module System.DirTreeSpec where import Test.Hspec (Spec, it, before, describe) import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty import System.DirTree import System.FilePath import System.Directory hiding (findFile) import System.IO.Error spec :: Spec spec = do return () -- possibleSpec possibleSpec :: Spec possibleSpec = do describe "getFileType" $ do it "should find a directory" $ do getFileType "test/data" `shouldReturn` Directory () it "should find a file" $ do getFileType "test/data/file" `shouldReturn` File (Real ()) it "should find a symbolic link" $ do getFileType "test/data/symlink" `shouldReturn` File (Symlink ()) it "should throw an IOException if nothing is found" $ do getFileType "test/data/nothing" `shouldThrow` anyException describe "readPath" $ do it "should find a directory" $ do readPath "test/data" `shouldReturn` Directory ["symlink", "file", "folderlink", "folder", "abslink", "deeplink"] it "should find a file" $ do readPath "test/data/file" `shouldReturn` File (Real ()) it "should find a symbolic link" $ do readPath "test/data/symlink" `shouldReturn` File (Symlink "file") it "should find a symbolic to a folder" $ do readPath "test/data/folderlink" `shouldReturn` File (Symlink "folder") it "should throw an IOException if nothing exists" $ do readPath "test/data/nothing" `shouldThrow` anyException describe "readRelativeDirTree" $ do it "should read the data directory" $ do readRelativeDirTree (\f -> return $ makeRelative "test/data" f) "test/data" `shouldReturn` directory' [ "abslink" .*> External "/dev/null" , "file" .*. "file" , "folderlink" .*> Internal ["folder"] , "folder" ./ [ "revlink" .*> Internal ["file"] , "deepfile" .*. "folder/deepfile" ] , "deeplink" .*> Internal ["folder", "deepfile"] , "symlink" .*> Internal ["file"] ] it "should read the folder in the data directory" $ do x <- makeAbsolute "test/data/file" readRelativeDirTree (\f -> return $ makeRelative "test/data/folder" f) "test/data/folder" `shouldReturn` directory' [ "revlink" .*> External x , "deepfile" .*. "deepfile" ] describe "followLinks" $ do it "should read and follow the links in the data directory" $ do let relname f = return $ makeRelative "test/data" f (readRelativeDirTree relname "test/data" >>= followLinks relname) `shouldReturn` directory' [ "symlink" .* "file" , "file" .* "file" , "folderlink" ./ [ "revlink" .* "file" , "deepfile" .* "folder/deepfile" ] , "folder" ./ [ "revlink" .* "file" , "deepfile" .* "folder/deepfile" ] , "abslink" .* "/dev/null" , "deeplink" .* "folder/deepfile" ] describe "listNodes" $ do it "should read the data directory" $ do x <- listNodes <$> readRelativeDirTree return "test/data" map fst x `shouldBe` [ [] , ["abslink"] , ["deeplink"] , ["file"] , ["folder"] , ["folder", "deepfile"] , ["folder", "revlink"] , ["folderlink"] , ["symlink"] ] describe "findNode" $ do let isFile f fp _ = (takeBaseName (fileKeyToPath fp)) == f it "can find deepfile" $ do x <- findNode (isFile "deepfile") <$> readDirTree return "test/data" fmap fst x `shouldBe` Just ["folder", "deepfile"] it "can't find notafile" $ do x <- findNode (isFile "notafile") <$> readDirTree return "test/data" fmap fst x `shouldBe` Nothing describe "writeDirTree" $ do before (do _ <- tryIOError $ removeDirectoryRecursive "test/output/" createDirectory "test/output" ) $ do it "can write a file" $ do let newfile = file "Hello, World!" writeDirTree writeFile "test/output/newfile" newfile readFile "test/output/newfile" `shouldReturn` "Hello, World!" it "can write a folder" $ do let folder = directory' [ "file1" .*. "Hello, World!" , "file2" .*. "Some other file" , "folder1" ./ [ "file4" .*. "More files" ] , "symfile1" .*> Internal ["file2"] , "symfile2" .*> Internal ["folder1", "file4"] , "symfile3" .*> External "/dev/null" ] writeRelativeDirTree writeFile "test/output/folder" folder readRelativeDirTree readFile "test/output/folder" `shouldReturn` folder it "can copy a folder" $ do datatree1 <- readRelativeDirTree return "test/data" writeRelativeDirTree (flip copyFile) "test/output/data" datatree1 datatree2 <- readRelativeDirTree (return . ("test/data" ) . makeRelative "test/output/data") "test/output/data" datatree2 `shouldBe` datatree1 describe "semigroup" $ do it "can join trees together" $ do directory' ["a" .* "x"] <> directory' [ "b" .* "x" ] <> directory' [ "x" ./ [ "a" .* "y"]] <> directory' [ "x" ./ [ "b" .* "y"]] `shouldBe` directory' [ "a" .* "x" , "b" .* "x" , "x" ./ [ "a" .* "y" , "b" .* "y" ] ] it "joins different types to latest file" $ do directory' ["a" .* "x"] <> directory' [ "a" .* "y" ] `shouldBe` directory' [ "a" .* "y"] it "can join FileMaps together" $ do (DirForest . fromFileList) ["a" .* "x"] <> (DirForest . fromFileList) [ "b" .* "x" ] `shouldBe` (DirForest . fromFileList) [ "a" .* "x" , "b" .* "x" ]