{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Provides a rather raw interface to the websocket events -- through a real-time Chan module Discord.Internal.Gateway ( GatewayHandle(..) , CacheHandle(..) , GatewayException(..) , Cache(..) , initializeCache , startCacheThread , startGatewayThread , module Discord.Internal.Types ) where import Prelude hiding (log) import Control.Concurrent.Chan (newChan, dupChan, Chan) import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, ThreadId, newEmptyMVar, MVar) import Data.IORef (newIORef) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time (getCurrentTime) import Discord.Internal.Types (Auth, EventInternalParse, GatewayIntent) import Discord.Internal.Gateway.EventLoop (connectionLoop, GatewayHandle(..), GatewayException(..)) import Discord.Internal.Gateway.Cache (cacheLoop, Cache(..), CacheHandle(..), initializeCache) -- | Starts a thread for the cache startCacheThread :: Bool -> Chan T.Text -> IO (CacheHandle, ThreadId) startCacheThread isEnabled log = do events <- newChan :: IO (Chan (Either GatewayException EventInternalParse)) cache <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar Cache) let cacheHandle = CacheHandle events cache tid <- forkIO $ cacheLoop isEnabled cacheHandle log pure (cacheHandle, tid) -- | Create a Chan for websockets. This creates a thread that -- writes all the received EventsInternalParse to the Chan startGatewayThread :: Auth -> GatewayIntent -> CacheHandle -> Chan T.Text -> IO (GatewayHandle, ThreadId) startGatewayThread auth intent cacheHandle log = do events <- dupChan (cacheHandleEvents cacheHandle) sends <- newChan status <- newIORef Nothing seqid <- newIORef 0 seshid <- newIORef "" host <- newIORef "gateway.discord.gg" currTime <- getCurrentTime hbAcks <- newIORef currTime hbSends <- newIORef (currTime, currTime) let gatewayHandle = GatewayHandle events sends status seqid seshid host hbAcks hbSends tid <- forkIO $ connectionLoop auth intent gatewayHandle log pure (gatewayHandle, tid)