filesize] = 
        Just Entry { visibleName = name
                   , href = ref
                   , lastModified = parseLastModified dateTime
                   , fileSize = parseFileSize filesize
    toEntry _ = Nothing

    -- | apache's directory listing have many noise, filter them out
    isNoise (TagOpen "tr" _) = True
    isNoise (TagClose "tr") = True
    isNoise (TagOpen "td" _) = True
    isNoise (TagClose "td") = True
    isNoise (TagOpen "img" _) = True
    isNoise (TagText t) = t' `elem` [" ", "\160", ""]
        t' = T.strip t
    isNoise _ = False
-- | Bad design, it throws error when noParse
--   some example inputs:
--     24-Apr-2014 11:55
--     04-Jan-2014 13:18
parseLastModified :: T.Text -> LocalTime
parseLastModified t = parseTimeOrError True locale format (T.unpack t) 
    format = "%d-%b-%Y %R"
    locale = defaultTimeLocale
        { months = map (\y -> (y, y))
                    [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr"
                    , "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug"
                    , "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"

-- | this function only accept the following format:
-- 665
-- 123B
-- 249K
-- 3.8M
-- 5.6G
-- return value: represent file size in Byte.
parseFileSize :: T.Text -> Maybe Integer
parseFileSize t = 
    case reads s::[(Double, String)] of
        [] -> Nothing
        [(f, "" )] -> Just . round $ f
        [(f, "B")] -> Just . round $ f
        [(f, "K")] -> Just . round $ f*1024
        [(f, "M")] -> Just . round $ f*1024*1024
        [(f, "G")] -> Just . round $ f*1024*1024*1024
        _ -> Nothing
    s = T.unpack . T.strip $ t