# discord-haskell [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/aquarial/discord-haskell.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/aquarial/discord-haskell) Please refer to `Getting Started` and `Notes` when relevant. A few minutes of reading can save you hours of debugging. Recent change: `master` branch has the potentially broken, most recent commits, `stable` has the most recent working version. Pull requests are automatically made against `master` and it's nice to merge pull requests to test them. ## Getting Started 1 Create an application at the Developer Portal: . 2 Add a 'Bot User' using the settings pane on the left. Take note of `CLIENT ID` on this page. 3 Use the BOT PERMISSIONS tab to compute a Permissions Int to use for step 3 3 Invite the bot to a server filling in the `` below. Client ID and Permissions come from previous steps. `https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=&scope=bot&permissions=` 4 To send `CreateMessage` events with restCall, you must connect to the gateway at least once. Try running `examples/gateway.hs` with your token to satisfy this. [This is a Discord requirement.](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#create-message) 5 Look at the examples to get an idea of how the library is used. [examples/gateway.hs](./examples/gateway.hs), [examples/rest.hs](./examples/rest.hs), [examples/cache.hs](./examples/cache.hs), and [examples/ping-pong.hs](./examples/ping-pong.hs) 6 Understand what's available to the bot. Rest API calls can modify [Channels](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#get-channel), [Emoji](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/emoji#list-guild-emojis), [Guilds](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#get-guild), etc. Most endpoints are covered with very similar names. `List Guild Emojis` becomes `ListGuildEmojis`. You can use `:info` in `ghci` on type constructors to explore the ADTs. [Gateway Events](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#commands-and-events-gateway-events) provide the other source of info, using `nextEvent` and `sendCommand`. Use `:info` to explore `Event` and `GatewaySendable` ADTs. 7 Add this library to your dependencies. discord-haskell is on hackage, open an issue if the dependencies are too strict and you can't add it to your project.. You can also use the github repo. ``` # in stack.yaml (if using stack) resolver: lts-12.10 extra-deps: - git: git@github.com:aquarial/discord-haskell.git commit: extra-dep: true # in project.cabal build-depends: base , discord-haskell ``` ## Notes `loginRest` allows `restCall`. `loginRestGateway` allows `restCall`, `nextEvent`, `sendCommand`, and `readCache`. **Use `loginRest` if you don't need the gateway.** Use `Control.Exception.finally` with `stopDiscord` to safely kill background threads when running examples in ghci (otherwise exit ghci and reopen to kill threads). The examples will work on the `stable` branch. The `master` branch has the most recent (potentially) breaking changes. To get the format to use for Emoji, type `\:emoji:` into a discord chat. You should copy-paste that into the request. This can be a bit finicky. The equivalent of `:thumbsup::skin-tone-3:` is `"👍\127997"` for example, and a custom emoji will look like `` or `name:id_number`. ## Debugging If something goes wrong with the library please open an issue. It is helpful, but not always necessary, to attach a log of what's going on when the library crashes. Use `loginRestGatewayWithLog :: Auth -> String -> IO (stuff)` to write the events to a file. Remember to remove sensitive information before posting. ## History This library was originally forked from [discord.hs](https://github.com/jano017/Discord.hs). After rewriting the gateway/rest loops and extending the types I think it makes more sense to present this library as separate from the source. The APIs are not compatible. ## TO DO In roughly the order I'm working on them: - Finish REST request ADT. Search for `-- todo` pattern - Add data types for [permissions](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/permissions) and [presences](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway#presence-update) - Update channel types (fill out guildcategory) - Modify cache with Events - Add gateway ToJSON for events - Update comments on ADT types