# Changelog View on github for newest version: https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/blob/master/changelog.md ### master ### 0.8.0 `MessageUpdate` does not contain a full Message object, just `ChannelId` `MessageId` Message Author changed from `User` to `Either WebhookId User` Add Webhook ADT Add requests: GetInvite, DeleteInvite UpdateStatusVoiceOpts takes Bool for Mute `Unavailable` becomes `GuildUnavailable` ### 0.7.1 [t1m0thyj](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/6/files) Typo in RequestGuildMemberOpts fields fixed. [t1m0thyj](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/6/files) Added Activity, ActivityType ADT UpdateStatusTypes became UpdateStatusType (singular ADT) [t1m0thyj](https://github.com/aquarial/discord-haskell/pull/7) Retry connection on 1001 websocket close ### 0.7.0 Snowflake -> named id Add requests: ModifyChanPositions, CreateGuildChannel Changed constructors of Channel to have prefix "Channel", isGuildChannel --> channelIsInGuild Change Emoji Id ADTs ### 0.6.0 Add requests: CreateGuildEmoji, GroupDMRemoveRecipient, ModifyCurrentUser, EditChannelPermissions, CreateChannelInvite, GroupDMAddRecipient, ModifyGuild restCall, readCache pass errors as an ADT, including underling http exceptions Only add "Bot " prefix to secret token if it's not there ### 0.5.1 sendCommand with GatewaySendable types ### 0.5.0 restCall with Request types nextEvent with Event types